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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. How about nobody can own a gun below the age of 95, unless accompanied by their parents.

    With the way gun violence and deaths are going, I'd vote for that law -- seriously. And I wouldn't be alone in doing so.

    The problem is that criminals do not pay attention to laws and with all the guns in America, they will be available illegally far into the future with no way to defend oneself.
    Australia proved you are wrong.

    Less guns mean mote expensive black market price, especially for young and deranged people. Less road ragex less drunken brawls turning ugly, less kids casualties...

  2. Welcome to Obama's America.

    Anyone think HRC will change it?

    Pity the deputies weren't there BEFORE the shootings. I guess armed security will be a fixture at any gathering in the US from now on, or at least it should be.

    Women are the fastest growing demographic owning guns in the US. Perhaps teenagers will be joining them now.

    We have seen that having people with guns during those kinds of acts are useless.

    In Dallas, where you have open-carrying weapons, it added : confusion, slowed down the police and didn t help at all because in case like thise, even the people with guns try to flee and not play "hero"....

  3. so anyone like to commit to what outcome they would expect/want from the referendum

    If it is a "No" majority many here will be calling it a fix

    If it is a majority "Yes" the same group will still be calling it a fix

    and for those that keep banging on about a "return" to democracy - no such a thing has ever existed here in Thailand which is why elected governments keep failing because of abuse and corruption at every level

    IMO opinion if the "No" vote is the majority they should just put the new charter into law anyway, many of the worlds so called successful constitutional democracies were never started with a referendum anyway simply because most of the people were not equipped to understand what it was.

    Going forward I think for the first time Thailand will actually have an elected government forced to act in the interest of the country and people rather than themselves or individuals.

    Some have incorrectly claimed that the next PM will be elected by the Senate - that is complete nonsense, the lower house majority will elect the next PM, simple as that

    "If it is a "No" majority many here will be calling it a fix. If it is a majority "Yes" the same group will still be calling it a fix"

    Yes, because either way the old elite will retain power. Only a tiny minority of TV posters do not realize this (or are trolling).

    are you calling me a troll because I see things differently to you, how pathetic
    The fact that every time you write it is to say :

    Thaksin did it(amnesty, censorship,...):it is bad

    but now the army do the same or worse: it is right

    As well as trying to justify a coup and the erratic actions of the army may have let us think you may be one...

  4. "The prime minister warned that he might have to look into the budget of Thai PBS again."

    ​That echoes the very same narrative of thaksin when he muzzled the media under his vicious regime when the newspapers did not report to his expectations. Except he said he would pull advertising from them as they were not funded by govt budgets.

    Can understand it now and it is to be expected as Thailand is run by the military.

    So to resume : when thaksin do it : not ok

    When army do it : ok

    What a joke!

  5. Excellent work, well done !

    I see no reason why good members of the community should have to use their taxes to keep bad members, washed, bathed, fed and all the other rigmarole that takes place in prisons.

    Execute - 30 cents, let the bodies rot in a maggot filled pit. Too easy.

    Except :

    Cases without the death penalty cost $740,000, while cases where the death penaltyis sought cost $1.26 million. Maintaining each death row prisoner costs taxpayers $90,000 more per year than a prisoner in general population.

  6. I see the retarded are out today!

    One more time : last month in Baghdad: 350 dead

    Yesterday h US-French coallition killed 60 civilians, including women and kids... and so much more

    But u will tell me they deserve it... you re clearly not worth more than daesh.

    Where to start? First of all nobody approves of the deaths of innocent civilians so you are burning a straw man there. Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French. Third, IF it turns out the US or French accidentally killed some civilians you can be sure it was not deliberate and maybe a consequence of Islamist terrorists resorting to their usual human shield tactic. Some crappy equivalence argument you are trying to pull there. But just supposing for the sake of argument I accept some equivalence what sort of degenerate takes this as justification to murder other innocent civilians in retaliation?

    Back to topic from your flaming, the French Muslim population has been a problem for years, by every metric from education to prison population they collectively don't fit in. This problem has been allowed to fester and get worse due to failure to deal with incitement and extremism in the Mosques and religious schools. As the Muslim population increases so does the scale and frequency of violence.

    Prior to the Nice attack and a Moroccan stabbing a woman and her three daughters a French politician stated France is a couple of incidents away from civil war, I put it to you that much of the French population feels alienated not just the Muslims.

    Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French

    Nope it is not. Look at the history of Irk and tell me one more time the US and French and UK are not responsible for the mess there and all the elements coming from this stupid invasion. Same apply for Lybia, Syria...

    I see the spin doctors are quite good on you, you really think the bombs, the past weddings bombings and other civilian casualties are because of human shields? you should really see how a war works and look at the way bombs explode for real and not on TV shows.

    I still wait to have headline news about the bombing in Baghdad, the "je suis Baghdad" and other crap like this... I wait to have all those politicians who were in Paris (Bibi, US, French, german, UK) parading in front of the crowd, crying crocodile tears...

    I m waiting to see the same emotion on Boko Haram exactions.

    Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Daesh were created by Western governments, like it or not!

    I don t see the people turning their stupid comments to german community when it comes for exemple to co-pilot Andreas Lubitz. But you will tell me this is different, right?

    Either that or you selectively read the comments in TV...

    If you knew a bit more about french immigration and how muslim immigration was handle after the colonies era, then you could see how the French governments didn t gave a sh!t about them and parked them in suburbus of the cities and let them here, as well as the suppression of 13.000 policemen in those area because Sarkozy wanted to cut budget.

    So re-read the comments here and then come back

  7. Instant justice! Who writes these headlines? I hope TV at some point will evaluate the tone of their 'journalism'.

    It is good the burglar was caught but are we actually going to cheer for angry lynch mobs?

    actually yes.

    the lynch mob did exactly the right thing, they did beat up the piece of stabber and slasher pondscum and secure him for police.

    reading the OP, I was thinking "how many posts until some bleeding heart will complain that what the neighbors did was wrong"... didn't take long.

    The mob is the mother of tyrants.


    There are laws, securing a guy and lynching him is not really the same. And yet people complain law should be respected, enforced, but when they can they just do justice themselves and not worth more than the one they lynch

  8. PS

    However a possible solution would be to expell ALL Islamics from the country. Has to be all, as no one can tell the difference between a Muslim that wants to live in peace and one that wants to behead infidels.

    However, that ain't gonna happen.

    For the future, see what is happening in Iraq and accept it's going to be in your neighbourhood sometime.

    Not gonna happen cause it is plain stupid :

    Most of the muslims living in France are from families who immigrated to France during the French colonies and are french.

    Also as muslim is not a country but a religion and some muslims are from eastern europe, how do you think France could know they are muslims? From their names? or you want to do like Trump and give them all a ham and cheese sandwich to eat in front of the Border police?

  9. Bye bye. We won't miss you. What have you done? smiled and waved and attended functions? .....and use up a whole lot of public funds.

    Yeah, I am sure if we listed his accomplishments next to yours he would be ashamed. In the words of Steve Jobs "What have you ever done that is so great? "

    In the words of Steve Jobs "What have you ever done that is so great? "

    The Steve have brought lot of employment to the 12 yrs old chinese kids! what a role model

    What a Dumb and Stupid thing to say.
    Having Steve Jobs as a role model is stupid and Dumb.
  10. PARIS (AP) - France declares three days of national mourning after attack in Nice.

    How about a 3 day campaign to round-up and deport all undocumented Muslim immigrants, migrants, and refugees...likely more useful in preventing future atrocities.

    You don't learn do you?

    The guy was FRENCH!

    Some words I will not write come to me when I think about your evident lack of brain!

  11. There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the World today, most are peaceful of course. But reading some of these posts you would think that they are haters of everyone and hellbent of seeing the destruction of everyone who is not a Muslim.

    So, as people are suggesting here the best solution is to shut boarders (like trump), well what then, coral 1.6 billion onto an Island and say "you can only travel if you behave". Completely ridiculous.

    85% of the World have faint in some religion or another and I don't know why there are so many bigots on this forum but you cannot suppress peoples will to believe what they chose to believe. It will never work, not ever.

    The solution to these problems is complicated and will be solved by smarter people then us, but what I am sure about is the solutionwon't involve mass bigotry and racism towards anyone.

    Finally, it seems many lost their lives in what looks like a completely senseless attack. It's so very sad to see it and we can only hope that somehow someone will find a peaceful solution to this in our lifetimes..

    Nothing to do with 'hate' nobody I hope hates Muslims, but it's not really about them but the ideology they are victims of as well. Islam is a divisive, expansionist vengeful hate cult and it needs to be dealt with and soon. That fact that 1.6 million people follow a religion like this started by a child abuser and murderer just shows you how stupid humanity can be.

    The children lovers are Christian in majority! they love them very very much.... So all christian should condemn and excuse themselves !

  12. Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

    Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

    But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

    Open your eyes, there are plenty of white muslims.

    Mainly converts, but muslim never-the-less.

    And l have no problem accepting non white Christians, there are plenty of those also.

    l'm with Laughing Gravy, its not a question of race, but of mentality.

    Muslim are so racist: in Malaysia that they elected a Protestant for their Capital city!

  13. Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

    Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

    But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

    How many Chechen, African, Thai, Indonesian, Filipino Muslims do you know? Maybe you should stop watching TV and get out more or take off the PC race prism glasses and think a little harder.

    MissAndry probably just think brown=muslim=bad... Daesh is thanking her for helping them in their cause.

  14. Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

    The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' God is greatest before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

    As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

    You do realise that by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, you are DIRECTLY assisting ISIS in their strategy to create fear and foment division within societies and by doing so, you are effectively helping ISIS to 'win'... They must be laughing at how simple it is to manipulate you and many others similarly to push THEIR strategy, you just make it so easy, FOR THEM.

    YES get even TOUGHER on ISIS, also immigration checks and rules, step up counter-terrorism efforts, attack ISIS at every opportunity, root them out, expose their networks, BUT DO NOT ASSIST ISIS / play straight into their hands by propagating the blanket fear and division which they want/need YOU to do FOR THEM.

    You do realise that by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, you are DIRECTLY assisting ISIS in their strategy to create fear and foment division within societies …

    Why now you do not think further?

    We have already for decades division within societies.

    There are many peaceful muslims, no question, but their religious ideology is not compatible with our humanitarian society culture.

    Liberty, religious freedom, equality between men and women, separation of church and state, critical thinking in religion questions, etc.

    In Europe we have parallel societies for decades.

    How many mosques were allowed to built in the last 20 years in europe?

    We were still since decades tolerant to muslims, but their religious ideology does not allow them to tolerate us.

    That is the core problem.

    Most of the "i am not racist but..." don t think they play Daesh game (I m not calling this ISIS or ISIL, Daesh is far more appropriate and derogatory)

    they are too short minded to see this, that s why they also mostly support Trump, far right, gun ownership and all this sh!t....and play exactly the way Daesh want them to play

  15. The muslims are not silent...the media coverage of their condamnations is....

    Just on the Europe 1 French radio now, the President of the association of mosques in France being interviewed and strongly condemning the attack. Speaking a lot of sense about what could be done IMO.

    Previously, the Great Mosque of Paris and legal representatives of the Muslim cult in France did so too and that has been reported.

    Obviously, they can't represent the "great Muslim silent minority" as a whole, but it's significant.

    Is it? I remember the exact same thing after the Paris attacks. That put the wind up them didn't it coffee1.gif

    Yeah we should bomb all the muslims in thw world for not excuse themselves for the Daesh madness.

    Shouldn't all excuse ourselves for the IRA past bombings, or the Spain separatist?

    Shoudn't all the buddhist in thailand condemn the Burma buddhist rampages?

    Shouldn't all the European and US condemn the attacks of weddings in Iraq which were bombed by the coaltion?

    If you want to hate them all them just say so, don t play stupid gamescoffee1.gif

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