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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. They would not have been forced to sign anything. It would all have been written in Thai, but they should have refused to sign it.

    Admittedly, they were probably scared not to sign it, because they would not have been aware of the system.

    Let's hope it all gets put to bed now, but don't be surprised if everything is not dropped.

    I imagine somebody will be successfully prosecuted, for an obscure offence, with a paltry fine, in order for the B.I.B. to save some face.

    the woman who did not sign was kept in custody ...

    i refused to sign when they busted me. they kept me locked up for 12 hours and doubled my bond to 50 000thb. kept my passport for 2 years just for having the wrong address in my work permit. all up cost me 80 000tb to get my bond back. that cheque, but no problems putting it into my thai bank account.

  2. they are a great idea and i am surprised insurance companies have not offered a discount on premiums to have one fitted.

    i want to do some uber driving and would like to get one with a forward facing and rear facing camera. wonder if these exist.

    i also wonder how a thai cop would respond if you turned your dash mounted cam on him when doing a stop.

  3. Get formally married with your girl friend paying a nice sinsod...and your future mother in law will change her mind very fast....

    Tend to agree. MIL doesn't want you taking her daughter away and having your wicked way without that sin sod. Yes, I know you probably are already, but to her mum, letting her go away advertises it to all and sundry. No ring, no jewelry, no marriage, no sin sod. Mummy would get the piss taken out of her by the neighbors and family. Letting her "asset" go without getting all the up front payments first.

    this is good advice. letting the young unsopoilt (no babies or ex husbands) daughter go away for sinfull relationships lowers her sinsot value.

  4. Great news!

    The world will be a better, healthier place when the Fossil Fuel corporations dry up and blow away!

    We do have viable, economic sources of energy now that can employ more people than the oil industry.

    Can we at least stop the fracking now?

    having cheaper oil does not mean less of it gets used. we need oil to double or tripple, not get cheaper.

  5. More Anti-Foreigner Stuff?

    This would also take in many expat businesses. Many of these people are just trying to live within the Law.

    Thai's perceived problems with foreigners are because of shortcomings in their own people, one way or another.

    Looks like it may be time to rethink any ideas about living in Thailand.

    This lot are just plain greedy.

    i have had my business in thailand for 8 years. thai mum from my 2 kids is 51% owner. i employ as many thais as i can. 2 have worked for me for over 5 years. all the money i make from tourists is spent back into thailand. really dont see how i am hurting thailand.

  6. while is is great that the falang is doing this, it would be far better if the Thai's would take the hint and quit throwing all their garbage on the ground, it not just the beach that the Thai's need a little education on cleanliness, I would like to see the Thai's getting their lazy asses off the computer (facebook) and start doing what the falang is doing! it is easy to heap praise on someone doing what they should be doing in their own country!

    good points. thais need to stop littering.

  7. you dont have to go on dates here. lots of short time bars here and you can even pay extra to go all night if you are the romantic kind. seriously if you want company you should hang out with your mates, if you have no mates you need to join a club.

  8. Marry her and get a non o. Its an easy visa to obtain and you dont have to leave for 5 months at a time.

    i am anti marriage but this is good advice. i have a business in thailand and setting up a company and work permit is not only difficult it is expensive. simple marriage non O is a better option. i am selling my company and getting a non im O based on my half thai kids. easy peasie and 200usd per year.

  9. half of Thailand is short of water, I wonder why that is, is it because they have no idea about water management , is it because they don't want to spend money on groundwater wells and boreholes or desalination plants or is it they just want to do what they have always done keep plodding on and hope something turns up.

    sucking up ground water and desalination plants are not the answer. it is more dams to catch the plentiful rain. water demand is increasing but dam capacity is not keeping up.

  10. you need to walk away from this and dont think about it again. from what i can see there are 2 options for car insurance in thailand.

    drive a decent car and have full insurance.

    drive an old banger and dont bother with insurance.

    i do the first option but it seems you were doing the second. old/free car, not wort spending money to try to recoup a small sum.

  11. They should be returned to their country of origin as they will only ruin Europe in the long term.

    As I said before if the poor Muslims do not leave soon they will be in Camps and sadly Killed by the Europeans they did it before they will do it again

    I say we pray for these poor people and maybe no killing of them

    But who would you pray to?

    The western imaginary Christian God, Allah, Buddha, Thor, Odin etc.

    Having completed your prayers, what will you do if they are not answered?

    Well if my prays were not answered I will start raising money and try to educate the poor Muslims to leave before be killed

    Yes I will move to Germany to teach the Poor Muslims to leave at once

    you think they will listen to you?

  12. I first went there in 1994, and apart from a few better shops and more perverts around I don't see much difference on the odd occasions I have been back since. The whole place is just vile.

    i agree. the place has not changed much in the 8 years i have lived there. its still great, except for the price gouging on walking street but thats only for tourists anyway. i still get 60baht beers and 1000tb girls so all good on my end.

  13. so i went through 3 years trying to sell my house in pattaya. i tried several agents who were just a waste of time. i sold it for a cheap price on bahtnsold website eventually.not a good result but at least i got rid of it. i sold my other house for a good profit on bahtnsold as well. both sales no commission. hard time to sell with alot of competition from cheap condos that can be legally owned in a foreign name. for any newbies reading this. rent, rent , rent. at least for the first couple years.

  14. I like her style, taking control of her own life and living it through traveling experiences.

    And when she runs out of money,

    Some guy will still marry her and pay for everything for the rest of her life.

    That's rather demeaning to women.

    She's getting royalties from the book, what makes you think all women get married and want some man to pay for everything for the rest of their lives? Get with the 21st century mindset, unless you're speaking from experience that's an off remark.

    thats all the girls want in thailand.

  15. Isn't Uber that company which uses private drivers that are not insured for commercial passengers? Who would use them, I wonder.

    seems many people are using them. in fact in many countries despite uber being a fairly new company it is bigger than most existing taxi companies. my mate drives for them in perth and he loves the it. many of his customers say they will never take a taxi again because uber is such a superior service. i might even drive part time for uber when i sell my business and move back to nz. uber and uber style taxi services are the future.

    appealing to crowd funding to help with legal fees. what a joke.

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