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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. I have posted about this subject on quite a few occasions I still think ground water wells and desalination plants are the solution to this problem and in my opinion people have had sufficient time to address the problem .

    desalination plants are extremely expensive to build run and maintain. not to mention they require vast amounts of energy (in oz that is CO2 coal fired power, not sure about thailand) ontop of this desal plants produce fresh water at sea level requiring more power to pump up country where required. thailand has enough rainfall, it just needs to be captured and used more efficiently.

    interestingly a friend of mine works for a company that builds dams, he now spends more time investigating why dam building projects fail rather than actually getting them built.

    ground water is not a limitless supply, it is also resupplied by rainwater. sucking it up just means more draining down to replace it.

  2. Study Muay Thai. Two hours a week, get one year visa.

    That's nonsense..unless you can show us how?

    If it's nonsense why ask?

    Actually if you Google Chacrit Muay Thai school, on the Ed visa page it says attend classes twice a week minimum, and on the fees page it says one class takes one hour.

    that is pretty interesting. i will tell some of my study visa mates about that. wonder if it will work. anyone heard about someone studying thai kick boxing to get a study visa. would be good to see them test you at the airport on the way in to see if you were were actually doing classes.

  3. My wife works, she has her money and I have mine, "I don't see the point of getting into a relationship anywhere unless you are going to have kids". I certainly do not agree with that.

    Most expats who come to live in Thailand have already brought up kids back in their home countries, the ones who start families again here in Thailand are really off their heads, but everyone to his own.

    If people come over here and are younger and have jobs start bringing up kids, then good on them, that is different.

    But most expats that I know about, come here for the cheap sex because they are losers in their own countries, and end up paying for wifes and their parents, but again each to his own.

    I am 41. I had my kids at 37 and 40. I would not like to be having kids in my 50s or 60s but some do and enjoy retirement spending more time with their kids the second time around. I am lucky to have lots of time to spend with my kids first time round.

    I have a great crowd of friends in thailand who no one would class as losers, they just prefer not to go through all te bulls#it required in the west to get laid. the irony is most of them are single and many would like to have kids but they cant find a thai girl that keeps them interest for very long.

  4. Why would you want to pay a monthly amount to your girlfriend/wifes family? By all means help them out now and again, but???????

    safest way to deal with a thai girlfriend/partner and the family is give your girl a set salary and leave it up to her how much she hands onto the family. then the family hounds her for money not you. I have seen it tried many ways and this is the only fail safe one. once you start making occasional payments to the family the requests will probably not stop.

    If you are looking for a serious relationship or marriage in Thailand, better to find someone who is already working in a steady job so you are not financially responsible for her.

    That's not to say you don't spend money on her.

    But if you are a member of the rich, fat, tattooed brigade, you will have to pay for what you want, because she is not going to love you.

    love, well that is a hard thing to find anywhere, let alone with someone you have almost nothing in common with. I don't see the point of getting into a relationship anywhere unless you are going to have kids, especially here in Thailand it is far simpler and far more fun being single. but lets say you found a girl with a decent job who supports her family, it is possible but difficult to say the least. when you have kids you will have to take over supporting her, the kids (probably kids she has from before) plus the parents, unemployed family members and so on. comes back to my original post where a set salary is the safest way. I pay my girl a set salary to raise our 2 kids, what she gives her parents is up to her.

  5. Why the fear of marriage ?

    In the situation described I would think the Western womans reaction would also be less than "enthusiastic"

    Speaking from previous experience, marriage is a bad idea in most countries for a male. The way family law works in most countries, all the power resides with the female in the event of a breakup. In Australia, the same power is accorded to even defacto relationships after one year. Ask the Americans on TV about "community property" and "palimony".

    A woman can sit on her backside for 20 or 30 years of marriage while the man is supporting her out working. In a marriage or defacto breakdown, she can then claim 50% of all assets even when she has done nothing to earn them. Even more if children are involved.

    I don't have a problem with supporting children you bring into the world. However, Australian family law is insane. One guy I knew was estranged from his wife and 2 children, 80% of his earnings were garnisheed by a a Family Court order. He would have been better off going on the dole.

    Believe it or not, Thai law is far more sensible. Defacto relationships are not recognised. In a marriage, only those assets accumulated during the marriage are divided by the parties.

    Perhaps you can explain to me why the OP should not fear marriage.

    some good points. in Thailand the man has the power as long as he does not give away his rights by getting married. again we hold the the power by having the money which is generally the case in western man thai woman relationships.

  6. Why would you want to pay a monthly amount to your girlfriend/wifes family? By all means help them out now and again, but???????

    safest way to deal with a thai girlfriend/partner and the family is give your girl a set salary and leave it up to her how much she hands onto the family. then the family hounds her for money not you. I have seen it tried many ways and this is the only fail safe one. once you start making occasional payments to the family the requests will probably not stop.

  7. I have done this. have 2 kids with an older ex bar girl. no way I would marry her. I made that mistake before in the west. thai girls seem to be good stay at home mums and mine looks after my kids better than I could have ever hoped for. I also can stay in Thailand on a non im O visa as I have a half thai kid. do you have a girl picked out? trick is to pick out one not too crazy, also try to get one who is clean and tidy. don't let them screw you down. I have seen quite a few guys really enjoying life in Thailand having their lives ruined by thai girls controlling them. remember if you are paying them a salary, you are boss. good luck.

  8. many of us have been here for many years. many people have seen almost everyone fail at making a living in Thailand. the odds are so stacked against foreigners it is near impossible. I invested only what I could afford to loose and it was years before I got a return on investment. I only know a couple other guys that have been as successful as me. I don't blame anyone from being negative on this topic, they are giving you good advice.

  9. 9 years in pattaya and every year many business owners complain about how quiet it is. I am out of town at the moment but before I left it was building up to high season and I barely saw a westerner but the roads were getting crazy busy. I don't really understand how it all works. things do seem a bit more dire this year with many businesses up for sale or closed. I was luck to sell my 2 houses. just wish I could sell my 2 condos as well.

  10. We are all very envious of New Zealand, a country with so few major problems to worry about (seriously), that they have so much time and energy to devote to such a high priority as designing a new national flag.

    You're joking right?

    Benefit scroungers run amok, immigrant problems, asylum seeker problems, mass unemployment.

    State pension cutbacks for citizens, while they spend all their money on welfare abroad.

    Looks like any other bankrupt western country to me.

    You've done yourself proud this time! Can't see any of these problems in NZ, please submit links to share your information. I've been on the NZ pension for 3 years now and only experienced increases. Seems to be one of the few socially and economically successful democracies in the world, opposite of bankrupt, you must be talking about the UK

    seriously, this guy must be tripping on something. would like to hear some facts to back up his claims. very rare to find someone saying something bad about nz, well ok maybe the girls do have fuller figures but that just helps keep you warm at night.

  11. Thai price is a myth created by a TV poster and then repeated so many times that it became true.

    I went with GF whilst she was condo shopping to at least a dozen projects and nobody offered her a " thai" price. Is there a secret nod or wink or something?

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    one condo I bought was for sale for 2.4mill foreign name or 2.04 mill thai name so it must be real. also the thai option had better payment plans. thai quota is generally (not always) harder to sell so they would have to be discounted.

    after a second thought why would they offer her a thai price? they would see she is thai and just give it to her automatically.

  12. Thai price is a myth created by a TV poster and then repeated so many times that it became true.

    I went with GF whilst she was condo shopping to at least a dozen projects and nobody offered her a " thai" price. Is there a secret nod or wink or something?

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    one condo I bought was for sale for 2.4mill foreign name or 2.04 mill thai name so it must be real. also the thai option had better payment plans. thai quota is generally (not always) harder to sell so they would have to be discounted.

  13. I bought off plan 4 years ago, project almost finished and I doubt I could sell my condos for what I paid for them at the early bird 'discounted rate'. one friend walked into a condo project and offered thai price and payment plan on a condo and they are very keen to sell so he got it. I still think the best option is to offer low on almost finished condos. LBR1 has 46m condos for sale 1.8mill, foreign name. seems pretty good to me. think you should be offering about 40K/sq meter as a rough guide. less in a thai name. so cheap to rent now that you don't save that much owning after paying maintenance fees and upkeep.

  14. We are all very envious of New Zealand, a country with so few major problems to worry about (seriously), that they have so much time and energy to devote to such a high priority as designing a new national flag.

    You're joking right?

    Benefit scroungers run amok, immigrant problems, asylum seeker problems, mass unemployment.

    State pension cutbacks for citizens, while they spend all their money on welfare abroad.

    Looks like any other bankrupt western country to me.

    What planet did you come from?

    there are 2 explanations for this poster. first they never been to nz, or second they have never been outside of nz and don't understand how good they have it. wonder which one it is.

    more time I spend away from nz the better I think it is. still a little colder and more expensive than Thailand however its where my kids will grow up.

  15. We are all very envious of New Zealand, a country with so few major problems to worry about (seriously), that they have so much time and energy to devote to such a high priority as designing a new national flag.

    You're joking right?

    Benefit scroungers run amok, immigrant problems, asylum seeker problems, mass unemployment.

    State pension cutbacks for citizens, while they spend all their money on welfare abroad.

    Looks like any other bankrupt western country to me.

    are you talking about NZ? I am here at the moment and it seems to be a great country. very strong tourism and dairy industries, unemployment under 6 percent. what asylum seekers? my parents are retired here. despite being very well off they get more in retirement benefits than my gross salary in thaialand.

  16. We are all very envious of New Zealand, a country with so few major problems to worry about (seriously), that they have so much time and energy to devote to such a high priority as designing a new national flag.

    ha, so true. I am here now and it is a great country. I plan to wrap things up in Thailand over the next couple years and get my kids educated in nz. will miss Thailand but I hope I can fit in a trip back here and there.

  17. Women should not be in combat and they should not be in special forces. Period.

    If they are as good or better as males in the job?

    No. Because there is no way they can be as good as men at these specific tasks. Men have evolved to specialize at this stuff.

    What if the requirements have to be watered down to accommodate the women ?

    they opened up infantry roles to woman in new Zealand. woman could not pass minimum basic fitness standards. some pathetic feminist idiot lowered the minimum fitness requirements. less pressups, no chin ups, slower run times. end result woman trying to do a mans job and failing. west needs more mothers not more soldiers.

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