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Posts posted by Hayduke

  1. 14 hours ago, brain150 said:

    Seem the PM is a pawn of the UN and WHO as all his actions clearly show !!!


    The Hero-General doesn’t know who is WHO....and U and N are just a coupe more of those confusing English letters.


    He doesn’t need to try and think (which always makes his head hurt)….he takes his orders directly from Supreme Headquarters in Beijing.....and the Chinese have 'long-lasting' plans for their 'new dimension' of Phuket.


    Much easier to just do what the bosses say.....and Mr. Xi always knows best.




  2. 7 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

    My guess that these devices Are quite unreliable meaning many false positives and then wasting time with heath officials during your stay 


    It doesn't matter if they actually work....the only important question here is.....how much money can they extort out of tourists dumb enough to buy into the whole idiotic idea.




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  3. 16 hours ago, webfact said:

    Vehicles with six or more wheels will be blocked from entering Bangkok from 6am to 9pm


    Excellent….we need a good crackdown.


    But according to strict, long-standing, time-honored, ‘Crackdown Protocols’ we should remember that only violators who refuse to pay the special ‘Crackdown Tax’ will be prosecuted.


    Nothing to worry abut here….the new normal will have much in common with the old normal.



  4. 40 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Hopefully that would be true, however unfortunately in the LOS (and plenty of other countries) what will very likely happen is behind the scenes by unethical/immoral folks 'trading' to get some big crumbs.


    But can the current PM stop 'the trading', seems to me rather doubtful.


    Stop....'the trading'? Much more likely he will take a generous profit from 'the trading'.




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