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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Why, did you pay your wife to stay with you ? Western women usually have their own income these days. All my family ladies have good careers. And have kids. When you have a good relationship you can share the bills, mortgages etc. If and when it goes south in some couples, then you work it out. Everyone gets their share. That’s what lawyers are for before marrying. Most men in Thailand would prefer a rental wife . I don’t know many happy mixité marriages in Thailand ( 40 yrs of experience), most men get very bored fast. I only know one couple who have a great marriage but they are both doctors. Education plays a big difference.
  2. If the same existed with « rent a husband « , no woman would ever marry again.
  3. Glad this is sorted for you and the new place sounds a better option. As for shopping, set up a delivery option with one of the bigger shops/ supermarket. Make sure to order all heavy things , and take the references of the things you want. Get your water delivered from one of the water companies. Good luck.
  4. IMO the problem is you. You don’t come over as a very nice person. If you loved her you would learn patience, and not act like a language examiner .
  5. As I mentioned before, just leave long haul from a neighboring EU country. Italy is starting Bangkok flights.
  6. Lots of festivals, especially if famous stars are present, draw huge crowds in all countries. Some of these event tickets cost a fortune, so of course you’re going to find crowds outside. I imagine most of Thai youths can’t afford entry, so hang around outside. There are thousands of kids outside stadiums when Taylor Swift is on , let them enjoy themselves. I don’t see any harm as long as there is no fighting for example.
  7. I’m very classic. A nice aperitif to start off, nibble the best bits of the food, read my kindle, then try to sleep. Younger I always flew economy, since 60 plus lumbago , I go for Business and lie flat. What I don’t like is the last 2/3 hours, I feel worn out, stiff and grubby and dream of a lovely shower. B Fast is rarely good, those eggs!!!!! Most important for me is wearing very comfortable clothes that don’t look awful.
  8. I somehow think he didn’t réalise. The island people are known for singing .
  9. Just ban them . They’re a nuisance, don’t shy away from robbing normal tourists and giving Thailand a bad name which it doesn’t need. I put them in the same category as the force, and Thai drivers.
  10. A jest from the state should allow Tim to at least inherit the jewelry and some cash. A good lawyer abroad would find out where the sale/ land money went . It would be good to follow up the results of this case. The state is bound to make a lot of money out of all this.
  11. For someone new leaving UK for Asia. Spend less than the 180 days in Thailand , the rest in Philippines or wherever. I know someone who always leaves from an EU country, not sure where.No stamps in his passport.I think the problem might be with having a Thai bank account or condo/ house. Maybe not yet as the Thais are not ready . My earlier plans for retirement definitely cancelled, and my uncles plans of a retirement home also. To be honest, I get a better quality of living in France than Thailand. And free healthcare.
  12. A lot of EU foreigners are a bit worried over th claims made by Putin and co , I know a few who have said they don’t fancy « flying in that direction at the moment ». I live and worked in one of the busiest tourist resorts in the south of France , when Iraq invaded Koweït, work suddenly became quite a bit quieter for us, even though we are far from those areas. Politics make a huge impact on tourism. I think many families will travel less long haul when prices have risen at home, tax hikes etc. I have never seen the European resorts so busy in all my professional life , packed to the rafters. Trains and budget airlines are sold a year in advance, as with easyjet for example.
  13. So what do these complainers call some of the shows on Bangla or Soi 6 Pattaya ?
  14. Huge fines and all vehicles not up to standard destroyed. That will wake up the robbing murderers. You can bet your life that they’d wake up once they see them coming.
  15. I’ve noticed lately that nearly every time I read a stupid post, the author is a newcomer to Asean.
  16. Definitely Asian, look at the hair, thin small bodies, tatoues.
  17. RIP. With the gold jewelry and iPhone 5 he obviously wasn’t robbed. Maybe heart attack after a busy evening. This brings the importance of having some identity on you while on holiday. Like the young lady who died on Lonely beach Koh Chang and they took time finding who she was. Think a a dog tag would be a good idea , think I’ll get one myself. You can loose a wallet easily. If I’m not mistaken there are a few 5 star hotels around that area.
  18. Forlax from Boots. Dissolve 2 sachets in water morning of early afternoon. Works in 24 hours +. Use now and again. Drink lots of water , exercise, lots of leafy greens .
  19. If you really must , go for a very light med , like Venlafaxine 37.5 , NOT stronger. I have been reassured by a specialist that you can stop when you want , maybe slowly and is safe. If anyone cares to comment please do.
  20. Makes me wonder if all the people who post unkind/ unfeeling comments on this subject ( and similar), have the 30 000 € and more to pay for an accident on top of their insurance , if they have any in the beginning that is ?? So easy to condemn when it’s not you. As a parent, would you have this money ready to cover your child’s hospitalization ?
  21. The fact is there is only so many immigrants that a country can manage . For example UK is a small country and cannot accept this continuing stream of people who have no work qualifications and will live in poverty . The degradation of the country is amplified every day. Of course I feel terribly sorry for them, but it’s their own countries responsibility to look after their people instead of putting all the help and billions they receive into their own pockets.
  22. I’ve always found Bangkokians very polite and friendly. I love visiting there.
  23. So why were you there ?i know you lived there . I have friends there as I visited often over 20 + years. Love the people. They are kind hearted. So what is it like now? I hear the Thai immigration office still works?
  24. I always fly into terminal 5 Heathrow. There are dozens of swipe passport lanes and I’ve never waited a minute . Though I’ve never been I during summer holidays. Thailand has been disgraceful up to now. Let’s hope they get the right machines in to actually welcome people into their country. And important , sort out the baggage belt interminable wait !! I believe there should be separate machines/ queues for Chinese and manned by Chinese speaking immigration helpers, as they always seem to have some sort of problem .
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