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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 1 minute ago, Irish star said:

    Yank bashing  alert , Again 

    Telling the truth about American violence alert, again. I'm American. Seen shootings in my old neighborhood, 6 murders over the years. One shooting two houses from mine last year. All in the same block. yes, why DO I live in Thailand now? Ah yes. Violence is maybe 1% of what it is in the US. 

  2. 7 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

    Whay on earth?

    Seems to be a not unusual occurrence in Thailand. Is it that easy to get a weapon?.

    Three bullets to the belly? Real bad. That's his intestines knackered for life. 

    What a thug and utter scum to open fire at a whole family. 

    Knackered depends on the caliber of the bullet, where exactly the bullet went, and the success of surgery. Surgery has advanced quite a bit in today's world. High powered rifle, very bad. Pistol, more like a puncture wound. None of which is good of course. 

  3. 15 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Home | riversidebangkok


    I like it, my Thai girlfriend loves it.

    A nice relaxing trip on the river with good food and reasonable prices.


    What I don't like are all the people who are constantly making selfies and selfies and selfies. But I guess that is what you get on any tourist boat.



    They live in the selfie universe - they don't exist unless they see themselves in a selfie. If you take their phones away they'll disappear. Hmmm, maybe not a bad idea. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, 1happykamper said:

    Grumpy is a good handle for you 5555.


    He went hiking.... He got lost.... In a huge forest... Not like the twits on a tiny island 5 km from the coast. Maybe he was indeed thankful and donated. 


    You sound angry that a 72 year old is able to hike in a forest 5555

    Angry at anyone and everyone who is happier than old "grumpy" will ever be. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, kentrot said:

    Can someone please explain to me .....

    WHY do all handcuffed criminals have some covering over their handcuffs ?


    Are we all that stupid that we assume they have cold hands and need mittens ?

    Woman in Handcuffs Beach Towel by W Scott McGill - Pixels

    Do you REALLY need this 'splained to you? Simple: Looks better in photos - more normal and less like an actual criminal. You know, doing the "perp walk" with or without cuffs? 

  6. 5 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    So what you're saying is Thailand should have one set of laws for Thais, and one set of laws for foreigners? Foreigners should be punished more severely for the same crimes? Do you understand that's racism?

    Do you understand what a dictionary is? No, it's not racism. A nationality is not a race. Every country has laws that specifically regulate non citizen foreigners. There is no hate involved here. Thailand is not declaring any "race" to be inferior or undeserving of respect and decency. Foreigners are not broadly entitled to be treated the same as Thais under all circumstances. I've been here 10 years and have never seen or experienced any actual example of racism personally. I've seen Thai people who resent or don't like foreigners, but that's not racism, I can understand why they feel that way. Where I'm from, Hartford CT USA, racism abounds like an overflowing toilet splattering on everyone and everything. If you've never seen such things count yourself lucky. Maybe that's why you don't understand the meaning of the word - you've never actually seen the real thing. Thailand has the right to make laws as it sees fit, in spite of whiners who for some reason remain here in spite of all their complaints about imaginary racism. If laws are seen as two tiered or discriminatory, that doesn't mean they're racist. Again, consult your dictionary. It's how Thailand sees and deals with its problems regarding foreigners. I've seen way more dangerous driving by foreigners, way more accidents, Thai motorbike drivers actually know what they're doing even if it looks reckless to the uninformed eye (you). So with all of your nonsense, I'm thinking that you're likely an entitled white supremacist projecting your own venom and racism onto a culture you don't understand. No? Well that's what you sound like. Keep that in mind next time you want to cry "racism". When someone burns a cross or hangs a noose in your front yard then you can cry racism. 

    • Confused 3
  7. 12 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    Nonsense entirely. If something goes wrong on the other side the bank side would see only success or zero.


    The OP does not say he lost money but got a failed transaction. Sigh.


    This issue relates likely from the payment provider refusing those countrie(s) and/or banks and/or your current location.


    OR there is simply a (temporary) error on their side (website/processor).

    Nonsense? Really? You'd be surprised, if you actually tried, how much info is actually on the electronic record. You have to speak to the IT person at your bank who can read the codes and translate them. You also might have to speak to the receiving bank. There is an electronic trail throughout the path from your bank to theirs. Some banks will not process international transactions, but do not disclose this fact unless you dig into it. Could be a number of other reasons for this. Could be an oversensitive security protocol somewhere in the chain. If you want to figure this out you'll have to do the heavy lifting. 

  8. 2 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

    Who the heck writes this stuff. The story is full of inconsistencies which make it hard to grasp any more than the gist of it……and then there is the “cherished tourist destination “.



    I believe it was one of aseannow's own. Perhaps you can DM with a writing critique, I'm sure they are eager to improve. 

    • Haha 2
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