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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

    This obscene game; Grand Theft Auto: GTA, was/is officially banned in Thailand................No enforcement once again:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banned_video_games#Thailand.........Grand Theft Auto series Banned likely due to high impact violence, cruelty and sexual content. For reasons unknown, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas had since been made available via Steam ever since the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V was launched, which itself is openly available on Steam from the debut.

    At 63, I have no interest in gaming but before wifi I used to regularly use Thai internet cafes which were packed with kids playing games. I was truly shocked to see the content of the games being played by kids on the PCs next to me, and I have since learned the main culprit was GTA. Gaming is addictive, and anyone addicted to this game or just playing it regularly is likely to be conditioned to enjoy killing and inflicting extreme violence on others. It is beyond me how any country could allow this game to be released and circulated for adults let alone children.


    People that are pre-disposed to violence will ALWAYS be violent.

    I have played video games since I was 5 years old. Including the first GTA game when I was around 11 years old. I have played every GTA game since then extensively and guess what? No criminal record, I haven't ever even been in a fight....

    So am and the millions of other that plays these games and DON'T act out things from the games freaks of nature? Or rather the pre-disposed people?

    You are 63 so the gaming generation has passed you by but I am sure you have seen your fair share of violent films or listend to violent music....Did you ever directly attack someone because of it?

    Grow up gramps.

  2. Seems as if there is a slow but positive process being proposed and hopefully instigated to halt the foisting of unworthy politicians (party list M.P.,s) on the electorate in general along with, non elected Prime Ministers.

    Although as said elsewhere, as soon as there is an elected administration in place how long before they change the ground rules to suit their own and their cronies and resurrect the old pork barrel system along with its endemic manipulation of the law and abuse of both position and rampant corruption etc?

    Let us hope that the tree of democracy will start to grow and thrive in the future due to the current proposals

    As is said, '' great oaks from little acorns grow.''

    Or we get the alternative of this unquestionable, uncountable entity pretty much doing the same as the corrupt politicians.....

  3. Many years ago , in England there was a case where a young boy , I think 11 years old killed another boy after watching a violent video , not a game. He explained in court he wanted to kill after watching the video .,

    My point is that young people can get influenced by video games , we see it all the time. Even if most people understand the difference between a game and the real world.

    ...and it is NOT the vault of the video!

    Why was the kid watching a violent video?

    Where were the parents?

    Also: no one watches a video and turns into a killer!

    Usually there are psychological issues at hand and a video etc. may trigger something- but is not the sole and only reason for an 11 year old ,going on a killing- spree!

    When a mentally unhinged person killed someone back in the dark ages (and god knows, there was a lot of killing then) what did they blame it on? Poems of Shakespere?

  4. Someone, the police, the press, the TAT, someone has very successfully changed the narrative of the discussion of these events from

    a vicious assault on elderly Westerners from members of an Asian culture where respect is supposed to be afforded to older members of society (think : very bad publicity)


    a discussion of the relationship between video games and violent crime. (think : neutral topic)

    And all the noddies on here lap it up.

    Amusing isn't it?

    A game like GTA and other 'violent' games have sold in their millions. If you believe the idiots on here that it is a direct cause of this type of behavior then there would be millions of kids and adults a like out on the streets car jacking people and beating up pedestrians.

    It doesn't suit then narrative when the above just doesn't happen. whistling.gif

  5. To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

    I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

    That's your brother or sisters fault then. Blaming the game is the easy route.

    I have played video games since I was 5 and have turned into a productive member of society.

    Stop blaming outside factors for inside shortcomings.

  6. I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

    These types of idiots will ALWAYS do some thing like this, before games it was movies fault, before movies it was musics fault.

    Society is always looking for an easy scapegoat for its problems.

  7. I believe Artur was heavily involved in this crime. Hard evidence shows him withdrawing the money from the ATMs, that much is undeniably clear.

    However if he takes the SOLE rap for this then that is very, very fishy. He had local accomplices and police have admitted as much. If he goes down for this alone then you just know it will be "See it was the crazy farang, No Thai would do such a thing, come here tourists and spend your money, you are safe" etc.

  8. Like it, be happy OR ELSE!

    Cant see the problem as writing in the article.

    “We will invite them for discussions to create understanding, for the sake of a reconciliatory atmosphere,” Piyapong told reporters. “We will invite them for a talk on a personal basis. In the past, we have talked with many people, and they gave us good cooperation.

    People just need a personal explanation, then the problem is solved. wai2.gif

    Yep they are so nice and cooperative that some people that have dared to question certain aspects of it have been carted off for AA. And the same has been threatened here....

    I am sure their interpretation of good cooperation is "they turned up, agreed with everything we said then shut up" rolleyes.gif

  9. I can kind of see their twisted logic after working in schools here for six years. But lying to children about your identity seems to be teaching a worse life lesson than getting cheap English teachers...

    Yeah, they are basically resorting to the old "what they don't know won't hurt them"

    And yes its true, the kids who don't know may find some benefit from the "lie".

    But to me, its the negative, longer-term effect on the teachers that will be most pronounced

    Yep. It's not good for everyone all round tbh (well, apart from the penny pinching agencies and schools)

  10. A lot of the posters are hammering on about what has NOT been done about corruption under Prayuth. But in actual fact we have seen a massive civil service shakeup, regulations passed with clear timelines on how long various tasks in reviewing applications etc. should take (strict timelines I may add) removal or shifting of department heads etc. all to sever former cash flows for the civil servants concerned. In fact in many departments the civil servants are not happy with the changes (I wonder why not?).

    But like everything in Thailand, they only seem to be doing something against those at the bottom of the pecking order. When will they start doing something about those with real power?

    Perhaps you could provide links that explain in greater detail all these anti-corruption changes. Is transparency in government spending, including the military, part of these changes? How about regular asset declarations by all people in government, including the military, in a position to influence spending? What conflict of interest laws and regulations have been implemented? Is the press free to perform its role as an outside government watchdog?

    I am not defending the junta. Just pointing out that there have in fact been changes. I do not support the coup or the present government. I think that they are making a hash of things, including their argument that they are working on making Thailand a corruption free country. However, the things that they have done in regard to the civil service are things that no elected government would dare do or even want to do (Licensing Facilitation Act 2558, which more accurately should be translated as the Facilitation of Approval Review Act). The ministers involved would be at the trough with their civil servant brethren.

    As I said a lot more needs to be done, especially in regard to those in real power. As to the issues you raised, you know that transparency is never going to happen, at least in our lifetimes, and they are never going to introduce laws that directly impact themselves. So, no, I don't think we are ever going to see asset declarations for all and sundry and they are going to keep strict control over the press and attempt to control social media. These latter two, however, are likely to backfire in the long term and further turn the general public against them.

    Until Joe public (the Thai public and not armchair warriors) stands up en masse, we are not going to see the changes Thailand needs for a better future, which will be a future many of the elite do not want to see as they will have to start working within the system and become accountable. A system where nepotism, patronage and name dropping is no longer tolerated, where criminals no matter their social status are punished, where land is not only taken away from no name national forest trespassers but also those with famous family names and connections.

    Perhaps, and only perhaps, we are seeing some movement in this respect, with the CP insider trading case and the direct impact it has had on that company as a result. But I will not hold my breath waiting as I do not have a death wish.

    I'd go with that. A few low lying branches and token officials have been gone after but in the grand scheme of things he is protecting the traditional power base. And it is up to Somchai and Ploy to use their people power to change things.

  11. The most ardent junta supporters are getting increasingly more shrill as Uncle Too is furiously steering the Thaitanic right towards the iceberg, an iceberg that is in plain view of almost all except those with their heads so far up their rear ends they haven't see the light of day for years.

    Smedy you are obviously blind and enjoy it.

    If you believe one second this Junta will tackle corruption you're insane!

    Please let me know what they have done so far against corruption?

    The park in Hua Hin maybe?

    Please let us know...

    I bet you praised all those in the past who did the same for the best : Pinochet, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Caastro,... or simply ALL the coups before this one...

    What a joke!

    I guess you were not here when they arrested & jailed a high ranking policeman & his mates for massive corruption. There have been many other arrests & cases pending.

    And again, if you actually know your history and do your research you will know the real story about why that cop was thrown under the bus.

    We are not allowed to discuss it. I advise for you to research that. That arrest would of happened no matter who was in charge.

  12. I actually believe the current PM is trying to achieve what he says, he is by no means perfect but I believe he has good intentions, as already mentioned above - nobody else has ever attempted anything like it in Thailand and very likely never would, as it stands he is the only person in Thai political history that has made an attempt (perhaps first step) at stamping out corruption, not an easy task by any means because not only does he need to write legislation into the new charter and create organic laws but he must also make sure that any future elected government can't simply (easily) ammend the charter and remove the parts that prevent them from abusing power - that is the key, it is also important that the agencies put in place to investigate and prosecute corruption can't simply be dismantled.

    So how are these fleeing generals in the park scandal any different Smedly?

    As I mentioned above you make fantastic posts in the KT murder case thread. You know that stinks to high heaven and the real culprits have bribed all and sundry to stay out of prison. This is happening on the super corruption fighting general's watch...

    I know you dislike Thaksin and with good reason. But can't you see the bigger picture here?

    All this talk about reconcilliation (a Thaksins buzz word which really means his amnesty) is hogwash, enforce the law and prosecute those that break it - simple, the people of Thailand have had enough of this endless string of corrupt governments and officials stealing their money and abusing power, it has to end

    Only those that use corruption as a means to enrich themselves will be complaing about this new constitution - that pleases me no end

    See for me I look at history. So many of the coups that have happened since 1932 have been on the basis of "removing corruption". Coup, new constitution, rinse and repeat and I am sorry but I have no faith in it being any different this time.

    I gave clear examples there that the PM with article 44 has the power to do something about. One scandal where his own organisation and close aides of his were involved and the truth on the matter has been utterly suppressed. The mafia families on the tourist islands continue unabated (after an announcement that they would be cleared out). I really don't see any serious headway he has made and he has been in power for nearly two years already.

    You only have to look at history to know that endless coups have hindered the development of this country and not aided it. This one will be no different.

    In my eyes suits have been swapped for khakis and that's pretty much where the difference ends.

  13. I thought soldiers were meant to defend the country from invaders. NOT convince their own people to vote for and approve a new charter. How can it be justified using military money and personnel to do this?

    They also help flood victims. Do you object to that also?

    Well that is more in line of what an army should be doing rather than playing kings.

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