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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Oh it's Ginjag-----ha ha, Would you care to tell me who was the defense minister in the PTP government ?????

    Have you haters of Prayuth forgotten ?? egg on your faces.

    With the super intellect of the last PM, and how well she couldn't manage, how the hell did she become -defense Minister ?? what long term qualifications did she have ?? about the same as she had to manage a country.

    Here you all are trying to look good at Custers last stand, and your forgetting about this ??

    Two wrongs not make one right, you know...

    Kist to refresh my memory what exactly Prayouth did so far?

    Bringin guns to arm a militia in the south? Check

    Sent back to China Ouighour then asking to not think the bombing maybe a revenge? Check

    Telling the forensic to get inspired by blue shirt tv show? Check

    Appointing his brother, even if he is competent, to show this country is now under a rule of law and not a family business? Check

    Let the trial in samui turning in a farce, worse, letting key defense being under a deffamation law which will forbid them to assist the samui trial further? Check

    Send a big middle finger to freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of opinion? Check

    Should i give you more?

    Thaksin was a croon, her sister a proxy... prayouth is just an incompetent who works for above

    I understand.

    You are nit picking a few of a list without some of the reasons behind them, and totally ignoring some positives. Please do not ask me for a list--because if you can dig up this list of yours you could equally dig up a brighter list.

    Not all is perfect, but give him the 3 years that other stupid crew had and then start to compare the two, this seems to be the argument.

    My last post said some truths---did you see any replies from the PM bashers ?? not a word many of them were not posting then, they are followers of a dying tribe.

    I wish for a brighter future, and have been a critic on several moves by the PM.......but going along with what we had left and trying to correct it is the way forward---NOT like the minority PM bashers every day relentlessly posting negative posts that are not helping Thailand. Why not constructive criticism ?? problem this crews agenda does not cater for that. I wonder why.

    Mm... please let me know what he did exactly for the country? Eveb one big ecemple, not putting new mototaxi jackets..

    Corruption maybe? Should start bybcleaning his own house.

    About constructive aegument : the first thing would be to avoid appointing his brother, competent or not... this would have been a move to help put trust in doubting people.. now he jus gives more leverage to the reds.

    About the fact that the guy on the top signed his position .. i think it is the same each time for each PM...so he should first be under the lese majesty law to overthrow a royal agreement, no?

    I am just curious of why yoy xan t discuss the points I highligheted.. are they false?

    If you re the only one who cant see that military shouldn t be in power?never, nowhere.

    Am I wrong to say that the economy is crumbling? Am I wrong to say that he treat the fishing slavery completly wrong and even criticize international community?

    Am i the only one who think that the samui trial is a joke and one more time Thailand will lose face big time?

    This is a forum, so ae exchange opinion... i still wait for some of your arguments in favor of this dicta...self appointed government... your answer so far is just dull

  2. Oh it's Ginjag-----ha ha, Would you care to tell me who was the defense minister in the PTP government ?????

    Have you haters of Prayuth forgotten ?? egg on your faces.

    With the super intellect of the last PM, and how well she couldn't manage, how the hell did she become -defense Minister ?? what long term qualifications did she have ?? about the same as she had to manage a country.

    Here you all are trying to look good at Custers last stand, and your forgetting about this ??

    Two wrongs not make one right, you know...

    Kist to refresh my memory what exactly Prayouth did so far?

    Bringin guns to arm a militia in the south? Check

    Sent back to China Ouighour then asking to not think the bombing maybe a revenge? Check

    Telling the forensic to get inspired by blue shirt tv show? Check

    Appointing his brother, even if he is competent, to show this country is now under a rule of law and not a family business? Check

    Let the trial in samui turning in a farce, worse, letting key defense being under a deffamation law which will forbid them to assist the samui trial further? Check

    Send a big middle finger to freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of opinion? Check

    Should i give you more?

    Thaksin was a croon, her sister a proxy... prayouth is just an incompetent who works for above

  3. Well as there is a wealth of knowledge being posted here, perhaps our erudite posters with their political, economic and social knowledge concerning the current inherited situation here in Thailand those people should step forward and offer their services free of charge so as to put the country back on course as they see it.

    Possibly they are able to offer letters of reference from the government of their own country of origin testifying as to their ability in their chosen fields.

    I am amazed that the countries these advisers have left have as yet it seems not collapsed into political economic and social chaos a result of being bereft of such august and sage persons..

    One wonders why it is these advisers actually left their own countries in the first place?

    "people should step forward and offer their services free of charge"

    I would love to do that but they would certainly put me in jail afterward for working without a proper visa...

  4. I was in a helicopter only once, from the top of the PanAm Building out to Idlewild. There's a reason that in Her busy first week, God did not create helicopters. They are as unnatural as the platypus. Besides the skill required to be airborne and alive, there's the maintenance schedule, words foreign to Thailand. It is totally racist of me to say it, especially as I live here, but I would never get into a helicopter with a Thai at the controls.

    Yes your a racist and an ignorant fool to boot, i have flown many flights with thai pilots and they are fully competant

    So back on your barstool Maverick

    Brave man!

    Not in the least, if i wasnt confident flying with them i wouldnt, that simple,

    fact is there are some real pig ignorant arm chair "experts" slagging these guys off and in my real life experience, the guys i have come across are real professionals and dedicated and skilled in their profession

    But lets not let facts get in the way of a good Thai bash

    I suspect most of the resident "experts" on here would never be able to fly with them anyway simply because they are too fat fron sitting on their barstools and thus too wide/ too heavy to be given a seat

    - Considering the country is crippled by corruption

    - Considering the education level can be "bought" as the parents don t want to lose face and for exemple it is forbidden to put a "F" to any copy whatever shit is on it.

    - Considering the Thai Army was able to crash an Helicopter in Burma then send another on to the rescue which crashed as well you can maybe understand that corruption and safety cannot be really good friends to each other.

    - Considering Thai Airways is banned from Japan/Australia and so on

    - Considering that the Ghosts/Karma/FengShui and black magic is believed by most of them as well as the dear Commandante PM Prayouth..

    It may be understandable that some of us may have doubts about the capacity of some of the pilots to be efficient, or the staff taking care of the helicos...

  5. Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

    get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

    equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

    they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

    go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

    country he never gave a toss before...

    You should read the news more carefully...UK wants to jail Assange even if they don t have any procedure against him...

    This situation is a fiasco created by US who obviously asked its lapdog UK to do the dirty work for them and even one of the "rape victim" said she was railroaded by the police during the interrogation.

  6. Whether you like the current Government or not - get over it, that is the way it is. Stop babbling on about democracy as it is practiced in the West. It did not work in Thailand recently for a number of reasons (unless you are a supporter of corruption and nepotism - which can happen in a western democracy as well, just not as blatant).

    Whatever the current PM does, he will be damned for doing and damned for not doing by others! That is life. I am not a supporter of military takeovers, but I am not a supporter of blatant corruption either.

    At the very least the NCPO paid the farmers what was due to them! Sure the country needs to be improved economically and military leaders are probably not best suited for this but they could bring in some economic experts from outside the country to provide some advice? Can it happen? whistling.gif

    Maybe the army should get rid of the corruption as well instead of just changing from the police pocket to their own?

    If the army was able to handle the country we could argue that they re doing a good job...so far except changing the motosoy shirts, arming the farmers in the south (for the best of course) and make laws like the 300m ban from school (before seeing it is completly stupid) i don t see a lot of improvement...

    Oh yes an improvement is made over the lese majeste law which is now harsher than ever and of course is everything except a political tool...

    Army should do their job: be an army, not rules a country

  7. Sorry Adjan,

    No it does not leave me a less nasty taste in the mouth than the palestinian one.

    What leave a nasty taste is that every time something is done by Israel soldiers, settlers or government which clearly show that they are as bigots as the palestinians people like you try to change the subject or say "yes but look at what they done"

    However people like you never answer about the problem which is mainly cause by settlements, laws authorizing the seizure of land in cisjordany by settlers and why only 1.2% of the palestinians can have a fair trial about the problems cause by extremists.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that Israel brags to be a democracy and so its citizen have the power to choose a government which will try to find some answers to those issues and yet they chose one which push for more settlements, push for disproportionate answer and is clearly racist.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that every UN decision or sanction is alwys vetoed by USA

    What leave me a nasty taste in the nouth is people like you, who probably won t accept any camper in their garden still not see anything wrong in those settlements

    But you probably know more cause you already went to Hebron or cities like this where the segregation of palestinians are quite real daily... You should organize some meeting to teach us all those things...

    Yet this comment will probably be removed and not yours for off topic, but still the facts are hard and against Israel mainly in terms of casualties, segregation, apartheid, and of course a big middle finger to the world monthly regarding their exactions

    Talk about bigots!

    Yep..much shorter answer that the previous ones, not much to answer to my remarks maybe...Adjan....

    look in the mirror!

    So this is your answer one more time?

    The topic of this thread is about a baby killed by illegal settlers..

    What is your opinion about those settlements?

    Do you think this jelp or worsen the situation?

    Do you think all the palestinians are happy with the situation?

    don't you think Bibi get elected mainly because of its last remark before the election, letting everybody know that while he stay PM there iwll be no 2 states solution?

    What do you think of Lieberman who told many times he wants the palestinians living in Israel to be on specific villages where they can be controled and monitored?

    What about the fact that bibi made a coalition with far right wing group which only believe in the "great Israel"?

    Let me know about this Adjan....

    All your venting of spleen is besides the point and preempting a murderer being found and convicted. Do you or any of the other esteemed members believe the arrested man mentioned in the o.p is the murderer? Well? Anyone? Or do we have to conclude that the incessant ranting and frothing among our esteemed members would have been identical with ANY thread involving Israel. I think we know the answer to that one.

    I do not believe anything about the murderer but I could turn the same question for you as you seem quite quick to assume all palestinians are warmongers, jew killers...

    Still none of you defending israel said anything about the fact that those crimes are commited by ILLEGAl settlers...for this never had any answer or comment about this...and I won t wait one answer from you about this cause you probably sided for anything Israel would do..which i don t about palestinians...

    However your rethoric about Palestinians is also quite the same that what you may read about Israel...but...and this BUT is important...nothing is never done to stop the Israel settlements...what do you think of those settlements...please let us know...

    "I don't believe anything about the murderer". Thank you mazel-tov! As I suspected the ranting diatribe would have been identical on any thread involving Israel. In other words fact has no currency for our esteemed members, I await a judicial result before commenting on questions contingent on said result.

    Still..I wait your opinion about the exactions which are done by ILLEGAL settlers...what is your opinion about this? Don t you think settlements worsen the situation? Don t you think Israel should not put on hold but forbi ANY settlement?

  8. look in the mirror!

    So this is your answer one more time?

    The topic of this thread is about a baby killed by illegal settlers..

    What is your opinion about those settlements?

    Do you think this jelp or worsen the situation?

    Do you think all the palestinians are happy with the situation?

    don't you think Bibi get elected mainly because of its last remark before the election, letting everybody know that while he stay PM there iwll be no 2 states solution?

    What do you think of Lieberman who told many times he wants the palestinians living in Israel to be on specific villages where they can be controled and monitored?

    What about the fact that bibi made a coalition with far right wing group which only believe in the "great Israel"?

    Let me know about this Adjan....

    What you refer to as "great Israel" is Eretz Israel - the Zionist dream that will have to be laid to rest before anything like peace or reconciliation can take place in the region. Then the Israelis can live in security within their lawful 1967 borders.

    Yes but if they follow the Torah then they shouldn t stay in Israel as only the come back of the Messiah will grant them the power to settle there...I still don t had any news about this Messiah...but this part is ok...it is a bit the same about Christians anti gay who eat shrimps, even if eating shrimps is worse for god that gay attitude

  9. Sorry Adjan,

    No it does not leave me a less nasty taste in the mouth than the palestinian one.

    What leave a nasty taste is that every time something is done by Israel soldiers, settlers or government which clearly show that they are as bigots as the palestinians people like you try to change the subject or say "yes but look at what they done"

    However people like you never answer about the problem which is mainly cause by settlements, laws authorizing the seizure of land in cisjordany by settlers and why only 1.2% of the palestinians can have a fair trial about the problems cause by extremists.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that Israel brags to be a democracy and so its citizen have the power to choose a government which will try to find some answers to those issues and yet they chose one which push for more settlements, push for disproportionate answer and is clearly racist.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that every UN decision or sanction is alwys vetoed by USA

    What leave me a nasty taste in the nouth is people like you, who probably won t accept any camper in their garden still not see anything wrong in those settlements

    But you probably know more cause you already went to Hebron or cities like this where the segregation of palestinians are quite real daily... You should organize some meeting to teach us all those things...

    Yet this comment will probably be removed and not yours for off topic, but still the facts are hard and against Israel mainly in terms of casualties, segregation, apartheid, and of course a big middle finger to the world monthly regarding their exactions

    Talk about bigots!

    Yep..much shorter answer that the previous ones, not much to answer to my remarks maybe...Adjan....

    look in the mirror!

    So this is your answer one more time?

    The topic of this thread is about a baby killed by illegal settlers..

    What is your opinion about those settlements?

    Do you think this jelp or worsen the situation?

    Do you think all the palestinians are happy with the situation?

    don't you think Bibi get elected mainly because of its last remark before the election, letting everybody know that while he stay PM there iwll be no 2 states solution?

    What do you think of Lieberman who told many times he wants the palestinians living in Israel to be on specific villages where they can be controled and monitored?

    What about the fact that bibi made a coalition with far right wing group which only believe in the "great Israel"?

    Let me know about this Adjan....

    All your venting of spleen is besides the point and preempting a murderer being found and convicted. Do you or any of the other esteemed members believe the arrested man mentioned in the o.p is the murderer? Well? Anyone? Or do we have to conclude that the incessant ranting and frothing among our esteemed members would have been identical with ANY thread involving Israel. I think we know the answer to that one.

    I do not believe anything about the murderer but I could turn the same question for you as you seem quite quick to assume all palestinians are warmongers, jew killers...

    Still none of you defending israel said anything about the fact that those crimes are commited by ILLEGAl settlers...for this never had any answer or comment about this...and I won t wait one answer from you about this cause you probably sided for anything Israel would do..which i don t about palestinians...

    However your rethoric about Palestinians is also quite the same that what you may read about Israel...but...and this BUT is important...nothing is never done to stop the Israel settlements...what do you think of those settlements...please let us know...

  10. Sorry Adjan,

    No it does not leave me a less nasty taste in the mouth than the palestinian one.

    What leave a nasty taste is that every time something is done by Israel soldiers, settlers or government which clearly show that they are as bigots as the palestinians people like you try to change the subject or say "yes but look at what they done"

    However people like you never answer about the problem which is mainly cause by settlements, laws authorizing the seizure of land in cisjordany by settlers and why only 1.2% of the palestinians can have a fair trial about the problems cause by extremists.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that Israel brags to be a democracy and so its citizen have the power to choose a government which will try to find some answers to those issues and yet they chose one which push for more settlements, push for disproportionate answer and is clearly racist.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that every UN decision or sanction is alwys vetoed by USA

    What leave me a nasty taste in the nouth is people like you, who probably won t accept any camper in their garden still not see anything wrong in those settlements

    But you probably know more cause you already went to Hebron or cities like this where the segregation of palestinians are quite real daily... You should organize some meeting to teach us all those things...

    Yet this comment will probably be removed and not yours for off topic, but still the facts are hard and against Israel mainly in terms of casualties, segregation, apartheid, and of course a big middle finger to the world monthly regarding their exactions

    Talk about bigots!

    Yep..much shorter answer that the previous ones, not much to answer to my remarks maybe...Adjan....

    look in the mirror!

    So this is your answer one more time?

    The topic of this thread is about a baby killed by illegal settlers..

    What is your opinion about those settlements?

    Do you think this jelp or worsen the situation?

    Do you think all the palestinians are happy with the situation?

    don't you think Bibi get elected mainly because of its last remark before the election, letting everybody know that while he stay PM there iwll be no 2 states solution?

    What do you think of Lieberman who told many times he wants the palestinians living in Israel to be on specific villages where they can be controled and monitored?

    What about the fact that bibi made a coalition with far right wing group which only believe in the "great Israel"?

    Let me know about this Adjan....

  11. Ah, the I have no real comment other than to try the off topic line!


    Actually it is on topic, but if you can't figure that out, and why it is on topic then far be it from me to try and educate you!

    It doesn't suit your rhetoric against Israel if someone posts a link showing Israeli babies get killed as well! maybe it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth to try and accept that Israeli babies are victims as well. Far better for you to demonise Israel if the Arabs were such innocent folk who never would even think of harming a baby?

    And yet neither of you even have the humanity to say it is sad when ever a baby gets murdered. Regardless of race or faith. Mustn't let anything get in the way of demonising Israel.


    Mate, you've blown a gasket or a ring.

    Far from it, Just showing the hypocrisy. I don't defend the killing of the baby in the arson attack. But I don't demonise a country for one persons actions either. If this had been in any other country it would have been a story about a mad man killing a baby. But because it happened in Israel, It's the government or the army who are helping perpetrate such crimes against Arabs.

    The total over the top rhetoric speaks for itself.

    But I've blown a gasket or ring! far better to belittle than to actually admit, The Palestinians are far better at killing babies in cold blood. It takes someone special to stick a knife in a sleeping baby!

    But I don't demonise a country for one persons actions either


    The Palestinians are far better at killing babies in cold blood.

  12. Or it could simply be because that is off topic.

    Ah, the I have no real comment other than to try the off topic line!


    Actually it is on topic, but if you can't figure that out, and why it is on topic then far be it from me to try and educate you!

    It doesn't suit your rhetoric against Israel if someone posts a link showing Israeli babies get killed as well! maybe it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth to try and accept that Israeli babies are victims as well. Far better for you to demonise Israel if the Arabs were such innocent folk who never would even think of harming a baby?

    And yet neither of you even have the humanity to say it is sad when ever a baby gets murdered. Regardless of race or faith. Mustn't let anything get in the way of demonising Israel.


    Sorry Adjan,

    No it does not leave me a less nasty taste in the mouth than the palestinian one.

    What leave a nasty taste is that every time something is done by Israel soldiers, settlers or government which clearly show that they are as bigots as the palestinians people like you try to change the subject or say "yes but look at what they done"

    However people like you never answer about the problem which is mainly cause by settlements, laws authorizing the seizure of land in cisjordany by settlers and why only 1.2% of the palestinians can have a fair trial about the problems cause by extremists.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that Israel brags to be a democracy and so its citizen have the power to choose a government which will try to find some answers to those issues and yet they chose one which push for more settlements, push for disproportionate answer and is clearly racist.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that every UN decision or sanction is alwys vetoed by USA

    What leave me a nasty taste in the nouth is people like you, who probably won t accept any camper in their garden still not see anything wrong in those settlements

    But you probably know more cause you already went to Hebron or cities like this where the segregation of palestinians are quite real daily... You should organize some meeting to teach us all those things...

    Yet this comment will probably be removed and not yours for off topic, but still the facts are hard and against Israel mainly in terms of casualties, segregation, apartheid, and of course a big middle finger to the world monthly regarding their exactions

    Talk about bigots!

    Yep..much shorter answer that the previous ones, not much to answer to my remarks maybe...Adjan....

  13. It is interesting to see that the murder of an Israeli child of 3 months gets no comment other than "Must be getting difficult to defend this terrorist attack!

    Did you even read my first link? Or maybe you have no real humanity?

    Or it could simply be because that is off topic.

    Or it could simply be because that is off topic.

    Ah, the I have no real comment other than to try the off topic line!


    Actually it is on topic, but if you can't figure that out, and why it is on topic then far be it from me to try and educate you!

    It doesn't suit your rhetoric against Israel if someone posts a link showing Israeli babies get killed as well! maybe it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth to try and accept that Israeli babies are victims as well. Far better for you to demonise Israel if the Arabs were such innocent folk who never would even think of harming a baby?

    And yet neither of you even have the humanity to say it is sad when ever a baby gets murdered. Regardless of race or faith. Mustn't let anything get in the way of demonising Israel.


    Sorry Adjan,

    No it does not leave me a less nasty taste in the mouth than the palestinian one.

    What leave a nasty taste is that every time something is done by Israel soldiers, settlers or government which clearly show that they are as bigots as the palestinians people like you try to change the subject or say "yes but look at what they done"

    However people like you never answer about the problem which is mainly cause by settlements, laws authorizing the seizure of land in cisjordany by settlers and why only 1.2% of the palestinians can have a fair trial about the problems cause by extremists.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that Israel brags to be a democracy and so its citizen have the power to choose a government which will try to find some answers to those issues and yet they chose one which push for more settlements, push for disproportionate answer and is clearly racist.

    What leave a nasty taste in my mouth is that every UN decision or sanction is alwys vetoed by USA

    What leave me a nasty taste in the nouth is people like you, who probably won t accept any camper in their garden still not see anything wrong in those settlements

    But you probably know more cause you already went to Hebron or cities like this where the segregation of palestinians are quite real daily... You should organize some meeting to teach us all those things...

    Yet this comment will probably be removed and not yours for off topic, but still the facts are hard and against Israel mainly in terms of casualties, segregation, apartheid, and of course a big middle finger to the world monthly regarding their exactions

  14. It is interesting to see that the murder of an Israeli child of 3 months gets no comment other than "Must be getting difficult to defend this terrorist attack!

    Did you even read my first link? Or maybe you have no real humanity?

    Or it could simply be because that is off topic.

    Or it could simply be because that is off topic.

  15. Do people really think that if someone makes a statement that the Army was 100% to blame (and we know that is the ONLY acceptable result, whatever the truth might have been) then the Muslim's in the South will suddenly be happy and the violence will stop ?.

    Of course not. This is the same as the red-shirts blaming the government for 2010. It has nothing to do with the event : it is being used as a focus for their hate. If it wasn't this it would be something else.

    Of course it would be right and proper to get to the truth of either of those - but don't think for a minute either red-shirts or the Muslim's would accept anything which doesn't suit them or change their attitude at the end of it.

    but don't think for a minute either red-shirts or the Muslim's would accept anything which doesn't suit them or change their attitude at the end of it.

    While we all know the Democrats and the Army always accept concessions and the results of elections and changed their attitude....coffee1.gif

    The south will not have peace and the army, giving weapons to the civils to create a kind of militia will only fuel the conflict...we all know how thais act with a lot of reflexion while handling guns..well done Prayouth

  16. "Extremist group" and "extremist organizations" are mentioned several times in the OP. But what is not mentioned is how these groups and organizations have been operating with impunity and the tacit approval of the Israeli government and citizenry for a very long time.

    There have been hundreds of despicable incidents just like this over the years, but take a guess at how many convictions.

    The only reason this particular violent attack is getting attention is due to the fact that an infant was murdered by these scum.

    Let me assure you that for every one of the ' hundreds of despicable incidents ' there were a dozen of despicable similar act, and much worse, perpetrated by zealous Palestinians, the only different is that the Palestinians people condone and cheer such acts egging on for more of the same, while terror acts perpetrated by an Israeli, the Israelis, in most part, condemn and disapprove any act of violent...

    No, the biggest difference is that thousands of Palestinians get arrested and imprisoned AND thousands of Palestinians get killed, AND it is used as an excuse to build more settlements.
    You avoided countering his assertion about the frequency of Palestinian attacks on civilians because the facts speak for themselves.


    This thread is about how ISRAELI settlers burned a child alive.

    Anyway, I thought the wonderful wall had stopped most Palestinian attacks, or is it useless? The Iron Dome is supposed to stop rocket attacks, or is that useless too?

    You forgot to use the word allegedly. Whilst you are at it were you aware of the longstanding feud between the bereaved family and another local family? Do you wonder why the arsonists chose a house in the middle of the village, having already set light to another house yet stopping to write graffiti all without apparent fear of being caught.

    Even the Israeli government accepts it was done by Israelis.

    It's not for a government to accept or deny, it is for criminal proceeding based on evidence presented to a court of law to determine. Anything other than this is just tendentious garbage, whether it comes from the press or any of our esteemed members.

    P.s On the face of it yes it does look likely Israeli extremists carried out the murder, but let's let the evidence decide not the usual Thaivisa kangaroo court.

    you re the Kangaroo who jump the farthest so far....

  17. Can't argue with that headline. Why? Because you cannot argue with facts.

    Just like the tourist numbers hitting record highs after the return to peace and stability and the consumer confidence sky rocketing at the same time as well the facts also show consumer confidence is dropping like a drunk inexperienced rock climber from January 2015.

    As much as this fact does not suit my agenda it must be accepted. It would be associated with the economic downturn on a global scale anyway.

    You won't catch me saying "The thai guy that runs the Tom Yum shop is confident cause he told me so, therefore these facts can be denounced"

    Just like the tourist numbers hitting record highs after the return to peace and stability and the consumer confidence sky rocketing at the same time as well the facts also show consumer confidence is dropping like a drunk inexperienced rock climber from January 2015.

    Maybe they were lured to think the Army would solve all their problems, especially those who were able to spend...and see now that the army should stay at its position : defneding a country, not try to rule it with a clear absence of knowledge in any field

  18. Of course these atrocities perpetrated by nutjob Jewish terrorist gangs would not be happening if Israel ceased its illegal occupation of the West Bank.

    Israel can't go on like this forever, pretending to be a modern civilized European style democracy while encouraging religious fanatics to colonize land destined for a future Palestinian state.

    The world will not tolerate another round of ethnic cleansing by Israel, so why dont the Israelis just bite the bullet and establish a just peace in a 2 state solution roughly along 67 borders, which will keep the two peoples apart for a decade or so until trust is rebuilt. End the occupation; end these attacks.

    There would be no price tag terrorism without Palestinian terrorism. Aside from the rest of your double standards and hypocrisy let's wait for due process here before making premature judgements, I wouldn't be amazed if the murder turned out to be Palestinians setting up another crime to blame on the settlers, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the press, UN or our esteemed members to quickly have to drop an inquisition and change the subject in case their double standards were again called out.


    And a second link suggesting something doesn't smell right about the Duma murder.


    There would be much less terrorism, especially in OCCUPIED territories IF the settlers stopped their ILLEGAL settlements...For now the far right wing settlers can do whatever they want without nearly any problem.

    And about your assertion that this was a "false flag" attack, I still wait your evidences...for now we know that those actions against Palestinians are nearly happening daily and it just surfaced and action were taken because of the international condamnation and because another one involved the killing of gay supporters from israel...otherwise nothing would have happen..I highly doubt any peaful protest from Israeli would happen if it was just about a palestinian toddler..

    But one more time you divert the event to focus on the "other side"

    Last time I checked it was Israel which occupy the Palestinian territories, not the other way

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