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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. For those against the refugees in Europe, you maybe should ask yourselves WHY they come here and WHO is mainly responsible of the Sh.t in the middle east. Iraq war anyone? Libya war? Syrian war?.....

    Certainly not Europe and USA, as they are really not into taking the oil resources of the countries, right? right?...mmm coffee1.gif

    And certainly most of those here who are not real expatriates (in the sense that no company asked you to come here to work for them) are not kind of refugees neither ( refugee of love, money, sadness, emptiness,....)

  2. So yet again it looks like a Muslim terrorist group do what they always seem to do if they do not get what they want ,blow people up.sad.png

    I think you'll find that's what all terrorist organisations do.

    Quite a few countries as well.

    Of all faiths.

    You can stick up for Muslims all you like ,but the truth though it may hurt you is that Muslim terrorism around the world far far out ways any other religion or nationality

    Depending your point of view you can state that USA is far beyond every other country

  3. Now when we read through your diatribe and the comments made it is plain to see just where you are coming from .

    I am certain as are many others it is not Thailand and you do have an interest in the return of the previous style of administration.

    Now why would that be and for what reasons?

    Certainly not the implementation of democracy as the world at large see's it

    Indeed your comments do show a style of rhetoric employed by the supporters the previous administration , classic comments along the lines of Mao Tse Tung and Robert Amsterdam that well known mouthpiece and paid agitator.

    Oh and as an aside I am well acquainted with the political and social history of Thailand so please do not try the spin doctor approach.

    One can presume that you are qualified to declare a person insane or is that qualification yet another product of your delusional mind?

    Oh and on the subject of the''upper class thieves'' have you actually checked the reputation of the members of the last couple of administrations and that of their runaway convicted felon paymaster.

    You must indeed be wearing some very peculiar eyeglasses that like a distorting mirror actually prevent you and your paymaster from both seeing and admitting to the truth of the matter.

    I wonder did Che Guevara actually die?

    If he did, might you and your ideology be him born again

    Until this post you were quite trustable....

    Tossing the endless red cart and communism may also hint that you come from USA were communism was the big bad wolf...

    If you cannot understand that the military Junta has no intention to bring back democracy but work with the establishment, then my friend you should REALLY consult at least for an eye and ear check.

    Can you please explain to me how a corrupted government being challenged by a corrputed Suthep until a corrupted military comes into power may help this country?

    It was a time where Thaksin was praised by the politicians of thailand, the opposition of thailand, the Guy At The Top and the foreign governments....

    If I remember well since the Army took power last year, there was since this time no improvement in politic, economy, south insurgency,....

    Are you not wearing very peculiar eyeglasses as well not not see what we witness everyday since the Generalissimo prayouth came to power?

    Economy falling : check

    international relationships crumbling apart? check

    bombing, check

    Before the army : 2 lese majeste trials, since they arrived? 58

    Even Forbes, a paper far from communism, che guevara, spit on this government

    So if your only argument is : yes but the army will prevent Thaksin to come back, then just wait and see what is looming....

    So tired of people tossing the Thaksin card as soon as the people complain about this joke of government

  4. This is still very much a mute point for discussion. What does the proposed charter offer ? So many statements have been raised recently about possible geo-political and racial bias. What facts have been published about the nature/content of the charter to confirm this ?

    If the proposed draft charter economically or politically favors only part of the electorate, then it is wrong and should be opposed, by any party. Right through recent history we have all seen the amassing of extreme wealth by those in power. For Thailand to enter the international community (for I think it has stumbled in the eyes of the world), every Thai must obtain equal opportunities. This by no means the case now. Racial and geo-political prejudices are out of control in some communities. I have two families, one in the North and one in the South, I see these prejudices first hand.

    To be a true democracy this charter must give every vote an equal value. Economical advancement and infrastructure opportunities must be given to all communities, big or small. The charter cannot be based on the preferences of a few, on either side of the fence.

    Define equal value?

    In the UK vastly more people voted for UKIP and SNP. But SNP were rewarded with 56 MP's UKIP got one. Does that mean in constituencies with less people your vote is worth more? You get more representation for your buck?

    In the USA the states elect equal representation. So again the more populous states get the same representation as the less populous one. Seems fair if you look at it from a states perspective, and easy to see why those who founded the country set that up, but maybe not so fair if you bring it down to individual level.

    A true democracy - name one? Switzerland maybe? Other systems, of which they're are many, may allow a vote, but true democracy? Ask the people of Zimbabwe and NK. They get to vote alright.

    So, it's very difficult to come up with a charter and system that really works and pleases everyone.

    For this charter, as long as it suits the military (who would be able to seize power as son as they want) and the establishment, it is a good charter and the opposition must shut up or they will face lese-majeste or defamation or prison

  5. If he is a turk why would he use a fake turkish passport smartypants

    Because he didn't want to travel under his real name.

    Calm down buddy. Nobody is condemning the Turks.

    Why would someone who can easily get the genuine document use a forged one and risk the chance of getting caught before carrying out the attack? It doesnt make sense.

    And anyone whos been to Turkey before will tell you that this guy doesnt even look remotely Turkish.

    You seem very susceptible about the fact he may be Turkish...calm down buddy we do not judge a whole country and its people on one man , at least not the majority of us...

    Why would he use his real name, especially if he is already known in Turkey for extremism...

  6. If some Turk wanted to carry out a terrorist attack, they'd carry it out on Kurds, not Thais. I call this BS

    Scissors, duct tape, I have them at my home too.

    Wrong, he may linked to the Grey Wolves


    or Uighur and wanted to make thailand and china pay for the past deportation....

    But for the evidence yes I am still waiting more

    Dude I'm Turkish, Grey Wolves disbanded in early 90's.

    And trust me Grey Wolves guys don't remotely look like this.

    This guy in the picture is probably some uyghur dirtbag carrying a fake Turkish passport.

    Well you certainly have left Turkey long time ago as they made the news until the 2010's so you should be more informed.... and read the links i provide you coffee1.gif

  7. It's freedom of speech ala French: "you can say what you want as long as you don't talk about the forbidden stuff". I'm exaggerating, Thai has more freedom of speech than France.

    Sorry but what you say is utterly crap

    Interesting, and a little off topic. But what is the situation in France? If you make anti-semitic comments you can be in big trouble with the law. Does this apply to any religion the same - anti-Catholic, anti-Protestant, anti-Islamic, anti-Hindu? As long as a law is applied evenly fair enough; but not if want group gets special treatment based on religion, ethnicity or sexual preference.

    In the UK laws had to be introduced to restrict hate speech. That's fine providing the laws are not then manipulated to restrict genuine comments or questions of the government of the day.

    Some Thai politicians and political "leaders", have shown in the past that they have intolerance to protesters, demonstrators, journalists, media that dare criticize or comment about something they don't like. Yet, without the freedom to do that, an important part of the checks and balances is lost.

    I doubt if their is any definition of hate speech in Thai law. Anyone who comments, writes an article or even draws an article can be in big trouble if someone with the right wealth to pursue a law case doesn't like it; and now if the incumbent government don't to.

    Well in France you can say the President is a moron and an incapable, public figures are open to critics, caricatures, let's take the exemple of "les guignols de l info" where you see presidents, politicians, public figures being compared to complete morons...

    The defamation is not something which may land you in jail

    There is no Lese majeste law for obvious reason

    yes you can't say openly that the Nazi should have "finish the work or other crap like this" as it is assimilated to hate speech. Hate speech is for every religion or ethnicity. The only restriction about the Deportation is you can't argue against that, which is more and more criticized in France and you cannot wear a t shirt with a swastika.

    Now let speak about thailand : you can t criticize anybody without facing defamation or lese majesty. You cannot say the elections are rigged, you cannot criticize the government, you do not have politic opposition nowdays, you not have the choice in Thailand....

    Just look at the low style magazine like Voici which make a lot of money about private life of public figure, just try to find that in Thailand.

    So comparing France and Thailand is yes, sorry to say that, a crappy statement and if you ever been to france or are french you know what you said is a nonsense

  8. Maybe if the Europe and US stopped bringing mayhem in africa and middle east they would have less migrants coming....

    Strangely those group of countries are also the same who sell weapons for those wars....

    So for less refugees it could be nice to stop spreading wars and feed the countries in africa and middle east with weapons to make wars by proxies for oil and natural ressources

  9. Les Majeste aside:

    It's quite simple : you can say what you want as long as you are not writing stuff to promote division.

    What this means, red-shirts, is stop egging each other on to go and commit more terrorism. We have seen enough of your 'democracy' now with your intimidation mobs outside courtrooms, death threats to judges or attacks on non-red shirt politicians if they dare venture into a red-shirt province. Thailand does not need more cowards firing grenades into women and children for a couple of thousand baht.

    I have seen several of the low-end posters here sputtering about a peoples uprising and some sort of 'communist revolution' (which they seem to confuse with 'democracy') which is coming very soon. I reckon that's the sort of thing they are talking about.

    It's quite simple - but obviously not simple enough. What you fail to realise is how you are free to post all this whining on a public forum. If it was anything like you pretend, why aren't you in jail with all the others you try to imply have been arrested ?.

    While of course Suthep and Goons ® are the good samaritans.....who didn t hijacked an international airport and recently was not in the street begging for money (where this money go...probably Suthep pockets) and who is seen as too corrupted even by his Goons...So stop putting everuthing in red light each time this becomes the only argument they pro Junta have nowdays...

    We can see how the army is handling the bombing, the south problem, the economy falling....

    This forum is in english with 90% of non thai readers....but just try to call the dear Generalissimo a dictat. or speak about the guy at the top and see if you are free to speak..

    The politic by itself and democracy is about division and the ability to express your opinion and that's how politics work.

    You can go in North Korea if you want to avoid division speech

  10. Those old army people seem to not understand that the people they target with this threat are the ones who understand how to go under the radar by using full encryption services, encrypted mail.

    Of course they may have asked the NSA some help

    They become plain stupid...before they could hide whatever they want and play their little game while most of the population was kept unaware of everything

    Unfortunately now with the internet this kind of hide and seek is not possible anymore and even the people they despise like the isaan people or "red" as they label them are pretty aware of the use of the internet and is also why they are not so docile anymore....

    From my experience it is the opposite.....people are starting to communicate more and are seeing through the Thaksin/red/ptp propoganda.

    I was not saying they only see the army exactions, but all the colors of the spectrum

  11. Those old army people seem to not understand that the people they target with this threat are the ones who understand how to go under the radar by using full encryption services, encrypted mail.

    Of course they may have asked the NSA some help

    They become plain stupid...before they could hide whatever they want and play their little game while most of the population was kept unaware of everything

    Unfortunately now with the internet this kind of hide and seek is not possible anymore and even the people they despise like the isaan people or "red" as they label them are pretty aware of the use of the internet and is also why they are not so docile anymore....

  12. Bla bla decoys and more stories it never ends

    Firstly it was not a foriegner thats rubbish it was a Asain and they know already but playing the game.

    Do you really think a pro Bomber lands strikes without altering his appearnace this whole investigation is unprofessional and run by untrained police with no clue what so ever

    So do not claim you know his nationality as you have ni idea and your not fooling anyone it Thai grown and bred... You not need look far buddy


    Firstly it was not a foriegner thats rubbish it was a Asain and they know already but playing the game.

    So we cannot say it may be linked to the turkish and deportation as we cannot claim his nationality

    But apparently you can say he is asian ant not foreigner, even if all the people who took the suspect in taxi or moto said he was speaking in foreign language

    Most of the thais would have recognized lao, burma, cambodia, even chinese....

    So as you would say :

    So do not claim you know his nationality as you have ni idea and your not fooling anyone it Thai grown and bred... You not need look far buddy

  13. Well then my bad...

    However i don t see any commercial dispute around a public place like Erawan.

    However as you say it mat be anyrhing, but rulling out the turkish trail even if the police has no proof it cannot be them is a bit suspicious... Prayouth ansolutly want it to be a red cause which would deserve him much more than the Ouighur: Chinese tourists would run away, Chinese officials would harshly criticize the police and the government...

  14. I am inclined to think it is the Grey Wolves group from Turkey,linked to the Ouighour deportation...

    And who are these "Ouighours" then?

    Are you answer e only for the way i wrote Ouighour?

    Sorry I am not english and i don t knopw the exact spelling in english ...and i don t care...

    So just keep yourself together, copy and past grey wolves and Ouighour (or whatever the spelling) and look at the foreign media...

    Prayouth wants so much to have a red signature that he even told the media to not take into account the deportation event....

    I've seen 2 spellings for it: Uyghurs or Uighurs, but "ouighour" is consistent with the way it is pronounced. Grey wolves aren't Uighurs, but I guess people are trying to connect this terrorist organization to the Uighur cause.

    yes it is the french spelling...

    The grey wolves are not linked to them officialy, however the thai media not spoke a lot about the thai embassy in turkey which was damaged after this deportation...

    If you read the history of the Grey Wolves group you can see some hints however that it is not a wrong idea they may be behind this...

  15. I am inclined to think it is the Grey Wolves group from Turkey,linked to the Ouighour deportation...

    And who are these "Ouighours" then?

    Are you answer e only for the way i wrote Ouighour?

    Sorry I am not english and i don t knopw the exact spelling in english ...and i don t care...

    So just keep yourself together, copy and past grey wolves and Ouighour (or whatever the spelling) and look at the foreign media...

    Prayouth wants so much to have a red signature that he even told the media to not take into account the deportation event....

  16. "They haven't been selected to protect me. It is better to protect the country's interests," said the prime minister."

    I wonder if "the country's interests" and "protect me" are identical in his mind.....? He is the savior, isn't he?

    Perhaps mistranslated "merit" with "making merit"? Which in this case would be brown envelopes left at shrine in reception?

    Would be interesting if some industrious TV member could dig up CV of his cabinet and see how well they match duties of ministers... dear leader says based on merit, so can we see what sort of merit this latest batch has?

    You PM bashers are forgetting, it does happen in Thailand this position filling by the PM is not such a joke,

    NON ELECTED Yingluck Placed in position by he brother.

    PM Yingluck..... APPOINTED as Defense Minister ??? who appointed her ??? herself.

    This is an example ----BUT this was outrageous. So all you bashers really have to look at the real history. PTP cabinet ??? think about it guys, The minister responsible admitted after the floods he should have released water from the dams earlier, to stop the majority of water and flooding.

    Most of you bashers have short memories, and much of this is nit picking.

    Why do you always feel all PM "bashers" are for "Thaksin and goons®" ?

    An incredible guy said once : two wrongs not make one right... I think this sentence should be written above every forum threads, just yu know, we can criticize but not say "oh yeah but do you remember what he did at the time?...."

    You seems to have lost all memories as well...

    Please let me know which party was elected the most and which party was EVERY TIME appointed in the last decade?

    Which party in the last decade have been thrown out---or disgraced the most ?? through corrupt governing. thought you were impartial.

    Most bashers seem to be reincarnated names on TVF--- most are pro PTP. and to save face are now using the Army PM. to let out their frustration. NOT ALL i agree.

    ALL the worlds countries learn from previous wrongs---if you do not agree you are in denial re--the last shambles.

    Hopefully we do not repeat the rice---school tablet--amnesty vote at 4am----get my drift........And as you pointed out Shins have been in power most in the last decade or so---and inevitably they will be the base to improve on.

    46 posts George. nothing wrong with that. have you been around a long time ??

    I have been in Thailand for more than 12 years and as I don t remember my login neither my password for this wonderful forum i created a new one...

    Nothing wrong with that but you play the "old chap " card....?

    So :

    "Which party in the last decade have been thrown out" -> by whom please? just remember me what happened fully...

    Who was "delighted by Thaksin politic ? " i help you , he is quite old and have a high influence here (go on the wikipedia page)

    What the appointed government by Abhisit or so did when they were in place to end corruption? nothing...

    What Suthep is ? a corrupt politician (land, palm oil, ...even his friends say he is far too corrupt) and yet he is cheered by the middle class, high-so while all the money he took in the street kind of disappeared ( probably in his deep pockets)

    So we can play ping pong as I said but you also have to face the truth : each day becomes grimmer for freedom of speech and politic in general...

    Give me one exemple where the army took power and made a good job in modern history?

    Don't hide behond a rock : we all know what is looming and why they will not leave the office before this event happen....

    But about efficiency and no corruption : army is a no no

  17. "They haven't been selected to protect me. It is better to protect the country's interests," said the prime minister."

    I wonder if "the country's interests" and "protect me" are identical in his mind.....? He is the savior, isn't he?

    Perhaps mistranslated "merit" with "making merit"? Which in this case would be brown envelopes left at shrine in reception?

    Would be interesting if some industrious TV member could dig up CV of his cabinet and see how well they match duties of ministers... dear leader says based on merit, so can we see what sort of merit this latest batch has?

    You PM bashers are forgetting, it does happen in Thailand this position filling by the PM is not such a joke,

    NON ELECTED Yingluck Placed in position by he brother.

    PM Yingluck..... APPOINTED as Defense Minister ??? who appointed her ??? herself.

    This is an example ----BUT this was outrageous. So all you bashers really have to look at the real history. PTP cabinet ??? think about it guys, The minister responsible admitted after the floods he should have released water from the dams earlier, to stop the majority of water and flooding.

    Most of you bashers have short memories, and much of this is nit picking.

    Why do you always feel all PM "bashers" are for "Thaksin and goons®" ?

    An incredible guy said once : two wrongs not make one right... I think this sentence should be written above every forum threads, just yu know, we can criticize but not say "oh yeah but do you remember what he did at the time?...."

    You seems to have lost all memories as well...

    Please let me know which party was elected the most and which party was EVERY TIME appointed in the last decade?

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