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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. BANGKOK — Two Myanmar men sentenced to death last month for killing two British tourists in 2014 are being singled out for mistreatment in prison, their lawyer said yesterday.

    I hardly think this comes anywhere close to bludgeoning 2 people to death and gang raping Hannagh, do you?

    I hope they suffer a little bit and lose some dignity as they have destroyed two families lives - not that one of them realises this!!

    Would you hope they suffer if they're innocent of any crimes?

    It's clear you think they're guilty, and are fully aligned with mega-rich and well-connected Thai officialdom in that view. It's just a bit surprising that you're so sure of their guilt - if you've been objectively reading the many posts on T.Visa, as I have.

    Lucky11 is another pro junta troll. In fact I think he's a watered down alt of another famous troll on here.

  2. Saw another video of her on my facebook feed today. I don't know if this is a new one or an old one but she is again in some sort of civil office shouting at people and waving a blue sign around. She finishes her rant and goes outside and kicks a traffic cone over, she then toddles off into her Toyota again.....

    She is clearly a few sandwiches short of a picnic. I hope these shared videos spring the people around her into action. She clearly needs treatment.

  3. This is so wrong.Why dont the prosecution just for once man up,lose a bit of face and release these innocents,then get on with

    the Business of prosecuting the real killer(s).I have no doubt they know who he/they are.It's my guess they're related to some high ranking official.

    Don't think so.

    Just their bulging bank accounts and business interests are.

    KT is a goldmine, ran as a fiefdom of old island families. Jungle island rules apply. Just add millions of $ every year.

    Yep that family are an old power family and they are part of a clique of the most powerful Southern family, the head of said family is a famous ex politician and monk...

    These boys will 'commit suicide' from their feelings of 'guilt' by the end of the year.

  4. So she is either...

    a.) Really mentally ill as surely she should of become aware of her infamy by now and stopped such behavior if she knows she'll end up getting filmed. If so she needs to be taking care of by medical professionals and the last thing she should be doing is driving and going around in public. She is a danger to herself and others.

    b.) Really has such a bad case of 'afluenza' and doesn't give a solitary poop if she is being filmed of infamous on social media because of who she is and the connections she has. She will never be reprimanded.

    I personally think it is a.) - this level of behavior so frequently points to mental illness. Where are her family and friends and why are they allowing her out in public so much?

  5. .....what does their leader/paymaster have to do with 'the commoners'....???

    ...the motive of these activists is greed and glory....not the common good....

    ...their country was raped and pillaged....and has still not recovered.....


    An election is not the common good?

    Only ruled by with an iron first by the 'good' people is the solution?

    Thaksin was a naughty boy but you do realise there were many, MANY before him right? (And after)

    I want some of what your smoking. Seems to get you off your noggin!

  6. Thailand has had 20 coups, in the last 70 years. Election in 2 years; street demonstrations in 2 more years , by either Red or Yellow. Followed by another coup. Another constitution , election in 2 more years, followed by street protests; follow by coup. The next two coups will take us to the years 2026. The only difference is the General. This is Normal for Thailand. It is very peaceful now, yes ? So why get upset.

    Stay calm and carry on. I enjoy the peace we have now in Thailand. The General is doing, what he has been asked to do. Maintain Peace.

    Why do Farang always want to stir up problems. It is a Thai issue not yours.

    Enjoy your life, you are living in a great country.

    Another one lacking moral fiber. Spineless and selfish.

    "The Thais love their coups"

    Some people severely lack awareness.

  7. so earlier today we saw the bullsh*t piece where his fellow activists said they didnt know where he was/what happened to him/who took him yet now we find out they went to see him last night and made a video of it, seems that there is a lot of crap being spread to garner sympathy/support. Anything these activist say now will simply not be believable as they have shown they are prepared to do what ever it takes to highlight themselves. After making up the bullsh*t statement after his arrest they now want everyone to believe his side of the story, something that only a brainless idiot would perceive to be the truth, they should have been honest from the start instead of twisting the facts, all this had done is make any future statements to be simply innuendo and lies. I suppose seeing this activist leader is a law student he has to learn/practice his trade now so he can be like some others in his profession that put honesty at the bottom of their list of achievements, this has derailed them totally with their dishonesty in full show for everyone to see.

    How is that kool aid tasting?

    This government is repressing people's rights, locking them up in military governments and giving them court martials. Yet it is the students who dare point out corruption that are wrong?

    How yellow is your kool aid?

  8. The hoe was reported to have only Hannah's blood and none of David's by RTP's finest. That was the gospel for 11 months, until Ms Pontip found additional DNA. What are RTP's excuses for not finding what Pontip found? Also, how can RTP continue to say the hoe was the murder weapon used on David, when D's blood was not found on it? Perhaps even more indicative of RTP's screwed up forensics: How did they not notice the stab wounds on David's neck and torso? In the RTP report, the only mention of injuries to David was the blunt force trauma on the top of his head. Brit forensics is also remiss for publishing no forensics on David. What official, in Thailand or Britain, is doing a proper job re; the case? Maybe Pontip, though there were holes in what she testified - many things went unmentioned.

    And still, no one has even a half baked explanation why some of Hannah's clothing went missing between the time they were gathered at the crime scene, and the trial. Same for the hair. Head cop Somyot, who put himself in charge of the investigation, said emphatically at a press conference in mid-July that "nothing was missing." Is he lying a little of lying big time? Probably the more important question is; 'why is he lying?'. Most of us know why, though it's hard to get statistics when Thai top brass are doing all they can to cover things up. We do know that Somyot was able, with his wife, to plop down a cool $12 million (to buy stocks) a few weeks after he put himself in charge of the investigation. Mr. "clean up corruption" self-appointed MP sees nothing wrong with that, apparently. If he did, he would have spoken up by now, as he's not shy about speaking his mind.

    "Mr. "clean up corruption" self-appointed MP sees nothing wrong with that, apparently. If he did, he would have spoken up by now, as he's not shy about speaking his mind."

    The Tuvichiens are 'good people'. They helped overthrow those selfish Shins, who were keeping too many 'good people' away from the trough. They are a minor faction of one of the favoured cliques. They are to be looked after in times of trouble (for a fee, of course).

    Good family friends with a certain ex deputy prime minister and protest leader too right?

    Correct. They are a minor faction in his clique. Didn't he present an award, in his monk's garb, to one of the senior inverstigating officers in this case?

    Also at a Tuvichien family wedding. There were pics posted on here before. I can't find them now but they will be on some Thai sites somewhere.

    That man was certainly owed a lot of favours after May of 2014 too....

  9. But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

    I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

    Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

    Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.

    So let me get this right:

    The single gateway to go ahead after all.

    'Ha! But what about the previous government attempting to pass an amnesty bill, eh, eh?'

    I know you go on to say you are against the whole thing, but even you have to admit the above is not exactly your finest hour when it comes to seeking some - any - kind of justification for the whole thing. Let's see what the others can come up with...

    Even more of a mute point considering the current lot gave themselves amnesty too....

  10. The hoe was reported to have only Hannah's blood and none of David's by RTP's finest. That was the gospel for 11 months, until Ms Pontip found additional DNA. What are RTP's excuses for not finding what Pontip found? Also, how can RTP continue to say the hoe was the murder weapon used on David, when D's blood was not found on it? Perhaps even more indicative of RTP's screwed up forensics: How did they not notice the stab wounds on David's neck and torso? In the RTP report, the only mention of injuries to David was the blunt force trauma on the top of his head. Brit forensics is also remiss for publishing no forensics on David. What official, in Thailand or Britain, is doing a proper job re; the case? Maybe Pontip, though there were holes in what she testified - many things went unmentioned.

    And still, no one has even a half baked explanation why some of Hannah's clothing went missing between the time they were gathered at the crime scene, and the trial. Same for the hair. Head cop Somyot, who put himself in charge of the investigation, said emphatically at a press conference in mid-July that "nothing was missing." Is he lying a little of lying big time? Probably the more important question is; 'why is he lying?'. Most of us know why, though it's hard to get statistics when Thai top brass are doing all they can to cover things up. We do know that Somyot was able, with his wife, to plop down a cool $12 million (to buy stocks) a few weeks after he put himself in charge of the investigation. Mr. "clean up corruption" self-appointed MP sees nothing wrong with that, apparently. If he did, he would have spoken up by now, as he's not shy about speaking his mind.

    "Mr. "clean up corruption" self-appointed MP sees nothing wrong with that, apparently. If he did, he would have spoken up by now, as he's not shy about speaking his mind."

    The Tuvichiens are 'good people'. They helped overthrow those selfish Shins, who were keeping too many 'good people' away from the trough. They are a minor faction of one of the favoured cliques. They are to be looked after in times of trouble (for a fee, of course).

    Good family friends with a certain ex deputy prime minister and protest leader too right?

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