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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Too many questions yet to be answered.We will see if it is easy enough for all tourists . Would it reduce border hops as it concerns land air and sea, Will there be travel insurance concerned , etc . I doubt it concerns any residents / expats as you can apply for the correct visa ?
  2. Looks like you’re new here !!!!!
  3. Yes, it was a nightmare. Most people had to go through hell to get the Pass, and when and if it eventually arrived it was past it’s valid date.
  4. Wow, if there’s anyone we don’t need on AN it’s you and your constant drivel ! Try some respect or go and join FB.
  5. Oncologist immediately, no ifs or buts.
  6. Exactly, it was a complete shambles. Let’s hope they have better technology this time. Wishful thinking , probably.
  7. I believe that any dog that kills /attacks anyone should be put down. Ban all these types of dogs the world over. There are so many different races of dogs to choose from, why buy one with a history of attack and deaths. A dog can « turn « for no reason at all.
  8. In educated countries the local authorities pick it up. You contact them , tell them your address, they tell you to put it outside in the yellow containers provided on a certain day of the week. I doubt anyway else would be environmentally friendly. I hate to think where in Thailand the big restaurants ,Mc dos etc put their dirty oil ! If they change it that is !!
  9. What is a * general aviation aircraft * please.??
  10. Yes, again all comes down to education. I had a lot of Thai friends when living in Phuket, but they were all business owners, restaurants, agencies , etc and you could hold a good conversation / joke with them . I find the same in Pattaya where I go to two restaurants frequently and the staff are from Myanmar. They speak good English and on quiet evenings it’s nice to have a good chat with them . I suppose if you’re fluent in Thai it’s easier.
  11. Maybe the man had fleas or morpions??
  12. We had lots of customers paying with 500 notes when they were first circulating. A bit of a problem as although they were real, if 6/7 people came in and paid with them, it would empty our cash till. After a short while I kept a good pile of 100s just to give change. I mean why print them if the public can’t use them ? Today they are quite rare . Haven’t seen one for ages.,
  13. I have many friends in Phuket, mostly Kata and Karon. They have / had beach side hotels etc. Often we’d look at the hills and they’d tut tut and say how all this building was very bad and accidents waiting to happen. This was in the 80s . It was all jungle , nature is taking it back.
  14. I’ll never forget renting a fantastic condo in a small building in Phuket.,I was very happy there, until one day they filled in the rice fields behind me and made a road , and on the road there were bars and small restaurants spouting smoke and odeurs and loud music all night. I cried.Had to move. It wasn’t for sale, but if it had been I’d have bought it. So in 40 yrs of Thailand I have never bought , suits me, can go where I want, skip the country for South America now and again and rent a storage unit while I’m gone. Rent is cheap enough.
  15. Some people react to very spicy foods, some it’s the alcoholic drinks, and icy drinks, even water. Some restaurants are filthy. After seeing an Indian kitchen I didn’t eat Indian food for many years. The only one I eat at is Indian By Nature Thappraya Jomtien. Avoid sauces, like spaghetti Bolognese , as they keep the sauce for days , I got the bottom of the casserole and ended up being really ill,for 3 days.A nice Thai took me to his home as I was incapacitated and called a doctor. I was out of it for 3 days. So kind. The worse was in India. I ate only strict vegetarian, after visiting the Taj Mahal, I collapsed in the toilet of a restaurant stop ( luckily) heading back to Delhi , was missed on the bus , a lady German doctor found me, the bus had to stop at least 20 times , again 3 days but even hallucinating. Doctor etc. Now I am ridiculously careful, have 2 or 3 restaurants I trust. Never eat at those sushi stands and buffets, people breathing on them etc and open for all to see and touch .Ugh !
  16. Well I suppose that if things worsen , it does concern the economy. Once things start looking iffy , property prices will go down , no buyers, how would it affect the airport , exports in general , etc etc. And where would you move a capital city the size of Bangkok ?? Thailand is falling apart, landslides all over Phuket , the North polluted and unlivable, tunnels collapsing and that’s only in a few days. Impossible to stop in a few years, this takes expert planning many years in advance as Jakarta. Disaster man made.
  17. They don’t get highs marks for good manners either.
  18. There were warnings over 20 years ago from the locals. In 84 Kata was one main road with jungle on one side and beach on the other. A little paradise - lost.
  19. It’s going to annoy a lot of business and first passengers if they have to queue up for an hour or more ! I know I won’t , it’s ok for short flights, but long haul no way. I’m 71 now so I suppose it’s not a problem. They should fix the baggage belt problem , then there would be a lot less crying babies and kids, tired traveller’s and people in a hurry to get home, and the aged. Bad service. Welcome the zero $ tourists to Thailand , and put the high paying guests / tourists in a 2 mile long queue.
  20. But what about all the other huge condos that have been built over the years taking all the trees away. On kata Hill, also the road above the Boathouse leading to N’ai Harn, also Kok Tanode ( behind my house it was jungle all along!) and then Patak rd and Patak rd 2. All sold to wealthy investors who don’t give a fig if it all collapses. I’m surprised Kamala is still standing . The whole range of mountains are concerned. The authorities need locking up.
  21. A year or two ago ???
  22. The above photo is the center of kata beach village. I lived opposite. So sad, the road is gone and so far I hear 13 dead. plus all the construction/ villas / condos gone. The kata / karon authorities should ban any further building on the hillsides. This is the cause of such tragedy! Lives and nature don’t matter any more, only money !!! Sad .
  23. There are quite a number of “ snowbirds as myself in my condo.Mostly Scandinavian. There’re well off , golf everyday and eat most evenings in the Scandinavian restaurant of Jomtien. Very quiet people. I’m sure that if they knew they had to pay tax they might change destination. I defined will not pay any extra tax, I’ve been taxed to the hilt throughout my working life, it stops there.
  24. I do not believe in self medicating in your case !!! You are not a cardiologist. Just get a full check up, and get the appropriate meds. You can’t play around with this. If you’re worried, get it done in another country and it will not be on record.,
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