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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. 5 hours ago, Grouse said:

    This is one of the reasons I am so anti Muslim (I think it's number 37 on my list just in front of auto capitalisation of muslim)


    I don't want to know what your religion is. Don't wave your burke or beard in my face


    France is a SECULAR state like all others should be. Fit in with local mores and customs.


    Keep your perverted fancy dress outfits in your own home. I DONT want to be exposed to your daft ideas.

    Maybe then the french president and the Prime minister should stop wearing kippa and be appointed Chanoine in the first place if it was secular. Also maybe they should tax the chruches.


  2. 47 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Do you have any actual facts to put forward or does hurling personal insults constitute an intelligent argument in your mind?

    Well just re read your previous posts and look at the facts, it is not personnal insult, just a statement :

    For exemple comparing Christian /Vatican with Islam. As the difference between Shia and Sunni is much closer to Protestant/Christian and I am quite sure a lot of protestants do not agree with the Vatican..this is one exemple among the many ones you said previously.

    I am not the one who want to "straighten" all Middle East, neither the one who put all together billions of Islam followers for the 0.1% of crazy Daesh followers.... I am not the one who quote a survey and use only the numbers you need to mark your point...and so on and so on....


    Your posts remember me a sad version of "groundhound dog"...

    17 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



    You should know better.   ;)  The hurling of personal insults is the only way these lot can argue.  They have nothing to offer by way of facts so how can they provide a constructive debate.  Just look at how he assumes, guesses and twist things.  Sought of reminds me of certain people employed by CNN and other lefty establishments.  When they cannot put forward something factual they resort to deflecting, misinformation or downright untruths.  Oh, I forgot how they add words to embellish their own BS.  You silly boy, you should know that they're always right, at least in their own minds.. :wai:

    I am not the one praising/having a pic of the most famous guy nowdays shooting personnal insults and yet approve them.


    The TRUTH is : billions and billions of muslims in this world : less than 0,1% are willing to do any Djihad....

    The lefties seem to be more right than the righties, just because we can see 30 years of republican sh!t in middle east...remember who were against islam there? You bombed them, they were not angels but for sure time was better when they were in charge...and yet you still refuse to see it comes from here.....

  3. 51 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Somebody's gotta straighten those people out.

    Yeah and will it be you and your Trumpet, right?

    By straighten you mean stop them being gay?:coffee1:...cause Trump and republicans are not the best to promote gender equality and tolerence...

    I m curious to know why you didn t enrolled in the Army yet or work as a border patrol in US.

    Your lack of knowledge about Islam is quite abysmal (the difference between the differents views (Sunni, shia), the fact that you bend some facts and omit others speaks also quite well.

    I will not speak about the obvious lack of geo strategy knowledge you show in your posts, but FOX do his job quite well on you, that's for sure. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    So American Muslims have decided to enter the 21st Century...let's all throw them a welcome party; but what do we do with the other 99.9 percent of the Mohammedans in the world?

    Leave them alone, stop bombing them to bring "freedom" stop using them for US and Europe interests, stop trying to make the people believe "we are the good guys", stop removing their leaders because they don't suit our "ideology" start to report the civilian killed by bombings, drones and shells from US and Europe, stop sending arms to "moderate rebels"...that would be a nice start

  5. On 8/15/2016 at 0:19 PM, Caps said:

    Interesting that they come out and start voicing concerns now!   Its a shame they they can't do it when a Kafir gets killed or maimed.  If they did they might get more respect

    You probably only watch Fox News, there are countless of muslims who voiced their anger after Daesh killings.

    Do I have to remember all the racist posters here that most of the people killed by Daesh are muslims?


    On 8/15/2016 at 0:49 PM, mtls2005 said:

    Once you whip up the pitchfork & torch crowd, especially the poorly-educated, marginalized, white racist males they are difficult to control.


    But blaming this on Trump is like blaming the founding of ISIS on Obama. Oh wait.

    "poorly-educated, marginalized, white racist males they are difficult to control"

    Plenty of them just answered with stupid posts in this thread

  6. All those poor people selling on the sidewalks who have been kicked out now have brand new shops to sell their goods at thanks to Prayut. They just have to pay the rich people who own the shops rent for them.

    What other areas of public space should retailers be allowed to use illegally? Roads, parks, schools, hospitals, beaches, bridges, railway tracks are OK too or not? What is the asset test cut off point to ensure people are 'poor' enough to break the law without repercussion?

    I give you another one : Floating market

    Maybe soon they will forbid this too.

    You maybe love to have clean streets and only nice shopping malls, I personnaly enjoy, as well as many people living and touring here, to have a street full of life and cheap tasty dishes...

  7. Surely not..

    thaksin was voted in so he is behind reproach and accountability according to some.

    Thank goodness the majority have moved in.

    thaksin was voted in so he is behind reproach and accountability according to some.

    While the Junta is accountable for what so far?

    Majority? nope the majority elected the Shins, it is the minority who intervened, a rich, unaccountable minority and a Junta which granted themselves amnesty.

    Please, you can despict the Shins, but for god sake open your eyes toward the Junta in charge here...it is far from a group of people dedicated to the majority of citizen : they work for the establishment, the old fashioned tycoons and...more...

  8. "He claimed the government has always provided clarifications to the international community after each arrest, adding that it also respects political rights of Thai citizens, evident in that Thai media are still allowed to criticize the government. People have also been given a chance to debate the constitutional before the upcoming referendum via platforms organized by the Election Commission of Thailand."

    This is by far the most bullsh!tting statement made this month

  9. This scam would have bring people the next elections to not vote for the Shinawatra. But the army/Suthep wanted to grab power quickly instead of waiting for the citizens to express their anger towards this scam. So their coup just helped the Shinawatra to not lose confidence from the grass roots.

    Not really, if the coup had not happened they would have hidden this loss in the Chinese loan like they intended. This was the only way to make sure the country would not lose even more money. The army and the brave people who went on the streets even though they were bombed and shot at should all get medals for getting rid of the shins,

    (how is that for spinning things i like your spin.. but mine is better)

    Your spin is not spinning so well IMO

    The farmers who didn t had their money and got conned wouldn t give a damn about the chinese loan...

    Those "brave people" who took the streets with suthep are the ones who think only the middle class and traditional elite should be able to vote. This "brave" Suthep (seriously, who still believe this) lost the money he collected apparently during those riots. (and the popcorn guy is like the black men from the red.)

    The principe of election is this: if you lose the election you have to work and show better for the next one...Until now the only way the democrats know is : army or twisted judgements. It is like having Trump for US president and Hillary asking the people to take the streets and ask the army to help her get rid of Trump...

    Since when the coups are useful in Thailand? 17 coups if I remember correctly, we can see how it goes...

  10. I see the retarded are out today!

    One more time : last month in Baghdad: 350 dead

    Yesterday h US-French coallition killed 60 civilians, including women and kids... and so much more

    But u will tell me they deserve it... you re clearly not worth more than daesh.

    Where to start? First of all nobody approves of the deaths of innocent civilians so you are burning a straw man there. Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French. Third, IF it turns out the US or French accidentally killed some civilians you can be sure it was not deliberate and maybe a consequence of Islamist terrorists resorting to their usual human shield tactic. Some crappy equivalence argument you are trying to pull there. But just supposing for the sake of argument I accept some equivalence what sort of degenerate takes this as justification to murder other innocent civilians in retaliation?

    Back to topic from your flaming, the French Muslim population has been a problem for years, by every metric from education to prison population they collectively don't fit in. This problem has been allowed to fester and get worse due to failure to deal with incitement and extremism in the Mosques and religious schools. As the Muslim population increases so does the scale and frequency of violence.

    Prior to the Nice attack and a Moroccan stabbing a woman and her three daughters a French politician stated France is a couple of incidents away from civil war, I put it to you that much of the French population feels alienated not just the Muslims.

    Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French

    Nope it is not. Look at the history of Irk and tell me one more time the US and French and UK are not responsible for the mess there and all the elements coming from this stupid invasion. Same apply for Lybia, Syria...

    I see the spin doctors are quite good on you, you really think the bombs, the past weddings bombings and other civilian casualties are because of human shields? you should really see how a war works and look at the way bombs explode for real and not on TV shows.

    I still wait to have headline news about the bombing in Baghdad, the "je suis Baghdad" and other crap like this... I wait to have all those politicians who were in Paris (Bibi, US, French, german, UK) parading in front of the crowd, crying crocodile tears...

    I m waiting to see the same emotion on Boko Haram exactions.

    Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Daesh were created by Western governments, like it or not!

    I don t see the people turning their stupid comments to german community when it comes for exemple to co-pilot Andreas Lubitz. But you will tell me this is different, right?

    Either that or you selectively read the comments in TV...

    If you knew a bit more about french immigration and how muslim immigration was handle after the colonies era, then you could see how the French governments didn t gave a sh!t about them and parked them in suburbus of the cities and let them here, as well as the suppression of 13.000 policemen in those area because Sarkozy wanted to cut budget.

    So re-read the comments here and then come back

    That western involvement in the Middle East has been a disaster is undeniable. Without donning a tinfoil hat much of this is down to ignorance of the region and the law of unintended consequences. Talking of tinfoil do you really believe the US actually created ISIS? I don't mean by a chain of events leading to a power vacuum, I mean by deliberate premeditation.

    It is revealing how your logic revolves around injury done to the Muslim world by the west leading to some search for revenge, revenge sadly missing when Muslims slaughter other Muslims, in far greater numbers. Or is this Muslim on Muslim violence intended to somehow spite the west? Anyway murderous grievance based on some perceived injury to the Umma is the best argument I can think of to stop all Muslim immigration and start deporting those who are considered a threat.

    P.s other groups are often dumped in a particular location within a Country without them becoming virtual no go zones running on their own parallel legal systems.

    they didn t created and set up Al Qaeda and Daesh, but the actions the US and Europe did in middle east created the vacuum to let them rise.

    More : they give weapons to the "moderate" rebels in Syria, but guess what most of the weapons go to Al Nusra, a regional branch for Al Qaeda. If you think this is a tinfoil hat idea, yu clearly have no clue of the situation and it is not needed to pursue this discussion. As long as you think there is no hate from the majority of muslims there toward US and Europe, you re quite wrong, but it comes without surprise.

    Your lack of knowledge about muslim communities in Europe is troubling. 90% of the muslims in France and Europe are French. So how do you want to extradite them and where?

  11. A killer armed with a knife or ax or machete can potentially kill a few people, but it's going to take time and has to be done at close range, thus giving the chance for police to arrive and/or people nearby to overwhelm the attacker.

    One person armed with an automatic weapon can quickly kill dozens and can do it all from a remote distance. I would argue, two entirely different kinds of threats.

    In the shooting in this case, although police haven't yet said how many shots were fired, the CNN report I quoted above said there were 36 evidence markers laid out on the ground in front of the club.

    Police didn't say how many shots were fired, but the front of the club was covered with at least 36 yellow evidence markers.

    Tell that to the Japanese this morning.

    Even with this attack in Japan, I defy you to compare killings in japan with USA per capita.. u am sure you won t do it...
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