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Posts posted by Sambotte

  1. Makes year i and others say it :

    Just f.. learn the BASIC DRIVING RULES !!!

    It's just amazing (and it looks really really bad and stupid) how they make 5 or 6 ENORMOUS MISTAKES, all the time !

    - Traffic circle (round about) : they stop in the middle... Clear signs on the road although, but they can not get it !

    - Wrong way is a classic-classic for motorcycles

    - Engage without stoping, slow but "hey it's me i should pass", they sometimes look once engaged

    - Traffic light : ho but why don't we turn IN FRONT of the opposite cars : accidents GARANTEE with motorcycle coming sideway

    - On the road : a motorcycle coming opposite way : but why should i not pass, motorcycle is so small he can surely move aside for me !

    - Or pass without any visibility (small hill)... I even saw a police car doing that ! Any car coming opposite and it's a crash garanteed.

    - Change of file without looking...


    To the dis(credit) of Thai people : problem is from the Department of transport, clearly !

    - Funny : test for colors is f. WRONG in some places (or all) : Green dark, green light, and red. No yellow but you are supposed to guess what they want here. Anecdotic though.

    - How on earth can they make people watch hours of video, plus training, and the ONLY thing they learn is to use INDICATORS ???? Actually they mess up with that too many times...

    - A Thai friend confirm me she does absolutely not know how to drive, but they gave her the license...

    I would say the blame is on the Department. Nobody in this department to learn the BASICS and to make them teached ???


    Looks really poor for Thailand. No one other country has such a problem. Even Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.

    But hey, just a "few" dozens of thousand people dead and millions people injured per year, why should we care, , it's not a virus ???? Not in the breaking news everyday ????

    • Like 1
  2. Wrong info, as so usual.


    Wednesday 15 July 2020 1 USD = 31.5477 THB Taux USD THB du 15/07/2020
    Tuesday 14 July 2020 1 USD = 31.5151 THB Taux USD THB du 14/07/2020
    Monday 13 July 2020 1 USD = 31.3921 THB Taux USD THB du 13/07/2020
    Sunday 12 July 2020 1 USD = 31.3309 THB Taux USD THB du 12/07/2020
    Saturday 11 July 2020 1 USD = 31.3357 THB Taux USD THB du 11/07/2020
    Friday 10 July 2020 1 USD = 31.3361 THB Taux USD THB du 10/07/2020
    Thursday 9 July 2020 1 USD = 31.2529 THB Taux USD THB du 09/07/2020
    Wednesday 8 July 2020 1 USD = 31.1874 THB Taux USD THB du 08/07/2020
    Tuesday 7 July 2020 1 USD = 31.2379 THB Taux USD THB du 07/07/2020


    Some crazy reporter see a real weakness here ??? 

    • Like 1
  3. A very good soft massage (foot particularely), if you can find a very good masseuse (rare nowaday) at home, works pretty well too. May not be enough but can only help if good (opposite if bad)...


    I have insomnia too, sometimes. I may try the medicinal extract although i doubt it's good enough. Or wait to go in a more relaxed country with better quality. A shame, Thailand 40 years ago had an amazing quality plant.

  4. 4 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    ThaiVisa Forum has many sub-forums catering for everybody.

    Personally, I shun the 'political' threads or the 'general interest' treads that just feature funny (?) tongue-in-cheek comments on News articles.  And as to be expected, the amount of pettiness and bickering on those threads is just stunning.

    Unfortunately some of those keyboard warriors that have little or nothing to contribute like to extend their battlegrounds also to the more serious sub-forums like the Visa sub-forum or the DIY sub-forum.

    Several people I know that can really contribute, have become desillusioned by the Forum in general and refrain from posting because of all the negativity.  I have to admit I am also on the brink of 'opting out' because same as @bestie remarked 'I really can't take this anymore'.


    I think many people are tired with all those bad posters, negative, nasayers. 

    Especially with the situation of travel restrictions or non-possible, combined with the visa situation, too many just show how poor minded they are.


    No need to opt out maybe, i just see the "IGNORE USER" option when you go on user's image.

    Will do that.

    • Like 2
  5. Lots of bad reviews for Lazada, even a Thai friend told me to avoid it.

    I have a return that takes ages, seller is not honest... Wonder if i will get my refund.


    Ali express looks much better. At least on trustpilot.

  6. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    Yes. You state that you did not need to use your 30 day extension. Many had to used it and also the "emergency" one that was granted with embassy letter.

    You have ace up your sleeve that gives you another 30 days for 1900 baht. 

    Don't go too early as amnesty might be extended. I would wait till perhaps 3 or 4 days prior to July 31. 

    An expert will be along to advise you.

    Ubonjoe for eg will give you the 100% correct advice. Your A OK. 

    Same situation than OP.

    I think DrJack gave you the best advice. Ubon was thinking extension 30 days should be ok too. But nobody knows with this growing xenophobia...


    Aces... I do not like Aces. You think it's the nuts, but you have surprises ????

    Jacks are my favorites. 

    You guys know all this stuff comes from France, again, yes ? ????

  7. On 7/10/2020 at 12:23 PM, Henryford said:

    Bit of a scam selling condos to foreigners and then saying you can't come in to live in it.

    Yep. Even with the "Elite" visa witch could have been seen as the right one for owners/investors.

    Bad business for the real estate now too. No farang will buy (unless those who are 100% sure to stay without traveling, and even so...), and those who bought have/will sell.


    I still just don't get how this N°1 country for business is killing it so largely. Ho i forgot : all-in on mass-1 or 2 bigs countries-tourism... Hmm... ????

    • Like 1
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  8. I hope it's just to push the agent business.

    If they don't extend, it will look absolutely terrible for Thailand.

    Total nonsense except he is just saying (again sadly) "we don't like farangs, go away". 

    Since an extension would be ZERO PROBLEM. 

    So it would be here total xenophobia.

    Good luck for any tourism business after that if they do it. 


    Just curious : any other country doing this ?

    • Like 2
  9. 14 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    Untested vaccine just to go somewhere, no thanks. The places waiting for vaccines for mass tourism will just be desolate resorts with boarded up bars, shops and restaurants.

    I think so too.

    But you never know what people will accept or not.

    Yellow fever vaccine is mandatory in countries. But it's a old vaccine, not a new normal thing...

  10. 17 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

    This list really look impression as hell a lot of time and thought went into it especially the translation I wonder now whether any of those who put their thoughts into it even understand themselves had to enter Thailand can fullfill all these requirements.

    One left off the list how long after entry does a person has to bend over and take it?????

    Alternate temp check.

    By signing the TMXYZ alinea 69 note 6 in fine print you agreed to that.

    But do not worry : it's for your safety !

    • Like 1
  11. On 7/8/2020 at 10:24 AM, DrJack54 said:

    That sounds like a kid in a nightclub and they say "last drinks" and you say "but I don't want go home" 

    Buy an elite visa.

    Some do not want to leave in their original country. It's called relative freedom (on an already small planet). To say "go back to your country" is somehow provocative, or worse.


    Elite visa is just dead, unless you are sure to never travel outside again, or are willing to risk all the changing situations about travel.

  12. Obviously they don't want tourists now. Only those who have a serious reason to come (family, etc.).

    Tests are acceptable i think, and make sense. The quarantine non-sense (obvious here with the quarantine only if you stay too long and although you had two tests and a certificate), insurance, paperwork, will not bring tourism back, for sure. They are not stupid so it's not a goal.


    This should not surprise, makes a few years they want to change their tourism business (witch was huge and great since 50 years or more). Long or multiple stays not welcome since years. Now it's "dirty" farangs good luck if you still want to come and do not stay more than 2 weeks.


    I just wonder how they will deal with the Chineese tourism. Was becoming more and more important. I guess they will continue in that specific and only direction (possibly with India too, massive market), but maybe not right now. 


    It's the new Thailand... Their country, their right. Has been an amazing good time before for many happy farangs, and a very good business for many Thaïs people too. Now many other countries will be happy to take this business. 

    • Like 1
  13. "It may well be my age (nearly 78), but I'm finding that indeed the world is an ugly place to live. Besides the environmental destruction that's increasingly visible in Thailand every day, it's also the abuse of human beings of each other as well as animals, the worsening selfishness, the war and destruction that never seems to end. It's pretty hard to find anything positive to say about the world we live in.

    I won't be around to see it, but does anyone have a positive outlook about the human race and the planet's future."


    Mankind, not the world i would say, is... disappointing. To say the least.

    Not sure it's worse or better actually. But the EFFECTS are way worse. Pollutions, manipulations, medias, gouvernements... The top is to distroy the planet, that's something really, really crazy.


    For me the positive exist though, otherwise i would not be here ????

    Music is very powerfull, direct, easy nowaday. I use it almost all the time. Changes your mood.

    Littérature is the beauty of mankind. Like another dimension. Dumas, Hugo, Sartre, Louïss, Rosny, Kundera, Orwell, Tolstoï, Dick, Herbert, Simmons... and soooooo many many great Authors.

    Any chef d'oeuvre will change your mind, open your conscience.

    So Arts i would say. The part of the iceberg upon the (mental) misery of societies.


    Sciences can be interesting too. But serious science brings more questions than answers. Still, it blow your mind.


    Sport ? Better be young ????

    Travels ? There was a time... ????


    And... Women ???? But that could be the tricky part ????

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

    I can remember back in the early 70ś many felt the same.

    Hippies and the war people thought we were all doomed.

    All one can do is try to stay positive.

    This Covid BS however, certainly has put most of the world in a bad mood. 

    Maybe, maybe not...

    There was the time of sex freedom (for real and both ways), explosion of music, movies, travels, science... At least in the West.

    • Like 1
  15. Just add a few bahts to the airport taxes.

    This looks much more like a push on assurances, and the timing is suspicious.

    Nobody should be forced to get an assurance.


    Hospitals in Thailand-touristic tend to overcharge grossly. I visit rarely, for check, and last two times i had to made them correct the bill. Not to mention the pills they try to force sell you.


    By experience it's either you go to a local Thaï hospital and have a special attention for a amazingly cheap price (it was in a really not touristic at all town i visited a few years ago, had a ear to be cleaned, bill was like 50 baths !), either the "new business hospital special farang" are charging foreigner like crazy.

    That may explain the so-called losses.


    BTW i'm french, but i pay my bills ????. But as said if ever i visit a hospital for a check something, i have to check the bill, and to refuse the overcharged pills i never need.

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