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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Out of interest, what makes you so knowledgeable about Thai culture? Got an extensive resume? Perhaps you could educate me about Thai culture.
  2. Please, this is cringy. How do you know their motives for taking selfies with the dead? You can't say it's neither wrong nor right without knowing the reason. They could just be morbid sickos You just described Thai EMS taking selfies with the dead, lol. Make up your mind.
  3. They literally said, "Let her drown" as they were laughing. How do you explain that?
  4. I just got a molar root canaled (with microscope included) for 7k at the hospital. Crown 10k. Helps to shop around.
  5. Come on. Thailand has immigration well under control.
  6. You think 120-180 a small bottle of local pish is good value?
  7. This is priceless. The absolute lowest of the low complaining about their livelihood after ripping off countless tourists. Maybe they should start charging fair prices to stay in business.
  8. Poor elephant and tourists. Bet the guy who ditched them still got paid.
  9. I've always been fascinated why that is, especially when they seem to be okay with virtually every other immoral thing. But isn't it better to be an honest, decent person who swears casually (or in a jokey way) than being dishonest, untrustworthy, unreliable, shifty, sneaky, and slimey?
  10. When I retire, I think I'd like to spend half the year back West (fishing, golfing, enjoying the seasons, people, and food) and half the year here (Thai massage, warm weather and general scallywag behaviour). But who knows what my home country will look like in a few decades, probably the Middle East, so maybe I'll just stay in good old Thailand all the time.
  11. Is there any Asian people that respect pedestrian crossings? Lol
  12. Cos it's a free world and we have choices. Thailand is not your country. It belongs to Thais. You are a guest and guests cannot vote. This is not a logical argument for British expats not being allowed to vote.
  13. Capitalism was born with the idea that if you paid the working man extra money, he would work extra hours, and increase productivity. It was a novel idea at the time. Before that, they were expected to work extra for no overtime, almost like slaves, but that wasn't very productive. That's socialism/communism for you. Slavery! Capitalism gives everyone a fair shot - and most importantly, freedom! - but you have to be financially literate, among other attributes. This doesn't sound like capitalism. It sounds like socialism. How will taxing the rich more make poor people any richer?? Rich people get taxed as much as 50% already. What more do you want? You want the state to own everything??
  14. British expats can make national insurance contributions for the state pension
  15. Damn right. Any conservative party is better than liberal loonatics Cos they care what happens to their country.
  16. I know that. I was expressing surprise that it was her because the accident looked worse for the other person. If it wasn't evident from my first post, I went on to explain it twice (to 2 other members who can't infer meaning). Now, 3rd time. But you quoted one of my responses where I was clarifying what I meant. At least the other two were confused by my first post because they don't have inferencing skills, but you are confused by my clarification - which you quoted - and I was writing very clearly, grading my language down to elementary school level, lol Maybe they have a problem with reading comprehension, like you.
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