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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. 2 minutes ago, Opl said:

    There has been a warning ( april 2016)  - so called  "on behalf "of the people of Corsica  ( an island southern of France) - to muslims living in Corsica .

    This warning was not issued by the french authorities, but what it says reflects how the level of exasperation has grown. 

    ( For your information, you can replace " Muslims" by " French from the mainland"  )


    Find below the translation ( Google..) of this declaration:   -    ( Avertissement du peuple Corse aux musulmans)



    Corsica will not bend to your demands
    Corsica immigrants must integrate. Follow the example of your grandparents who have, in their time, blend in French society without abandoning their identity while respecting that of their host country.- It is intolerable that children and grandchildren of immigrants yesterday are not or do not want to adapt, influenced by Islamic tracks from elsewhere pushing to impose gradually the laws of sharia, WE DO NOT ACCEPT THAT iN CORSICA!
    We will not, as it is the case in some suburbs, let lawless areas.
    The people of our island will be especially vigilant regarding all forms of slippage that exasperate the French society.
    You who are Muslims, do not forget that if you are on French territory is to benefit from economic and social benefits that do not exist in your country.
    So remember that your descendants who claim Islam in Corsica and dress more and more covered ,  by provocation.
    We will not accept  to see these girls and young women, more and more numerous, dressed this way  invade our public spaces so.
    We know, the scarf is the first step towards the full veil. This is slowly turning from a symbol of Islam into a destabilizing tool of French society and particularly in schools.
     Just like we do, do melt 
    in the mass.
    We strongly advise you to follow our rules.
    Here, this is our country, our land, our lifestyle you enjoy without always respect them.
    Corsica will not bend to your demands or else those who persist will be forced to return to their country of origin or that of their ancestors.
    We ask you to transmit and circulate this letter to all your relatives and close associates in insisting that we are more and more determined.  " 

    there is not anyone more communautarist than a cosican

  2. 24 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:
      27 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

    The hijab and the advancing in female covering to the point of being a burqa... is Islamic subjugation of women - PERIOD... Leftists and Liberals would not tolerate any such behavior if the Christian Religion forced women to wear something akin to the hijab.  The Leftist Media would go berzerk damning the Christians...


    In the over all - women in Muslim societies around the world - few have the option to not wear the hijab.  It a Mullah in one Islamic country issued a fatwa declaring that women were not required to wear the hijab .. .in a year's time (should such an fantasy fatwa stand) the majority of women would take it off.   The requirement of wearing of the hijab is not found in the Quran .  Rather it is found in the ever increasing male domination and subjugation of women in Islamic societies -  without any foundation in the Quran.   


    The French Government feels much the same as I write and moreover see that the forced wearing of the hijab is used as a symbol of the dominance of Islam over all other peoples and governments... 

    Thus such symbols of Islamic dominance must be struck down in Western Societies ... 

    I hope asian countries will not follow the same idea, otherwise soon we will have to wear at least once a safron dress and shave our head, maybe even stop having all those western food which is a domination over the asian food and their way of life.... 


    Hijab is NOT prohibited in France, except in schools and other public offices for workers. the only ban is agains Burqa and Nikab which cover the whole face.

    In fact some girls with hijab are quite cute and it is even becoming a fashion item



  3. If veil is banned then 

    Nuns on beach


    Veil is not banned in France : Burqa is because it hides the WHOLE face...Burkini "news" is nothing more than just a stupid thing coming now, why? ...maybe to focus the French on this instead of more important topics...

    If a woman wants to wear a swim suit (not a bikini) with a swim cap then you have a home made "burkini"

  4. 1 hour ago, innocenthai said:



    I doubt that they check more on the way to hua hin than pattaya, and they don't check at all on the way to pattaya...



    Well as two friends as been caught, 3 months interval, as i wtinessed it last month, i can say they are here, but if it helps you sleep well...believe what you want.. just keep this in mind if you re a smoker or if you have some friends who smoke...better safe than sorry!


  5. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:


    I actually make it a point to follow multiple sources, appearing in few languages.


    Read my post again, perhaps slower this time.


    All these things occur in the West Bank. All of your links refer to the West Bank.

    However, there are no rockets launched at Israel from the West Bank.


    There are no illegal settlements in the Gaza Strip, there are no house demolitions.

    The rocket launching is exclusively a Gaza Strip thing.


    I am not in any way denying the wrongs of the Israeli occupation. What I'm getting at is that this attack was not necessarily directly related to the things re-hashed. If that was so, there would have been many more such attacks carried out by Hamas (for example). This bears the hallmark of another, smaller outfit, defying Hamas wishes, and playing the hard-case card.

    All right, fair enough, even if while reading the links i sent we can see it englobes as well part of gaza strip and Jerusalem but not for settlements in Gaza, you're right! my bad.


    I think your judgment of the attack is quite relevent, but this is only a part of the main problem. 

    On my sideI do not defend Hamas or Palestinian for all their actions, however you have to understand also that the so called "pro-palestinian" think a change in the israel politics from a far right wing government (come on Lieberman, seriously...) to a moderate government, or even a left government (yeah yeah I already hear some say "why not communists") would help greatly to move forward.

    The difference is: Israel is a democracy, citizen have the power to change this by electing a different government, which is obviously not really the case in palestine.That's also why I am for the BDS thing and so "virulent" for those who see Palestinian, and arabs in general, as the sole responsibles for the current situation...

  6. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:


    " they have the right to send a rocket to an Israeli town "


    No, they do not. The UN does not see it your way. Even the PA doesn't see it your way. Indiscriminate fire against civilian concentrations is not usually an acceptable action. And before the bell goes off - the Israeli response did not target civilians, and it was not indiscriminate. If one harps about Israel not paying heed to international norms, UN resolutions etc., perhaps this ought to be applied for the Palestinian side as well.






    So you mean Israel is waiting for the palestinian to follow the UN resolutions on its side? Strange for a country which boasts itself to be a beacon f democracy and human rights in the middle-east... I see you don't answer my post with the many links about the actual events in Gaza strips with razed houses, land stealing...etc...Can you please explain me why?

  7. 2 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

    Louse.....I love this..."Ignorance can be

    educated;. Crazy can be medicated; there

    is no cure for stupid! "No cure for You, sorry!

    Are you speaking alone? you should consult, maybe the ravages of alcohol are already there

    While you, on the other hand, quote sh!t to make your point.

    First of all the main OP story is about Medical Marijuana, I bet you prefer the peopl having cancer or other disease use some manufactured drug to help them, with the side effects coming with.

    About recreational use : please tell me how many time have you witnessed a brawl between two or more people under influence of ganja : except some "not cool dude" i think we can safely say you witness nothing.

    However you probably had your faire share of wine, beer, spirits, right? Dam you re a drug user, even worse you re poisoning yourself, you even maybe have those poison in your house! 

    The only one showing ignorance here, is you my dear Mary. You should probably do some research on google, but I bet it would cost you too much to see the truthjumping at your face so abruptly...


  8. 1 hour ago, Morch said:


    I'm probably more abreast with relevant news than most posters. It would seem the one who doesn't read carefully is yourself - there is no land "theft" occurring in the Gaza Strip, there are no Israeli troops present within the Gaza Strip, there are no house razing in the Gaza Strip. All of these occur in the West Bank. There are, however, no rockets launched from the West Bank.


    Repeating all the wrongs of the Israeli occupation as causes for the attack at hand, is simply a cop out by uninformed posters, who do know much about the dynamics of Palestinian society in general and the politics of the Gaza Strip in particular.





    Well for someone quite aware you seem to forget my previous quote : iIsrael destroyed since january 2016, $3 millions of infrastructures paid by UE, 

    Settlements :

    August 22  :  Israeli authorities on Monday confirmed that they have begun the process of expanding an Israeli settlement in Hebron, a West Bank city that has been the focus of nearly a year of violence. http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/world/article97095527.html


    House razing :  In the Aug. 4 report, OCHA cited 684 buildings as having been demolished so far this year in the West Bank,

    JERUSALEM, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- Israel has demolished 20 Palestinian homes in the West Bank since the beginning of August


    Maybe you should stop being informed by Israeli news only :coffee1:


  9. 38 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Excuse my ignorance but why is tobacco smoke so harmful but cannabis / ganja / marijuana not?


    Nicotine is also beneficial to certain medical conditions too.


    Is it something to do with the tar content or are the carcegens different.


    Alcohol is a very dangerous drug, the results of which we often see. But some are affected very differently to others. Is this the same for ganja?

    Tobacco is treated in many ways and additives are numerous, as well as other chemical to enhance taste, moisture...etc...

    Smoking Ganja is harmful to the lungs in a way as it brings carbon monoxide and other chemicals as well, but all in all it is far less dangerous than Tobacco, alcohol or opiates drugs.


  10. 21 hours ago, Morch said:


    This topic is about a rocket attack launched from the Gaza Strip. There are no Israeli troops, no requirements for Israeli building permits, no illegal Israeli settlements and no ongoing land "theft".


    Those finding Israeli politicians unsavory would do well to have a clue as to what their Palestinian counterparts are like. Same same.


    But do carry on about "nonsense", rather than addressing the  OP....:coffee1:

    I bet you don't read the news carefully...land stealing happens on daily basis as well as other Israel Army abuses... juste type Israel gaza or Israel settlement in google news... 

    Linking the violences from Gaza to the abuses of Israel is quite linked to the OP


  11. 5 minutes ago, Morch said:

    The recent rocket attack is not directly tied with any land "theft", razing of houses, or any of the usual wrongs claimed to be carried out by Israel. In all likelihood, it is more to so with rivalry between Palestinian terrorist organizations and their ongoing quest for hardcore reputation. If it does "have" to be related to anything - might be the current meetings in Cairo aimed at facilitating a new round of talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

    -In this Tuesday, August 16, 2016 photo, Palestinians pack their belongings after their family house was demolished by Israeli troops in the West Bank village of Sair, near the town of Hebron. Israel said houses were destroyed because lack of building permit, while Palestinians say permits are virtually impossible to obtain and that Israel is evicting them from their land. 


    In the first six months of 2016, Israel demolished or confiscated 91 structures funded by the EU or its member states in Gaza, more than in all of 2015, the EU said.


    Now maybe it is what you say...but for sure Israel does not help

  12. 15 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

    Deterrence only works if its scope can't be readily calculated by those it's supposed to deter. Hizbollah for example kidnapped and murdered a couple of Israeli soldiers years ago, they didn't figure on Israel leveling large areas of Lebanon. The northern border has been pretty quiet for years since and Hasan Nazrallah was even quoted as stating had he known the degree of Israeli retaliation for the kidnapping operation he would never have ordered it. Those sat thousands of miles away calling for restraint or 'proportionality' obviously don't understand (or don't want to) the concept of deterrence.

    Neither they seem to understand the concept of land stealing...

    It is quite strange how the Israeli supporters cautiosly avoid the discussions about this precise point...or not...

    As long as Israel will abuse its domination, AND MOSTLY STEAL LAND nothing will move.



  13. 1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    I am glad that I do not live in Germany or France or anywhere in Europe that have had all of the refugees stay in their countries and make the situation even worse than it was two years ago.   Do you think that the German, Nazi and skin head types are the only people to be afraid of? 

      I would think that ISIL moles may also be people to fear!  France looks like the Middle east in

    some of its cities. I wonder if Germany and other countries will look like that as well, when the Muslims in their countries get enough population and Mosques built for their needs.



    I have some thai friends who told me some part of their country look like "farang land" with all those sexpats, lost souls, old retired people, backpackers, and drunk...I guess it depends on which side of the fence you look at, right?


  14. 5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    "Hamas positions have been targeted after a Palestinian rocket attack hit an Israeli border town."


    When will the Palestinians ever learn? They elected terrorists to govern them and this is what they get. Israel will never let them get away with shooting rockets at civilian targets and the Palestinians will never win militarily.


    They cause their own problems as usual.


    They will learn when the Israeli far right gvernment stop stealing their land probably

  15. 9 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:


    You made the claim and I once gain quote your words:


    YOUR STATEMENT A burkini gives someone the opportunity to disguise their facial features very easily.


    FACT Burqinis do not provide any cover of the wearer's face - You with 'How many hours sitting through suspect recognition?' is anyone's guess perhaps can explain how a garment that does not cover the wearer's face gives them the opportunity to very easily disguise their facial features? Over to you Sgt - Explain. 


    YOUR STATEMENT This burkini has only made an appearance in France since the French banned full face coverings. Read into that what you will.


    FACT A woman was refused entry to a public swimming pool in FRANCE one full year before the French government passed the law banning Burqa's in FRANCE.

    Your claim that the Burqini only made an appear rant in France since the French banned full face coverings is demonstrably hogwash. 


    Do the right thing Sgt. Own up or be owned. 



    Face /facial feature :  The surface of the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the base of the chin and from ear to ear.

    Burkini does not cover the face, so it does not hide the facial features. Burqa and skii mask cover facial features.

    The anti-burqa law applies to anybody covering his FACE and it can be a burqa, helmet...etc.. but Burkini does not fit in.


    Burqa law: 2010, enforced 2011, 1300 convicted of 150Euro fine from 2011 until 2014.

  16. 5 minutes ago, SgtRock said:




    Did you get a date of when the French burqa ban was actually enforced after it become law in 2010 and was then dragged through the ECJ / ECHR ?


    I believe it was 2015, but I am sure that you know different.

    Law was voted in 2010, enforced in 2011. It apply to Burqa and anything which may cover the whole face, not only religion related.

    End of 2014: around 1,300 people has been convicted

  17. 9 hours ago, callaway said:

    Go to a Muslim country and see how you go at wearing swimwear on the beach if you are a woman. Even a one piece let alone a bikini. She would be arrested and jailed. So lets make it a level playing field. No bikinis in UAE and no burkinis in non Muslim countries. Adapt to the country you wish to emigrate to. "When in Rome". This is just the slow introduction of bring the world to Allah. By breeding and flooding countries with immigrants. Fight back now while the war is small or their will be no turning back for your kids in years to come.

    You mean like in Malaysia: 



    or Indonesia:


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