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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. Potential role

    well, that's right. But it might be too late already. The other ASEAN states started years ago already and even Burma is on the way to overtake Thailand.

    Thailand was dealing to much with themselves and tried to solve internal problems dealing with different clans filling their pockets.

    Maybe it's not the best example for democratic State but Singapore shows how to do and also Malaysia is on the right track. Or Indonesia.

    Only Thailand is not moving forward.

    Everybody knows why....

    Nailed it.

    All of Thailand's neighbors are moving forward. Even Burma is moving away from something Thailand is regressing back into. I guess the arrogant elite of this country haven't learned much.

    Thailand had something of a head start in the region because of the Vietnam war. Now it is starting to lag behind due to it's own stubborn aristocracy.

  2. It is all a moot point. The police failed to link possession of the phone to the accused, yet the court went with it. Just as the court accepted the confessions which were the result of torture and written by a man who could not speak the language of the accused or Thai with any degree of competency. They also accepted DNA evidence which appears to have been done by a 5 year old in the kitchen and recorded in crayon.

    If the court didn't care about any of that then...

    I think he means the 'running' man. You know the one that has gait.


  3. Why does Suthep get off spot free as he was the big guy and how much will the Mad Monk actually pay out of his pocket?

    The bloke in the monk's robe, won't pay a satang, he may appeal, or simply ask for others to pay for him.

    Now how about paying back the hotel they forced(extorted) money from because they (hotel staff) didn't want any trouble, remember the so-called monk flicking through thousand baht notes in the hotel while his (thugs) peaceful followers advised hotel staff that compensation needed to be made or bad things could happen from karma, ghost and bad spirits???

    As for that other T___D that masqueraded in monk's robe's well as he has friends in high places so I seriously dought he will be paying sweet F/A regardless of the damage done to property or the country, but hey he and his connections have been getting away with it for years and others left to pay the price.

    They are the 'good' people. Lest we forget.

  4. Any overstay more than a couple of days is a complete

    Disregard for the Laws of Thailand and complete disregard

    For the Immigration system. These irresponsible people

    Should be fined B50,000 and be banned from entering

    Thailand for 5 years.....irresponsible lot of trash!!

    Yes, and I bet you have never broken or bent any laws in Thailand ever, right?

    Guess what I do not think I have in all my years of coming to Thailand because I treat the place like a second home and would not want a criminal record anywhere. The people I love and respect and in all my posts I have never badmouthed anyone (allegedly). Like all on here I have made my comments usually against corrupt officialdom and those that have used those same people to make money. Madpat

    Really? You've never sped? Never ridden a motorbike without a helmet? Always had insurance? Never supported a bar with prostitutes? Never murdered anyone and dumped their body in the klong?

    Must be nice to be the first perfect person in Thailand, take a bow.

    Adding to that.

    Never bought a beer outside of the official hours? Never jay walked (it is probably illegal).

    Come on gents we all knowingly or unknowingly break laws even in our own countries. No one on this earth is an angel.

  5. Are hotels required to report any overstayers to immigration? I usually book a hotel under my wife's name and never show my passport to them. I'm not on overstay btw....just askin'.

    No just report that a foreigner is staying with them.

    I haven't used a passport to check in to a hotel for years and always use my driving licence.

    I was wondering what is going on there. Because I was required to show my passport and visa page scanned. That ex-friend of mine is some how managing to rent a place with 5 years or so overstay....

    I guess if you chuck a few extra grand in with your deposit some landlords might look the other way whistling.gif

  6. You're a funny troll shunter.

    In one post you are using your 'British privilage' to tell refugees to GIT OUT of your country (you seem to be a bit confused about that).

    Then you go on to waffle about colonialism and neo-colonialism like it has any relevance to this conversation. So what are you? A British barrister or a sneering, think he knows it all, high so Thai?

    BTW I have many Thai friends here that aren't best pleased with how this country is seemingly going back in time under this junta. They cannot broadcast these views so openly of course because, well you know why. rolleyes.gif

    Tell you what I haven't seen EnglishJohn post in awhile, maybe we have found an ALT....

  7. To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

    I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

    Rubbish, I love video games and have a Master's degree.

    a masters degree in video games?.....lucky you.

    One of the biggest industries in the world...

    If he actually had a Masters in "video games" i would gladly buy him a beer and congratulate him on a well selected education.

    It's so funny some of the old dinosaurs on this boards outdated views. Game designers are millionaires! cheesy.gif

  8. Is it not strange that as soon as you non Thais make a comment it is considered sacrosanct and then are criticized you all jump on the bandwagon the go home boat.

    Funnily enough all my year in the U.K I would hear the same go home comments from the locals concerning any one who criticized the UK system.

    Pray tell us why you are different and superior to we Thais?

    mrrzizla when noting your length of tenure here you are not really the one to be passing judgement on more recent posters who for your information looked in for years prior both inthe UK and here to joining ThaiVisa.P

    "Funnily enough all my year in the U.K I would hear the same go home comments from the locals concerning any one who criticized the UK system."

    Perhaps it was an echo you were hearing................................

    Asylum seekers in Middlesborough say they are being housed in “marked” homes


    Posted 2016-01-21 20:52:07

    Well if they are not happy why not go back to their own country.

    Ooop's forgot, no welfare state there is there.

    Beggars cannot be choosers.


    Bahaha. Damn I just wasted ten minutes of my life replying to a troll (shunter I mean)

  9. Those Brits that criticised you are idiots (I am a Brit btw) if you are living there then slam a way you have my complete blessing. It is a free country in terms of expression. You saw shows like Have I Got News For You right? They mock any of the leaders and even have ex-leaders on their show and ask them difficult (and hilarious) questions. Nobody is suing anyone or imprisoning anyone.

    A few things..

    In truth I did not suggest anyone should go home I said if you don't like the system make other arrangements to move on.

    So yes, you said "if you don't like it, leave" which is a very weak argument.

    As was resident and worked in the U.K. for many years often heard and still do hear via forums etc hat self same comment from my fellow Englishman so please consider that which you post before posting it.

    So you're English...

    Pray tell us why you are different and superior to we Thais?

    Wait...no you're Thai?

    You can't be giving it the old "you farangs just don't understand" shtick while claiming to also be a foreigner mate.

    Oh and you are doing it again. "We Thais" etc. So what about those Thais currently sitting in military prison for daring to point out corruption in the park scandal? Or the Din Dao group? Or how about the millions that voted for Shinawatra parties in elections for the past 15 or so years (and no, that is not me endorsing him).

    Your arrogance to assume that you speak for 65 million people is offensive. I don't think baboon,Mzurf or myself have made any such assumptions on the behalf of Thai people. Just simply pointing out some home truths. This is Thailand's what...20th coup? Military intervention has changed nothing in the past and some 'provisions' in this new constitution probably won't either.

    So stop it with your schizophrenic xenophobia and labeling us as thinking we are superior, we are giving more credit to the Thai people than you are.

  10. As an aside baboon you were not threatened and no one else was.

    The comment ''if you are able to'' refers to the financial resources of people and the actual ability to be able to return to their country of origin or another country without any possible barriers to relocating financially or legally.

    There have been many ''other opinions here over the years so there is nothing new under the political sun here. The citizens made their choice and their ideas felt some 2 or so years back and the then administration was struck off of the political register.

    So no one has been threatened. Any further attempts at discussion are clearly futile. You just continue to believe what you want, safe in the knowledge you can leg it back to the UK if the poop hits the fan, unlike the majority of Thais you seem to claim the right to speak for on their behalf.

    Low post count. I think it's a troll account. At least I hope it is....

  11. Ahh the old "if you don't like it, leave" argument. The last refuge of a scoundrel.

    Ah so every single Thai backed the coup did they? You speak on behalf of all Thais do you? Clearly not as some are imprisoned right now for simply daring to question the junta.

    What is your opinion on the microphone and statue park scandal? Ahh let me guess, all the evil work on the man in Dubai to smear the hero general yes?

  12. I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

    This obscene game; Grand Theft Auto: GTA, was/is officially banned in Thailand................No enforcement once again:

    At 63, I have no interest in gaming but before wifi I used to regularly use Thai internet cafes which were packed with kids playing games. I was truly shocked to see the content of the games being played by kids on the PCs next to me, and I have since learned the main culprit was GTA. Gaming is addictive, and anyone addicted to this game or just playing it regularly is likely to be conditioned to enjoy killing and inflicting extreme violence on others. It is beyond me how any country could allow this game to be released and circulated for adults let alone children.


    People that are pre-disposed to violence will ALWAYS be violent.

    I have played video games since I was 5 years old. Including the first GTA game when I was around 11 years old. I have played every GTA game since then extensively and guess what? No criminal record, I haven't ever even been in a fight....

    So am and the millions of other that plays these games and DON'T act out things from the games freaks of nature? Or rather the pre-disposed people?

    You are 63 so the gaming generation has passed you by but I am sure you have seen your fair share of violent films or listend to violent music....Did you ever directly attack someone because of it?

    Grow up gramps.

    Maybe it's you who should grow up enough to know that:

    1. The plural of anecdote isn't data.

    2. It's well-established that human beings are affected by their surroundings, social environment, and by what we see, hear, read, watch, listen to. I suppose I could google it and provide a few hundred links......

    Those on this thread--including the multi-degreed gamer who's still guilty of black-and-white thinking--who claim that their minds are completely unaffected by years of sensory input because they haven't--in this case--committed multiple grisly murders are merely straw-manning.

    Right so everyone who has played these games or indeed been exposed to any sort of violence in media is a murderer in the making? Well then we best prepare for a massive genocide....

    I think at this point you are just trolling though.

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