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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. If they could figure out some way to reuse them, maybe it would be cheaper to buy them. As it is now, they usually dump them on you after your get a tire change. Once they find a way to reuse the material easily, it'll change the world. So much waste from old tires. Some motorcycle shop dumped a bunch of them in a vacant area nearby where I live. Seen this plenty of times around Thailand.

    there has been a form of airless tire around for decades. it is a honey combed plastic hub with a strip of tread around it. the strip of rubber is replaced when the tread is worn off. for some reason big manufacturers have been very slow taking up the technology. many advantages to having airless reusable tires. finally one manufacturer (think it is bridgestone) is starting up a factory for these tires but they will only be for industrial use. new airless tires should be perfect for electric cars as they are light and have low rolling resistance.

    I tried driving with "run flat" tires before, which have the same type of honeycomb structure. The steering response to is horrible, like driving a vehicle with wheels made out of chewing gum, never mind setting up for high speed cornering. Unless the tech has advanced in the last ten years or so, it's far inferior.

    going of on a bit of a tangent but the tires you had relied on air. they had a honey comb back up that was there to stop the rims from cutting into the rubber when deflated. a stop gap measure to get you somewhere to reinflate the tire. the new type relies full time on the honey comb structure. there is basically zero side wall movement so the steering should be sharper with them. i am still wondering why they have not gone into production full scale. think the army will be using them soon on their humvees. here is the article about them finally going into production. http://www.bridgestonetire.com/tread-and-trend/tire-talk/airless-concept-tires

  2. Xylophone

    Thanks for your detailed response

    Just one further small question

    What would you think would be the economic impact on Thailand if the practice of nominee companies were actually stopped. That is companies current and future?

    Others are of course free to comment

    "What would you think would be the economic impact on Thailand if the practice of nominee companies were actually stopped. That is companies current and future"?

    Okay, this is the last answer......................IMO The economic impact would be between almost zilch to zero!!

    Why, well the people who want to own their land and house through a nominee company don't actually own it anyway even if they go down this route, they just have shares in a company which owns it and they can do nothing about it. Sure they may fix up some shenanigans about voting rights etc, but at the end of the day they don't own anything except a shell/illegal company.

    Once this avenue is completely cracked down on, then farangs who want to "own" land/property will have to go down the lease/usufruct route (or buy a condo) which is what they should have been doing all of the time. Farangs simply won't stop wanting to live in houses long-term just because a particular illegal practice has been stopped, so they will continue down the only legal avenue. Anyway it is important to remember that even through the nominee company route, they actually don't own the land and this is particularly set out clearly in Thai law, so why do it?

    As for those farangs who have this set up at present, well you can see from my previous post what has been suggested and it will not be pretty for the farangs although Thailand will definitely benefit!!

    Economic impact will be just about nothing apart from just a few thousand baht per illegal transaction going to the bent lawyer and bent land officer and of course a few thousand baht per annum in supposed "company tax".

    I am talking about those nominee companies set up specifically to buy property.

    That's it and I leave it up to you to do as much more research as you wish.

    here is my guess as to what would happen if the company ownership thing was made illegal. there would be a mad rush of people either trying to sell their properties or a mad rush of guys transferring their houses into their thai girlfriends or wives names names. both situations would probably mean alot more properties on the market. more supply means prices will probably go down. how much of an effect on house prices would probably depend on how many houses are held in company ownership. i wonder if there are any reliable stats on this.

  3. As I understand it, Thai law mandates only those assets accumulated during the marriage are subject to the 50:50 split. Actually a lot more sensible than the Western family law system.

    If your money prior to the marriage was used to acquire the property assets, there may be some leverage there.

    I suggest you need a good lawyer - in fact, the best money can buy given the asset base.

    you are right that the law here seems to be quite fair, for thai people. infact if you dont get married at all then the female has no right to take anything from you, unless you have put the assets in their name. i keep telling my mates not to marry their thai girls as they are giving up half of the stuff they buy in thailand. they never listen and often they are doing it to get marriage visas. most of my friends are too young to get retirement visas. it would be cheaper to get the elite visa than give away half of their assets. is a sad thing to see so many of my friends loosing so much to thai girls who i suspect were only in it for the money from the start.

  4. So simple - the OP would not have got into this mess if he had not married.

    I've made it clear to my Thai GF while she will be well provided for before and after I die, marriage is not going to happen.

    if he had not got married he would not have any claim to any of the assets in her name. the mistake this guy made was putting assets in her name.

    another poster made a good point about making sure she does not just go out and borrow against the properties.

    still really interested in hearing about other people who have been in this situation. almost always the guy just ends up walking away from everything, or worse spending alot of money and then getting nothing anyway.

    was just in the car and heard the nation anthem. it goes on several times about keeping thailand for thai people. i am pretty sure the judges in the courts listen to the same song played twice daily. makes it an up hill battle for any foreigners wanting to invest in land here.

  5. i only know of one guy without kids who went through the courts and got awarded half the house. (cost him alot of money in lawyers) ex wife was ordered to sell the house. she set the price (very high) and it is still for sale a number of years later. you are best bet is to try to come to some agreement with her. you will probably have to give her a bit extra to get her to agree. courts and lawyers are going to rip you every way they can otherwise.

    a good friend of mine went through the courts and the house was put in their sons name. this is a great solution if you have kids although you will probably not be able to sell it until the kid is 18.

    you are probably going to loose one way or another so looking to get anything you can is your best option. would be interesting to hear other peoples experiences.

  6. If they could figure out some way to reuse them, maybe it would be cheaper to buy them. As it is now, they usually dump them on you after your get a tire change. Once they find a way to reuse the material easily, it'll change the world. So much waste from old tires. Some motorcycle shop dumped a bunch of them in a vacant area nearby where I live. Seen this plenty of times around Thailand.

    there has been a form of airless tire around for decades. it is a honey combed plastic hub with a strip of tread around it. the strip of rubber is replaced when the tread is worn off. for some reason big manufacturers have been very slow taking up the technology. many advantages to having airless reusable tires. finally one manufacturer (think it is bridgestone) is starting up a factory for these tires but they will only be for industrial use. new airless tires should be perfect for electric cars as they are light and have low rolling resistance.

  7. using more rubber in the roads might help them bend as they subside around the dams that have dried out. but seriously my engineer mate said there is some special matting used under roads in most of the developed world. it is expensive so is not generally used in thailand, possibly the money allotted to buying it has to be spent else where to ensure the the happiness of the people. when the road is completed it looks the same either way so is obviously not that important in the short term.

  8. this will never stop. my girl owns 26% of my business my lawyer/accountant 25%. leaves me 49% in 9 years i have not had any problems but say they came to say my business was legal. how would they prove it? if they did close me down then there would be 4 less thais with jobs and my girl would have less income to support our 2 kids. ontop of that the lawyer/accountant would have one less customer and thailand would miss out on all the fees and taxes i pay.

    i sometimes wonder if they make it illegal but sill possible to run a business just to go about extracting cash from us. really there is no other explanation.

  9. wonder of the guy he got in a fight with was his girls new man. bar girls are amazing at manipulating their customers. you never know what a thai is thinking behind their smile. i know a couple guys who thought they had great relationships who got dumped and told their girl always hated them. i have 2 kids with a thai girl and we get along ok. i pay her a monthly salary. i am worth more to her alive so hopefully it will stay that way.

    What kind of psychotic image does this give to your kids?

    That their mum needs to be paid to be a mum and a wife?

    That there are the product of business deal?

    Good luck with years of therapy to fix that !

    about half of all marriages in the west now end up in divorce. where children are involved the father normally ends up making child support payments. will all of these children grow up needing therapy?

    seems i have to call it a housing allowance to keep all the moaners happy. my kids are great, happy and active. i am lucky and have the resources to give them a great up bringing and their mum is 100% devoted to them. doubt there will be anything to fix in the future but i guess you never know. really getting annoyed with having to defend myself over nothing to do with the topic of this article.

    about half of all marriages in the west now end up in divorce. where children are involved the father ends up making child support payments. will all of these childer grow up needing therapy

  10. wonder of the guy he got in a fight with was his girls new man. bar girls are amazing at manipulating their customers. you never know what a thai is thinking behind their smile. i know a couple guys who thought they had great relationships who got dumped and told their girl always hated them. i have 2 kids with a thai girl and we get along ok. i pay her a monthly salary. i am worth more to her alive so hopefully it will stay that way.

    Why do you pay her a monthly salary? Does she not actually love you?

    was trying to think of all the ferang/ thai relationships i have seen over the last decade. i was trying to think of any that have lasted more than 10 years. could only think of one and they are only together because they have kids. i have a good working relationship with my kids mum. i love my kids and she loves being their mum. as for love between me and her, no thanks, that kind of love is fickle.

  11. wonder of the guy he got in a fight with was his girls new man. bar girls are amazing at manipulating their customers. you never know what a thai is thinking behind their smile. i know a couple guys who thought they had great relationships who got dumped and told their girl always hated them. i have 2 kids with a thai girl and we get along ok. i pay her a monthly salary. i am worth more to her alive so hopefully it will stay that way.

    Does she let you have fun with her salary?

    not sure i understand you. she spends what she has to on the kids and does what ever she wants with the rest. i dont have any say over what she spends it on and i dont care as long as the kids are looked after. this is all getting a bit off topic.

  12. wonder of the guy he got in a fight with was his girls new man. bar girls are amazing at manipulating their customers. you never know what a thai is thinking behind their smile. i know a couple guys who thought they had great relationships who got dumped and told their girl always hated them. i have 2 kids with a thai girl and we get along ok. i pay her a monthly salary. i am worth more to her alive so hopefully it will stay that way.

    And some people say the sky's the limit. You've proved them wrong.

    sky is the limit on what?

    really dont want to sound like a thai basher but i think thats the way some of my comments may have come across. i have nothing against thai people despite not understanding them very well. this is thailand and we are here by choice. choosing to live in a country where you hate the native people seems to be a mistake if you are looking for a happy life.

  13. wonder of the guy he got in a fight with was his girls new man. bar girls are amazing at manipulating their customers. you never know what a thai is thinking behind their smile. i know a couple guys who thought they had great relationships who got dumped and told their girl always hated them. i have 2 kids with a thai girl and we get along ok. i pay her a monthly salary. i am worth more to her alive so hopefully it will stay that way.

    You married someone that you don't know what they are thinking?

    You give your wife a salary! What for exactly?

    No wonder you get along ok.

    i have been living in thailand for 10 years and running a business employing thai people. one thai single mother was working for me for a long time. she was great and i paid her extra money, helped her out when ever i could, helped her move apartment with my pickup a few times. people would joke about us and i would reply she is like my sister as i had no romantic interest in her. in the end she quit one day over a very small matter and wont even look at me if i see her in public. this is just one example of how hard it is to read thais. you may think you know your girl but they can hold a small grudge against you for years without ever showing it.

    i have 2 kids with a thai girl, she works full time raising them, she needs money for food and diapers and associated expenses. paying a set salary helps me to budget my expenditure and keeps her spending her money carefully.

    back to the topic, hope they find up where this guy ended up. someone must know who the guy is who he got in a fight with when he was last seen. dosent sound like the officials are doing much about it.

  14. wonder of the guy he got in a fight with was his girls new man. bar girls are amazing at manipulating their customers. you never know what a thai is thinking behind their smile. i know a couple guys who thought they had great relationships who got dumped and told their girl always hated them. i have 2 kids with a thai girl and we get along ok. i pay her a monthly salary. i am worth more to her alive so hopefully it will stay that way.

  15. Gun control has failed in Australia, all thats happened is guns are now only in criminals hands. Gun crime has increased.

    many americans use australia as an example of how new gun laws have been very effective. i spend alot of time in nz where we have relativly relaxed gun laws and gun crime is not a major problem. gun crime stats are often skewed by including suicide by firearm.

    would be interesting to know where you see gun crime is increasing in australia.

  16. think we can all agree thailand has the best working girls, they must be twice as good as the rest of the countries at relieving us of our hard earned.

    Sorry, when you say "us", are you Chinese? Because most of the farang tourists seem to have vanished in the last couple of years. smile.png

    us, the general punting public. still a few of us around. we have just had to up the game to compensate as there are less of us around.

  17. Although it's so easy to call the BS, let's take it a little further.


    According to 2015 data referring to 2014, Thailand generated 38.4 billion US from tourism.

    Throughout 2014, the dollar was worth between 32-33 baht so let's call it 32.5

    38.4 billion x 32.5 = 1.248 trillion for the whole of 2014.

    Now, in 2016, after 2 years of military regime, Thailand is claiming that from a supposed fake 10% increase in tourist numbers (they say it jumped from 28 million to 30 million whatever), mostly Chinese, they are claiming this revenue for the first 6 months of 2016 only.

    So basically tourism revenue has doubled compared to 2014, in times of economic slowdown.

    Even with a 10% baht devaluation and a 10% tourist number increase, numbers still don't add up.


    Seems like tourist spend double amount of money here than other countries in Asean

    They said Malaysia, for example, recorded 27,437,315 tourism arrivals in 2014, generating US$ 16.69 billion in revenue. However, Thailand with lower tourism arrivals of 24,779,668 grossed nearly double that amount at US$ 38.4 billion.

    Source http://en.qdnd.vn/vietnam-and-asean/optimizing-travel-and-tourism-for-economic-growth/407249.html

    think we can all agree thailand has the best working girls, they must be twice as good as the rest of the countries at relieving us of our hard earned.

  18. i had a house in a company name. no problems. you are going to have to put it in a company or thais name and the company option is the best of 2 bad options. would i do it again? no because houses are extremely hard to sell. if anything i would buy condos which can be owned in a foreign name, and even then renting is so cheap why bother buying? being suck owning property in thailand is a hassle, i know because that is the situation i am now in. i have 2 condos in pattaya i need to sell before i leave. this seems just about impossible and i want to take my kids back to nz to go to school.

  19. extremely frustrating to do anything in this country. i once tried for years to transfer my work permit from samui to pattay. eventually i was picked up for having the wrong address in my work permit. cops held my passport for 2 years, over 80K thb in fines and 'fees' paid to get it back. i find it hard to believe anything will change. if anything i am sure a new layer of complication will be added with this latest round of simplification.

  20. think part of the problem is too many kids going to uni. i am one of these people. 4 years at uni and never ending up doing anything remotely related to my degrees. (i worked 2 jobs so i did not need to borrow any money from the government) needing a uni degree to work in 7/11 is unnecessary. 25% default is extremely high. will be hard to break the culture of borrowed money seen as a gift though.

  21. The mechanic called Em gonna sort this out his own way. angry.gif

    Sure is...."saw the men arrive ran off to save himself"

    if you ever see some one coming with an automatic rife running is the smartest thing to do. i doubt he could have dived infront of his girlfriend and caught all 12 projectiles. is possible i suppose but more likely there would have been 2 victims.

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