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Everything posted by geisha

  1. geisha

    Rick's bakery

    Great bread in the German Bakery 2nd rd Jomtien. I often have their breakfast as a lunch .
  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ! My friend is married to someone who is absolutely plain with wonky teeth and no charm. She thinks he’s good looking. A few very handsome/beautiful film stars are married to very plain people. Another I know is married to someone who is plain stupid, but love is there. Personally, I love a good smile, nice teeth, good sense of humor, a happy nature and some good looks won’t go amiss of course. I hate loads of makeup , or men who behave « precious « , both very unattractive.
  3. Agree , I fly business with emirates and Swiss air and my bags have never come out first unfortunately. And I’d rather wait at the belt than in a stagnant queue for an hour. Tourists can exchange money if need be , and handy for using the loo.,
  4. But the OP isn’t the owner, if someone renting from him wrecked the place , he’d have to foot the bill..
  5. I thought you had to have the owners written agreement to be able to sublet ?? I know a friend of mine did as he was going home to France for a few months. The owner agreed as he was a long time renter , but he was then responsible for replacing everything that could ever be broken, gone wrong, during his absence. I would never do that myself, imagine someone wrecked the place etc !
  6. Honestly, anyone reading your post will think you’re an idiot. Angkor Wat is magnificent and unique . A treasure.
  7. The OP doesn’t say his age ( he could be over 60!!), or his wife’s age which is important, or the age of the children. This could explain the fact that the OP is too old to care for the kids. His wife might be very young and want a « young » lifestyle. Or too old to adapt to a foreign way of life. I find his comments very cold / hard, did he help his wife to adapt, does he show her around , does he educate his children ( that’s the job of both parents but he can do it better being a national of his country !) Why doesn’t he clear up his own mess ? Or has he married a woman only to have a cook and cleaner and look after the kids on her own ? This would make me think he’s an older man with old fashioned way of thinking as it was before the 80s in many families. I would tell him to make a big effort, cherish his children and make a good life for them with or without a mum. If she wants to go back help her to. She must be unhappy with you. The OP can hire a child carer, most working mums do this all over the western world. And while he’s at it he should put his ego in his pocket.
  8. There’s no follow up on the article. These people print all these stories and we never hear of the outcome ! i hope the French lady sorted this out and has been able to return home.
  9. It’s a TRIAL. !! Can you imagine weighing 3 or 4 hundred passengers before check in on one flight ?? It’s been done before , and often on smaller planes to investigate weight distributions. I’ve participated in the Philippines a few years back.
  10. Drug money can buy all they want. If you want a kalchnikov or any weapon you go to the Dark web , wherever you live. Marseille has killings practically every day . This applies to most of Europe and the US .
  11. The person who writes these articles needs to go back to journalism school. Some of the latest ones make no sense at all.
  12. Make Travel Insurance covering hospital / repatriation /driving ( if have licence) obligatory. Win win for everyone, the insurance companies and the travelers.
  13. What a load of rubbish ! Armomax deal in armored cars etc !! Of course they’ll give negative reviews . Many years of Pattaya, frequent trips ( previously ) to Yangon, Jakarta, KL and a few others , and never had any need to call them dangerous . Practically everywhere in the world, depending on what you’re doing, iffy business, being drunk, red light areas , looking for trouble, will be potentially dangerous. Being robbed in a posh area of any city will be dangerous if you’re wearing a 100 000 $ Patek philippe or sporting a 5000$ handbag.
  14. Hi, try the booking.com site. They post the rates with the options of breakfast, pay on arrival. Etc. Choose the cheapest , you can always add breakfast on when you’re in hotel. I use this site a lot because of the very good photos ( bigger/ clearer). Never had a problem . Agoda, Altho the same company i think, is not very reliable. Don’t forget holiday dates are more expensive, but once you put your stay dates in, that should be the fixed price ! Check the photos of the hotel you saw and see if it’s a private house and not a bonafide hotel. Private owners can do what they like. ( also booking has good follow up on their hotels, reviews, location etc).
  15. Not an excuse game, health issues are confidential, or don’t you know that ?
  16. I left home at 17. Worked in Spain, 2 jobs 16 hrs a day to pay the bills and enjoy myself. Wonderful years early 70s. I always found work everywhere. Settled in South of France , met my Vietnamese partner and started in the restaurant business with a load of bank loans and help from family. Neither of us knew the business. We were young, worked very hard, and enjoyed ourselves too, ended up having a few restaurants and made ourselves a good future and pension, even tho we broke up after 12 years , we were and are still the best of friends and can count on each other for anything. Although being young, hard work never stopped us having a good time , we traveled everywhere though the winter season months of closure, My partner who was more money minded than myself, insisted we saved every month what we could, and also paid for private pensions. You can be young and make the right choices if you keep your head screwed on right . It’s having a vision of what you want out of life, even if you don’t have higher schooling. It’s too easy to say « I can’t do it « . My nieces and nephews have kids , I’ve talked to them a lot, they are around 30 . They also have fought to get where they are. It must be voluntary. I’m the perfect proof that you can climb high although starting from zero , and it’s nothing to do with luck.
  17. So apparently the man admitted touching the child twice on the bottom but that is « normal when you love children ».That’s his story. ! Lots of misunderstandings here and too fast to condemn the mother. There was a horrible article concerning a young French girl traveler who got into really hot water in one of the UAE countries, her English wasn’t the best and neither was the immigration police. Stories like these can spiral out of control.
  18. Who wouldn’t whack this man if he touched their child ? Was he hurt , no mention ! couldn’t the police have been more understanding seeing it was a case of probably child abuse ? No empathy in obliging the 7 year old !!!! child to a reenactment !!! Disgusting. The little boy is sent home to family while the mother has her passport confiscated, what do you expect , keep the child in Thailand with more anxiety ?? The French Embassy cannot intervene , they can advise a lawyer. So, this mother is stuck in Thailand , doesn’t have the money to extend her stay which could be long , ( we all know what lawyers cost / hôtel new flight etc ) All fault and horreur for her, and none at all for the presumed child attacker ??? This is not invented , in what interest would the mother behave like this on their last day in Thailand ?? The police have certainly taken sides here.
  19. Women can use it too , but must have a dermatologist explain exactly how to use it. My friend had this problem due to over work/ stress and money problems. It’s medicine not a shampoo and must be used correctly. Worked very well. But she should have a blood test first as mentioned above. Vitamin deficiency in Thais is rampant, and hormone problems too, could be thyroid problems which is well known to cause hair loss. The blood test is TSH , T4 , and T3 . One blood test takes 2 mins. You’d be surprised how common thyroid problems are.
  20. Yes, Thais often eat Jok ( Thai congee) for breakfast and that’s where his nickname comes from as he’s known for eating his porridge every day ! I do too.
  21. Where did you see reported « Israeli people wanting to leave Israel right now » ?
  22. Exactly, the title is completely contradictory to the article. The title implies that many thousands of Israelis are flocking to Thailand !!! I seriously doubt that, especially from the TAT. That El’Al are repatriating those who wish to go home rapidly, that’s quite normal for any country . So the Thai airports can’t manage the these departure’s, that strictly due to incompetence of airport immigration. After the Tsunami in Phuket thousands of tourists left every day and that wasn’t a problem for the small Phuket airport.
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