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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. You aren't aware Britain has homeless? You aren't aware asylum seekers are arriving on boats without documents and then being out into hotels? I find this very hard to believe.
  2. Exactly. I saw a photo of British homeless sleeping on the streets outside a 4 star hotel filled with illegals (who were actually complaining about the hotel conditions in a video online, lol).
  3. Not in Thailand, buddy. It's 60 here. And there's no need to split hairs of a few years anyway; you get my point: he took on guys several decades younger than himself. Although, he's an idiot, it took some balls
  4. Yeah, god damn socialists.
  5. Who knows? It's just as likely they questioned the bill or something. And got told to pay up and go away.
  6. You mean the elderly farang, slapping a much younger man, probably decades younger - and one who does bouncing as a profession, lol. The old guy was brave and dumb. I dunno how I would describe the bouncers. They probably felt they needed to put on some theatrics to save face. It was certainly unprofessional to take it that far.
  7. Yeah, it's too much to expect professionalism and sense though. Just a "let's kick them in the head til they stop moving" mentality. The old farang was definitely dumb for slapping the bouncer, but the bouncers were also wrong for their - attempted murder - attack on an old man who gave a feeble slap and his son who had done nothing wrong except trying to defend his dad on the ground getting his head repeatedly kicked. I don't suppose there would be any debate if it had been a woman on the receiving end of this attack after giving weak slap; we do love some good old fashioned man-on-man violence to applaude.
  8. Yes, I agree. Anyone who knows the stock market knows that the S&P generally does 10% a year on average, so 20% in 7 months definitely has positive vibes.
  9. Is that all? Some of my stocks are up 40% year-to-date and they ain't even tech stocks. The S&P is a yawn-a-thon.
  10. I certainly didn't say that. You comment says "young women" and you seem to think a 12 year old has the sense to insist on condoms. Just a really weird and nonsensical comment on a thread about a child getting pregnant and giving birth in a toilet and leaving it there.
  11. I love hearing these fairytales of female CEOs marrying the janitor. Really warms my heart. It's usually a beer bum on a bar stool telling me how he's got this Hiso Thai dame. ????
  12. My 10 year goal is to: retire.
  13. I don't even wanna know how you are gonna do that
  14. Did you miss the part about her being a 12 year old girl?
  15. 11/12 year old boys cannot give consent either. If she had sex with a boy her own age then it wouldn't necessarily be rape.
  16. Why would you invest in something incredibly illiquid? It's not like the West where you can easily sell your house in days or weeks and they'll be bidding 20% over your asking price. He's asking about investment property, not a home for himself. Naturally, therefore, he will want his money back one day and to see a return on investment to make it worthwhile.
  17. Yeah, but that's a little short sighted. One day he'll probably be a seller. Then, there's a good chance he won't be able to sell at a reasonable price making decent return on investment; he'll get his pants pulled down on the price to sell within a reasonable timeframe.
  18. Well, maybe for you. Everyone is different, of course. The concept of applying for a visa in advance and then being stamped into the country probably isn't that hard for most people to wrap their heads around, regardless of what you call it. Immigration loosely refers to extension of stay as a "visa". Also, "Visa on Arrival" effectively is a visa-free permission to stay, yet they officially call it a "visa" on arrival, nonetheless. Also, the stamp that immigration puts in your passport when you arrive does not actually say anything like "permission to stay." It says, "visa class" and then it has the date you are admitted until based on the visa you have. We should really do a poll to see how many people find the terminology an import factor for understanding their visa rules.....or, I mean.... permission-to-stay rules,.... jeez it's just so hard, I'm getting confused now; I fear I might overstay. Lol. Anyway, I maintain that the guys on here who split hairs over the technical difference between the two are just trying to be a smarty pants (and probably cause more confusion to the novice traveler reading it, actually).
  19. What did Trump do back then?
  20. At least the bar girls are honest. Well, slightly more honest than their "regular job" counterparts.
  21. Property here has gone up around 5% a year anyway, in good areas, for the last decade. The OP is getting almost that, risk free in the bank, totally liquid. If he rents it out, then okay.
  22. Nope, not a chance. But I wouldn't marry any girl. I really don't see much difference between 90% of them and bar girls, tbh.
  23. The area doesn't really matter. You'll likely make nothing on it. There's no liquidity. You'd be lucky to get your money back. The first coconut who comes to view it when you want to sell is gonna offer you half of what you want for it; it's a buyers market.
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