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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 23 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    You'ld wonder what the point was ... Come to the tropical paradise but spend the whole time hiding under the bed.

    And so, once again, we see that not all of us are gifted with common sense. So applying our sense to someone who lacks it makes it a flawed equation. For example, why not get a retirement visa? But he may have mental health impairments or disability. I think it's likely he may have come here on a tourist visa, liked what he saw, and then decided to stay, which changed the whole thing at that point. I don't think very many overstayers plan it out in advance. 

  2. 45 minutes ago, jonclark said:


    I think you'll find its not just weed shops with neon signs in Pattaya. Hua Hin and Phuket - The non-weed shop neon signs 9restaurants, bars, petrol stations etc)  are probably far greater in number. Do you find those offensive as well?  Please remember that just because you find them offensive, it doesn't mean the signs are offensive to everyone. 


    As for not wanting to breath that sht - Mate - everyone who lives in Thailand breaths sht far, far worse than weed smoke - but i get your point. As a courtesy to other people all smokers should be discreet and smoke in private areas away from people who do no wish to inhale second hand smoke. 

    Does that go for cigarette smokers? Cigarette smoke literally stinks and is also a health hazard, secondhand cigarette smoke causes real health problems. Yeah, entitled cigarette addicts smoking anywhere they please are a scourge. So absolutely ALL smokers of all substances should be respectful and not pollute the air of others. But the cigarette pίgs will go to war with you if you ask them politely to refrain from doing it. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    Have at it, mate! This guy should be PM not that useless smiling donkey of a mouthpiece damp squib. 

    Rarely touch the stuff but having the choice is nice. It has done the country absolutely NO F HARM whatsoever other than upset some fragile expat’s olfactory senses. It is all politics, deflection and a silly national face thing. Leave it alone and focus on making life better in this country, eh what!

    I've never in my 67 years heard anyone complain about the smell of marijuana. It's earthy and incense like, and has no poisons in it. I don't smoke it but find the smell pleasant. Tobacco is a different story. Cigarette smoke literally stinks. Secondhand smoke is proven to cause health problems. People who smoke cigarettes around other people regardless of how it effects them are simply inconsiderate pίgs. Cigarette pigs. The fact that they can get away with it here but not in their home countries does not excuse their lack of courtesy and respect. There are reasons why you can't do it in most western countries. 

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  4. 17 hours ago, mark131v said:

    Wait the AN hang 'em high brigade of purist's will be along shortly shouting about immediate removal from LoS post jail and lifetime bans!


    It's a little kid ffs!!! what's the excuses of the multitude of local adults pissing at the side of the road or basically ignoring any rule or law they want even the ones that cause innocents to die on a daily basis? w<deleted>!!!!


    Thai hypocrisy and overt xenophobia strikes again, it's not very well hidden behind that false smile...

    So leave if it's so bad. Is your country any better? 

    • Sad 1
  5. 1 hour ago, dairy queen said:

    I have tried twice to do 90-day reporting online. Twice I have gotten the message,


    "Your application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" has been rejected. Please contact the nearest Immigration Office in person immediately."


    The next notification is 15h May. (I have got a stapled notice in my passport). I'm on a new non-O visa which I recently got a 1-year marriage extension on.


    Can I do the 90-day report at Chaengwattana?

    Yes, very easy, they have a separate room just for that. That way, if there is something wrong they will explain. I had the same happen to me. It might have been the phone number I used as a contact person, I think I used my own. 

  6. 5 hours ago, JimG said:

    My experience is that the smog is caused by farmers burning the leftovers from the crops.  It's always said that 'next year' it will be fixed. They never do.   Make it illegal and fine violators. Set up a collection system for the trash.  The gov't could even assist in the cost to the farmers.

    They're very happy that you volunteered to assist. 

  7. But wait, Thailand is prosecuting Thai people? I thought it was only the poor picked on farang who got picked on, persecuted, and prosecuted, according to the usual boneheaded whiny UK commenters. But those commenters will ignore and soon forget this story the next time they feel like whining and complaining, because that's what they do, wherever they are. Ignore the facts in favor of their own bigotry, which ironically is exactly what they accuse Thais of. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, TheFishman1 said:

    It’s not surprising the police in Thailand involved and kidnapping corruption and probably murder TIT

    Nope. But wait, Thailand is prosecuting Thai people? I thought it was only the poor picked on farang who got picked on, persecuted, and prosecuted, according to the usual boneheaded whiny UK commenters. But those commenters will ignore and soon forget this story the next time they feel like whining and complaining, because that's what they do, wherever they are. Ignore the facts in favor of their own bigotry, which ironically is exactly what they accuse Thais of. 

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  9. IQ of about 70 maybe. He's not a young guy either, when he gets out he'll be in rough shape. Maybe he'll get lucky and get deported. Chances are he's already seen the inside of a jail in his home country, and chances are he's an addict, in which case IQ doesn't matter.. If he's an addict he deserves a modicum of sympathy. Addicts have no control over their addiction, just ask any smoker/nicotine addict who has tried to quit. My brother died of his addictions, at least jail would have kept him alive. This guy should be glad it isn't Russia and facing the gulags.

    • Confused 2
  10. 3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Possibly ruined his life for what?

    What a total tool.

    IQ of about 70 maybe. He's not a young guy either, when he gets out he'll be in rough shape. Chances are he's already seen the inside of a jail in his home country, and chances are he's an addict, in which case IQ doesn't matter.. If he's an addict he deserves a modicum of sympathy. Addicts have no control over their addiction, just ask any smoker/nicotine addict who has tried to quit. My brother died of his addictions, at least jail would have kept him alive. This guy should be glad it isn't Russia and facing the gulags.

    • Confused 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, Frankie baby said:

    No one's mentioned where she got the gun from. I'm sure a French lady in her fifties would have had a rake of contacts? 

    Oh come on. Do you know anything about Thailand? Anyone can get a gun here, doesn't matter if you're a 5 year old or 100. Same in most any country. And you don't know anything about this lady, who her friends were - both French and Thai, or French people in general, obviously. And then, why should anyone mention or care where the gun came from? It's irrelevant and really nobody's business. There's no crime committed with the gun, if you don't consider suicide a crime. She had the right to take her own life rather than suffer and die of cancer. 

  12. 5 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    NOBODY here is talking about LOCAL Climate change.

    Where have you been during the past 40 or 50 years?


    We are destabilizing what has, for over 10,000 years, been a stable climate system.


    Instabilities such as this can easily lead to famine when crops lose productivity at temperatures only slightly warmer than they are now.


    We are already losing productivity due to rising mean temperatures....




    You can't have educated conversations with clueless uneducated people who don't want to learn anything.

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  13. 2 hours ago, mstevens said:


    Just watched this video and save for a few profanities, he is simply making many of the same complaints you read everyday on this forum. He even says he loves in living in Thailand....it's simply the frustrations of it all coming out. It's a bit silly to post to YouTube with your face there for the world to see, but if you just take the issue of what he is saying, it really is no worse than all the stuff many of us have complained about many times!

    yeah, well, a lot of us are just as sick of you people's whining and complaining, only we're not the police, so we just shake our heads wondering why you came here, and why you don't just leave. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, freeworld said:

    Thailand is what she is.


    All the foreign visitors coming here and criticising Thailand. Wonder what they are even doing here if it is not to their liking.


    Mr Thomas is reported to have violated Thai law  and now has apologised on youtube, he is allegedly only sorry because he has been caught.


    Yesterday in centre Bangkok observed some foreigner muscleman with his tight shorts, no shirt, trainers and sweating profusely strutting into a lotus's. This kind of attire is suitable for the beach but not the city centre. Of course we mind our own business but it does not present a good impression to the locals.

    No! Ya think? You mean that the locals are not in awe of Mr. Muscleman's physique, as he surely expects? These guys have egos bigger than their muscles. If they only knew what people really thought.

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  15. Just now, OneMoreFarang said:

    And then there is that land of the free, where politicians from the left and the right want to censor what all those bad people, the others, say... 

    The call it cancel culture. 

    Yeah, sure, anything you say. Must be true, because you said it. The reality is actually much more complex and nuanced, therefore over your head. 

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  16. 1 minute ago, Hummin said:

    Very few realize thailand is a demecratic dictatorship, and this is what comes with a dictatorship, no free speach, but they are kind enough to give you a gentle warning with a smile, and tell you the consequences you are facing if you continue. 


    Soft ditatorship

    You need to read up. I have. And spoken to activists from groups like Human Rights Watch, whose vise president is a friend of mine. It's a constitutional monarchy, not a democracy, but its constitution does not provide the same rights as other countries. The police have a freer rein to enforce laws that are subject to interpretation, yes bribes figure in.  There's no thing as a "soft" dictatorship. Just because the government exerts more control and enforcement regarding certain issues does not in and of itself define it as a dictatorship, unlike, say, its communist neighbors to the North and West. 

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