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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Right! People are born into a religion. They are then taught their religion's mythology, like it's real.
  2. Let's stay in topic, Buddy. Islam is terrorising all over the world. The IRA isn't the topic, nor even an issue anymore. It's history. I am talking about this British girl who joined ISIS at 15. You are really losing the thread here. I think that's the way you are trying to spin my posts.
  3. But was that flooding due to rising sea levels? I thought a dam burst north of Bangkok
  4. Yeah. Yeah, totally sounds like something a sane person would do. And at 15, she was still a child, so I dunno why you are writing, 'children' like she wasn't. Not old enough yet to consent to sex (in the UK), or to drink alcohol, or to smoke, or to drive a car, but you are acting like she's a pornstar in an ISIS gangbang. Shocking. She's 24 now and her pre-frontal cortex is just fully developed. Maybe she regrets her decisions? Uhm....no, but I am heavily invested in a company that fights Islamic terrorists, such as Al Qaeda, ISIS and Hamas, so don't get me confused with some kind of extreme left do-gooder dafty. Yet even I think there is a case to be made in her defense here.
  5. It's absolutely priceless watching them shot themselves in the foot though, isn't it?
  6. Okay, answer this, how does a London school child decide to join ISIS without being brainwashed with that ideology? She's Muslim for Christ's sake. They get fed this BS from birth. That's how religion works. You must be dumb to not get that
  7. Are you joking? Or just being obtuse? She's Muslim and she went to join ISIS as a child.
  8. I also asked TOT and True for my bills to be in English and they did it.
  9. I got a bank statement with my address on it in English years ago. Dunno if anything changed with that.
  10. We hear about Thailand being the hub of this and the hub of that. LOS means something different to different people. Legalising weed was a surprise to many. Some like all the new malls and such, others miss Washington Square and Queen's Park Plaza. So, what do you think Thailand will be like in the next decades to come and what would you like to be like?
  11. I have mixed views on this. While I think the world would be a much better (safer) place without Islam at all - and wouldn't lose any sleep if the religion ceased to exist - she was only 15 at the time and brainwashed since birth (as Muslims are), so the verdict may be a little harsh.
  12. Just saying that you could have had parasites the last few decades without knowing it yet, so there is a flaw in your logic. I find it amazing that people think dying early from lifestyle risk is gonna be quick and painless. Like, one day the cigarette or alcohol fairy is gonna come and whisk them away in their sleep. Hey, I have a poor lifestyle too - so not much judgement- but at least I am not deluded about it. I saw someone die of liver failure, partly due to raw meat (parasites) and alcohol. He suffered from about 62-70. You can't do very much when your liver doesn't work, except walk around like a pregnant Big Foot with your stomach, legs, and feet swollen full of water. The lower half of your body turns into a water balloon, basically. Then, all the toxins in your brain causes brain damage and you don't even know what day it is never mind how much fun you've had over the last few decades. Yeah, that sounds like a fun, quick, easy, and painless way to go.
  13. I see you are yet to arrive in the real Thailand.
  14. They don't want it. They want to make their man rise up and become stronger. Of course, cos it means she is stronger than him. She doesn't want that.
  15. They don't need fuel; they are extremists. They target innocent people; that's what a terrorist does, by definition. Israel is basically part of "the West" and the issue here is Islamic terrorism which targets the West, specifically. It's been a problem for decades. That's the bigger picture here. Not only is America funding them, but assisting them strategically. I honestly think they'd be this way in any case. Don't they attack us in the name of Allah? So, you are saying by killing them in war, America will create more generations of them? Possibly. Or maybe they'll think twice next time. Who knows? We aren't experts. Maybe if you give them an inch, they'll kill you.
  16. I don't see any end to Islamic extremism and that's the bigger picture here.
  17. I just don't get how this can be forgotten about and swept under the carpet by the world. Wars have been started over less. I get that Palestine is hurting right now but what did they expect?
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