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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. Rent is only wasted money if you are a young man. Over 50, rent is not wasted money compared to building or buying in Thailand.

    Ok so let's do the maths then 50 yr old average life conservative 85 so 35 yrs rent our condo in pattaya 7500pm so that's 90,000 per year x 35 yrs 3,150,000.

    2 bed two bath house including fixtures and fittings just a few bht short of 500,000bht so at 85 I'm 2,650,000 in pocket so how is renting better?? Stable home no moving around rented to rented. Now before you say but I can't own it or land I have a 50 year lease on land from wife (hers as wedding gift from family. I have yellow book which means nothing as such but if things happen and we divorce ect although I wouldn't I can demand half or sell house to recover. But house is for my family here and now when I'm gone they have stability.


    Great thundering balls of fire, why do posters on TV always assume a farang has to live in a condo? A room in a nice Thai apartment block in Pattaya cost me 5,000 a month, and where I live now can get one for 2-3 thousand.

    Anyway, not everyone wants to stay in the same place rest of their life, ESPECIALLY when retired.

    What are you going to do if they set up a rock grinding factory next door- you know you won't get it stopped TiT.

    Let's say he buys in Pattaya, meets a nice girl and goes to live in the village- can't sell the place as no buyers now and can't rent at a decent price as hundreds of condos/ houses on the market. Where's your calculations now?

    BTW most men retire at 65, so that's only 20 years not 35 years

    To answer your comments I don't presume I used my situation I rented a condo 7500pm (My choice) I am 55 yrs old and retired that's the age you can retire here (my choice) so 35 yrs in my case. I didn't buy I built not in pattaya in Khon Kaen. No chance of factories next door I bought land around house. So as you say don't presume until you have the facts thankyou

    Sorry, but my reply wasn't specifically about you, which is why I said why do posters on TV . You aren't the first and you won't be the last to apparently assume all farangs want to live in a condo or a house. If that's not what you meant, apologies.

    So my reply applies to the many cases where resident do aquire an all night karaoke next door.

    BTW, rock grinding factories pollute the air for miles and I assume you haven't bought that much land around the house. Just a mo. Are you a Thai citizen, because if you aint you are not buying any land, and it's illegal to buy it in your wife's name.

    Thank you for your corrections on post firstly it is not illegal for Thais to buy land and then lease it to me certainly not illegal for my wife to buy land using her own money. Have you got a thing about rock grinding factories!!!!! I am 100%sure the afore mentioned factories won't be appearing here.

  2. Bought several houses over the years but never thought I'm ready to die !!!!

    Here have took great delight and a lot of pride in building a house which we now live in no rent to pay as my old man once told me rent money is wasted money.

    Rent is only wasted money if you are a young man. Over 50, rent is not wasted money compared to building or buying in Thailand.
    Ok so let's do the maths then 50 yr old average life conservative 85 so 35 yrs rent our condo in pattaya 7500pm so that's 90,000 per year x 35 yrs 3,150,000.

    2 bed two bath house including fixtures and fittings just a few bht short of 500,000bht so at 85 I'm 2,650,000 in pocket so how is renting better?? Stable home no moving around rented to rented. Now before you say but I can't own it or land I have a 50 year lease on land from wife (hers as wedding gift from family. I have yellow book which means nothing as such but if things happen and we divorce ect although I wouldn't I can demand half or sell house to recover. But house is for my family here and now when I'm gone they have stability.

    500,000 baht for a 2 bed , 2 bath house. Is that for real?

    Totally for real just short of that but rounded it up I sourced all materials and project managed the whole build as well as doing all plumbing and electric. Once you factor in the outside area plants trees concrete drive ect 540,000 all done.

  3. Bought several houses over the years but never thought I'm ready to die !!!!

    Here have took great delight and a lot of pride in building a house which we now live in no rent to pay as my old man once told me rent money is wasted money.

    Rent is only wasted money if you are a young man. Over 50, rent is not wasted money compared to building or buying in Thailand.
    Ok so let's do the maths then 50 yr old average life conservative 85 so 35 yrs rent our condo in pattaya 7500pm so that's 90,000 per year x 35 yrs 3,150,000.

    2 bed two bath house including fixtures and fittings just a few bht short of 500,000bht so at 85 I'm 2,650,000 in pocket so how is renting better?? Stable home no moving around rented to rented. Now before you say but I can't own it or land I have a 50 year lease on land from wife (hers as wedding gift from family. I have yellow book which means nothing as such but if things happen and we divorce ect although I wouldn't I can demand half or sell house to recover. But house is for my family here and now when I'm gone they have stability.


    Great thundering balls of fire, why do posters on TV always assume a farang has to live in a condo? A room in a nice Thai apartment block in Pattaya cost me 5,000 a month, and where I live now can get one for 2-3 thousand.

    Anyway, not everyone wants to stay in the same place rest of their life, ESPECIALLY when retired.

    What are you going to do if they set up a rock grinding factory next door- you know you won't get it stopped TiT.

    Let's say he buys in Pattaya, meets a nice girl and goes to live in the village- can't sell the place as no buyers now and can't rent at a decent price as hundreds of condos/ houses on the market. Where's your calculations now?

    BTW most men retire at 65, so that's only 20 years not 35 years

    To answer your comments I don't presume I used my situation I rented a condo 7500pm (My choice) I am 55 yrs old and retired that's the age you can retire here (my choice) so 35 yrs in my case. I didn't buy I built not in pattaya in Khon Kaen. No chance of factories next door I bought land around house. So as you say don't presume until you have the facts thankyou

  4. How many years have you spent in Thailand total? Why Thailand? Visiting and living in a place are two different things.... You cannot own a home, you cannot own land.

    Do you speak Thai? May I suggest that you go to a Thai School, regardless of your age, could save you thousands of dollars.

    Your questions are directed at whom???

    The poster, preparing to move to Thailand. Who else would it be directed to.?
    Just asking darling that's alk
  5. If you have something of value any fool can give it away for free.

    Somebody offers you nothing for something of value an intelligent person would tell them to get lost.

    Where's your self respect man?

    The thing that broke the UK was a lack of understanding of basic economics on the part of the ordinary working man.

    For 150 years the average business has returned 5.1% a year. The average worker today in the UK earns about 25k and works a 50k machine. The person who owns the machine gets £2,500 a year. So the split is 10/11th to the worker and 1/11th to the employer. You get paid more money when you genuinely have highly valued skills. Geophysicists in the middle of an oil boom earn £150,000, and they don't have a union. If your boss doesn't pay you your economic worth you walk - it happens all the time in accountancy, dentistry and law. In Thailand too many workers lack really valuable marketable skills. All they have to offer is physical effort and diligence. That's why so few businesses start up in the country: the labour costs are low, but productivity is even lower.

    So "I'm all right, Jack" British postwar attitudes are exactly what the country doesn't need. It took fifty years for the United Auto Workers bozos to bust the US car industry. There was something for them to bleed and ruin. The same could be said for US and UK steel workers, car workers in the UK and lots of other businesses. If a business invests in hard-to-move plant the first generation of workers can screw the owners for excessive wages. But they poison the business environment so that their kids can't get jobs. That's the irony of the west. Bitter fools took their kids' future and called it social justice.

    No doubt the owners of factories in the west are relishing being able to replace their grasping employees with robots, and that is going to happen relatively quickly from now on. There is little that the robot generation under development can't do. Already we have human devoid petrol stations, car parks and supermarket check outs.

    Seems to me that workers will be begging to do unpaid overtime in fear of being replaced by a machine in the not so far off future.

    The Thai workers that are regarded with such disdain by some on here will be safe however, as they are cheaper than machines and don't quibble about changing days off to suit the business.

    We don't have 'human devoid" petrol stations and grocery stores, we have self service.

    Robots really aren't all that.

    They seem to do ok on here

  6. Thais always insist they love their kids...it generally doesnt show - no warmth.

    But if they love their kids, why buy them or let them drive machines that kill kids every day, and which they are not old enough to drive?

    The laws are promulgated for very good reasons, and need to be enforced.

    11/12/13 year olds are not mature and should never been in control of killing machines.

    Exactly the same in Uk/USA bit dramatic killing machine!! But please tell me why you are so worried about other people's kids and lifestyle ??????
  7. Nobody can tell you if it's the right thing for you however a non o visa is 90 days that will give you a good insight then you can get a retirement extension as long as you have all requirements again a simple process cost negligible. This will give you a year to look see properly. Health well who knows what's going to happen writing this in hospital unexpected hernia problem. There are insurances you can get BUPA ect but read the small print pre existing not covered obviously.But price for op for me didn't break the bank. As for living here I personaly love it plenty to do for me during day (have land and growing veg ect ect. It's not for everyone agreed but you have got nothing to lose in the end.

    Now over to the gloom and doom merchants on here. Good luck

    An hernia.. "unexpected"? .. but predictable and preventable by knowledge.. the way you lifted stuffs when gardening might have been the cause of that hernia.. I teach yoga, i'm kind of an "expert" on that matter. I saved many people with my panel of exercices. I come to Thailand in April, if u need any advice just contact me.
    Yes total unexpected was in the gym four months ago felt a tweak in groin area thought nothing of it. Some 3 weeks later getting of Bart bus in pattaya felt it go again. To busy to get it sorted then but as everything is done now ie house built decided to get it done. Doing nothing diffrent in gym on treadmill just one of those things thanks for offer
  8. OK devils advocate here so many going on about kids on bikes. When there is no other way to get there what should we do keep the kids home no schooling so no chance of advancement. No yellow busses here no bhat bus, school just on half an hour on motorbike. So to appease people on here kids lose out!!!!!. Yes we have a pick up Mrs uses it every day to go to work so that's out. No other kids go to same school (private) so no cadging a lift. I know drag him out of the school he is doing so well at and when he asks why will show him the comments on here sure he will understand. It's the way it is live with it if and I'm not holding my breath here the government change the law and then supply transport no problems I will then comply until then This is Thailand

    Buy the spoiled little brat a push bike and stop pampering to him .facepalm.gif
    oldsailor35 are you always like this a grumpy rude old man or do you practise at home. Please don't presume he is spoilt or that I'm lazy neither could be further from the truth. So please try to lighten up and stop being a dick

    I say it as i see it and thats what i see. You falling over to protect and pamper to the poor little guy. Would'nt insult him by giving him a push bike, has to be a motorcy. Good luck with that kind of parenting.

    Protect him yes that's what parents do (maybe not you) pamper you couldn't be more wrong he has a push bike as we all have and we go out every weekend. But I won't send him off and hr and a half earlier and get him home the same hr and a half latter. Typical matelo logic you employ

  9. OK devils advocate here so many going on about kids on bikes. When there is no other way to get there what should we do keep the kids home no schooling so no chance of advancement. No yellow busses here no bhat bus, school just on half an hour on motorbike. So to appease people on here kids lose out!!!!!. Yes we have a pick up Mrs uses it every day to go to work so that's out. No other kids go to same school (private) so no cadging a lift. I know drag him out of the school he is doing so well at and when he asks why will show him the comments on here sure he will understand. It's the way it is live with it if and I'm not holding my breath here the government change the law and then supply transport no problems I will then comply until then This is Thailand

    Buy the spoiled little brat a push bike and stop pampering to him .facepalm.gif
    oldsailor35 are you always like this a grumpy rude old man or do you practise at home. Please don't presume he is spoilt or that I'm lazy neither could be further from the truth. So please try to lighten up and stop being a dick
  10. Lots of great suggestions but it isn't going to happen this time next year will be 5he same old same old. As for schools and kids on bikes for some it's the only option so no motorbike to school no schooling back to scratch one. What could be done at schools is road awareness

    PS: my bike insurance covers my wife's son have asked several times to confirm and always same answer yes he is covered age 13.

    No motorbike no schooling .........Rubbish when i was a kid in rural England i used to ride my push bike 3 miles to school in all weather. So just give the kids a bicycle and tell them not to be so bloody lazy like dad.
    Could come back with a face slap comment but I won't and it's a dam site more than 3 miles.
  11. Bought several houses over the years but never thought I'm ready to die !!!!

    Here have took great delight and a lot of pride in building a house which we now live in no rent to pay as my old man once told me rent money is wasted money.

    Rent is only wasted money if you are a young man. Over 50, rent is not wasted money compared to building or buying in Thailand.
    Ok so let's do the maths then 50 yr old average life conservative 85 so 35 yrs rent our condo in pattaya 7500pm so that's 90,000 per year x 35 yrs 3,150,000.

    2 bed two bath house including fixtures and fittings just a few bht short of 500,000bht so at 85 I'm 2,650,000 in pocket so how is renting better?? Stable home no moving around rented to rented. Now before you say but I can't own it or land I have a 50 year lease on land from wife (hers as wedding gift from family. I have yellow book which means nothing as such but if things happen and we divorce ect although I wouldn't I can demand half or sell house to recover. But house is for my family here and now when I'm gone they have stability.

    not as easy as that, i think. you disregard maintenance, taxes (i don't know much about standing property charges in t), legals, insurance etc.

    plus - it is not YOUR property, it belongs to your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend.

    some of us prefer the flexibility of renting. if i don't want to be here any more (because my neighbor is noisy or the temple prays too early) i can be somewhere else tomorrow. for a retiree perhaps something very important?

    Maintanance still won't come to anywhere near the saving. As you say each to there own was just pointing out its not cheaper to rent

  12. Bought several houses over the years but never thought I'm ready to die !!!!

    Here have took great delight and a lot of pride in building a house which we now live in no rent to pay as my old man once told me rent money is wasted money.

    Rent is only wasted money if you are a young man. Over 50, rent is not wasted money compared to building or buying in Thailand.
    Ok so let's do the maths then 50 yr old average life conservative 85 so 35 yrs rent our condo in pattaya 7500pm so that's 90,000 per year x 35 yrs 3,150,000.

    2 bed two bath house including fixtures and fittings just a few bht short of 500,000bht so at 85 I'm 2,650,000 in pocket so how is renting better?? Stable home no moving around rented to rented. Now before you say but I can't own it or land I have a 50 year lease on land from wife (hers as wedding gift from family. I have yellow book which means nothing as such but if things happen and we divorce ect although I wouldn't I can demand half or sell house to recover. But house is for my family here and now when I'm gone they have stability.

    Everyone is different and everyone has a different situation I feel....For me I have a Thai home near Korat, its my investment for my future Thai retirement, and for now a sanctuary for 1 or 2 trips a year to get away from all the madness in the UK....

    I stay in the UK for one reason only....to save and prepare for that retirement at 55!

    I do agree that you need more than a couple of vacations to Thailand to start living the dream, you do need to experience more about the culture and way of life....its not all about living like a King in Pattaya haha.... I guess that life is all about making the mistakes and learning from them....In the early days I thought I could avoid the mistakes by reading forums such as this, but in reality you get sucked into (sorry for the bad choice of phrase lol) the Thai dream and yes you do make those mistakes, whether it was just a bad night with the wrong girl, too many tequilas or buying a bar in Pattaya!

    Well just booked my EVA flight for 21st Jan as cannot stomach this grey wet climate and depressive time period in the UK, will try to recharge over the 3 weeks in Thailand and then soon it will be spring-time, so at least the smiles in the UK will start to re-appear!

    One last thing, a lot of the members do mention that you need an interest in Thailand as boredom will set in, and this is still an open issue in my head as I get bored in the village just sat by the pool for a week or so and do need to have a western conversation (as my Thai is nid noi) so I think networking with local westerners in a similar situation will be essential and the forum is a great source on contacts so hope I can meet any 'locals' soon for a beer and chat so feel free to PM me if you are close to the Nong Bunmak area and we can catch up ! CHEERS to all of you and hope 2016 is Chok Dee for us all!

    Hope you enjoy your vacation. You should try to open a Thai bank account. Maybe 10 banks will say no; but keep trying. It will help you with credit when you do retire in a few years. Credit, I mean transferring money, buying a car etc.

    Opening a bank account is easy go to immigration first or second day your here get a cert of residence especially for opening bank account no problems then. I don't know how long now you have to wait for cert in my case 10 mins but belive it may have changed but should be well within the 30 exempt time

  13. Bought several houses over the years but never thought I'm ready to die !!!!

    Here have took great delight and a lot of pride in building a house which we now live in no rent to pay as my old man once told me rent money is wasted money.

    Rent is only wasted money if you are a young man. Over 50, rent is not wasted money compared to building or buying in Thailand.
    Ok so let's do the maths then 50 yr old average life conservative 85 so 35 yrs rent our condo in pattaya 7500pm so that's 90,000 per year x 35 yrs 3,150,000.

    2 bed two bath house including fixtures and fittings just a few bht short of 500,000bht so at 85 I'm 2,650,000 in pocket so how is renting better?? Stable home no moving around rented to rented. Now before you say but I can't own it or land I have a 50 year lease on land from wife (hers as wedding gift from family. I have yellow book which means nothing as such but if things happen and we divorce ect although I wouldn't I can demand half or sell house to recover. But house is for my family here and now when I'm gone they have stability.

  14. How many years have you spent in Thailand total? Why Thailand? Visiting and living in a place are two different things.... You cannot own a home, you cannot own land.

    Do you speak Thai? May I suggest that you go to a Thai School, regardless of your age, could save you thousands of dollars.

    Your questions are directed at whom???

  15. Not buying property is an obvious one.

    Get used to impermanence. Buying property is just an emotional crouch here and carries no financial benefits worth mentioning. No real need to and with great risks. You'll be just as happy in a rented place.

    As you get older many like to solidify things with objects, property and relationships. Its part of fear of getting older and dying and does not have the safety net and protections for foreigners here like they would have as citizens in their home country.

    Dont know if its intentional, but It's also a built in way of keeping more money in from foreigners then is going out. Keep your options open like you did when you were younger,

    Sorry don't agree at all

  16. OK devils advocate here so many going on about kids on bikes. When there is no other way to get there what should we do keep the kids home no schooling so no chance of advancement. No yellow busses here no bhat bus, school just on half an hour on motorbike. So to appease people on here kids lose out!!!!!. Yes we have a pick up Mrs uses it every day to go to work so that's out. No other kids go to same school (private) so no cadging a lift. I know drag him out of the school he is doing so well at and when he asks why will show him the comments on here sure he will understand. It's the way it is live with it if and I'm not holding my breath here the government change the law and then supply transport no problems I will then comply until then This is Thailand

  17. Lots of great suggestions but it isn't going to happen this time next year will be 5he same old same old. As for schools and kids on bikes for some it's the only option so no motorbike to school no schooling back to scratch one. What could be done at schools is road awareness

    PS: my bike insurance covers my wife's son have asked several times to confirm and always same answer yes he is covered age 13.

    Whats worng with bicycles?

    Most villages have a converted pick up to take the kids into town and bring them home. They are generally overloaded,with kids sitting on the roof, but still safer than motorbikes

    Not here bikes or nothing as for push bikes we want him back before 2100 and in one piece not an option.
  18. Lots of great suggestions but it isn't going to happen this time next year will be 5he same old same old. As for schools and kids on bikes for some it's the only option so no motorbike to school no schooling back to scratch one. What could be done at schools is road awareness

    PS: my bike insurance covers my wife's son have asked several times to confirm and always same answer yes he is covered age 13.

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