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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. U.K. has some of the strictest firearms regulations in the world. There are now more illegal firearms in the U.K. than ever before..............

    yes, because there is a regulation which make them easily illegals. And that means if a cop find your gun and it was illegally owned or not declared, it will be confiscated

  2. France is one reason the EU doesn't work. Can you imagine what would happen if the French government took the farmers subsidy away. There would be civil war in France!

    Who fly's Air France?

    Subsidies are for 90% of them given to the big industries, not the farmers who are helped for around 200 euros for one hectare of land.

    However milk factories, industrial mills, are each year the big winners...so much for socialism...mmm

    The biggest earner is in Monaco, a communist paradise for sure...

  3. Hasn't lowered my opinion of the French. I've worked with many, and 95% of them were incredibly arrogant, and smelled terrible to boot.

    You must be a nostalgic of the freedom fries...

    I ve worked with Americans and 95% of them were obese and ate junk food all the day.

    More than that they shot everybody who ate veggies...

    More stupid racists rant to say?


  4. this is what your governments were doing while you were celebrating gay marriage in the states and changing your facebook profile picture to a rainbow filter.

    Do I smell some anti-gay bigotry?

    Yes, and a stupid straw-man argument. What in the world the struggle for the right to marry has to do with the trans-Pacific trade deal is beyond me.

    i have explained before, details of the trade pact were leaked during the announcement of gay marriage and gay pride and uptake on that event pushed any hope of discussion of the TPP right off the front page where it belonged.

    You know where you can put your accusations of bigotry and your straw man.

    I guess we know, being pro gay marriage as well...coffee1.gif

    The real culprit is not the gay marriage news coverage,this deal is on track for more than a year, but the lack of interest from the general public and the absence of news coverage by all the medias...

  5. It's all very well cheerleading the murder of teenagers... -snip-

    It isn't murder. Many people have been stoned to death and when a group of people are stoning others...

    Start throwing stones at me and see how long you last. I live in a place where it's lawful for me to use deadly force to protect myself from "serious bodily injury or death".

    I believe that's right and just and so does the law.

    If someone doesn't want me to put one right between his eyes he can simply refrain from throwing stones at me.


    Simple. The IDF and Israeli squatters wouldn't get stones thrown at them if they ended their occupation of 4.5 million Palestinians and cleared off back behind the safety of the 1967 borders that the Palestinians are willing to recognize. You sorta feel this is a problem of Israel's own making. They hold all the cards to resolve it....IF they really wanted to.

    The result of Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza demonstrates perfectly the so called 'safety' of any borders. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that If in years to come Israel were to withdraw to the '67 borders, or some close approximation to them it would not be long before more rockets, shootings and stone throwing occurred within said borders. By that time a new generation of esteemed members would be defending Palestinian terror and arguing piously that the state of Israel had no right to exist and the original recognition of Israel by the U.N should be reversed.
    Do you have a garden? It is mine now, and if you complain too much i may leave but will be sure you can t have a proper economy and also i will bully you and your family and then time to time send some molotov because you complain of my behavior.. it is the same on a bigger scale in gaza and cisjordani. More than 200 non contraignant blames vetoed by USA each year at the UN, using the old cars of "anti-Semitism" as soon as someone complain about fae right wing government of Israel, same old same old..

    Israel is creating a new generation of terrorists with their actions and settlements

  6. The US involvement in Syria has been overblown. The US has been against the Assad regime going back to the father and the US had little interest in Syria. There is minimal, if any, business connection and it has no strategic importance for the US. The Assad gov't, going back to the dad, were busy playing nasty little tricks, like making counterfeit US dollars and other efforts at undermining the US and it's economy. There were other things the Assad gov't was involved in as well.

    As a result, the US does not and will not back the Assad gov't, in the same way it didn't back the Castro regime. It is much more talk than action.

    Assad is pretty much the sole cause of his problems.

    Oh really?

    Nothing about the gas and the pipe line then?

    You REALLY think the US wants to free the country? what a joke

    Have you done any research on Assad and his father? Please do some. As far as the US goes, they are almost energy independent. The energy resources in Syria mean nothing.

    What a joke!the energy in Syria means nothing.. why do you think usa wants to topple those governments? For democracy? Come on you re a grown up, yoy know it is not true otherwise we would have attacked our good friends the saoudi long time ago. You speak about assad but you don t seem to be offended by the saoudi alliance with the usa kn this? To thank them for their economcal support for 9/11 maybe?

    No problem neither when the Turkey bombs kurdish opposition. Under assad government, far from nice for sure, there was 12%of christian,even jews luves there.. guess what the moderate Al Nqsra will do to them once feeed from Assad Tyranny.

    Just have a look at the pipeline project which must go through Syria to lower the dependency of Europe to russian energy.

    Look at the gas reserves recently found in the mediteranean sea? But no, it is not for all this, just to bring freedom right? Like in Irak, Libya,...

    But Boko Haram? Who give a sh.t! There is no need of bombing there.. so usa will go soon, right?

  7. The US involvement in Syria has been overblown. The US has been against the Assad regime going back to the father and the US had little interest in Syria. There is minimal, if any, business connection and it has no strategic importance for the US. The Assad gov't, going back to the dad, were busy playing nasty little tricks, like making counterfeit US dollars and other efforts at undermining the US and it's economy. There were other things the Assad gov't was involved in as well.

    As a result, the US does not and will not back the Assad gov't, in the same way it didn't back the Castro regime. It is much more talk than action.

    Assad is pretty much the sole cause of his problems.

    Oh really?

    Nothing about the gas and the pipe line then?

    You REALLY think the US wants to free the country? what a joke

  8. What, is this it, no more US-bashing? Come on, tell us how your country does it.

    Most countries mind their own business.

    Do some research on foreign involvement in the Middle East. European powers were heavily involved. So no, most countries don't mind their own business....unfortunately.

    Nope USA are not the only ones. However they are the main responsible, they promote themselves as "the cops and beacon of freedom" in the world. USA went to Irak based on false claims.

    Libya? they were the leaders of the movment.

    Syria? Guess who?

    Which country use its veto more than 200 times each year to protect Israel at the UN...

    They are also very friend with Saoudi, a country which gives ressources to Al Qaida and affiliates movments...

    If USA were less involved and didn t want to rule oil market worldwide maybe, just maybe there would be less problems...

  9. Just look at the tens of thousands of young men running away to other countries.... Cowards !

    Stand up and fight and die like a man. These cowards don't deserve freedom or even a helping hand. They want everyone else to do their dirty work and provide support.

    Maybe because "everyone else" (read here USA and Europe) created this big sh.t in their country

  10. Farmers plant 2nd crop for money, not pleasure. If they have no 2nd crop, they have no money. How are they going to survive? As chainwhatever said, it is previous administrations fault for not providing an adequate water management system, not the current administration. They are trying to do the best they can with a shitty situation. The governement must make funds available for these unforntunate people so they can survive, there is ample money available now that the submarine fiasco seems to have been put to bed. A an aside, perhaps if they channel all the funds that are being squandered on the single internet gateway project into compensating these rice farmers it would do more for national security that all the vetting of internet traffic would do, after all , starving poor people cause revolutions.

    don't forget the submarines! Very useful to enforce lese-majeste law and hunt Thaksin.. mandatory for any corruption cleaning, obvious need for reconciliation plan...

    Junta will have a big surprise soon if they not hear the grass roots

  11. People seem to forget that without Assad the Catholics living in the south of Syria would have already been slaughtered.

    USA is in the middle east for more than 30 years and for 30 years have created a huge mess.

    Why Syria is so interesting ? Think of all the gas found in Mediterranean sea, look at the pipe line project for the "after Assad" which is designed to lower dependence on Russia energy.

    Soon after the Libya was"freed" Total took 40% of the national oil companies there...but we were there also "only to help them getting rid of dictatorship"...

    Now Putin won't let it down and will follow is own agenda as well. USA and Europe think they will be able to handle the "moderate" rebels? what a joke, they tried this for years and NEVER worked... In 3 days Russia seem to make more efficient work than Europe and USA combined

  12. Saoudis have gun control, a strict one by the way

    That is the point. This shooting is not about gun control.

    No it is well known that in countries with stricter gun control there is more are the same amount of shootings....coffee1.gif
    Maybe you could tell me where the last anti Christian killings took place?coffee1.gif Are you trying to push the argument that I couldn't kill 13 people without a gun if I didn't mind getting caught? sad.png
    Itis for sure harder to enter a school roombwith a car.

    It also mean more strictblaws make less availability and black market price rising , letting less people able to buy one

  13. When Martin Luther King Jr was killed did they talk about gun control or racial hatred? When a guy asks if you are Christian and kills only the Christians do they talk abour religious intolerance or gun control.

    See the trap you fellows have fallen into. It is not PC to talk about religious intolerance when the presecuted religion is Christian so a scapegoat has to be found.

    What do you think would happen if a Christian went to Saudi Arabia and asked the children in the school who was a Muslim and shot them? Do you think the Saudis would be discussing gun control right now?

    Saoudis have gun control, a strict one by the way

    That is the point. This shooting is not about gun control.

    No it is well known that in countries with stricter gun control there is more are the same amount of shootings....coffee1.gif

  14. Sure please add a comparison with the guns you spoke about and how easy it was to have them, for exemple could you own one at the same time you bought tomatoes and their avaibilities on the market. Also please let me know how efficient they were, their weight... compared to the actual ones... If they were as efficient as the ones we have nowdays why did they become obsoletes?

    Let me know the average time to reload a musket as well while you are at it?

    Back then anyone could buy a machine gun so machine gun ownership was way up. Anyone could walk into a gun store and buy a fully auto machine gun capable of 600 to 900 rounds per minute. Many hardware stores in America back in the good old days carried machine guns so anyone could buy them.

    Average shooters can load and shoot a musket about 3 times a minute. The battle of Gettysburg claimed 50,000 American lives in three days many from .51 cal musket fire.

    Any other questions? Colt six gun came into use around 1850. So it would be easy with two pistols to get off 12 shots in a few seconds. A Texas ranger with two carbines and pistols could get off around 26 shots from his horse in a minute or so.

    Americans were just as dangerous 100 years ago and gun ownership was with far fewer restrictions than today.

    the guys in the picture are not everybody, they are rangers

    The point is automatic weapons were owned by more people and easier to buy 100 years ago than today. Bonny and Clyde used used Browning Automatic Rifles an American Army staple even in Vietnam. Your hypothesis that gun control or automatic weapons stopped Americans owing high powered guns 100 years ago is false.

    Although I fail to see what that has to do with a anti Christian shooting in Oregon. Someone must have known this guy was a nutcase. That is the problem. He should have been stopped. What religious group has something against Christians?

    Well as pro guns vetoed the deeper screening of potential buyers it seems quite normal he was not stopped

  15. hi-crickett-rifles-6col.jpg

    Here are the wonderful toys USA want to give to kids, real weapons with gummy colors.

    another evidence :

    1.4 Million Known American Firearms Casualties Since 1933

    Total Battle Deaths in All Wars Since 1775: 650,858

    compared to US death by guns not linked to war

    Total Gun Deaths, 1979-1997


    Total Firearm Suicides


    Total Firearm Homicides


    Total Accidental Firearm Deaths


    Total Unknown Firearm Deaths


  16. Anyway it seems the pro guns will never admit the simple fact: more guns and easy acces means more nuts being able to do mass shootings..

    As the same pro guns do not want to have background check neither or seem ok with rifles designed for kids, well that summarize perfectlythe US problem.

    They still not want to look at numbers..so we will all wait for one more round of shooting in good ol' USA..

    I wonder if the pro guns here also have guns in Thailand, if not they must be scared to death daily...

  17. Guns were as powerful as 100 years ago?

    Please tell me about many sub rifles machine guns they had with their muskets ?

    The answer to your last question is simple : it is easier and easier for disturbed people to get guns.. And lot of teenagers are temporarly or not.

    The question the pro guns never answer to is : why so many shooting in USA and not so much in europe? Why since Australia restricted gun there was not any mass shooting?

    Thompson sub machine gun invented 105 years ago 600 rounds per minute.

    Browning Automatic rifle invented 105 years ago 600 rounds per minute.

    Any other questions?

    Sure please add a comparison with the guns you spoke about and how easy it was to have them, for exemple could you own one at the same time you bought tomatoes and their avaibilities on the market. Also please let me know how efficient they were, their weight... compared to the actual ones... If they were as efficient as the ones we have nowdays why did they become obsoletes?

    Let me know the average time to reload a musket as well while you are at it?

    Back then anyone could buy a machine gun so machine gun ownership was way up. Anyone could walk into a gun store and buy a fully auto machine gun capable of 600 to 900 rounds per minute. Many hardware stores in America back in the good old days carried machine guns so anyone could buy them.

    Average shooters can load and shoot a musket about 3 times a minute. The battle of Gettysburg claimed 50,000 American lives in three days many from .51 cal musket fire.

    Any other questions? Colt six gun came into use around 1850. So it would be easy with two pistols to get off 12 shots in a few seconds. A Texas ranger with two carbines and pistols could get off around 26 shots from his horse in a minute or so.

    Americans were just as dangerous 100 years ago and gun ownership was with far fewer restrictions than today.

    the guys in the picture are not everybody, they are rangers

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