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Everything posted by placnx

  1. We have had the WP-105 and WP-205 models for many years. I believe that there's a spring on the solenoid that can be adjusted. Try that to see whether that stops the on-off bursts. This problem could be caused by using a non-standard tank which necessitates changing the pressure. If that doesn't work, then having somebody from the shop come to look is the next step.
  2. How about rounding up the pitbulls and exporting them to China as "special delicacy". Ingestion will surely increase virility or fierceness of the gourmet customers.
  3. The whole point is repeating a lie endlessly might convince some of those not yet deluded.
  4. So they will switch their viewing to CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) or throw their TVs out the window.
  5. The primary system works by divide & conquer. With all the "Republican" fragmentation, Trump could be their candidate again!!
  6. For a vote to be counted it has to be postmarked, etc, before the election.
  7. When the TM-30 is done online, is a receipt of notification issued? If so, do we have to go online to get it later or do they send it in an email?
  8. Children can happen if IVF and surrogacy are also allowed.
  9. Was that a Catholic parochial school? It's not the same as crazy evangelical schools.
  10. This goes to the idea that parents can choose to inflict their children with a garbage education. Don't children have rights?
  11. "Conservative" is a misnomer for these people, political or religious. How about reactionary?
  12. Also a big China promoter. Had Nixon not been elected and had foresight prevailed, we might not have the mess we have today where the rise of China has created huge problems for the world.
  13. The 2021 coup has brought the city folk, ethnic Burmans (Bamar), in solidarity with the Shan, Karen, Chin, Kachin, etc, who have been fighting the army for a long time, since even before the 1962 coup.
  14. As others remarked, the cash may go to related Chinese businesses, not to Thai people. Maybe some money could be skimmed off as a roundabout way of getting funds out of China. Many possibilities.
  15. You give him too much credit. How about Homo erectus pekinensis a/k/a Peking Man.
  16. It's become an echo chamber for opportunistic reactionaries.
  17. Isn't he going to sign on to the 6 week ban?
  18. I did not fill in the "stay until" data, and my application was rejected with the reason "Please verify your visa Incomplete information." CM office.
  19. I sleep on an air mattress with an electric air pump that can be inflated to the desired pressure. I remember visiting my Japanese mentor who was bedridden after a serious stroke. He also had an air mattress with an adjustable frame so that he could be sat up for meals. There are also foam mattresses that conform to body shape and sleeping position, although these may be hotter than air mattresses.
  20. Best try to time your need for notarizations with trips back to US. Avoid the exorbitant notarial fees.
  21. I had mine rejected even though I applied two weeks before. The previous 90-day online report was accepted. The only difference was that I stayed one night at a resort in my home province with tourist friends from Japan. Could the problem have arisen if the resort made an error by putting me also down as a tourist instead of Non-immigrant O visa type on the TM30 report? The reason for rejection: "Please verify your visa incomplete information." This arrived on a Sunday. So I then sent a TM47 by mail, and got back the Receipt of Notification. Then on the due date for notitfication I got an automated message that my report was due on that same day, even though the Receipt from the mail-in TM47 was dated 4 days before. Do the online and paper reporting systems work off of different databases?? Should I have sent an email to Immigration to inquire about the problem of "incomplete visa information"?
  22. How long were these Chinese in Thailand? Maybe they had Chinese associates. Maybe the love angle was only a pretense to capture the victim for ransom.
  23. Where are the new/old requirements. I'm anxious to know whether we need to file a new TM30 when returning from abroad on a reentry permit (CM Immigration).
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