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Everything posted by placnx

  1. I'm in CM, and latest online report was rejected. The only thing that changed was that since last online report I stayed one night at a resort on the Mae Rim - Samoeng Road, i.e. Chiang Mai province. Before that I had not stayed overnight anywhere since 2019 when we filed the TM30 after a foreign trip. On retirement O visa.
  2. Maybe Trump should buy GITMO from Cuba and make himself presidente of GITMO.
  3. There was an excellent program on BBC World about Christian Nationalism. One aspect of this is in effect elevating the Bible above the Constitution. The outcome where the US Supreme Court used dodgy logic to override Rowe vs Wade is a manifestation of this thinking.
  4. In the South a lot of people feel the need for a gun in the car. Sixty years ago I went to visit a highschool classmate living in Dallas. He told me that his father, general counsel of a large oil industry company, always kept a gun in his car.
  5. Earlier someone remarked that the testing methodology gave too many false positives, so if true that testing would have to be confirmed by other more reliable tests to have any relevance on custody issues. Also note that the testing was at a later hearing and not at the traffic stop, so only the immediate evidence should be considered as to whether the removal of the children was warranted.
  6. That would depend on the insurance companies being willing to reimburse. Then there is the problem of the treatment codes in the US. It would no doubt require US government involvement as well, to change various laws or regulations. There is the concept that the patient has to be in a location where US law applies when care is delivered.
  7. Maybe the passing lane in Tennessee is for whites only. This unstated rule has not been banned yet?
  8. Maybe Google Translate was used without editing.
  9. Are you US or another nationality? I myself am trying to understand how to deal with the situation now where I have almost no foreign interest/dividend income but pay tax on money brought into Thailand. I think that income in US equal to money brought in and taxed in Thailand can be reattributed as foreign income using provisions of the Thai-US tax treaty on forms 1040 & 1116. The point is to get a full tax credit from US on tax paid to Thailand. I am mystified how people can do this remittance from savings. If savings were mixed with current income abroad, why would the Thai tax authorities not claim on the current income first? Can they look at your foreign tax return?
  10. Getting them out was also in aiding a democratic transition. Ilocos Norte is their territory in the old feudal system which persists today.
  11. Ferdinand crossed a red line when he had Benigno Aquino Sr killed. That attack on the elite was too much. Marcos Jr seems to be threading the needle by having Duterte's daughter as his VP while taking a stand against China.
  12. It's heading for the Florida west coast, home of vegigators and Republican zombies.
  13. You would have to have it notarized in the US Consulate. In Thailand there is also something similar ("pipat") to handle matters in Thailand, but maybe a wife wouldn't need that. I'm not sure, but a court intervention might be needed. Logically the durable power of attorney would be created under the law of the state where the person last resided before moving abroad. Here is an explanation of DPA under Florida law, for example: https://afela.org/elder-law-faq/florida-legal-information-by-the-academy-of-florida-elder-law-attorneys/durable-power-attorney/ The acceptance by the person(s) acting on behalf could be done before a notary in the US in whatever state he/she/they are located.
  14. Wishful thinking. The unfortunate reality is that Xi is a gambler, and the West and Taiwan are not prepared. The next few years are really dangerous.
  15. This is why China is making loud noises. It could impede the plan to eat Taiwan.
  16. It sounds as though the OP is American. In advance of incapacitation it would be prudent to have a durable power of attorney under US law to handle any issues with US bank accounts, Social Security, etc. This is especially true if the wife is not used to handling administrative and legal matters.
  17. I seem to remember that the Rome Treaty provides that the ICC intervenes when a country does not or cannot credibly investigate and prosecute a crime on its own. This should negate the objection of the Pentagon. Also, when a crime is committed on a territory that is party to the treaty, it's logical that it doesn't matter whether or not the country of the perpetrator has adhered to the treaty. Maybe the Pentagon's precedent issue arises from the fact that the Palestinians have joined the treaty, but Israel has not.
  18. As for police, they have alternatives such as stun guns, which unfortunately some misuse and "accidentally" kill people. So theoretically police are equipped to handle demonstrations, while Rittenhouse was not. As for distant people joining the demo, that's different than counter demonstrators arriving with AR 15s. You have to take into account the egregious act which precipitated the demonstration, which naturally brought people from a distance. How many of them had AR 15s?
  19. The trend in the US to militarize the police has certainly not set a good example. First, recruiting from ex-military, then giving the police used military equipment such as APCs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militarization_of_police It's not surprising that right-wing and reactionary citizens mimic police violence.
  20. The US Army can't be too choosy about whom they recruit, and it showed in My Lai (Vietnam), besides Afghanistan.
  21. It's not necessary to kill people in so-called self defense. Injuring would suffice. As others commented, if Rittenhouse had been black, even threatening to use a gun could have been a fatal mistake. As for your issue with state lines, I think that the point is that people showing up from outside the community, seemingly to suppress the locals, is not contributing to law and order, whatever they claim.
  22. To the question of why didn't Rittenhouse just stay home, it goes to intent. It does look as though he wanted to pick a fight.
  23. Why didn't this Rittenhouse just stay home? Just let the police and national guard handle it.
  24. In a volatile situation it's provocative for somebody to show up in body armor with a weapon (as I remember the circumstances).
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