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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Who are his advisors? Didn't Hunter just get off? I haven't heard that. I think Patriotism is a positive thing
  2. So, if he can't join the draft he shouldn't be able to exercise? Was the he a professional tennis player or something? Muhammad Ali dodged the draft. Let me ask you something: do you agree with the draft?
  3. No, the list goes on with Biden. - He's always sniffing and touching kids on camera which I find unprofessional at least and disturbing at worst (I once saw Trump mocked for the way he drank a glass of water with two hands - along with many other things - but why no gossip about Biden?) -. His daughter's diary and the abuse - His son, Hunter, and Biden's alleged role in his illegal business deals - He is clearly senile and unfit of his role, incompetent actually - His support of all the gender transition surgery including minors - How he has handled the Ukraine thing
  4. You could just as easily flip that around. Why should white people support Biden? Have you heard some of the things Biden has said about white people? He is creating a bigger divide between the ethnic groups than Trump. With Trump it's, "We are all Americans. Let's be patriotic" With Biden it's, "White people do bad things to minorities" which just causes racial tension and it's not even true. Look at the violence statistics. Notice a pattern? It ain't whites attacking blacks.
  5. Well, we can think of it on a scale from bad to good, like this: -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Most Thais are neutral 0. Smiley and neutral, minding their own business. A little self-centred They may not commit bad acts, but they are not keen on good acts either. They are just neutral, which is fine, but many farang act like they are they are the nicest people in the world. But it's just smiles. There's little substance.
  6. Thais act nice, but when it comes down to it, they mostly aren't. Farang are a bit rough around the edges but genuinely good people. Thais are smiley but neutral. They'll give nothing. The absence of bad does not necessarily mean that good exists. There's also the neutral position. Nothing. The typical Thai has mastered this. I have, however, encountered a group of Thais raised right who are not like this. But it's hard to find. Farang are more giving in general and will go out their way to do selfless acts.
  7. Yeah, but my question is about using an agency instead of an employer.
  8. You are setting your standards too high; this is Thailand. Just look around. Take off the rose tinted glasses.
  9. You are kidding. A pack of hotdog sausage is 200 baht plus. I can get several kilos of real meat for that.
  10. Relationships in Thailand are practical arrangements, not based to romance.
  11. Lol. Checking other people's profiles. You sound like a very sad individual and you have my pity.
  12. 19 year old women. And they choose that because they are being exploited on minimum wage here.
  13. Well, I wouldn't go that far. But they are above average
  14. Hands down, the best thing about this country. Other than getting your hole for 1000 baht.
  15. He's still dangerous? The West has fallen, ironically, by being too liberal.
  16. What are you on about?? Laws are pretty clear on age of consent, rape, and human trafficking. Not sure where you are getting confused
  17. Then why didn't he remain and become a dictator the last time he was President? You are waffling
  18. That's what I thought. This thread amazes me. I get that here don't like Trump, but the guy is onto something here and people would side with human traffickers over him
  19. You know fascism always came from socialism. Trump has very little in common with fascists.
  20. Extreme? It's for human trafficking If there was ever a crime that deserved the death penalty, it's that
  21. There are courts and judges, you know? You think Trump would start illegal expecting people. Give me what you're smoking, ???? You don't think human traffickers should get the death penalty?
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