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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    if he only could put his extraordinary abilities and 'gifts' for doing good things rather than being a criminal but i guess

    there's no money in being good now days as being a criminal... 

    The problem is insatiable lust for wealth, and a willingness to do anything to get it, not that there is "no money in being good". What does wealth mean if you are such a reprehensible person that you would rob and cheat to get it? When I see expensive cars I just think of people like that Red Bull kid, or Bernie Madoff, people who are so hollow inside that they have to constantly try to prove otherwise with their gaudy and tasteless display of wealth, and the people who buy these watches are of the same cloth, just not willing to risk prison by breaking the law. 

  2. I don't understand why you would come here with a question like that. It's 90% hearsay here. Why do you not contact the Thai embassy, or Thai immigration with a question like that? And why are YOU doing this? She's responsible, it's her passport, and she speaks Thai, duh. It's not your place. This is too important to engage in page after page of banter with non experts.  It sounds like you already do too much talking to the wrong people, else you wouldn't have to ask this in the first place. 

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  3. 11 hours ago, bob smith said:

    over the weekend I was in Bangkok visiting an old friend and he took me out for the day.


    We landed at Khaosan road around 4pm.


    for the first 2/3 hours it was OK,

    the smell of weed was in the air and everyone was pretty chill.


    then nighttime came.


    the first big speakers were wheeled out in front of us and the music was deafening.

    then next door did the same,

    then the next bar,

    and then next next.

    until it was a complete mish mash of noise and blare. 

    the music on offer was a horrendous mix of EDM and pop song remixes.

    Laughing gas was being tooted right out of the cannister by almost everyone around us.

    it was so loud we could no longer hold a coherent conversation over our beer and I could hardly hear myself think.


    We lasted 20 minutes in that atmosphere before we got in a taxi and headed back to his place.

    This was the first time I had been to khaosan road in years.


    What has happened? is this chaos being organized by someone?

    is there some kind of committee that meets up and allows this to happen?


    i'm sure that many locals in that area are not happy with what is currently going on,

    not to mention holidaymakers with hotel windows facing directly on to the road itself..



    It's a big mistake to ever think that anything in Thailand will remain the same over the years. That's actually one of the first things I learned about the place. What you describe as to Khao San Rd is no different that similar changes everywhere, especially after Covid forced everything to wilt, reseed,  and regrow. Someone said that well, son, you grew up, it's a young people's place now. That may be partially true, but the sense of change isn't simply because you can't change with the times, the times are changing faster than anyone can fully keep up with. You just have to let it happen, whether you join in or not. There are still plenty of worthy things and places in thailand, just cross this one off your list and move on. I've been living here 10 years now, first went to Khao San in 2013. 

  4. Just now, Aussie999 said:

    In Australia, using Uber, you pay when you book, via your card.

    The App companies have an option to cancel without penalties, including Uber, from whom your money gets returned to your card or whatever you used to pay.. We don't know if she canceled via the app. But since the driver called first she most likely did.

    • Like 1
  5. No point whatsoever to the story if the ride company isn't named. People have a right to know. The company needs to get its nose bloodied in order to clean up its act. Otherwise this is not the only time it will happen. These are big companies, they need big motivation. I speak from experience taking on companies from LAZADA merchants to the airlines to online hotel booking agencies. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 20 hours ago, CMoldie said:

    Does anybody have a recommendation for a doctor/hospital to treat/monitor Non Hodgkins Lymphoma?? Anywhere in Thailand. The only concern is to find the best possible.

    Thank you

    If I were you I wouldn't go to forums like this for medical advice. Go online and search exactly what you posted as your question. You will get EXACTLY what you need, directly. All you get here is hearsay from non experts. That said, I have gotten excellent care at highly rated Phaya Thai hospital, Bangkok, very affordable, and I'm sure they could send you to an excellent specialist. Treatment for Non Hodgkins has been around a long time and I'm sure most everyone is up to speed on it. You can check the credentials of each doctor online. All the best and good luck to you.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    He should be moved to the mental asylum, bloody nutjob. 


    Why are we seeing so many foreigners in Thailand with mental illness? 


    Because they always make the news. I have never seen one in person, have you? How many foreigners WITHOUT mental illness have you seen? Then do the math. There is undoubtedly mental illness among Thai people, but they are just better behaved that foreigners in general, plus mental illness is not as widely understood and recognized in Thai culture. Most mental illness is not visible to other people until they go over the edge. I have Bipolar II disorder, a recognized mental illness, but my symptoms consist mostly of depression, in which case I don't go out or do much, or anxiety. 

  8. 21 hours ago, Spamhead said:

    Sorry but that's plainly not true. If they put the original price up 12% and then discounted the resultant price by 12% you still received a discount on the original price. That's just basic maths.

    You assume that everyone passed basic math in school. Clearly SOMEONE  didn't. Perhaps you should recommend a good Thai elementary school that he could attend. I hear they are a lot of fun. 

  9. I Sued Thai Air Asia last year, through priceline (whose office, Booking Holdings,  is right near my house in the US) because they refused to refund my $165 ticket after they rescheduled my flight. Cost priceline $1000 US to settle with me. I also posted it all over facebook. So for messing with me over petty cash they lost 8 x what they could have gotten off with, plus after my review was posted very likely lost a few hundred paying customers at least. I can tell you first hand that the airline is run by and staffed with idiots. And so is priceline and their entire group of agoda, expedia, and booking dot com. And with every story like this the airline loses a hundred or more customers. So what will they do, raise prices to cover THOSE losses? And so it goes. 

    • Confused 1
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  10. 2 hours ago, JGon said:

    Another one... soon the media will keep pushing this narrative and we "farangs" will be stereotype for a few bad apples (if this isn't already happening).

    You have a vivid imagination. Are you one of those who whines and complains about imaginary prejudice and racism against poor white farangs? Well chew on this: In my more than 10 years here the only bad behavior by a******s that I’ve ever seen is by foreigners, so if the shoe fits you deseve to wear them. If you keep your nose clean you have nothing to fear from Thailand. They certainly aren’t out to fabricate offenses or persecute westerners. If all this is too much to bear perhaps you should go back where you came from and resume your complaining. Nobody wants to hear from chronic complainers with nothing better to do. Just go away and solve everyone’s problems.

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  11. 21 hours ago, John207 said:

    Hi all, has anyone obtained an IDP in Pattaya of lately? I'm getting conflicting information so I was wondering what are exactly the documents needed and which transport office  to go to if the one in road 7 just outside Pattaya or the one in Chonburi city centre. All comments welcome thanks

    I got mine in my home country. Ask your question online and you will find your answers. Double check anything said in this forum. 

  12. 3 hours ago, jayboy said:

    Some people will never learn.In Thailand it is often possible to structure entities that are nominally legal (there are multiple lawyers who will advise on this though they rarely mention any downside) but are nevertheless in conflict with the spirit /intention of Thai authorities.Nine times out of ten there will be no problem and the entity can operate without significant issues.The problem can come when the entity is stress tested perhaps by an unforeseen event, a hostile local business man or a tightening up of laws to better reflect intent.


    A wise foreigner looks beyond lawyers advice and tries to ensure his operation reflects Thai policy as well as Thai legal niceties.


    There are I should say excellent legal firms who give non partisan decent advice - but they are expensive and few in number.The foreign cowboys rarely consult them.

    What do you know! A person who sounds like he knows what he's talking about! The next round is on me! Carry on. 

    • Confused 1
  13. 23 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    He could not afford to live independently in England when he had a job but he can afford to live in Thailand, apparently without any means of support, just three years out of his minimum-wage teenage years!?  Suspect the OP hasn't reported the full story.

    How do you know what his finances are about and why do you care? Seems some people are just too cynical and nosey for their own good. So what. Nobody owes YOU an explanation. It's his business, not yours. The authors are not your personal private investigators. Obviously he is resourceful and has the necessary resources, and if lacking in immediate resources and plans  he has the confidence that he can make things work. Same as I did ten years ago, not knowing how I would make my finances work but figuring everything out along the way. Tell me, are all you scousers as miserable and judgmental? I guess the Beatles and Gerry Marsden were the exception. Thank God for that. 

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