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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. 99.999999999% of them are only good for a w@nk.
  2. Of course I expect cars to yield at zebra crossings, that's what they are there for. It's not a matter of superiority. It's a matter of basic decency. But as you said, this is Asia. If we can't cross at pedestrian crossings, where can we cross? And what's the point in having crossings if they are ignored? They are suuposed to be safe places for people to cross. You are somehow twisting this into the pedestrian's superiority complex. It shouldn't be too much to ask drivers to follow the law, but they respect nothing and people get killed on zebra crossings because of it. Pedestrian are entitled to cross even if cars are coming. You don't seem to grasp that basic concept. If I was going to stand and wait til it's clear that would defeat the point in going to the crossing. I could cross at any part of the road once it's clear.
  3. How do you know my age? I know, there's no respect for anything. Superior attitude? By using a pedestrian crossing?
  4. Their forefathers should have just been kept on 1 year non-immigrant style visas
  5. Most of my adult life. No, I know the drivers don't respect anything here...... .....thanks for proving my point, by the way. 😄 Just trying to cross the road at a zebra crossing, man. I think it's the drivers who don't follow the law and give way that have a superiority complex. Well, I only have to look one way, usually. And then I step out and start crossing the road - even if a car is coming - because I am on a pedestrian crossing and its my right of way. They have the right of way on every part of the road, except pedestrian crossings. Okay, I am all ears.
  6. How so? How is it Thai bashing? It's true. I am unable to cross at a pedestrian crossing without incident in Thailand. Yesterday, the Thai driver who almost ran me over on the crosswalk opened his door while he was driving to hurl abuse at me cos I made him stop on the zebra crossing. I got the finger just last week for claiming my right of way at the zebra crossing, and it isn't the first time.
  7. The thing that puts me off Isaan women is their guts are full of rotting fish water Just imagine the worms and parasites they are carrying around. Quite poetic really considering their nature.
  8. Lol. What about the part where Thai drivers drive over a zebra crossing while you are on it?
  9. I remember telling that to the Thai trollop at the British Embassy. She was like, "No, this is Thailand "
  10. Of course not That's a game never to play with Thais. You can't win.
  11. Certainly not. But I have had my fair share of life threatening moments crossing the road here, even on crosswalks, it's a daily occurrence actually.
  12. Careful when crossing the road. Heaven forbid you should get run over.
  13. The driver showed absolutely no willingness to stop. He did his best to get in front of the pedestrians who were already crossing the road, rather than stop willingly to let them finish crossing. So, they had to walk in front of a moving car or be forced to stand and wait in the middle of the road to let the car through, then suffer the same challenge with the next Thai driver. But rather than stop completely, the driver then continued to roll slowly towards the group as they crossed getting uncomfortably close to them. This was probably to hurry them along or to display aggression towards them for crossing the road. It's a game to the drivers here, I think. Probably something to do with losing face as well. I had a similar experience yesterday with a taxi on a crosswalk.
  14. It's just a case of pedestrians vs cars. In case you hadn't noticed: Thai drivers, in general, have zero respect for pedestrians (or other drivers) regardless of the circumstances. I once witnessed a taxi drive through a group of people who were on a crosswalk (with a green man) and actually hit one of them gently and just kept driving.
  15. Oh, it's that time of the year again: Thai people & alcohol vs. Water & tarmac
  16. "Another quality tourist." Amusing! Why does Thailand expect quality tourists?? Doesn't it know what it is??
  17. I like the pleasant exterior of Thai culture. But what's inside isn't so 'sabai sabai'.....Best avoided
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