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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Yeah, it wouldn't be in Thailand's best interests. But Costco is in China now.....so, maybe? They are also big in Taiwan and Japan.
  2. I use coconut
  3. Old thread, but what's the latest on healthy cooking oil?
  4. When's Costco coming here? They are unbeatable. I want that $1.50 hotdog combo
  5. Kinda true. I only got a B for history, but I got A's for math and physics.
  6. He's also trying to make his country great again, unlike Biden and left parties in the West in general.
  7. Yes, he represents capitalism as well as other Western values. The left are commies, which is inherently evil.
  8. Maybe, you like communism?
  9. Damn right. And I am not even American.
  10. What's the benefit of a Makro membership? Anyone have one?
  11. I learned their language to intermediate level. I can even read a bit. Largely a waste of time, to be honest. So many better things I could do with my time here that would benefit me more: exercise, read novels, do chores, work a side job, do my hobby, spend time with loved ones, watch TV, go for a massage, relax, take a nap, etc etc
  12. Interesting, So what do you do to stay in shape? Diet? Exercise?
  13. In all fairness, we were designed to move
  14. Interesting, what benefits of Qigong have you experienced?
  15. Where you overweight before? Or have you always been a healthy weight?
  16. He said he did ask in Thai first, but nobody moved to let them on Some of us actually contribute to this society. I'd rather throw a viper down my shirtfront than study them any more. I used to really like it here before I learned the language and culture. No wonder! She confronted him aggressively and disrespectfully while recording.
  17. Yeah, it seems like he didn't want to get into an argument with her. According to the OP he was "muttering complaints" as he walked into the train. It doesn't sound like he was complaining to her specifically or any particular person, just in general complaining about all the people not moving inside. But she heard his mutterings (knowing it was about her and her people) and decided to confront him and film it to post online. They got into a heated argument at that point. Honestly, I don't think this guy did anything wrong whatsoever.
  18. They are transportationally challenged. Moving from A to B in a safe and considerate manner is just to hard
  19. But there's no freedom of speech there.
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