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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. And yet, even after viewing this video of a 13yrs old being refused to buy cigarette, porn, and beer but can buy a rifle with a smile, the NRA fanboys, the gun polishers and other still thing everything is ok:



    Doesn't look like these kids are old enough to buy a firearm. The obvious irresponsibility is the girl in second photo has her finger on the trigger - a big no no. Ought to take the adults who engineered and posed these photos out behind the wood shed and give them a few smacks for being stupid.

    Well maybe yoy should watch the video i provided then.. it seems the kid can just bought a rifle.. the stupids are.mostly the ones who still cannot link gun availbility with gun killings...
  2. The older they get, the more they voted for brexit. Younger generations wanted to stat in europe.

    Now be sure that UE will sanction the British, not particularly to show their anger but to serve as an exemple and scare other countries to do the same...

  3. German legislators need to stage a sit-in on the floor of Bundesdag to press for strict gun-control laws in the country...oh...

    And no information about a motive but have rulled out a militant link...that's an impressive feat. Is this, like the Cologne cover-up, part of the "welcomenen" culture spread out for Germany's newest residents?

    Germany casualties yesterday : 0 (except shooter)

    USA casualties :49

    Now do the math and compare both of them : in Germany he used a flare gun, in US a war rifle....

  4. In a civil society, not the ugly and unequal totalitarian one you are such an avid flag-waver for, such authority or mandate is not required, Citizens or groups of citizens can scrutinise their government's actions without sanction.

    yes really ugly, compared to what, I have never witnessed Thailand so calm these last couple of years, could we rate it by deaths due to conflict, have there been any ? seems to me there a lot of people alive that would otherwise be long gone at the hands of terrorists ...............long may it continue - the killing/murder has stopped........waken up

    Yeah, repressive totalitarian governments certainly do a good job of maintaining the peace. Too bad every country can't have one.

    I think he praise little Kim in North Korea as there is peace in this country as well...

  5. In a civil society, not the ugly and unequal totalitarian one you are such an avid flag-waver for, such authority or mandate is not required, Citizens or groups of citizens can scrutinise their government's actions without sanction.

    yes really ugly, compared to what, I have never witnessed Thailand so calm these last couple of years, could we rate it by deaths due to conflict, have there been any ? seems to me there a lot of people alive that would otherwise be long gone at the hands of terrorists ...............long may it continue - the killing/murder has stopped........waken upActually, the relatives of the people that died at the Erawan shrine would certainly be offended by your remarks.

    People are still dying down south, and quite frankly, the number of people that actually died due to political conflict pales with this year's Songkran death toll, despits efforts from the current idiotic administration to minimize deaths during Songkran.

    That's no excuse to have an illegal and incompetent administration suspensding basic human rights, they will find out how that peace is nothing but a placebo. One wonders if anyone in the NCPO is using their brains...

    actually the relatives of those that died at the Erawan Shrine would be extremely offended at your attempt to use their deaths to make some sort of cheap political point......shame on you

    as for songkran well nothing much changes there, road carnage in Thailand is nothing new

    and the terrorist south ....really, are you using that to make some sort of depraved twisted argument

    99.9% of people understood exactly what I was saying

    you are one seriously challenged sick individual, go get help

    99.9% of people understood exactly what I was saying

    What a joke, seriously!

    You re seriously ill but reading your posts and seeing how you support an unelected Junta which granted amnesty for themselves, use arbitrary detention and threaten families of students who stand up against the Junta (yeah yeah, less than 0.01 percent if we follow your [poor] thoughts) , you re a lost cause

  6. After hearing the speech Mr Moon said. "Is there anyone else there we can talk to?" And the general said. "No. Now go away before I taunt you a second time!"

    I love it when people make up porky pies up when the truth does not suit their agenda. It is reminiscent of the UDD.

    Response by Mr Ki Moon below.


    You should maybe read the full statement:

    Referring to reports about restrictions on the freedoms of expression, opinion and assembly ahead of the 7 August referendum on the draft constitution, the Secretary-General stressed that an open and inclusive debate would be essential to ensuring the legitimacy of the constitution and achieving national unity.

    On a side note: I think you re a lost cause. As long as you support a dict Junta which used its unlimited power to grant itself amnesty for past/present and futur actions, threaten the families of students who protest and use arbitrary detention, abuse of lese majeste laws, you cannot criticize the Thaksin'clique and not being taxed as a big Troll

  7. No discussion, no criticism and no freedom of speech. The iron fist policy.

    they have no authority or mandate to operate such a center, who or what "WAT" do they think they are, this is exactly what creates division in Thailand, Thailand needs to move on and away from these self appointed thug come terrorist groups, how about they all disclose their personal wealth and where it came from, that would be a good start
    You speak about UDD AND the junta,right?
  8. So far this year, there have been 145 Mass Shootings in the United States, 144 of them carried out by non Muslims. According to Trump profiling Muslims will prevent the next 150 to 200 likely Mass Shootings that will occur in the remaining months of the year. So far this month, 20 people have been murdered and 70 injured in addition to the Orlando Mass Shooting, yet they ignore these 19 other mass shootings in June and only focus on one minority group. The fact is that there are a lot of crazy people with the right to carry guns in the U.S. 6,229 people have been killed and 24,427 injured so far this year. Compare this with the 6,800 U.S. servicemen killed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001. This wholesale slaughter goes on and on and the NRA backed, Trump's solution is more guns and profiling only Muslims. This obviously will not stop the slaughter which is killing the same amount of people killed in the Afghan and Iraq wars in 15 years, every 6 months in the U.S.

    The minimum should be profiling of all gun owners and their family members no matter what religion they belong to. The fact is that so far this year toddlers have been involved in carrying out more shootings (23 in No.), than this one incident involving a Muslim.

    Secondly, what is the use of only preventing people on the FBI terrorist watch list from the right to purchase or carry a gun. What about all the other crazies who carried out the mass shootings of a church and planned parenthood who were Christian extremists.

    The NRA fan boys and gun polishers will tell you gun ownership is not a problem, even if the majority of mass shootings (at least 4 people dead/injured without the shooter) are :

    1st : bar-brawl/alcohol related - Road rage

    2nd: Domestic violence

    3rd : Gangs shooting

    4th : Lone wolf

    5th : extremist terrorism ( muslim. far right...)

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