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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Yeah, and the ones who look poor actually own a home, car, and many rai of land. Their net worth is at least 1-2 million plus - this goes for virtually every household in farming communities That's not poor; they just don't have much liquidity. Now compare that to the average "rich" farang English teacher on 35k a month, living paycheck to paycheck. It's all smoke n mirrors.
  2. None of them wanted to admit on national television that their interests align with his. He showed he knows nothing of local culture by saying the quiet part out loud.
  3. My haircuts have always been between 100 and 180. Always a Western style and great cut. Not in tourist areas tho
  4. Oh really? That's good. I thought we had to go to the Trendy building on Soi 13 in person. How do we do it now?
  5. Does it have be cross borders though? This minor was procured from somewhere, unless she just walked up, knocked on the door, and submitted a job application.
  6. I just Googled the definition: to deal or trade in something illegal.
  7. Can you apply by post, I wonder? Speaking of residency certificates at CW, do we need to take along evidence of TM30, or just latest 90 day report?
  8. I recall back in 2020 when I was applying for my driver's license I was told to get an Affirmation of Residence from the British embassy, which I did. Now, I don't see that as an available service. Did that really change? Or can we still do that at the British Embassy?
  9. I wonder if there will be less black people loitering around Sukhumvit trying to peddle some business? I'll report back tomorrow.
  10. Have any of you guys seen the video of the CEO talking about his hiring strategy? He said he doesn't hire 50 year old white men cos they are not inspirational enough. No joke.
  11. Yeah, like that's just a few hours drinking. The young ones go to nightclubs. I wonder how much they drink?
  12. By the way, processed meat (e.g. hotdog sausage) is a class 1 carcinogen too. I'd say eating highly processed junk is just as bad as, if not worse than, drinking alcohol.
  13. Now, that I'm living in Bangkok, I drink once a week in a pub - usually about 5-6 pints - with friends when they are available. When I lived up country, I would drink alone in the garden - usually about one bottle of beer a day.
  14. Exactly, the race-baiting that's going on these days is sickening. Any opportunity to blame everything on white supremacy is exploited to the max. There's a lot of white hate these days and apparently people think it's okay. Blacks even saying they want segregation. Like why is that acceptable? It wasn't acceptable before. It was racism when whites wanted segregation. Some universities actually have "color only" student leisure rooms in which only whites are excluded from.
  15. Trump is the one going against the deep state. He's the only trustworthy one. And he has no Marxist ideologies unlike the current administration. It's a slippery slope to communism and then where's you civil rights, freedom, and liberty? But he set himself up for failure even before he became president when he said, "We should never have gone to Iraq; we knew there were no weapons of mass destruction there"
  16. Indeed, you don't need Vaseline when you take a local bird to Wine Connection.
  17. Please......I can just see such a scam happening in the UK. ????
  18. Well, everyone's situation is different. As a single parent, I support myself and my kid. In the past, I supported my EX too. If she was working, she had her own pocket money, but it never crossed her mind to contribute to the household or her children. I suppose that's what I'm getting at: a lot of guys say their wife supports herself, but really they mean she just earns her own pocket money and wouldn't be responsible enough to pay some bills or rent.
  19. Amazing how we've been socially engineered to think this way.
  20. Yeah, I wonder what it said on the menu? Massage plus penetration? Lol In all my days, I've never seen that on a menu in a massage parlor.
  21. Thai ID cards do not state the gender; they state the sex of the person. You can be any gender you feel like, but your sex will always be your sex: male or female. Prostitution and the LGBTQ community? Why is this even a thing? What percentage of the LGBTQ community are prostitutes? Sex work is the outcome of lack of education and lack of basic social security. You've got a huge number of people in Thailand that are not educated enough to earn more than minimum wage and they have to take care of their elderly parents and children, so they turn to prostitution as their only way to make good money. It should not be considered "work" or legalized. It's exploitation. Thai people need better education and social security, so people are not in a position where they end up exploited. You mean, like, affirmation medicine and surgery? I'd call this cosmetic.
  22. The way that schools are systematically indoctrinating students with gender ideologies. Teachers are also not allowed to inform parents of their child's preferred gender creating distance and trust issues between parent and child. Parents who don't affirm their child's gender with medical treatment can be arrested and lose their child.. Nobody is allowed to speak out against this. That freedom of speech has been taken away. It's even illegal on some places.
  23. Such as? Well, at least it's easier to tell your family you are gay, compared with telling them you support Trump, ???? Not sure if I have the freedom of speech to say this here, but some consider it to be a cult.
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