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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. "Extremist group" and "extremist organizations" are mentioned several times in the OP. But what is not mentioned is how these groups and organizations have been operating with impunity and the tacit approval of the Israeli government and citizenry for a very long time.

    There have been hundreds of despicable incidents just like this over the years, but take a guess at how many convictions.

    The only reason this particular violent attack is getting attention is due to the fact that an infant was murdered by these scum.

    Let me assure you that for every one of the ' hundreds of despicable incidents ' there were a dozen of despicable similar act, and much worse, perpetrated by zealous Palestinians, the only different is that the Palestinians people condone and cheer such acts egging on for more of the same, while terror acts perpetrated by an Israeli, the Israelis, in most part, condemn and disapprove any act of violent...

    The difference is that Israelis try to stop incidents like these committed by Jews. The Palestinians cheer on the perpetrators and deem them martyrs - not just Hamas either.




    Wrong, it happens only because it reached the international news,...NGOs stated that only 1.2 % of palestinians suffering from settlers action will have the right to sue them and attend trials

  2. "Extremist group" and "extremist organizations" are mentioned several times in the OP. But what is not mentioned is how these groups and organizations have been operating with impunity and the tacit approval of the Israeli government and citizenry for a very long time.

    There have been hundreds of despicable incidents just like this over the years, but take a guess at how many convictions.

    The only reason this particular violent attack is getting attention is due to the fact that an infant was murdered by these scum.

    Let me assure you that for every one of the ' hundreds of despicable incidents ' there were a dozen of despicable similar act, and much worse, perpetrated by zealous Palestinians, the only different is that the Palestinians people condone and cheer such acts egging on for more of the same, while terror acts perpetrated by an Israeli, the Israelis, in most part, condemn and disapprove any act of violent...

    Last tim I checked, it was Israel which encouraged the illegal settlements...

    With only 1.2% of palestinians being able to see justice when settlers trample their land, crush their houses and fields...

  3. 'Peaceful demonstrations are part of democracy'

    Sure, ok, so why haven't their been any? Of the bigger "protests" over the last decade or so, they've all been violent in one way or another.

    Maybe a Thai's definition of "peaceful" and/or "protest" aren't the same as what I think.

    No, they haven't. I remember the PAD 2008 rally was conducted very peacefully and a video of an American man saying the people of the US could learn from the Thais as to how to conduct peaceful protests going viral. The Taksin fueled (no pun intended) Red Shirts of 2010 however was another matter. Not affiliated with either, simply stating a fact.

    you were etheir old or blind at the time then...

    Have a look at how the seizure of the airport took place.

    have a look at how the popcorn guys....

  4. Timmy, Have you never noticed that we humans love to elevate people into idol status, and then find all sorts of ways and means in which to knock them back down to earth again?

    because they like to believe that idols have the same sins as them.

    this makes everyman more important in his own eyes.

    sad but true...

    Guess who is the biggest idol in this country......

    You contradict yourself

  5. Yep we have refutation :

    1) we didn t come here for politics

    2) we pay taxes and by so we also participate to the economic life of this country

    3) you could easily say the same to every NGO like Human Right Watch or others which complain about legal system, freedom of speech, abusive lese majesty law...

    4) I am more than a guest, a guest pay for nothing or come here for holidays, this is not my case and as it impacts on the business which help Thailand to be wealthier and economically strong in SEA...

    5) So i cam here legally, i pay taxes, i can say whatever i want...and if you re not happy with that and cannot confront any different opinion than yours or justify your opinion ( i still wait the "he is human and can do mistakes, where do the money Suthep took from thestreet went,....) you have even less interest or justification for your speech.

    I didn't say that you can't express your opinion. I said that if you can't accept the political reality of the country- why do you torture yourself? why don't you go somewhere else?

    and you are able to make a business because Thai government did a mercy for you, GRANTED a possibility for you to earn profit in the country.

    and if you are so much against the political system why don't you be honest and share your feelings with an immigration officer during your next visa application?

    PS and all foreign NGOs should be kicked out of the country as soon as possible. that's for sure.

    by the way - complaining about lese majeste law - is outlawed in this country. so these NGOs are directly breaking the law of the country which granted them an ability to operate on it's territory?

    democracy is a lie which American NGOs use as a weapon against independent governments. any society consists of of 80% losers and 20% winners, and for a demagogue it's easy to convince losers that they are poor not because they are lazy and incompetent but because the minority stole from them. that's why any democracy leads to socialism and an idea "rob and share". it already happened in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Greece...

    even America drifts to socialism, notwithstanding that US is not a true democracy (anti-populist democrat-republican filter).

    even Aristotle was against democracy - but modern political discourse would not admit the obvious...

    That is the definition of Suthep mind and what he wants. him and the establishment not want any change. :

    t's easy to convince losers that they are poor not because they are lazy and incompetent but because the minority stole from them.

    The guys like suthep enjoy far too much their driver, gardener, maid, waiter and would certainly not want to see them baing more costly or aspiring for a better social rank....

    drivers, gardeners and maids are free to earn better social rank by starting their own business and becoming a new Suthep.

    instead of this, drivers, gardeners and maids want the state to rob those who succeed and share there money among losers.

    Thailand has MERCY ????cheesy.gif

    guy, this country begs for investors, especially those days with the Junta in power and the international market being more and more cautious....if you believe this is not a win-win situation when foreigners invest in this country then you don t understand sh.t about economy...

    As the freedom of speech is raped every day here no point to speak when i make my visa...a visa F by the way.....

    NGO tell exactly what The King Himself told before : he is human and can be criticized...you will tell me you do not know that this law is nothing more than a political tool to shut up the ones who do not agree with the establishment and the Army.

    And your last remarks summerize everything : you think the poors are communists? what a joke!

    Not anybody has the chance to start their life in a wealthy family and with all the pressure the poors have to be kept in the dirt by those who use coercion, intimidation and killings sometimes...

    No need to discuss further, I sense that you re a right winged man, probably a bit racist and of course with no clue of the real events happening here, as you are brainwashed by decades of propaganda....

    I still not have explanations about the " he is human and can make mistakes" and why this should apply only to suthep...

    Sweet dreams, the wake up will be harsh, be sure of that

  6. What you seem to forget here is we, sugar daddy farangs as you call us (even if i am not a dad and maybe younger than you), are just tired to see that one crook replace another in this country...and Suthep is a big crook...but it s ok, cause " nobody is perfect" right?

    what a joke!

    so what's a problem? if you are so tired of Thailand why don't you relocate to another country which better suits your political views?

    Thai people have no obligation to make you happy by their politics.

    555 classiccheesy.gif

    "why dont you go home thenpassifier.gif "

    Strong argument you got going there thumbsup.gif

    and do you have a refutation of it?

    1) you can't accept how thing are being done in Thailand

    2) you are just a guest here, so you have neither moral nor legal right to influence politics

    so why don't you leave this country? I bet, Thailand will not miss you

    Yep we have refutation :

    1) we didn t come here for politics

    2) we pay taxes and by so we also participate to the economic life of this country

    3) you could easily say the same to every NGO like Human Right Watch or others which complain about legal system, freedom of speech, abusive lese majesty law...

    4) I am more than a guest, a guest pay for nothing or come here for holidays, this is not my case and as it impacts on the business which help Thailand to be wealthier and economically strong in SEA...

    5) So i cam here legally, i pay taxes, i can say whatever i want...and if you re not happy with that and cannot confront any different opinion than yours or justify your opinion ( i still wait the "he is human and can do mistakes, where do the money Suthep took from thestreet went,....) you have even less interest or justification for your speech.

  7. democracy is a lie which American NGOs use as a weapon against independent governments. any society consists of of 80% losers and 20% winners, and for a demagogue it's easy to convince losers that they are poor not because they are lazy and incompetent but because the minority stole from them. that's why any democracy leads to socialism and an idea "rob and share". it already happened in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Greece...

    even America drifts to socialism, notwithstanding that US is not a true democracy (anti-populist democrat-republican filter).

    even Aristotle was against democracy - but modern political discourse would not admit the obvious...

    That is the definition of Suthep mind and what he wants. him and the establishment not want any change. :

    t's easy to convince losers that they are poor not because they are lazy and incompetent but because the minority stole from them.

    The guys like suthep enjoy far too much their driver, gardener, maid, waiter and would certainly not want to see them baing more costly or aspiring for a better social rank....

  8. "Thoughts that are even slightly different are often met with dislike or even hatred"

    And that has to change. It is so ingrained in some peoples ethos that it rubs off on some TVF member. You only need to look at some replies to my comments to see the condescension and frustration some adopt due to an inability to debate or challenge the statement.

    ​I would love to see the show Q&A that Australia have introduced onto Thai TV. Completely unscripted questions to politicians by panel members and the audience. The ability debate is not the start of democracy, but it allows the people to see how strong the politicians grasp and understanding of the issue is. A politician needs to be opinionated, show resolve and conviction. That extends a passion for democracy which is all too lacking in Thailand pre May 2014.

    As for the student....Again she has achieved nothing except a big fat fail which will limit her job opportunities. If she was passionate she would graduate, go to university, get a degree in political science, a masters in law and make changes. All she is doing now is ensuring she gets her 5 minutes of fame followed by a low paying job for the rest of her life.

    I pity her. Education is critical and she is too young to understand that obviously.

    Your profile states that you strongly disagree with the junta and coup, but in most of your psots you seem to side with prayut...

    This student stands up for what she believes and fight against brainwashing.

    Education is critical, but in a country like thailand the schools are just another element in the big picture of failure, brainwashing from youngest age (about politics, thai history, and of course a specific family).

    How can she follow your advice if the school she goes to is another propaganda tool?

    I praise the students like her and the fellow ones who stand up against this unelected farce.

    What good did Prayut do for this country until now? Keep the country quiet? Nothing is worse than appareant quietness...cause the wake up call is most of the time tragic.

    Prayut works mainly for the establishment, top brass and higher people...not for the mass

  9. What you seem to forget here is we, sugar daddy farangs as you call us (even if i am not a dad and maybe younger than you), are just tired to see that one crook replace another in this country...and Suthep is a big crook...but it s ok, cause " nobody is perfect" right?

    what a joke!

    so what's a problem? if you are so tired of Thailand why don't you relocate to another country which better suits your political views?

    Thai people have no obligation to make you happy by their politics.

    It seems that the thai people wants a certain kind of politics by the way, strangely each time the results is not what the establishment wants, even if the majority has spoken, a coup comes...

    The ones who are not happy by the thais and the politic they want are those of the establishment mainly....

    Let me know when you have aby recent date of elected democrats....

  10. What you seem to forget here is we, sugar daddy farangs as you call us (even if i am not a dad and maybe younger than you), are just tired to see that one crook replace another in this country...and Suthep is a big crook...but it s ok, cause " nobody is perfect" right?

    what a joke!

    so what's a problem? if you are so tired of Thailand why don't you relocate to another country which better suits your political views?

    Thai people have no obligation to make you happy by their politics.

    The problem is you seem to be angry at us, having a different opinion than yours, and of course your other problem is to not be able to handle the truth about your hero.

    Liking or not Suthep is not why i am here....I also have no obligation to side with you on this Crook and can tell you, even if you don t like this, that Suthep is corrupted as much as the other ones and even more, since a very long time...

    Did you make any research about him?

    Did you also explained me why "nobody is perfect" can be applied to him and not others?

    If you don t like to read other peoples opinion, you should leave this board

    PS: it is again the forum rule to not quote the full message when you answer it

  11. when I read all this TVF members anti-Suthep ranting - I respect him even more. a person who is hated by so man of bitter farang sugar daddies should be really great...

    Yeah you re right to respect him: it is not like he is accused of palm oil market manipulation, land stealing and fraudulent selling in the south, that even his associated think and told many time he is a corrupted politician and of course that nobody knows what happened with all the "donations" made by his supporters....

    "palm oil market manipulation" is not proven, and about distribution of land in Phuket province - nobody is perfect, but at least he is an independent politician and not a Western marionette. He is fighting for his country - not for white misters in pith helmets.

    that's why he is so hated by people like you.

    Also; who do you think Suthep works for? his country...nei, he works for himself in the best case, and for people far above him obviously, which will also benefits to...him!

    Did he built a bridge or helped the people with the oney he grabbed during the unrests? obviously no neither

  12. yes. for being hated by people like you. the main wish of sugardaddies here is Thailand to be cheap as long as possible - so Isaan girls would still do anything for a few dollars and they can cheaply bribe a cop if caught with an underage girl or a bag of marijuana.

    If Thailand will become a developed country - prices will skyrocket and people like you will have to move somewhere else with their ridiculous pensions.


    seems like after our previous conversation you not dare to answer anything except smiling faces. that makes me to like you even more

    It seems that you not apply what you ask from the others.

    I still wait your arguments about how Suthep is clear of everything, why the "nobody is perfect" could be applied to him and not other.

    As for the "phra" Suthep, this means nothing: we could also look at the "phra" Vuitton who went to shopping in private plane.

    You could be quite amusing if the topic was not so sad...

    I will not take the time to give you all the links which put Suthep motivations depp inside the corruption thing cause you ll probably won t even take the time to read it and "look the other way" like many do.

    Enjoy your day, your answers clearly show your lack of impartiality....

    What you seem to forget here is we, sugar daddy farangs as you call us (even if i am not a dad and maybe younger than you), are just tired to see that one crook replace another in this country...and Suthep is a big crook...but it s ok, cause " nobody is perfect" right?

    what a joke!

  13. when I read all this TVF members anti-Suthep ranting - I respect him even more. a person who is hated by so man of bitter farang sugar daddies should be really great...

    Yeah you re right to respect him: it is not like he is accused of palm oil market manipulation, land stealing and fraudulent selling in the south, that even his associated think and told many time he is a corrupted politician and of course that nobody knows what happened with all the "donations" made by his supporters....

    "palm oil market manipulation" is not proven, and about distribution of land in Phuket province - nobody is perfect, but at least he is an independent politician and not a Western marionette. He is fighting for his country - not for white misters in pith helmets.

    that's why he is so hated by people like you.

    It s good to see that his spin doctors did a good work on you.

    "nobody is perfect"...yeah tell this to the poors who should have this land instead of tycoons...

    But as usual you will refer to the "red" instead of opening your eyes.

    So "nobody is perfect" is enough to be excused for its corruption, well in this case we can apply this to anybody....Thaksin, Prayuth, and more....If you use it for Suthep we can use it for anybody, right? or just Suthep is eligible?

    Two wrongs not make one right you know....

    For the palm market it was not proven because he is corrupted and work closely with corrupted people.

    It has never been proved that the heir of Red bull killed a cop as he is still sick after two years in Singapore.

    It has not been proven that the recent thai model killed a cop under the influence of alcohol because she refused the test.

    You didn t mention the money he received while he was in the street...maybe you have the papers showing what he did with....

    Being anti suthep does not make one a pro thaksin...

    Anyway we can see the good results he had with Prayouth : he wanted a coup, he has it. Now we can see how wonderful this government work and how efficient it is for the thai people ( i do not speak about the establishment)...

  14. when I read all this TVF members anti-Suthep ranting - I respect him even more. a person who is hated by so man of bitter farang sugar daddies should be really great...

    Yeah you re right to respect him: it is not like he is accused of palm oil market manipulation, land stealing and fraudulent selling in the south, that even his associated think and told many time he is a corrupted politician and of course that nobody knows what happened with all the "donations" made by his supporters....

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