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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?


    The regressive Left's ad-hominem attack strikes again. If you have a pertinent reply then state it...but name-calling is just juvenile.

    FYI: Flaming other members or their post's is against Forum rules.

    Just because you wn't read all the official studies and scientif reports, stats, facts:


  2. Trump is correct on this one , why should we risk the general public just to appease the pc crowd. Its ok for Obama and Clinton as we are paying for their security,

    Nobody is able to answer me, as you support this you ll probably have a solution :

    How will you know people are muslim? Offer a mandatory ham and cheese sandwich at the borders?

    This is stupid unrealistic moronic idea.

    tens of thousands simply show up at the border and are facilitated entry and disappear inside america doesn't seem to be the best "security solution" hopefully potential immigrants would apply at the usa embassies in their respective countries and be screened more properly.

    obama talks with PC about muslims in america but his drones in islamic countries sure would appear to target and kill muslims specifically.

    My religion, If I had one, is not written on my passport.

    So yet I still wait how you can ban muslims from a country?

    This is simply impossible

  3. Drug decriminalization – alongside a serious investment in treatment and harm reduction services – has been proven to significantly improve public safety and health.

    Of course, I am dubious of Thailand's ability to undertake the critical element of drug decriminalization – namely, a serious investment in treatment and harm reduction services.

    I'll just leave these here...

    Nice post, did not see this before. Impressive results.

    The amount of support going into the program must be staggering.

    Interesting that a lot of people go into voluntary treatment programs, probably when they realise they are going down the drain.

    I guess, removing the threat of going to jail helps.

    Lower Medical cost, better work attendance rates, and lower number of people in jail likely to contribute to compensation of the cost.

    Still, going back to the topic, would this work in Thailand?

    Without the safety net as implemented in other countries, IMO, it will not work.

    The thought is interesting though and deserves more attention than a knee-jerk reaction.

    Still, going back to the topic, would this work in Thailand?

    Without the safety net as implemented in other countries, IMO, it will not work.

    With the rampant corruption, police and others involved in the traffic, I highly doubt it will work,... except for the dealers...

  4. This puts the kabosh on those making the argument you can't stop Islamic terrorism by banning muslim immigrants and the related claim that Mateen was an "American" and so any ban wouldn't have affected him. Mateen didn't consider himself American, as his statements show, and his 911 call wherein he demanded America "stop bombing HIS country [Afganistan]" shows muslims cannot be intergrated into the American mainstream.

    What has how he saw himself got to do with his official status as a US born American citizen?

    He would not have been affected by any immigration measures, no matter his state of mind.

    Many witnesses have already come out to state that Omar Mateen was in fact gay including

    his ex wife.

    These claims surely put his motives under a different light,in that he was in any way affiliated with

    ISIS or he was a terrorist.

    Here's a link to one of the many news reports about him being gay.


    This would penalize both Daesh and the Trump supporters....

  5. This puts the kabosh on those making the argument you can't stop Islamic terrorism by banning muslim immigrants and the related claim that Mateen was an "American" and so any ban wouldn't have affected him. Mateen didn't consider himself American, as his statements show, and his 911 call wherein he demanded America "stop bombing HIS country [Afganistan]" shows muslims cannot be intergrated into the American mainstream.

    And yet you didn t found away, to explain us how you plan to ban muslim...on which criteria? country of residence or ham and cheese sandwich for every immigrant?

  6. ?? You cant read english?

    It is easy to understand. Israelis use 5 times more water than palestinians.

    Classic oppression tactics from Israel. First get their land by force, use an embargo to push them and then cut their water.

    Then why israel and its citizens get surprised when those opressed people with even not enough water to drink and use go and attack innocent victims?

    Yes, thank you, quite well. I can also think and analyse what I have read. Water systems are not normally linked, and plentiful water in one area doesn't counteract a drought in another. But there is no information given about supply availability, only a BS linkage to ramadan, and a similar claim that water is being "syphoned off", as if other areas in the supply zone don't deserve water too. Are the cuts widespread or not, is somebody being short-changed, or is it just another attempt to play the "muslim discrimination" game?

    when they speak about water consumption, usually it is total water usage divided by total population.

    these are attempts from Israel to push palestinians.

    and attempts from Israel to create more radical jihadists bombing and killing us.

    if there were no Israel oppression towards Palestinians for a century, i am sure there were less muslim jihadists creating problems right now.

    Yes, that's all very nice I'm sure. Now do you have any information as to whether or not this is a general water shortage in the area?

    There is no shortage in the area, just go on the official website of the Water "supplier"

  7. We just save it...twice!

    I just Checked the history book, thanks.

    I appears that Britain had it's ass handed to it and then kicked out of Europe in 1939,by the Nazis, four years later the USA and Russia liberated Europe from the Nazis.

    Since then, Britain has been telling everyone that Britain saved Europe.

    I also so read that before the USA and Russia came along Britain had the most retreats and surrenders of the war.

    Go Figure.

    Sounds like you have been reading American or Russian history books. Without the uk helping America has lost every war it has ever had. Except of course for the war of independence from England.

    While for sure you only read UK history books...

  8. So that's the main issue to these people...while their police are being slaughtered by Islamic terrorists?

    Spoken as would DT himself. People are fighting for bread and butter issues. I am sure they care about their police but ones belly and roof comes first and foremost. Its a case of survival in todays world. Pensions and good benefits are fast disappearing.

    So what you're saying is it's "me, me, me..." Got it.

    While you, looking at your post, is an exemple of sacrifice for the benefit of the society...

    At least in France the government is scared of the people, while in countries like US and Thailand the people are scared of their government...sleep well dear sheep, don't worry the Billionaire Trump (who is one of the biggest "me me" personn) will probably solve all your problem YOU complain about

  9. First, for those that don't know I'm a far left radical militant, imprisoned by the Nixon regime for speaking truth to the power and damn proud of it. I owned guns, many guns, never enough, hunting, dual purpose hunting long range (fill in the blanks) custom built rifles, pistols, many. I still pretty damn good. I owned M-14's, M-1s, M-1 carbine, AK-47, SKS I brought back from Vietnam. Shotguns, .22s, reloading equipment, 1,000's of rounds of ammo. Please read correctly, not right wing, far left. All were semi-auto, NOT assault weapons. And damn right I carried. Come in my house unannounced, die. I raised kids around them, never an incident because I knew how to teach the danger so that they would understand. My son out did his USMC Sgt Vietnam Vet (VVAW) dad by joining the Navy SEALS. You pantie wastes scaredy cats will never understand guns, you are afraid of them. Be afraid of the people behind them. America has turned into a nut case, mental health has gone neglected since the Regan regime and the fumbling bureau of idiots spends all its time setting up fools that would have never posed a threat until the fbi informant came along...........................http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/obama_should_demand_fbi_director_james_comeys_resignation_20160613

    We are mostly afraid of people with OTC linked to guns ownership and who probably try to compensate for a short appendix.

    You must live a hell in Thailand without your AK-47 to polish on daily basis

  10. There is no such thing as a yellow, what we have now is a small group of thugs that are paid for their services "by the" now insignificant criminal on the run and then we have the rest of the Thai population who have become well aware of the situation after the antics of the last government - they have had enough

    the thaksin fan club constantly spaming TVF need to smell the cheese - it's over, red terrorism will never raise its head again in Thailand

    The thai society, as well as the world (except you and few others here) are also well aware the Junta works for the establishment,(yellow shirts, yep) and they have enough of them, Yellow terrorism was quite present during the Suthep circus (where is all the money he grabbed?).

    The Junta is so scared of the event looming that they want to prevent in any way the possible rising of the low and middle class...if you don t see this you re too blind and live under a rock.

    Thaksin was even praised by the guy at the top.

    Now having curious deaths in the cells (blood infection, suicides) threats to the families of Students who are fed up with the suppression of civil rights and freedom of speech, extra judicial killings, extra judicial "adjustments"...they even want to creat "readjustment camps..."

    You re really a lost soul mate and should probably open a bit your eyes or listen to the thais...they are fed up and only the specific "event" will prevent an uprising in the next few months...mark my words

  11. UUD will have no access to monitor anything so this is complete nonsense

    What they might be able to do is intimidate people into voting a certain way

    At the end of the day they have no right mandate or authority to do anything except spew out garbage under the payroll and direction of their convicted criminal master

    someone should shut them up once and for all, they are an unelected unwanted or needed disruptive divisive element in Thai society

    You re so funny Smeldly, does the UDD has no right because they wanted to have an amnesty for the big bad wolf? then what do you think of the amnesty the JUnta gave to themselves to avoid High Trahison ?

    Junta is unelected, unwanted and a disruptive and divisive element in Thai society...but I guess we know your colors and probably prefer the tactics of dict unelected, all powerfull Junta, right?

  12. This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

    Is he going to build a wall around Florida?

    Offer each Muslim $5,000 to relocate, preferably to Saudi that cesspit of everything that's wrong with Islam.

    If they don't take the offer, drop them off anyway (without the money), the sick Saudi's will look after them.

    Spouting some racist rants and having Camus as a profile photo is something quite "interesting" I think you should read "l'etranger" and choose to change your mind or your profile pic

  13. The shooter was born in New York, to Afgan immigrant parents. He was investigated twice by the FBI. The first time was in 2013, when fellow employees were alarmed by statements he made in support of Islamic tettorism. In 2014, he was interviewed regarding contact he had with the first US suicide bomber in Syria, who was also from Fort Pierce, where Moteen (the shooter) lived. In both instances, the FBI took no further action. Moteen was employed since 2007 with a security company, and was trained and proficient with weapons. Moteen was married, but his wife divorced him due to his violent actions towards her. Imediately prior to his assault, he called 911 and gave his name and pledged allegiance to ISIS and its leader. This guy bought both weapons two weeks ago, and his background check showed no negatives. I find that very strange.

    You make some very good points...myself, I hold dear the right to own a gun, and I do...I think guns save far more lives than anyone can estimate...and most gun violence occurs between thugs and and punks killing each other, which to be brutally honest, is a favor to society...whenever anything such as this tragedy happens, liberals in the usa reflexively want to ban weapons and take away a very effective means of self-defense...for example, just imagine if a couple of armed, trained, and responsible people had been in the club at the time of the assault...I think you hit on some issues that could easily limit the availability of guns to individuals who are misguided, careless, mentally ill, or violent. Seems straight forward that if someone openly avows violence to a member of law enforcement...chronic mental health issues...a documented history of violence...or refusal to complete ongoing education on gun safety and use...then he/she should not have access to guns...

    of course, in the usa at least, it's so much easier to purchase a gun illegally than legally...so maybe gun access is an issue that will take decades to resolve...

    "most gun violence occurs between thugs and and punks killing each other"

    Nope, the killings are mostly due to : road rage, alcohol, fanily issues, just look at the stats...

    imagine if a couple of armed, trained, and responsible people

    There was security guards who started shooting as well...it worked quite well as we can see...

    then he/she should not have access to guns...

    Nobody should have access to an AR15 or any kind of gun like this, right now you can buy them at target or Walmart

    st, it's so much easier to purchase a gun illegally than legally

    Offer and demand: having so many kind of guns and so easily buyable make the black market price going down...while a black market gun is around 1000 doll in US, in Aus the price is 15k

    of course, in the usa at least, it's so much easier to purchase a gun illegally than legally...so

  14. Oh Yes, England at it's worst .lets bring out our great and known hoodlums to contest the game in the streets. The total IQs of these axxholes would make an imbecile think he is among his equals

    You seem like the sort that believes everything the mainstream media spoon feeds you,

    Here are the facts,

    England fans are drinking outside a bar, mobs of youths firstly local then Russian attempt to attack the English

    The English naturally defend themselves,

    But of course the press give all the coverage that it was the English that started the trouble, if was the English that started the trouble it would have been them going to different bars to attack locals and Russians, not the other way around

    You forgot to say the Brits were also drinking only water in those bars whistling.gif
    I really enjoy the pub terrasse with my english friends during a football match : it is all about poetry, philosophers,...

    It is well known the english are close to the swiss when it comes to etiquette in a pub on match day

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