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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. Generally speaking, if he's good for the money, a bank is probably the place he should go for a loan and not a private seller.

    Why would you even entertain such a proposition?

    Sent from my SM-T116BU using Tapatalk

    Yes, why indeed. If the buyer is not able to secure a loan from a bank, tell him to go fly a kite.


    wrong. take the deposit, hold the title until you get the balance. friend of mine sold a condo, took the deposit, guy never paid the balance and he got to sell it again.

  2. Why not ban Songkran this year? Does the government really think people here understand the consequences when they not capable of thinking past 24 hours time frame.

    You are 100% right.....there should be no wet Songkran this year . If the government feels they need to do something they could limit water to one day only and ban the use of ice. The Thai people I speak to really do not understand the gravity of the situation.

    some points you need to better understand.

    govenment brings in rules and laws all they time and they are just ignored so are pointless. nothing will stop a wet songkran.

    songkran is very important to the economy which people survive off. tourism helps drive the economy and money needs to be spent building dams to catch abundant rain fall. not digging wells which will deplete ground water.

    the point you are correct on is thais dont understand how important water conservation is. this dry season will cut it close to zero reserves.

  3. Pattaya is fun city but there are times when you just want to not live in a tourist party town and live in a more normal place. Other than the crime my biggest problem was finding a lady. Not at hooker but a real lady who works a normal job. Also when you do bring a lady there everyone assumes she is a hooker. Living in Bkk now and office girls by the thousands and never a bar fine or talk of money. I love Bangkok smile.png

    I don't disagree with what you are saying, but it's not really relevant to whether or not Pattaya is a great party city.

    I live in Naklua to stay away from the madness on a daily basis. I choose to party when I want to. I don't need thousands of office girls to choose from. I found a nice office girl and I'm happy with her. And we enjoy to go to and party and dance sometimes.

    Good thing about Pattaya is if you want an office girl you just select the girl you want and dress her up. Next night she can be a nurse

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    ha ha. they can be anything you tell them to be. they can even pretend to be your girlfriend, and in many cases be quite convincing. god i love bar girls, dont know why anyone would move to thailand to be with a nice girl.

  4. jomtien is still excellent. rompo market 60 bath beers and 1000thb beauties (ok not stunners but still possible to find good ones fresh to town if you are willing to take a walk) there are chinese whispers that the rompo market bars are closing and a tesco is opening. anyone else heard this?

  5. i went to the one in jomtien with my son. poor fish cower on the far side of the pond and are hooked when the line is cast with a hand full of food. fish must be scared to eat anything. can see from the state of the fishes mouths they have been hooked a few times. was a good day out for us however, made better by the fact large beers were cheap. infact it is quite a nice place to go for a beer and just feed the fish if you dont actually want to catch them.

  6. Do not listen to any idiot that tell you will never see her again.

    It all depends on the lengths you are willing to go to, to get her back.

    It might just be about money, and if you agree to pay 20k a month you will get access, this figure is probably negotiable.

    By the sounds of it she is only after a payday and you could probably negotiate an amount for full custody.

    Her actions show she doesn't have the child's best interests at heart.

    You can also go to court to get an order granting access.

    She is obviously willing to fight dirty, you might also have to resort to underhand tactics.

    I personally would do whatever I had to, to get my daughter back and I would never give up.

    i would do anything to get my kids back as well. dealing with these woman is the same a dealing with terrorists. several of my friends have been given the run around by them when they have kids. best to buy custody if possible, it is easier than fighting it out in court.

  7. cops can do anything they want. they are above the law because they are the law. i have had some limited dealings with them over a work permit issue. i now pay a small monthly donation. not sure if it achieves anything but hope it means i wont be locked up in their cells again.

    Too many Judge Dredd comics.

    they came with immigration on a friday afternoon. this means i was going to spend 3 nights in the cells sleeping on a concrete floor to get out monday morning. 3 nights i would have been willing to pay alot to get out. they seemed to be scared of my lawyer and i managed to post bail and get out by 2am sat morning. anyone thinking about starting a business in thailand i would suggest you think twice about it.

  8. Police can enter and search any house without a warrant any time of the day. However after 6pm a warrant is needed.

    Wrong. Warrant needed and search must be between sunrise and sunset.

    you are correct with this....

    as you know as well ....... thing are arranged in many many countries too.

    just play the game and understand you are part of the game.

    if possible never let cops onto you premises. if you do, just allow one and get a camera on them. sounds paranoid but i know what they do. call a lawyer if you can to be a witness.

  9. cops can do anything they want. they are above the law because they are the law. i have had some limited dealings with them over a work permit issue. i now pay a small monthly donation. not sure if it achieves anything but hope it means i wont be locked up in their cells again.

  10. he had the standard excuse for many wrong doings in this country, i was drunk. then he just needs to give some B.S. excuse for why he was drunk, girlfriend left him or something like that. in my 9 years in thailand, living and working, i have found it very rare thais admit to their mistakes or apologize. this is just my personal experience. i actually remember the one time one of my thai staff apologized to me, remember it because it was the only time it happened.

    The wrongdoing was being drunk. He didn't use being drunk as an excuse for being drunk.. He has manned up and admitted he was drunk. Kudos to him for being honest. No kudos for you for trying to slag off Thais

    slag off thais? read my post again. i made an observation about my years of life in thailand.

  11. he had the standard excuse for many wrong doings in this country, i was drunk. then he just needs to give some B.S. excuse for why he was drunk, girlfriend left him or something like that. in my 9 years in thailand, living and working, i have found it very rare thais admit to their mistakes or apologize. this is just my personal experience. i actually remember the one time one of my thai staff apologized to me, remember it because it was the only time it happened.

  12. Thais are well above most of us on a spiritual level.

    Like the fish vendor that cut the Russians ear off?

    Or the go go girls that beat up the Canadian teachers?

    Or the boat captains that keep killing tourists in assorted ways?

    Or the coach drivers that crash their coach then run off and hide?

    If they really are so far above us foreigners 'spiritually' ....... why are there so many Thai prostitutes?

    I don't really have a view on Thai or "us foreigners" spirituality, but if we're using the above question to assess the matter, then we should also ask why so many " foreigners" use Thai prostitutes?

    because i get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing i am supporting single mothers.

  13. Better to relinquish Thai nationality & be the EU

    No point in having Thai passport anyway if you have passport & citizenship from EU country

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That's even worse advice than the "don't get ID or tabien baan".

    giving up a thai passport? ok it is not the best passport in the world, but being able to come to thailand any time without a visa is pretty sweet. not sure what my 4 year old half thai son will do. still have 18 years to think about it. he will probably not speak alot of thai. wonder if he would still get drafted with limited thai language ability.

  14. 1,000 bht on the bedside table in the morning.

    Don't go shopping with her.

    That his an absolutely disgraceful suggestion. If you do this you would be treating her like a "bar girl", which she is not. MaeJoMTB - may be it is time that you realise that not all thai girls are "bar girls". Possibly it is you who looks and meets such girls, but the majority of Thai females are just girls like everywhere else!

    one of the things i find most funny in thailand after living here for almost a decade is the girls trying not to look like prostitutes (some free lancers out right denying it) while trying to fleece every western male for everything they can get. end result in many cases is western men forking out alot of money to a girl while denying she is a hooker.

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