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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. All you have to do is layout all your conduit prior to construction so they see what you want to do.

    It is no more & no less trouble than chopping holes after.

    Mostly it is suggested to use 2.5 mm2 wire for sockets - but you might want to run 4mm2 to allow for future upgrades. Remember to wire air cons - even if you don't buy them for years to come. Ditto kitchen stove - storage water heater - pump house etc.

    You can never have too many wall outlets.

    ACC blocks - are those the insulated ones?

    I believe Thai electrical installation regulations now require 3 wire live/neutral/earth good sense chai mai?

  2. The g/f has a baby she says is 1 year and 3 months old. She has consistently given the age too. Yet the baby looks too tall (almost a metre tall) to be so young and the baby also walks and even runs very well. Having seen other children of 2 years old and younger and comparing them against her son I am puzzled.

    Is there something I am missing about the age here?

    Your point is?

  3. Its a scam, not really valid at all.

    That's what I thought but works in USA, Mexico, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Croatia.

    I rented motorcycle for adventure tour in Alaska and showed them this license, had no problems. Even used it as second ID to open bank account in Nevada, it worked.

    Quoted from the International Drivers Licence website:-

    "The International Driver’s document issued by the International Automobile Association is a translation of a national driver’s license which allows the motorist to drive in different territories without experiencing difficulties with various language barriers."

    There is no mention of validity, for example is this document widely accepted by insurance companies and can be used to support a claim?

  4. Nice piece of kit, however PeaceBlondie has a valid point. I was given a US made Magic Chef gas oven thatended up as a kitchen decoration. Why..because the gas rings didn't generate enough brute force heat to cook Thai dishes and my wife does not roast anything.

    If your hobby is cooking farang style food regularly then this is for you.

    My wife sold mine as it was a waste of space.

  5. I've never seen a roof ladder in Thailand, I assume you mean a ladder with a hook for the roof apex and wheels to run the ladder up the roof surface.

    As a botch job a bamboo ladder could be modified.

    Sorry can't help more.

  6. I am going to assume that your current router is the "standard" modem/router combo provided by the ISPs here. One connection for phone line in and out connection for LAN out, where your computer plugs in.

    There are a several approaches that you can take.

    1) The simplest would be to buy a WiFi access point and plug it in to the modem/router in place of your computer. Then use your laptop wireless to connect to the access point.

    2) To expand this further, you could also buy a hub or switch. One cable between the hub and the router, another cable between the hub and the access point. Now you can connect wired or wireless without having to swap any cables around. This is the setup that I am using in my home.

    3) Next, you could buy a wireless router, connect that to your existing modem. Now you have the option of wired or wireless as in option 2 above. There is a bit more configuration to do, but it is not difficult.

    4) You can buy a modem/wireless router combo. This would replace your existing modem/router, thus the modem/WAN side would need to be configured the same as your existing. Now you have the same connectivity options as option 2 or option 3 above, with the added simplicity of only having one network component.

    You can also do as nidge suggested, get the Apple airport. I have not seen that one yet, but one of my colleagues really likes his. This would be similar to my option 1, with a couple additional neat features, such as a print server.

    I would suggest that you either do 1 or 2 above. Those would be the simplest for you to set up, and likely the least cost as well.

    Good luck.

    Edit: had to correct an assumption re: features of Airport Express

    Great information, my question is my wife just signed up for a TOT ADSL 512 package and has been given a "Billion" BiPAC 5210S Dual-Port ADSL2+ Modem/Router. It has a LAN and USB connector. Can you advise if I need a hub or switch to connect a wireless access point or if I can connect my descktop via the LAN connector and the wireless access point via the USB ?.

    Your comments would be appreciated.

  7. great news for thailand ,hopefully the damage done will have been minemal ,i for one is relieved....

    I am one who is (am) also relieved -- and I can assure you that the damage done is far from being minimal - the ongoing offshoot to this will be felt for months to come and the effect on tourism is already being felt with hotel occupancy rates dropping by more the 30-40% in bkk alone and i just hate to think what the impact will be in the resorts in the south.. there were reports in the Australian press about tourists being assaulted as they tried to access Phuket airport to get their flights whilst trying to bypass the protesters - no way tourists are going to come here and cop this -= aside from the worry about whether there will be flights - cancellations are flooding in as i write for booking made for November thru jan - the peak tourist season - what sort of effect do you think this will have on the local economy - HUGE tourist are already thinking about heading for Vietnam and china

    The Assh-ole who dreamed this situation up is sitting in a luxury residence in London.

  8. I just told the wife about this "news", and she asks why it is not being reported on TV? Then I log on to here and see it is merely a rumor. Passing on rumors this way is not very helpful, in my estimation, anyone can dream up stuff like that. Let's see what happens tomorrow, huh?

    samak the bungling fool dreamed up a rumor that he was going to get arrested at the airport once. it never happened of course.

    but that was newsworthy enough for the newspapers at least.

    its truly amazing people actually votes for this moron. and will probably continute to vote for whoever the next puppet is

    People who vote for the likes of Samak and Thaksin are the uneducated masses and as long as Thailand does nothing to improve the educational system in this country (standards and access to a full 12 years of school), nothing will change. The elite like to keep the upcountry folks dumb to keep them down, but what the elite get in return is the likes of Samak and Thaksin running the country.


    To explain this to the "Upcountry Folks" you would need to develop a "Rather Specil Programme"

  9. No facts needed James just common sense. At the rates they are charging some and I do mean some of the condos are priced the same as the same sized condos/apartments in London ! Hows that ? Thailand is not a big economy and the only reason property prices have risen dramatically is because of greedy development firms cashing in while the property market is shit in the west. In Thailand you get what you can when you can, you live for the day not the years to come. I was once told a very wise thing by one of my Thai friends

    "When in doubt do what the Thais are doing"

    Most buildings with Thai/farang quotas have not filled the Thai quota. I wonder why ???????

    "When in doubt do what the Thais are doing"

    Townhouses are hot and being snapped up.

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