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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Guns were as powerful as 100 years ago?

    Please tell me about many sub rifles machine guns they had with their muskets ?

    The answer to your last question is simple : it is easier and easier for disturbed people to get guns.. And lot of teenagers are temporarly or not.

    The question the pro guns never answer to is : why so many shooting in USA and not so much in europe? Why since Australia restricted gun there was not any mass shooting?

    Thompson sub machine gun invented 105 years ago 600 rounds per minute.

    Browning Automatic rifle invented 105 years ago 600 rounds per minute.

    Any other questions?

    Sure please add a comparison with the guns you spoke about and how easy it was to have them, for exemple could you own one at the same time you bought tomatoes and their avaibilities on the market. Also please let me know how efficient they were, their weight... compared to the actual ones... If they were as efficient as the ones we have nowdays why did they become obsoletes?

    Let me know the average time to reload a musket as well while you are at it?

  2. It was a gun free zone, and like most of these places that makes them a turkey shoot. Even the security guards were unarmed.

    Yes of course...... if every student in the school had been carrying an assault rifle then it couldn't have happened... blah blah blah it was their own fault they got killed for not defending themselves properly.

    Guns don't kill people blah blah blah

    If, instead of 3 handguns and a rifle, he had been armed with a knife or a baseball bat he could just as easily have killed so many innocent people in such a short space of time..........

    Gun laws haven't changed in 100 years. And guns were just as powerful 100 years ago as they are today. So how can anyone come to the conclusion that guns are now all of a sudden the problem?

    These often unfortunately happen at schools and colleges, but never at banks, or police stations or airports. Kind of strange don't you think? The question gun controlists never want to ask is why are more school shootings now than ever before? Gun Free zones is one obvious answer.

    Guns were as powerful as 100 years ago?

    Please tell me about many sub rifles machine guns they had with their muskets ?

    The answer to your last question is simple : it is easier and easier for disturbed people to get guns.. And lot of teenagers are temporarly or not.

    The question the pro guns never answer to is : why so many shooting in USA and not so much in europe? Why since Australia restricted gun there was not any mass shooting?

  3. I'm sure Mr Moon can sleep well tonight after hearing that rolleyes.gif

    Mr Moon, as you put it, is one of the worst if not the worst boss that the UN has had.

    Whatever he feels or not feels is of no interest, as the guy is just a muppet.

    No decision skills, no assertiveness, no charisma,.....

    So in other words he and the General are cut from the same cloth and should fully understand each other!! wink.png

    Good grief, what planet do you live on ?.

    I would say Prayuth has those qualities in spades. It's other parts of his character which let him down.

    The description fits Yingluck like a glove.

    Which part let him down : selfishness? corruption? authoritarianism? Anti-thaksino-compulsive (you share this one with him, as you like to put some anti red rant in EVERY post you write, whatever the topic is) ? Lies? Absence of qualifications? Using ex-thaksin guy for the economy ( you have nightmares about this for sure) ?

  4. Taxpayers paying bail money for offenders. I never heard anything so ridiculous. The whole point is that the offender loses the bail money if he does a runner.

    Then they said they would publish where the money went in order to get approval to do it, then did the opposite once they had it in their grubby hands.

    If it was distributed evenly and fairly, how could it affect reconciliation ?. Obviously it wasn't.

    Absolutely typical of how the last bunch of cronies operated. Blatant liars - good riddance to dirty rubbish.

    Had a look at your recent posts...

    Usual rant, you should do more exercice and less bars in Pattaya, it will help you forget about the "bogeyman"

    By the way you ask other TV user to :

    "YOU really shouldn't be calling other people morons."

    You should use your own advice

  5. Sad to say the coup was probably needed due to the actions of the previous government but that justification only lasts if you make some attempt to improve things. At the moment it looks more like it's worse than before and will end up being a wasted opportunity.

    If he wants to achieve democracy in a sustainable way he needs to reach out to moderates on all sides to counter the extremists that are present in varying degrees within the opposing parties. There's not much evidence that I can see that he's doing anything like that.

    Things were certainly a mess but giving the opposing parties only a couple of hours of FTF in a controlled (i.e. not on the street) situation and then arresting them all and taking control of the country? That makes the attempt at mediation look like a ruse and the coup pre-planned, and I doubt just to me alone.

    I would like to see a list of all the former military coups around the world that have made the countries they control more democratic--intentionally, and due to actions during or as a consequence of actions taken by the group i.e. Junta that took control. I'm a student of history and can't think of one....but am willing to and would in fact be very happy to hear of such stories as I personally strongly hope this work out for the better at least for the Thai people and secondly their neighbours who are all politically influenced by Thailand to some degree.

    Army and democracy(and freedom of speech) are simply not compatibles. For the fisrt one the motto is :follow the orders from above and do not ask or question the reasons and final goal of your orders

  6. This poor sap; I almost feel sorry for him. He is so far over his head.

    He's such an embarrassment for Thailand.

    Maybe he should think about "the country's image" and step down.

    Step down? And what then? Let the corrupt/immoral/unethical Shin mafia back in to pillage and plunder the remaining funds and people of Thailand?

    Are you for real? Did you actually live in Thailand when Thaksin was running the country?

    Because unless you have dementia, you would remember that government debt was reduced during his time in office. He lowered the debt of the country then. And that's pretty amazing considering he introduced 30 baht universal healthcare scheme and build the new airport and developed many of the "mega project" tranportation projects.

    Not only that but the economy was performing much better then than it is now.

    He got lucky the country was coming out of recession in 2002.

    He got "lucky" on the decision about his declaration of assets..how he wasn't disqualified is still in question.

    I have Thai business acquaintances..there opinion of that time is corruption became endemic..

    The new airport he wanted to cancel initially..and retender.

    What mega transport schemes.. The bts and mrt were authorised after the Asian crisis to stimulate the economy..

    He did some good no doubt. He helped those who had been ignored, he gave the Thais back their hope after 6 years of depression and some over the top criticism by the IMF , but overall right man right place who became despotic..

    How can anyone justify the rice scheme or the unethical way he manipulated the law to benefit his company..which he then sold..

    Back at least he recognised the more disenfranchised.

    In a way, even Prayout admit Thaksin did a good job as he just appointed his economy minister

  7. First Suthep, now this. And the current administration took power to maintain peace and order, did they? This is just baiting the other side, pure and simple.

    So she is not allowed to join the police because you don''t like her ?.

    And more : you are saying that you feel 'baited' by it. I get the feeling you would like to take some "action" about it yourself ?. What does she deserve for this ?. A grenade ?. What would Suthep get for daring to stand up to the dirty cronies ?. The same ?.

    Thank you for the insight to red-shirt "equal rights" which are all part of democracy in the Western world. And also for highlighting yet again why nobody takes you people seriously.

    That you are permitted to so grossly misrepresent other posters such as in the above excrement speaks volumes. Unfortunately I am unable to say anything further without risking a ban.

    EnglishJohn reminds me of my dear departed Grandfather when he was advancing into his 80's. He had ruled the roost for decades, and he was used to having his way. But the cruelties of time had rendered him harmless. His diatribes became more strident; he railed against the idiots on all sides. And when his glass ran dry, he would limp out to the pantry to freshen up his scotch and water. There was no arguing with him. He was past reason. So we just listened and nodded, and got on with our own lives.

    Don t bother answering him...if you look at the history of the topics he created we can see he enjoy a lot the "working girls" and he has probably low blood level in his alcohol...

  8. I bet the reds regret not aiming a grenade at her when they killed the other 30 and injured the over 700 other innocents.

    As Chipas did I would run a bulldozer through red shirts as well. (As reported as FACT by another TVF member)

    Good luck Chipas. It is good to see you will be fighting terrorism and not condoning it.

    We can argue, that it was not a terrorism act, as we can see that even erawan was not a terrorist attack, but a revenge attack.

    In one hand you condemn terrorism and in the other you want to run a bulldozer against people who does not agree with you....

    That make you a terrorist wannabe right?

  9. As I read there is a feeling that the accused in this trial may not be the real culprits , despite DNA showing their semen inside the girl's body .

    However , one should not overlook that in this case Thailand is on trial and not just its Justice system .

    You should read more carefully the story....

    Accrording to the police they found DNA on the body and inside a condom, then they said condom was not used, then say said found the DNA on the how but cannot find the original samples, then said they have found fingerprints on the hoe by looking at it with a magnifying glass, then not thought the blond hair found in the girl hand nay have some interest, they first suspected the son of the island head but then the policeguy who said that was transfered to another post, then, then...

  10. Does this mean people take Fox News (in general) seriously rolleyes.gif

    Yes because the left-leaning (putting it mildly) NYTimes never makes errors and prints retractions.

    BTW, this story is many months old, maybe from last year. Red meat for the FNC haters?

    You're funny!

    Every time someone point a flaw in your favorite toys, instead of showing proof that your toy is good, you just point the fact that other toys have flaws too...

    Two wrongs not make one right.

  11. And yet a majority of Muslims living in Europe want Sharia law.

    Do you have a proof of what you say?

    And i don't want a far right wing website link as an answer...

    Why of course it's 'right wing', the definition of such being you disagree with it's findings.


    Wrong as right wing may be impartial but far right wing or Faux news are not acceptable

    Now about your link :

    You have right wing and you have Ruud Koopmans (the writer of this "study") who is known in Netherland for being anti immigrant (assimilated far right wing) and whom "findings" have been clearly stated as weak and unscientific byt the WRR

    ...so... try again....

  12. And yet a majority of Muslims living in Europe want Sharia law.

    Do you have a proof of what you say?

    And i don't want a far right wing website link as an answer...

    In France we had a tribute minute of silence for Charlie Hebdo's victims.

    Muslims kids refused to do it. When asked why,they just said they had what they deserved; one cannot blaspheme.

    Thats Sharia for you.

    In a country known for 1968 cultural revolution,followed by 70s feminism, we had to restore Skirt Day, so that women could one day of the year be able to wear a skirt without being harassed. Thats sharia also.

    Well You clearly do not know the definition of Sharia. Also in France there is a law which say that the Religion must stay private : the french President is also a Chanoine so clearly working for the Catholic Church. There is also a lot of censorship regarding some theater plays which have been canceled because of Catholicism integrism, but this is ok for you?

    There is also Famille De France which is clearly not into Sharia and want to limit abortion...So do not transform biggotty into islamism. About Charlie, the kids didn t feel charlie, well after seeing all those politics in the street trying to grab the media around them while hundreds of kids died from Boko Haram one week later and nobody move...i am not charlie Neither anymore, even if i loved Cabu

  13. This fits squarely into the category of manufactured crisis. Over the last three months EU figures show 80% of the recent flood of migrants are not from Syria. Most are economic migrants, some with fake Syrian passports and some being terrorists posing as refugees. But as long as there is a net increase in Democrat voters this is of little concern it would seem.

    non americans and non europe citizens cannot vote!

    They are not granted citizenship

  14. This Coward scum should be send back to fight their countrys enemy buty they are - as most muslims - Cowards by Heart ...

    They only wish to enter the Promised Land of Welfare Social checks and rape the women of the foolish countries that welcomes them - Cameron, Merkel and Hollande, you take them in your house or live next door to them and let your women get molested daily ... The more that drowns the better ...gigglem.gif

    Say the guy who left his country for Thailand..what did you flee?

  15. Strange rethoric from the US citizen on TV when we know they all come from immigrant families more or less.

    Stop interfere in middle east, so less veterans, and less immigrant fleeing the wars the US and Europe fuel...

    We have bombed them for more than 30 years, we (our governments) created ISIS, Al Qaeda, not mentioning Bin Laden who was trained by CIA at the time.

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