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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. But where would they go? Leave their family over tax? Or take their family abroad where life would likely be harder financially? Minority of the farang community! This is the hilarious part. They can't govern themselves. It's like the Wild West
  2. Not likely. It'll be the wealthy who won't stay here more than 6 months a year. They can go anywhere.
  3. They already do. My broker has been sending my data to Thailand for years
  4. Exactly Like, do they think the place is really worth it?
  5. Why not? My European broker sends my figures every year
  6. So, you're just another sucker overpaying for local turds?
  7. You're on a roll, mate! (Excuse the pun, haha)
  8. Yeah, wasn't the old stick margarine banned in the 1990s or something? It's not the same stuff on sale now.
  9. Even butter has trans fats (more than margarine nowadays)
  10. The old margarine that "caused all the problems" was basically banned in the West about 30 years ago. I think margarine that exists nowadays is alright, at least in the West.
  11. Wonder where they learned to ride like that?
  12. It really doesn't matter how low or high the figure is. It could be 0.000001% and it would be still too much and, at least, that much would be easily preventable by not letting them in. It isn't about figures anyway. It's people's lives. Are you gonna try to comfort the victim and her family by quoting statistics?
  13. Well, if the topic is migration it is definitely relevant. They couldn't have raped those girls if they weren't allowed in the UK. Should the UK not protect its girls from those monsters instead of leaving the door open for them?
  14. Sounds like a patriot who loves his country and wants to protect it. Who could argue with him?
  15. Who said Thai authorities applaud it? It's appauded by self-hating farang on here. And the authorities do their best to ignore crimes against farang as much as possible
  16. Who cares? Nobody cares when a farang is assaulted by a Thai. It's applauded.
  17. Good. Better than the extreme left we currently have.
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