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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. Another option is to wait until the units are almost complete and then try and sell the contract, even at a bit if a loss.

    i was lucky to sell one already at a 20% loss, i had put down an 80% deposit and got a fair bit of my money back. other units are going for about 30% less than what i paid off plan. i suspect prices will drop again closer to completion as speculators have to dump their investments rather than pay the last installment and all the fees and charges. the very best i can do is a refund, second best is to ditch my 30% deposit. not alot of money to loose but would still rather get it back if possible.

  2. i wish you all the best but wonder why you would want to adopt the kids? you will loose a lot of leverage if you do if things go wrong. same as getting married. better to keep things flexible, you can still support your step kids if things go wrong and you feel the need. hope this does not come across too negative but in 10 years of seeing thai western marriages/relationships they dont often last, and it is horrible to see children used as leverage when they go bad.

  3. looks like the condo development will be finished early next year, not sure how much longer the title will take. they are fitting the kitchens now. will still go for a refund as i am not going to get much use from the condo and it is just tying up money i could drop on my mortgage back home. it is one of the biggest developers who are still launching projects. wonder if anyone tried to get a refund or if they are all just waiting and hoping.

  4. One problem is that you say it is in your son's name. Thai children can own property but that property can not be sold until majority.

    Property owned by a Thai child can be sold, but to do this the Land Office requires an order from the Family Court.

    The Family Court, in turn, need to be convinced that the sale is in the child's best interests.

    Not an easy task, but possible.

    I have been led to believe that they are very reluctant to allow a sale. Somone I know wanted to sell land put in a childs name to ensure education to allow the child to go to University....they would not allow it. He had to defer his eduction till he was over 20 and could sell it.

    It's not so much that the Family Court is reluctant to allow a sale, but more that they absolutely put the child's interests first (and rightly so).

    Combined with the inherent Thai love of land and use of land as a store of wealth I do agree that it is not easy to gain approval for sale - but then again it shouldn't be easy.

    Selling a property to pay for university fees can is done on a case by case basis. What course? How will this financially benefit the child in preference to remaining the owner of the property? Have all other options been exhausted (scholarships and bursaries), etc?

    It's an individual decision of the Judge, and their decisions can vary.

    getting a bit off topic. the contract for the condo is in my company name (was only going to put it in my sons name if i sold my business) still interested to hear from anyone who as succeeded or failed at getting a refund for an off plan purchase that was not finished on time.

  5. One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

    "Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

    I worked in Iraq 2003, had many translators in the company I worked for. As per instruction from US State, the company I worked for had many translators from all sectors. It was common to work with different translators. What you said was absolutely repeated time and time again by all sects. Christians at that time were really desperate to get out, unfortunately for them many migrated to Syria. A real sad story in Iraq.

    Sadem was an equal opportunity/secular killer but if you kept your mouth shut life was not that bad. I was in Baghdad when Sadem was arrested, by then bombings were everywhere and almost daily. Most of the expats I worked with agreed the best thing to do with Sadem was slap him around a few times, tell him what not to do and lastly, "now get back out there and unscrew this place"

    the saddam execution should be the text book example of why killing humans comes down to murder. it sets an example that murder is justifiable. might have been a tricky one to let him out of jail and get him back on the job of controlling his country but it would be for the greater good. alot of bleeding hearts will go on about how his son was a rapist and it was justifiable to ruin the country to get rid of him but it seems like the cost was pretty high for the suffering that was inflicted.

  6. One problem is that you say it is in your son's name. Thai children can own property but that property can not be sold until majority.

    i have a company in pattaya. i got the contract for the condo in my my company name just in case i decided to on sell it before completion. i was going to decide on completion weather to leave it in my company name or put it in one of my kids names. i am in the process of selling my business but the buyer wants to pay 25% per year over the next 4 years. once he has made full payment i will sign the company over to him. should have all the condo business finished by then.

  7. sure there are plenty of people out there who bought of plan and are happily living in their completed condos right now. i would be one of them pretty soon if i did not change my mind as i have decide to move back to nz to get my kids educated there. anyway i did not start this discussion to debate how stupid i was, in fact i dont think there is any point in doing that at all. i was looking to hear some other peoples experiences on the topic.

    anyone who berates someone who has made mistakes and is looking for advice is pathetic in my view. probably the reason many people can not openly ask for advice on this forum for fear of being shamed.

  8. Well you got what you want Land77---everyone is feeding the troll, 13 posts = 3 mad troll topics, about meeting Thai girls on cruise boats to not understanding them--need help.


    Someone should do an analysis on Trolls-----is it that they get no attention at home ........................coffee1.gif

    dont get this whole trolling thing. are people really that bored? thats just wasting the time of the decent people here who take the time to offer advice.

    i also dont get the whole nastiness thing here towards people who are genuinely asking for advice. people ask for advice and then people slag them off.

  9. This is another nail in the coffin of the Thai property market. Most people who buy condos in Phuket buy for investment purposes if you are not allowed to rent them out why would you buy. Lets face it 90 percent of condo owners are farang so its just another slap on the face for farangs.

    agree with you there. renting out property is one of the few ways of making an income in thailand. i bought 2 houses and chopped them into apartments to rent out short term. what a head ache. then tried monthly rental, slightly better but still not worth the small returns. sold up in the end and now only buy property back in nz. management company does the work for me and i get my rents out of my atm card here in thailand. not sure if this crack down will really make much difference here however as it will most probably be short lived.

  10. Serious question, but when was the last time any Thai soldiers spent any time on any battle field? And by battle field I don't mean city streets, public parks, or university campuses.. Thailand doesn't even need any army, without it'd be in much better shape

    thai army stopped the rice scheme, giving them more money to buy submarines. but seriously the army is an instrumental part of politics in thailand.

  11. yes i am going to go see my lawyer before i head back to new zealand for xmas. i am doing a renovation project there and wont be back to till the end of april which will complicate things. might offer the lawyer 100K bonus if she is successful. like i said i only know one guy who went for a refund and he got it, 100% success is better than a snowballs chance in hell but it is a rather small sample size. does not sound like many people have tried to get refunds, or maybe those that have and been unsuccessful are to shy to post it on this forum. not much empathy here.

  12. Sounds to me like he is doing a good deed and helping out some up-country cops who get paid peanuts to do their jobs, many of which find themselves in serious financial hardship (especially the ones trying to do an honest job without taking kickbacks. Yes, its true, some do not take bribes). If it was a payoff for protection, it wouldn't be a public donation like this. Come on TV'ers, put your cynicism away for one day. Not all cops in Thailand are bad. Believe it or not, you may rely on them to save your skin one day.

    think any cop that was not taking bribes would be reprimanded by his superiors. bribes are how the police fund themselves as the government salaries are barely liveable. is expensive to buy a job as a cop, that money is often borrowed and has to be repayed.

  13. re-purchasing the cow?

    Why does a guy buy a cow when he's getting free milk? You know, that old chestnut

    To be cynical, it could have to do with the extension.

    Referring to someone's wife as a cow to be purchased, even if the term comes up in an "old chestnut" says a lot about farang "mentality" ... to employ an expression often used to lump all Thais together under "Thai mentality."

    was taking my son out for a bike ride yesterday and a bunch of thai kids started yelling out buffalo buffalo. is pretty common up he in esan for thai to refer to us as buffalo. i responded with ling ling. not politically correct but everyone had a good old laugh so no harm done.

  14. Just place your head firmly between your legs and kiss your arse and 600 deposit good bye......a fool and his money....??

    i have been buying and selling property for 15 years. i am now 42 years and retired on the rental from some of the properties i have kept. i have not always made profits but in some cases i have made quite alot, over 200 000usd in one case on an apartment i bought refurbished and sold in melbourne. i bought these condos to live in but my plans have changed and dumping them for a small loss does not make much difference to my financial position. was just hoping to get some idea on how much effort to put into trying to get a refund.

  15. Don't walk away without trying to recoup your outlay .Although the project is behind schedule you managed to sell your other unit ,Try and sell this one as your unit will be below the developers current price and still qualify for the goodies offered by the company.

    will take a shot at getting a refund but of course this will cost more money and time. it is basically impossible to sell this unit. i have 1.4 million to pay and there are similar condos on resale in the development for 1.4 million in foreign name. was just interested to hear of others experiences to see how much money and time worth devoting to giving it a try.

  16. The prime minister explained that men who want to serve the country as soldiers must not be forced into the service against their will otherwise these men may desert if they are sent to the battle field.

    So our sons will no longer be conscripted and forced to serve in the Thai army against their will. This is great news for Thousands of Thai and Luk Khreung males who will no longer have to do compulsory military service.

    has this really changed? i hope so. no one should be forced into the services. no way i would want my son to be forced into the army here. if they dont have enough soldiers they just need to raise the pay rate till they do. maybe delay the submarine purchase so they can pay for staff to carry out their military coups.

  17. Work permits?

    of course. they are taking a job away from the thais. cant come up with how but i am sure they are. some christian nutters came from nz a few years ago to save some bar girls. they went home and said that the girls did not seem to want to be saved. i am a kiwi and i have to admit that us kiwis are a few years behind the times, part of our charm i suppose. now i am going to contradict my self because nz was the first country in the world to legalize prostitution. i am even more proud of this than i am of the all blacks. just wish our hookers were better looking.

  18. Just place your head firmly between your legs and kiss your arse and 600 deposit good bye......a fool and his money....??

    a helpful comment from an obvious intelligent envious poor boy without money bah.gif

    yes, a bit uncalled for i must say. i actually know a swiss guy who got a refund from a unit he bought in nam tallay. i was a bit surprised but it got me thinking there might just be a chance of getting a refund. was hoping to hear from others who were successful or who had tried to get their money back. like i said it is not alot of money so there is not much point spending alot on lawyers if there is only a small chance of success.

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