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Everything posted by TKDfella

  1. There you go, you got in one...'...more efficient...' enforcing the law would be a good start. Ha, probably not even on the list.
  2. Quite. The bends aren't dangerous it's the driver(s) of the vehicle(s) that is/are dangerous if driving is adjusted to the road conditions.
  3. Condolences to family. Yesterday I was travelling at about 40 kmph, just speeding up to change into 4th gear, when suddenly a young chap on a m/b in front and on the left (no helmet) decided to do a U turn in the middle of the road (dual carriage way, in a local market area.). Since the left was empty I veered left. But then he swerved tight right in front of me and zoomed off on my left driving the wrong way. He could only have missed a collision by inches. There was a U turn point just a few meters beyond his position that he could have used, but no.
  4. Apparently it's because Bats carry many viruses but don't appear to suffer illness from them. I have never done a study so don't know if that is true or not. Maybe someone else here does.
  5. I remembered this doctor but I couldn't remember from where...found out after a while. It was from a report in the Nation December 23 2021 where he is quoted; “A recent study showed that two Sinovac jabs gave 35 per cent immunity against Omicron, but the immunity increases to around 94 per cent after receiving the third Sinovac jab. The immunity generated from three Sinovac jabs is equal to three Pfizer jabs,” he said. At the time I read this I was thinking that other researches had different ideas. Hmmm
  6. Not a good idea to use use 'Covid 22'. Covid 22 was a hoax report last year. As I understand it presently NeoCov is still under the microscope, so to speak. At present it remains an animal virus and I have not read any scientific reports that it has been established, conclusively, that it will animal-human jump. I think the main concern is that it could be dangerous in the future if it mutates...but then again there are probably a whole host of animal infections 'out there' that might do that. The 'good' doctor Chalermchai Bunyalephan should refrain speaking with a 'Wuhan tongue' until various researchers confirm.
  7. You will find comments add some form compassion such as rip etc. Of course, we understand that the families (and indeed others police, gov. etc. ) read our comments cos if they did...It doesn't hurt to show a little sympathy after reading an appropriate OP.
  8. My condolences to family members of those shot dead. I hope the shooter gets the full force of justice.
  9. This 'Bangkok, 14 January, 2022 – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is pleased to report that the ‘2022 Annual Global Retirement Index’ released this month by International Living has named Thailand as the best Asian country for foreigners to retire, and the 11th best country to retire worldwide.' from; https://www.tatnews.org/2022/01/global-survey-positions-thailand-as-no-1-asian-destination-for-retirees/ I really don't think it matters whether Thailand is is 1st, 5th, 11th 100th....because, probably, most do a little research to see which country suits them best. Not only that, expats have many different reasons for choosing a destination and surely at present, it is difficult to decide about anything.
  10. Yes, it's obvious by the comments, no one here is surprised. I would be very surprised if the Thai Judiciary (or the gov.) managed to find a way to keep him on the wanted list indefinitely. But 'there you go', I am not a 'legal eagle' nor (cough) a 'politician' and I am sure that the same would apply if it had been a foreigner who committed the crime and was in hiding somewhere waiting for the statute to expire.
  11. Just makes the whole Law and Temple system here a sham. The temple shouldn't have even tried...I wonder if the Doctor's family knew about this and made some sort representation? The policeman was in charge of the m/b when it struck and killed someone, that's the fact...unfortunately if he is allowed 'leave' it would seem the fact doesn't matter. Sad, very sad.
  12. You'll get more results if you you search by Karate style such as Kyokushin, Shotokan etc. usually give map references too so that you could just visit, watch then decide for yourself.????
  13. Ringworm fungus is highly contagious and spores can linger for a considerable time. When you bath your pet use warm water not cold and wear the rubber gloves extended to the elbow and it's probably wiser to use disposable towel if you wipe dry your pet and contacted surfaces. Remember that ringworm doesn't only affect the skin but also toe and finger nails. Most vets have leaflets about ringworm as it it is a common infection...worth a trip to a vet for expert and up to date advice.
  14. I had my 3rd Pfizer earlier this week and was told a 4th in three months time. I'll think about it. Unless the covid situation gets worse I probably will pass on that one.
  15. For those of us who soak up 'external' problems like a sponge and let them drain out without too much fuss, yeah life isn't too bad. But we're all different and some soak these problems up and just can't let them go. Global warming, large scale war seems imminent, pandemic along with the possibility of authorities telling us continued vaccination might be required etc. And that's not even considering the current situation of social issues...oh, and even space science has 'a go' every now and then...'Another asteroid passes safely by. kilometre wide asteroid misses Earth at a distance of approx. 3 Earth/Moon radii'. Then in the next breath an astronomer will tell us it isn't a case of 'IF' but 'WHEN' one of these rocks will strike. Oh, right...why wait? Some people really do worry about these issues and with varying degrees of confinement find themselves trapped. What was a mental issue quickly becomes a physical one with loss of appetite or the complete reverse of that, and so on. I don't think there is a sure cure for this but if anyone a has any indication of such a problem, get help...from close family or friends maybe. Even though not a Buddhist one can still seek advice from Monk's in Thailand who might be able to help through meditation.
  16. Be careful Rooster...all this talk of 'Relativity' might get you into Tit's Deformation theorem, ????
  17. It's a shame really. I wonder what they would do if they had the crime rate/type that other countries have. London, New York etc.
  18. That's right General, you tell 'em...always taking the 'bull by the horns'...if you see what I mean.
  19. Yesterday I posted these two on another thread; Have just read this https://www.news18.com/news/explainers/explained-new-variant-or-lab-error-what-you-need-to-know-about-deltacron-4640063.html or WHO says it's lab contamination https://www.nationalworld.com/health/coronavirus/is-deltacron-real-verdict-on-new-covid-strain-that-combines-delta-and-omicron-detected-in-cyprus-3520806 All a bit confusing eh?????
  20. Have just read this https://www.news18.com/news/explainers/explained-new-variant-or-lab-error-what-you-need-to-know-about-deltacron-4640063.html or WHO says it's lab contamination https://www.nationalworld.com/health/coronavirus/is-deltacron-real-verdict-on-new-covid-strain-that-combines-delta-and-omicron-detected-in-cyprus-3520806 ????
  21. Ha, reading the headline I thought 'this is it omicrazy with omichronic...they'll be road blocks, no mask shoot on sight instructions...' Then I read the OP and it says PM gives instruction that laws (Covid) must be enforced. What?????? I don't know whether to feel let down on my expectations or give a sigh of relief because I was let down on my expectations,????????????????
  22. Ha, wonder what this government will do if the new 'combination Delta/Omicron, Deltacron' is found in Thailand (25 cases apparently identified in Cyprus)?
  23. Wonder why any deity would want to create a multiverse...wonder if the creation still continues, Ha ????
  24. I am not a proponent of Multiverse conjectures, at least in their present form because like the many Inflation ideas of the universe, one can always find one that fits with one idea or another... √-1 being as real as me is a bit uncomfortable ????. In addition, they cannot be tested (at present) which is a problem. However, the passage you quote seems, to me, to fit the Many Worlds conjecture which realises all out comes in the probabilities of quantum mechanics which is only a level or two up from all probabilities describing different timelines. Having said that, it is good that there are many ideas and people are allowed to present them...all interesting stuff. But whether they are beneficial or detrimental to humans...????
  25. Yes, it would certainly be a major problem for 'mainstream science' if there was evidence for consciousness creating form but this just one of the many 'hypotheses' that would necessitate a complete change. Max Tegmark and his 'mathematical universe' is another example. But then again there are many problems that the scientific 'community' have today (none that can be debated here) but the problem, as I see it, is that the problems breed mistrust among the general public about just what the scientific institutions are doing. For example, there is now (began in 2019) a push by CERN to build a Collider that is much bigger than the one presently in the news, LHC and some of the public wonder about its benefit. If the reason communicated to the public are 'because the LHC didn't find this & that' the public can ask whether 'this & that' will be found in the next...or the next...Even some scientists think it doubtful. And this isn't the only branch of science having such problems. Many years ago the public complained that there wasn't enough communication about what scientists did and now, I think, perhaps there is so much available to the public that they don't where to start and so many don't bother (except perhaps to sit back and complain about human benefits taking a back seat, as it were.????)
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