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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Overrated dishes. Got nothing on most Indian curries. European food is way better.
  2. You think that when you first come here, but eventually you realise they're mostly trash.
  3. We are talking about insurance companies here. They are scum.
  4. And to think: some guys spend 1000 on the barfine only. 😆
  5. -You can get a week's worth of food from Makro. -4 pints of Guinness -a couple bottles of wine -10 pints of beer -A few pub lunches -a rack of ribs or a good steak -2 weeks of nonstop AC -a month of MRT travel -a few items of clothing -a BJ and a few pints
  6. And Syphilis. But there's nothing you can self-medicate with to prevent HPV or herpes.
  7. Exactly, people lose all perspective when it comes to STDs. It's a phenomenon. Like, we are all well on the way to giving ourselves worse things, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, but most people worry about STDs far more than any of those things.
  8. I suppose so. I don't suppose any STDs can be transmitted through casual contact, such as with a person's hands, for example. Although maybe @Sheryl would be a good person to ask for expert knowledge.
  9. What's wrong with feeling superior? You've got to have some self esteem. Can I feel superior to the Indian guys constantly shoving fake watches in my face? Or the black dudes selling drugs? Or the ladyboy pickpockets? Or the mamasans padding the bills? Or the freelancers hassling customers for drinks? Or the "no meter" taxi drivers? Or the scammy tuk tuk drivers? Or the gang of Indians who want to gangbang a woman for 1000 baht? Or the Arab men with their 5 wives walking meters behind them wearing black sheets from head to toe? Or the tourists wearing elephant pants? Or the gold diggers looking to ruin some old man's life? Or the drug addicts? Or the drivers who don't stop at pedestrian crossings? Or the families that send their daughters into prostitution to support them? Or the woman firing ping pong balls out her hole? At what point is it okay (with you) for me to hold myself in higher esteem than these jokers?
  10. Yup, I will always look back fondly on those years. However, I am kinda enjoying watching the dumpster fire now, too.
  11. What an idiot. Risking himself for a couple of lowlifes having a fight. It wouldn't be me, ESPECIALLY with recent anti-farang campaigns. No chance.
  12. I absolutely hate hearing this BS. As if Thai families are somehow special. In the news a few weeks ago, a couple of brothers sold their 12 year old sister to a 60 year old one-eyed drunk for a day's use of his fishing net. And don't get me started on the millions of women selling the bodies to send money back to the village only to have their dad piss it away and their mother gamble it away. And their parents know what they are doing for the money. 🤢 The amount of abuse, neglect, and abandonment I have witnessed in families here is shocking. It's just so common. But, to add insult to injury, they've got to take care of their so-called "parents" when they are old. And they brag about family being everything here, lol. It's just about money. They have monetized the beautiful thing that is family. I reckon if they knew how the average Western family treats each other, they'd be confused and likely in denial at the genuine love and respect, rather than their manipulation and exploitation.
  13. I think they have done a great job of defending themselves
  14. I don't have a problem with gays, but all the complaining gets annoying
  15. Great, now we don't have to listen to the LGBTQers complain anymore. Whatever will they complain about now?
  16. Damn, what have you been getting up to? Haha I must have been lucky over the last couple decades.
  17. Obviously, everyone knows it's a virus. I was talking about the concept of taking preventative medications and how it makes sense for some infections, but not others.
  18. How does it make sense to take antibiotics regularly when you don't need them, when you could just wait until you need them to cure the infection? It's understandable for things like HIV and malaria. Not all infections are equal.
  19. Yeah, a bit riskier. - The prevalence in normal women is 0.5% - The prevalence in venue based FSWs is 0.7% - The prevalence in non-venue based FSWs is 1.1% And commercial sex only represents 1% of new infections, compared with regular casual sex (11%) and even couples/spousal sex which is surprisingly far higher (23%) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://hivhub.ddc.moph.go.th/Download/RRTTR/Factsheet2020_ENG_Final.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjP19i3wZOFAxUYd2wGHeF2BqoQFnoECFIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2JLoWNHj_Xy2DmQFy-zIT8
  20. It really makes no sense at all to take any bacterial PEP. Why not just wait til you get a bacterial infection then treat it with a short course of antibiotics? Instead of taking them all the time for nothing. Lol Do you take amoxicillin constantly to prevent throat/chest infections? It makes no sense.
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