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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. How many times have I heard this rhetoric trotted out?

    90% of my experiences with Taxis are fine. Just guys trying to earn a living and don't try to rip me off. However, the shysters ALWAYS congregate at the SAME areas in Bangkok and the tourist places. I bet all of us BKK residence could name ten or so off the tops of our heads.

    The cops won't do anything about these guys though...and we all know why whistling.gif

  2. While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

    The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

    Wrong, there is no reconciliation with the junta, true or otherwise. That is just smoke and mirrors.

    If there were a democracy in Thailand, then the voters could send Jatuporn packing.

    As it is, the junta is just making him more important in the eyes of his supporters.

    PTP as a political party which follows Thaksin is not the future for Thailand. Red Shirts who want a better future need new leadership and their own party.

    The one point where Weng and Jatuporn are right is that accepting this constitution would be a huge mistake.

    I too hope that the awoken masses have realised that Thaksin is not their savior. They of course already know that the power base in Bangkok cares not a jot for them either.

    Thailand desperately needs a fresh young leader free from all the feudalistic clap trap. This leader would have a hell of a task breaking the current status quo though,

    We can only hope....

  3. Thailand's problem is that there are a number of small elite groups that constantly fight for power.

    Then non-elites who potentially could force changes to the system just cheer for (or even fight for!) one side or another like they're at football match, with little emphasis on actual policy.

    At one time I thought things might change once the older generation fades away and younger people ran things but now I'm not so sure... actually, I'm not even sure that the older generation will even fade away as they seem to be eternal.


    Thaksin was an anomaly in the fact that he riled all of these traditional elites against him. They (mostly) united against a common enemy.

    They will be at each other again, then there is the event to think about.

    Interesting (and scary) times a head.

  4. wow, an anti govt page asks its readers if they like the govt and get these results, yes that really does make it unbiasedwhistling.gif and really must be what 91% of the govt haters really think, now lets ask a pro govt page what they think to get an even balance of opinions........

    It was a pro government page!

    Ok I can't read Thai but www.prachamati.org does NOT look like a pro government page.

    I am not junta fan at ALL but let us at least be factual here. All it says to me is that this poll has as much traction as the 'Nida 99.9% happiness' polls. Utterly ridiculous.

    The differences is we are treated to the Nida ones far more often whistling.gif

  5. Obvious that just about all the posters on this subject have not got a clue, probably many never having ever been here ! For any normal law abiding person here, this is about the best ever government since Khun Anand Panyarachun briefly took the reins many years ago :)

    I do live here and have been here through yellow, red and now military rule. To me it's all business as usual just that the pay masters have swapped.

    So explain your reasoning buddy. And you get an automatic fail if you say an end to the protests that this army helped perpetuate.

  6. It would be nice if some of you could quite the sarcastic comments and distortion of the truth.

    It's a tough job being the leader of a country where half the people want Yingluck back and a guarantee 15.000 baht a ton for rice.....despite the fact the country lost hundreds of billions of baht and 10's of thousands of tons of bad rice had to be dumped.....with lots more on the horizon.

    In time there will be a statue of the PM erected in some special place in gratitude of his tireless effort to make things right for all Thai's.

    But I wish he would smile a little bit sometimes.

    This is satire right? Especially the STATUE joke...I see what you did there cheesy.gifclap2.gif

  7. Everyone will want to see it now ... gigglem.gif

    sorry to say that, but "everyone" simply don't care

    throw this guy into jail like all red-shirt liars who tried to use internet to discredit (by order from their foreign puppeteers, of course) the truly nation-oriented Thai government . it's time to send a clear signal - in Thailand western political technologies, propaganda through social media does not work.

    dear misters in pith helmets who always know how other nations should live! please, mind your own business. your political technology of "controlled chaos" does not work in truly conscious Buddhist country

    Yankee, go home!

    Ah look. It's FascistT

    You'd like the same thing as the ruling elite of this country wants don't you? Back to the good old days of isolation. Masters being fanned by their surfs and knowing their place. Looking like something akin to North Korea.

    You don't speak on behalf of Thais and Thailand buddy. And when Thais did have a choice, guess what? The majority voted not for the 'good' people you so wish you were part of.

    I have fed the troll I know.

  8. The population in Thailand should follow this advice.

    Works for me.

    Mosquitoes: they’re a pain in the ass and they know exactly when to turn a perfect al fresco dinner party into their own feast, starring your guests as the main course. Try and try as we do, we can’t seem to rid ourselves of the mosquito problem, even when there seem to be an endless list of remedies and solutions, from sprays to tiki torches to citronella candles. What if I told you that warding off those winged pests could be as easy as drinking a cocktail? Though it may sound preposterous, science suggests that those apertif pisco sours are good at more than just whetting your appetite.Carbon DioxideIn general, mosquitoes are drawn to humans by the carbon dioxide (CO2) we exhale with each breath. Research has shown that the more carbon dioxide you exhale, the greater the chances that you’ll attract a swarm of hungry mosquitoes, though the exact reason isn’t entirely known. The question is: Does alcohol affect CO2 exhalation? Theoretically, yes. As a depressant that lowers excitability in the body, alcohol may relax the body, as well as the diaphragm muscle, enough to actually reduce overall CO2 exhalation by causing you to breathe less heavily than if you were active or exerted. Decreased exhalation may not make you invisible, but it should help.

    Sweat- To the cute girl across the table, the smell of sweat could be a turn-off. To a hungry mosquito, however, sweat is like an aphrodisiac. What attracts them is the smell of the lactic acid excreted in your sweat, but chances are good that if you’re enjoying an ice-cold cocktail you’re probably sweating less. Load up on the ice and stay cool.

    Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Perhaps the most compelling piece of science that may suggest drinking alcohol can help to repel mosquitoes is the effect that alcohol has on thiamine levels in the body. Have you ever noticed that B-vitamins have a distinct smell? That, my friends, is the smell of thiamine, and although some happen to like the scent, mosquitoes do not. In the presence of alcohol, free-thiamine levels in the bloodstream are increased, due to the body’s inability to incorporate it into its coenyzmatic form, thiamine-pyrophosphate. For this reason, alcohol is considered a thiamine-antagonist. With all that extra free-thiamine in circulation, your common mosquito could be more likely to bite the poor soul sitting next to you who decided to fly sober for the evening.

    See now I sweat A LOT when it is hot here. But I seldom get bitten by mozzies. My friends that visit from abroad get feasted on.

    We could be in a mozzie infested place and I get left alone.

    Have you noticed that people do not sit beside you ?

    Not even the mozzsies love me sad.pngsad.pngsad.png

  9. Isn't it amazing how fast the dubious wheels of Thai justice can turn when the accused person comes from a lower social strata? Tried and sentenced within just 2 days!

    Now compare that with the several YEARS (or even a decade) it generally takes to try a person who has status, money, clout and influence. And often enough they eventually even walk free.

    Or get to view the Olympics before returning to their mansions overseas...

    Trust you to throw in a Thaksin dig rolleyes.gif

  10. The population in Thailand should follow this advice.

    Works for me.

    Mosquitoes: they’re a pain in the ass and they know exactly when to turn a perfect al fresco dinner party into their own feast, starring your guests as the main course. Try and try as we do, we can’t seem to rid ourselves of the mosquito problem, even when there seem to be an endless list of remedies and solutions, from sprays to tiki torches to citronella candles. What if I told you that warding off those winged pests could be as easy as drinking a cocktail? Though it may sound preposterous, science suggests that those apertif pisco sours are good at more than just whetting your appetite.Carbon DioxideIn general, mosquitoes are drawn to humans by the carbon dioxide (CO2) we exhale with each breath. Research has shown that the more carbon dioxide you exhale, the greater the chances that you’ll attract a swarm of hungry mosquitoes, though the exact reason isn’t entirely known. The question is: Does alcohol affect CO2 exhalation? Theoretically, yes. As a depressant that lowers excitability in the body, alcohol may relax the body, as well as the diaphragm muscle, enough to actually reduce overall CO2 exhalation by causing you to breathe less heavily than if you were active or exerted. Decreased exhalation may not make you invisible, but it should help.

    Sweat- To the cute girl across the table, the smell of sweat could be a turn-off. To a hungry mosquito, however, sweat is like an aphrodisiac. What attracts them is the smell of the lactic acid excreted in your sweat, but chances are good that if you’re enjoying an ice-cold cocktail you’re probably sweating less. Load up on the ice and stay cool.

    Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Perhaps the most compelling piece of science that may suggest drinking alcohol can help to repel mosquitoes is the effect that alcohol has on thiamine levels in the body. Have you ever noticed that B-vitamins have a distinct smell? That, my friends, is the smell of thiamine, and although some happen to like the scent, mosquitoes do not. In the presence of alcohol, free-thiamine levels in the bloodstream are increased, due to the body’s inability to incorporate it into its coenyzmatic form, thiamine-pyrophosphate. For this reason, alcohol is considered a thiamine-antagonist. With all that extra free-thiamine in circulation, your common mosquito could be more likely to bite the poor soul sitting next to you who decided to fly sober for the evening.

    See now I sweat A LOT when it is hot here. But I seldom get bitten by mozzies. My friends that visit from abroad get feasted on.

    We could be in a mozzie infested place and I get left alone.

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