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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Thammasat University seems to be the fraternal home of a lot of troublemakers and dissenters, and has been for decades. The army should have leveled the place with tanks and artillery back in the seventies. It's not to late to reconsider! whistling.gif

    Pathetic answer

    You neither know nothing about thai History or are just a troll...

    I really hope one day you'll face the full weight of a dictatorial junta in your country so maybe you would understand.

    Without people like those ones we would never have the biggest progression in countries like, USA, France, Germany, ....

  2. ,the trouble is that while Israel does everything in their power to build a better country the Palestinians like many of the Muslim country's are happy to sit on their backsides and do nothing to help themselves

    When you say build, you mean on land they re still sealing, right?

  3. Blanket amnesty for all Shin and redshirt crimes.

    Well if the army automatically get amnesty....... would not want double standards now would we......

    What were the crimes of the army?

    Undertaking a coup

    No there just change an unelected (corrupt) caretaker government by an administrative government.

    Yingluck loose her job by legal channel

    And by the way the army granted themselves amnesty for their past, present and futur actions...

    Nice to work in such light atmosphere....

  4. What Muslim country welcomes Christians ? I cant think of any. Muslims are the most intolerant hateful people on the planet. Virtually all terrosist attacks can be blamed on muslims.

    There are hundreds of mosques in Europe. How many cathedrals are there in saudi Arabia, Iran or UAE?

    How many ISIS terrorists and criminals have mingled in with the millions of economic refugees from Syria and other backwater places?

    The Christian world is welcoming these rejects which explains why Christianity is in decline and many are converting to Buddhism and Hinduism or nothing at all.

    Refugees are not legitimate migrants. Migrants have a documented medical history and many have financial means.. Refugees have neither.

    The biggest threat to the west is all these mindless minority socialists and PC do-gooders who despise , loathe and publicly ridcule everyone that disagrees with their pathetic social engineering agenda..

    Europe will fall over first then Australia and USA.

    Well actually Assad is defending the Christian community, but US and Europe will not trumpet about this...


    And about the migrant, guess why they flee to europe?

    Wo started to destabilize the countries they lived in? Which countries are responsibles for the problems in Irak, Syria, Lybia...

    Many told the politicians that it would create an immigration flux never seen before...but greed was too strong...and now USA eur Europe pay the price of their actions...

  5. In the 10 years I have been in Thailand, I have heard absolutely nothing from Thammasat University which I would consider to be 'pro democracy'.

    They are a disgrace to the principles of education and what a university should be.

    Just a very quick google found this https://www.facebook.com/anthony.cartalucci/posts/1548006848808717

    A link to a Facebook post that provides a link to a blog. What does that prove?

    You don't think an attempt at a democracy seminar, shut down by the junta, counts as pro-democracy? http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/10/03/junta-suppression-academic-talk-democracy-exposes-cracks-in-thailand-peaceful/

    So are you saying the facebook information is fake ?. Because the information is extremely relevant.

    And a link to a USA news site is even worse. I'm currently reading a book by Max Hastings about the war in Korea. It goes into some detail about American policy in Asia and who they support and why. Of course the communism threat no longer exists, but the rest of it is extremely relevant and extremely interesting.

    Bottom line: They will tolerate any level of corruption as long as they can be sure foreign policy will remain in the interest of the USA business. Are you familiar with the 'free trade' agreement Thaksin was trying to railroad through before he got 'found out' ?.

    This is your 'democracy'. You should stop trying to pretend you know what it means.

    In other words, your link has nothing to do with the OP, which you are trying to derail with an off-topic post giving your opinions about U.S. foreign policy.

    Don't feed the troll, obviously EnglishJohn is a poor soul, not even knowing about Thammasat after 10 years... that means a lot about his habits in thailand and UK

  6. Okay now I'm worried about staying in Thailand. The situation is getting worst for foreigners. Bombs, lack of human rights, immigration rules changing, borders monitored and now this. Time to get out, before the lynch mobs arrive.

    Yes, time for you to go. Your attitude belongs to old-style medieval Thailand which we all hope will be phased out after the reforms.

    I will stay because the only lynch mobs I have ever seen here have been red-shirts - and since the coup, they have been kept at home because the people who pay them can't trust the police to protect them now.

    Plus I am safe to walk anywhere in Bangkok without fear of a grenade attack and the only people whose rights have been restricted are those intent on taking things back how they were.

    The immigration situation will sort itself out once the petulant egos have been satisfied. It's been the same whoever is in charge and always will be with the ridiculous Thai 'Face'.

    Oh - you didn't go anywhere. What a surprise.

    Then I guess you didn t hear about Erawan and Ko tao....

    Plus I am safe to walk anywhere in Bangkok without fear of a grenade attack and the only people whose rights have been restricted are those intent on taking things back how they were.

  7. "A blatant attempt to hijack UN" - in your dream. This organisation has been hijacked decades ago. And nobody has noticed its practical absence.

    UN has outlived its use, its purpose and its principles. A bunch of corrupt greedy travelers in time from the past.

    United Nations by definition must be a body representing Nations whose impact on the World is substantial.

    Irrespective of whether Palestine is a Nation(?) or a country(?) - what is its contribution to the World? Terrorism, dependency, cowardice, corruption... just about all.

    The designation of Palestine as a non-member observer state statute is driven by vote of UN member states, and not the UN as an institution itself.

    Blaming the UN as an institution in this topic isn't correct.

    So you are saying the UN doesn't adopt what member states vote for? What absolute rubbish. It is the UN as an institution which is very much to blame for the one sided approach they have with Israel. What you should have said is.

    The one sided approach the UN adopts on Israel is exactly what makes the UN obsolete as a peace mediator.

    Nope but the fact that each year the US veto more than 100 motions against Israel certainly is

  8. Yeah sure. Another Israel demonization canard. The Israelis are so lazy ... sitting on their tuchuses waiting for the checks from Uncle Sammy.

    With more than 2 billions dollars of help yearly by US, on which you need to add:

    16 billions from 1974 to 1989 of loan which became then grants ( i am quite sure the greece would love the same)

    1 billion in private founds from US each year as well

    The help to Israel is accountable for a third of the total foreign help given by USA each year

    So please stop saying that Israel made this country alone and are only here because of their hard labor...

    Even Israeli agree on that...

    That does t mean it is not a competitive country, that means it would be much less competitive without US funding, it is just fact...

  9. You deliberately confuse Zionists with Jews.

    He understands that many haters of Jews, substitute the word "Zionists" as a code word. It is not politically correct to admit the truth about their bigotry and it is easier to trick the gullible public about their real motives.

    It is also used by Israel itself to create confusion and hope that the "antisemit" card will work ad vitam eternam...

    Howerver this is not working anymore and you are a part of this card.

    So if you condemn Iran politic you re antimuslin right?

    As you probably think Saoudi Arabia is a terrorist country you also should be anti arab right?

    Oh and as you probably don't like Putin politic you re anti-russian...

    Your "anti-zionism= antisemitism" is part of the past for 90% of the world population...

    Oh and as we critic the Junta here in Thailand, we are also probably anti-thai, right?

  10. You deliberately confuse Zionists with Jews.

    He understands that many haters of Jews, substitute the word "Zionists" as a code word. It is not politically correct to admit the truth about their bigotry and it is easier to trick the gullible public about their real motives.

    It is also used by Israel itself to create confusion and hope that the "antisemit" card will work ad vitam eternam...

    Howerver this is not working anymore and you are a part of this card.

    So if you condemn Iran politic you re antimuslin right?

    As you probably think Saoudi Arabia is a terrorist country you also should be anti arab right?

    Oh and as you probably don't like Putin politic you re anti-russian...

    Your "anti-zionism= antisemitism" is part of the past for 90% of the world population...

  11. Don't worry Un-elected Prime Minister Prayut- O, the world does know you and they, including the UN , wish you would disappear, any one who takes over an elected Government ( regardless of the situation ) at the point of a gun and under your dubious motives, will get a cordial but cold welcome and a big welcome General to the real world.coffee1.gif

    yes of course the corrupt politician don't want that the army of other countries also get the idea to clean house as they did in Thailand and Egypt....They could block it in Turkey where it would have been most needed.

    Having the house being cleaned by an even bigger corrupted organization is what is happening now..I am waiting the next International corruption report for Thailand with interest

  12. Recognizing a "state" that is just a figment of the imagination, does not make it one. Some borders, leaders that govern the whole entity and a functioning economy would be a nice start. tongue.png

    Sure a blocus is always helping an economy to function, the borders could also be better defined if Israel stopped its settlements, and when they elect a leader, they are immediatly branded as terrorists...

    I think I can see a common grip in all those problems...let see...

  13. So funny to see how the TV members (who are sometimes from US and Australia, where their ancestors settled as they flew segregation or other miserable life) can say stupid things like accepting only Christian or turn them back..

    It is even more amazing as the majority here do not have an "expatriate" status, no company hired them to bring them here for their qualifications, they migrated here to live a better life, having a better retirement...

    So you re a kind of migrant too

    The mess in middle east is due to Europe, USA. the biggest threat is the result of USA en EUROPE, the wars which make them run away is due to Europe and USA...

    All the specialists warned a decade ago of what will happen with migration flux and no one cared...

  14. The migrants, whether genuine refugees, ecomic migrants or infiltrating jihadists are mostly muslim. They should be redirected to safe mulim countries to have their status considered. Europe should only consider genuine christian refugees. The EU and especially Merkel has totally lost the plot.

    As all the mess in their countries is due to USA and Europe wanting to gain oil and other resources, i think it is quite fair to take them...

  15. He's too stupid to realise that it's actually Iran's money.

    He is very aware of where the money came from. He is also aware that they are our sworn enemy and the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. In other words, he does not give a crap.

    Wrong !

    The biggest sponsor of terrorism is Saoudi Arabia...One country the US love as they have oil and they are middle men for undercover operations like providing ISIS weapons to fight againsta Assad....


  16. Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

    How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

    National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


    You mean the same kind of guys who approved bombing Irak?

    Or the ones who trained Bin Ladin?

    Or maybe the ones who went to Vietnam?

    Or the ones who set up Guantanamo?

    Or the ones who look like the ones we have in Thailand?

    This would encourage me more to sign than the other...

  17. In the light of Agenda 2030 from the UN to be announced later this month

    this is a perfect piece of propaganda ... playing the "empathy card" usually works.

    Might be that the US should stop arming and funding the opposition in Syria and let the legally elected

    Government in Syria do its job ?

    Syria was no harm to anybody until the US decided that the elected Government [Assad] has to go [just like in the Ukraine].

    Exactly how can an election rigged by a minority dictatorship be considered a "legally elected Government". Previously no harm to anybody? Syria supported a number of terrorist organisations.

    Bush Junior was elected by a minority and bombed Irak on false evidences...do that make USA a terrorist organization?

    Want to have a list of terrorism USA and Europe members did and still do by themselves or by supporting oppositions in middle east just for their own profit, o?

    Saoudis are well known to finance and support terrorism, helped Al Qaida and radicals everywhere in the world...yet the US and Europe see no problem to pat their shoulders and make money with them, and even finance some groups using Saoudi as a proxy

  18. Yep, take action against parents who put their children in harms way.

    Most of the parents are desperately trying to get their children out of harms way.

    Whateva. Make excuses for them and more children due. Many out them in boats is search of a better economic life, not to escape harms way.

    I have children. You protect your children and don't put them in harms way. These people seem more concerned about their own selves than their children.

    Easy for me to criticize and for you to condemn me when not in the Craig storm. I get that, but at the end if the day the safety of children is the parents responsibility.

    When the notion of risk is not a subject of discussion and you have the choice to stay and die or try to leave and maybe not die then you leave, whatever the risk is...

    Yeah it is quite easy to say that they should stay in their own countries, especially when it is mostly our government responsibilities for the wars they are in the middle of...

  19. As long as you will go to the drive test with YOUR OWN car it will not improve.

    I went to have my thai permit, here is how it happened:

    Questions were not available in english for the test so the guy just gave me the list of answers...i thought it was an exception then i saw a thai with the same paper.

    Then the driving test: well no driving test...the thai guy neither

    2000thb later i had my paper....

  20. Were these students on the streets protesting against the dirty cronies and outrageous corruption of the last government ?. Were they risking their LIVES to protest against the amnesty disgrace ?.

    If they were, good luck to them and their stand for what they believe in.

    If not, they are just another bunch of red-shirt hypocrites.

    You criticized a lot the governement and yet you are not in the street to topple the junta....you re quite hypocrite yourself...and certainly worse

  21. "Has anyone said after an election is held, 'The country will be peaceful. There will not be protests, street massacres and bomb attacks?' Has anyone guaranteed elected governments can solve these problems,'' he said.

    He said the public had to be assured there would not be deadly incidents of civil unrest during the administration of future elected governments.
    An elected government should answer to society in terms of how it can stop such incidents from repeating and what reforms it is planning to do. Do not quarrel over whether we should reject or accept the charter draft,'' he said."

    While in the other hand: military Junta prevented all violence, bombing, falling economy and of course it is new for them, not like they have made coup after coup and failed....

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