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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Another one: Ask it to make a joke about men. It'll write a funny joke. Ask it to make a joke about women. It refuses, lol. ????
  2. Lol, yeah. Try asking it these: 1. Is it okay to be proud of being black? 2. Is it okay to be proud of being white? I honestly can't fathom why its response would be different, but it is.... ????
  3. Yes, I accept this definition of karma.
  4. Please..... cultural?? I suppose deviant things can be accepted in some cultures
  5. The real crime is: how the F does a monk have more cash in the bank than me? Lol ???? We hear a lot about "poor Thais" from the white knights - hell I even subscribed to that philosophy when fist came here - but it's all BS.
  6. I am sure he does all kinds of things. I saw his recent antics ????
  7. I am not buying his response. I was in the McCleo Ganj too, a couple of decades ago It's a popular tourist destination in India, a country where most of the population eats vegetarian food most of the time. You can get all kinds of food there. I ate spaghetti carbonara, for example. It ain't rural Tibet. Why did the monks have to eat meat? Were they farming cattle, or something?
  8. I don't think karma is real.
  9. World's worst journalism. What was the scam? How did she get the 800k?
  10. Reading the title I assumed it was from riding a motorcycle - which is definitely the single most dangerous thing you could do in Thailand - but she just fell down while walking. It's scary to think you could die from just falling down; shows you how fragile life is. RIP
  11. - Good location (beach, attractions, or nice views/scenery). - Nice breakfast. - Comfortable beds. - Pool is a must. - Decent room size. 5000 a night is my budget.
  12. False. You asked me asked me. I answered.
  13. Rescuing a prostitute. Such an odd concept. She us perfectly capable of seeking other employment just like everyone else. She chooses her occupation as it provides highest salary available to her. They make plenty, why feel bad for them?
  14. Which NATO members did any middle eastern nation attack? They were involved in Iraq, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc etc
  15. NATO bombed areas full of civilians in numerous conflicts across the Middle East.
  16. "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union." https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/nato#:~:text=The North Atlantic Treaty Organization,security against the Soviet Union.&text=NATO was the first peacetime,outside of the Western Hemisphere. Rather than dismantling after the fall of the Soviet Union - like they logically should have - they repurposed and redefined their objectives (while still expanding as far east as they could despite Russia protesting it was a threat to their national security until ultimately it led to Russia invading Ukraine). Really, all of this could have been avoided with some diplomacy, but the West has never tried to be friends with Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union. Oh well...
  17. To be fair, I can see his point. NATO was formed because of the Soviet Union. It was formed specifically to combat Russia. That's why NATO came into existence. It was literally: USSR vs NATO Then Russia wants to join and actually be allies and part of the group that was established to fight the Soviet Union. Pretty historical moment. But they were like, "Naw, you can wait in line behind Kyrgyzstan," or something ????
  18. Here is some light reading for you, that isn't Wikipedia, ???? https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early NATO'S entire existence was to combat the Soviets. It was clear in their original mission statement. Did you know Russia even tried to join NATO later, but were rejected? ????
  19. Have you looked at America's war history? It doesn't take much for them to go to war. If an enemy military alliance was expanding throughout the world and closer and closer to America's borders, there would be war. Christ, Vietnam did nothing wrong.
  20. Come on. What was NATO'S original name and mission statement? I'll wait for this reply. NATO was always about Russia. After the war, it was agreed NATO would not expand further East past Germany because it threatened Russia's national security. Of course, NATO continued to do so and therefore there could never be peace with Russia. NATO should have really dismantled after the defeat of the Soviets as their mission was complete. Now, Ukraine wants to join. I ain't justify Putin's actions, but what the hell did they expect? It creates unrest in the area. Ukraine should have remained diplomatic and neutral. I think it would have been better if the war hadn't been started in the first place. Sure, they can do what they want, but Zelensky messed up here, big time.
  21. You are chancing your hand at dry humor here, right?
  22. Yeah, my broker wouldn't accept bank statement. Just utility bill or state issued document
  23. They brake?
  24. Ever heard of KYC regulations that financial companies have to adhere to?
  25. My stock broker in Luxembourg was also very specific when updating their KYC record for me. They wanted utility bills too. It's just to prove you currently reside there. Your housebook doesn't prove you currently live at that address. You could just be registered there or own the place, but not actually be living there now.
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