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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Crikey, all this fuss. String him up for 15 Baht ? I’ve taken taxis in Bangkok for 40 years and only once had a problem with the amount asked from airport ! Try taking a taxi in Pattaya or Phuket and see what you get . I’m just wondering why this tik tok fool ordered a taxi to drive 1 km ??? Really ? Just a set up to try and get on the screen in my opinion. I doubt very much that a taxi would loose money/ time over a 1Km fare and keep smiling.
  2. Sweaty and sticky with Hawaiian Tropic and sand. Who’d want to sit next to that, yuck.
  3. I think this witch hunt is taking it a bit too far. Maybe there will be repercussions?
  4. Maybe the Swiss married her for her money ( inheritance) and this was his plan all along. Sounds like he liked the ladies too. I think he looks very old for 53 ??
  5. Whatever, the foreigner was wrong. Why didn’t he pay the reasonable fare in the first place ? He behaved badly! If he didn’t have the cash on him, he could have got it from home or a cash machine. And, who bites people ??
  6. Had a “ normal” massage once in Jomtien near Thepprasit . The girl who could speak English said she also did condo visits , her boss was Russian, and had bought many condos there. This was about 10 years ago. I was very surprised then. There’s loads of Russians working in Pattaya area, and what about the Russian gogo’s ?? Everyone knows Phuket is overrun with them, adding to the big downgrade.
  7. I flew with them in the early 80s. Times were different and long haul still exciting for me. Flight’s weren’t overcrowded. No complaints then. Since the first ever Emirates flights , I’d given up Thai forever. Such a difference. Then I stopped using Thai for domestic too, especially after a particularly rattling flight from Phuket to Bangkok where I thought the ancient 747 was going to fall apart. I would never even consider using Thai again even if their rates were competitive. I now use Swiss or Lufthansa for EU/ Asia which are absolutely splendid! And Singapore Airlines when needed.
  8. Rather a lot of money to leave un watched in a cash register as well.
  9. Good restaurants don’t have photos of food they serve ! I find it very unattractive, bright colors. Often on TripAdvisor people photograph their meals to share or send to friends. Some of them are really well photographed. Otherwise,:plastered on a window or a menu I find that cheap bad taste.
  10. Name, shame, photos in the newspapers, and banned from any work with children and teaching. Disgusting. What on earth is happening in this country ?
  11. After reading that I think she has a serious problem which should be addressed. She’s not Thai, so Asian or ? Is she overweight/ underweight or it psychological? Why is she anxious/ afraid to be with a few ladies or group for example ?
  12. Think I’ve seen a ladies group gym ( not sure of kind) after the BKK bus and Foodmart area. There was even an advert about it. Surely with a few women she’d be ok ? Otherwise look for private home exercise groups for ladies. There are also many online things you can follow alone in front of tv. Half an hour a day of that and an hours healthy walk outside does wonders.
  13. Quite right too. The Phuket authorities fail in every aspect. The roads are dangerous, lack of lighting for driving and pedestrians, some places have no pavements at all, the hills around the south west are crumbling, the sea is becoming a tip , no public transport due to rogue taxi mafias, the list is endless. No wonder it is now also attracting the worst possible tourists, scammers , crooks and thieves from every part of Thailand. What once had beautiful beaches and surrounded by nature has been exploited, ruined and lost forever. Shame on Phuket authorities!!
  14. That’s a very brave statement considering the mess up in Suvarnabhumi airport yesterday! Maybe he hasn’t heard about it !
  15. I think he’ll be back with a vengeance! As long as he puts aside certain subjects, I think he might just succeed, but it’s up to the Thais if they want a free country or not !
  16. “ takes no more than 45” ? I’m very sorry but it’s certainly more than 2/3 minutes per passenger. All docs in order and never had a problem , travel often internationally, I’ve always been amazed at the time it takes to clear me. Don’t they ( government/ immigration) feel ashamed when they see such horrendous queues at their airports ? Maybe a silly question, they don’t give a damn.
  17. So, if you’ve paid into the pension and worked 10 or 40 years in UK. then move abroad, you believe you have no right to your pension ? I personally have never worked in UK so I do not benefit from anything, but if you’ve worked in UK and paid your taxes then of course you should have your pension !! Are you mad ?
  18. Kata Phuket has a ladies , gents , toilet. There is a man outside who takes 10 baht or something and gives you three pieces of loo paper. He’s earning, the WC is nearly clean, and everyone happy. Also in shopping malls everywhere they have ladies cleaning. No money is asked but I always leave a tip. Otherwise, don’t see why people can’t have a coffee, bottle of water, while asking for loo. Education.
  19. I also don’t think he’s going to step back into the public eye and politics. He will probably be buddies with this government , but he won’t be in front. My hope is Pita in a few years time, older, and wiser .
  20. A reminder, keep your boarding passes ! There has been a lot of controversy about travelers loosing/ throwing away their boarding passes. Just remember to keep them in your passport and give the Korea to Bangkok boarding pass to the immigration officer when you present your passport on arrival.
  21. I’ve been an expat since the ripe old age of 17. In 1969 I left to discover the world, had marvelous jobs that lasted a lifetime. I don’t believe I have the right to vote , as I have never contributed to British society . Of course I was upset about Brexit, and all that happened and happens still. I’m still proud of my country, of my family back home , of my marvelous upbringing and also the fun of those wonderful years where everything was possible. i would never go back to live there, and I don’t agree with many aspects of present politics. I will not vote . If I was forced to, my gut tells me Conservative, but only if lots of things changed, no more House of Lords, a younger generation and a complete change in laws and way things are run. Britain today is living in the past. Especially with the terrible NHS.
  22. Really ? Honestly, who can recognize the two women from the article?? What they did was wrong in Thai eyes , the sign is just a thoughtless childish act of some official. Much worse than that around the country. Just add it to “ Funny Thai signs” online. Have a look, some of them are priceless!!!
  23. Thank you all. Just so confusing when different IO have their own rules. About time these rules became National and posted at offices, I’m laughing as I say that of course.
  24. I think the OP has had enough “advice” and I’m sure he knows what he’s asking is a bit naive. No one should talk about marriage and moving across the world after a 2 week date and phone calls. He readily admits he was in a bad place with an ex wife, so he’s vulnerable. The intelligent thing to do has been said above, find out the debt, ( could be high) find out her job ( is it good enough for a tourist visa to UK) , is she really married/ divorced ??? only then take her away for a month maximum. You still work , then she will be alone all day in a strange maybe cold country where she understands little English. You will be responsible for her, health wise, well being etc. Let time tell. If the lady is honest you will find out. A relationship is based also on trust which for the moment you do not have. You have been lonely after a failed marriage, and it shows .
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