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Everything posted by placnx

  1. Let's hope that this can be investigated promptly so that the perpetrator and leadership, whichever side, can be held to account.
  2. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/
  3. Great, but in other countries permits are issued in most cases. Not the case if you are Palestinian in the instance cited.
  4. Assuming that it was an IDF bombing, the intent was to terrify people in Gaza so that they would flee. In 1948 a handful of atrocities were instrumental in getting 80% of the Palestinian population in today's Israel to flee to Gaza and the West Bank. As for "5 figure", this barbarism is not over yet.
  5. Let's hope that international war crimes investigators have immediate access.
  6. This has been used frequently in previous attacks on Gaza as an excuse to commit war crimes.
  7. Then you don't know, for example, that Arab communities in northern Israel are grouped in larger Jewish urban agglomerations that then have control over housing construction permits. Result: permits not issued for these Israeli Arabs, demolition if they build with no permit. Just an example of discrimination. This Israeli apartheid is not identical to the South African case, maybe worse! It's more blatant in the West Bank than in Israel proper because the rule of law, the Supreme Court, prevent a lot of these abuses from being applied in Israel. This could change if the "reforms" happen. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/
  8. Under the Rome Statute, signatory states have engaged to arrest people accused by the ICC prosecutor. Sometimes they ignore their obligations, though. The tribunal has put some of the indicted on trial. https://www.icc-cpi.int/cases
  9. The question is whether Palestinian accession to the Rome Statute covers Gaza. That's separate from crimes covered by the Geneva conventions.
  10. For certain classes of war crimes Netanyahu et al would not be protected by diplomatic immunity, just like Putin.
  11. It was conclusively shown by various media investigations that Abu Akleh, an American citizen, was killed by an IDF sniper. Israel trying to blame Palestinian gunmen was patently false, since the fighting at the time was in another direction from the IDF fire which involved multiple shots at the journalist. The intentional nature of this crime was ignored by the White House for political reasons, apparently. Just another example of White House complicity in apartheid.
  12. Is there a break in the video between the sky shot of rocket trajectory and the explosion? If the source is al Jazeera, has anybody checked their original broadcast? Where were they filming the rocket trajectory?
  13. There are probably thousands of witnesses. First, X should verify (if possible) the identity of the poster. Second, in the dark is it possible to verify location, position of person filming geographically relative to explosion site, trajectory of rocket prior to breakup. Third, international war crimes investigators should have immediate access to the hospital to document any evidence of type of munition involved, obtain other video if available, so that if IDF is the culprit the people involved can be charged. Let's hope that the US is compelled to let a resolution to investigate pass in the Security Council.
  14. I think that the Hamas vow is impossible to achieve. Unfortunately it gives hardliners in Israel the excuse to implement further apartheid measures against Palestinians, even those who are Israeli citizens.
  15. We all know that Hamas started this conflict. The point I was maikng is that the 6000 bombs were dropped on residences including high rises, not military targets, before the evacuation order. Now we have 500 people killed in a hospital bombing and the meeting in Amman to discuss humanitarian access canceled.
  16. So then why did Jimmy Carter author a book in 2006 called 'Palestine - Peace Not Apartheid'?
  17. You said kill ALL Jews. Maybe some Jews would get killed in the process of their concept of liberating their homeland. At one point they even said that they would accept Israel under the terms of the Peace Initiative. As that was a hypothetical at the time, it was something with no obligation for them in the near future.
  18. They might be Christian Zionists, possibly more morally decrepit than normal Zionists. Some want to see Israel in possession of Jerusalem for the "End of Days" when they can go to Heaven while Jews (unless they convert) will go the other way.
  19. When the EU funded schools built in Area C, they were demolished. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/education-challenges-area-c-west-bank-february-2022
  20. This talking point is great for deflecting from any consideration of the underlying issues.
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