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Everything posted by TKDfella

  1. Well, I don't know what 'classified documents' Pres. Trump had at home or those (at that time) VP Biden had at the Penn. Biden office, it seems to me that 'classified documents' need greater supervision to keep them where they should be.
  2. I'm surprised they could even see each other with all that 'smoke' around, Ha!
  3. Very sad indeed, my condolences. Would like to know the angle of the shots...that is, was the shooter directly behind or waiting/hidden on the side of the road? Perhaps the police know the answer after studying videos.
  4. You mean Chiang Rai, of course. Chiang Mai has Thailand's National Observatory;
  5. I haven't celebrated New Year (physically) for many years and will be in bed around 10pm. But then I'm not the Thai PM...does anyone know if he celebrated it last year...or any year as PM?
  6. I was never in favour of joining the EU n the first place and I think the UK could have played a better role being outside. Still, I think I was in a minority at the time. Once in I thought the UK should make a real effort to be part of it but then things started to happen. I saw on the news that there were certain (what were almost) 'institutions' that the UK was going to have stop; Early morning milk delivery (to your door) was one of them and apparently many people were not in favour. But I never really followed that up with any research nor with the other food products that the EU demanded Britain discontinue (cert brands of apples etc.). And I also failed to update myself on the deeper issues that were reported because they seemed to be more political. By then I was thinking of leaving for Thailand and I began to lose any remaining interest. Now it's a complete mess and IMHO it has caused major divisions within the nation. So maybe, I say maybe, I was right to think we shouldn't have joined in the first place.
  7. Joining in with the spirit of the time (no, not drinking it, Ha); But the for Earth orbiting the Sun, it's just another revolution; for the Solar Solar System, it's another step in its path around the galaxy; for the galaxy it's just another moment closer to the end of the universe (well, maybe); There you go, thought I'd add the negative for those 'humbugs'.
  8. I am a Conservative, but not American. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I don't like Fmr Pres. Trump. But any decision to bar him from this and that (or anyone else for that matter) should be at least bipartisan or in a court of Justice. Otherwise, it is just left against right. It was obvious from the failed impeachment that the Democrats wanted FP Trump out of the way, so to speak, so such a statement by them is hardly surprising.
  9. It probably depends on where they are educated or how much exposure to English they get. A couple of the older generation that I know that speak English very well, were exposed by working with Americans during campaigns or projects...both were engineers. My dentist is not bad but then he also had experience abroad.
  10. Russia was the aggressor and that's it, period. There is nothing Putin can say to change that. Should other nations give support to Ukraine? That's a different question. The USA is not the only nation supplying Ukraine...for example, didn't Putin claim he could destroy GB with one nuke if it continued to support Ukraine? This war will end if one side demolishes the other or...Russia pulls out. Well, I suppose Ukraine could surrender but I think that is unlikely.
  11. I notice that there are several forum members who have been sailors/years of experience, on this forum and the earlier thread so I trust their judgement. Although I've been a passenger, I know very little about ships in general. However, when I watched a video of the event I thought that I'd been on an English Channel ferry (long time ago) that crossed in a bigger swell. So it would seem that we aren't being told the full story here...but then I suppose we never will. What is the standard protocol for informing families and relating details to them?
  12. It's not 'what I just found out.' I like to biographies. On LC I have both ordinary and mathematical biographies. And no I don't know that LC was/was not a paedophile and it was just a point I was making for those who may have read a negative view of the character. Beethoven, Karajan, Wagner are not in the OP so stop trolling.
  13. Sad news indeed. My condolences to families of the dead sailors.
  14. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Lewis Carroll, Mathematician, Logician and Pioneer Photographer was very fond of constructing stanza type poems. This one, according biographies, is, as with Alice and Wonderland, stem from LC's photographs and friendship with the three Liddell sisters, of which one was named Alice. However some writers have suggested that his continued photographing of the three sisters was 'unhealthy' and therefore as Alice and Wonderland stemmed from the relationship, the adventures of Alice are unhealthy too. But I have read nothing in the biographies that suggest anything untoward and accordingly others suggest the LC was trying to capture the 'innocence' of children. As a side note, even at the age of 13 LC was quite accomplished; I have a fairy by my side which says I must not sleep When once in pain I loudly cried it said 'you must not weep'. After several other 'must not' lines, finally 'What may I do' at length I cried Tired of the painful task The fairy quietly replied and said 'You must not ask' This poem has a moral to it. The poem in the OP, I think (though not sure) is meant to be a kind of introduction to the Logic and Non-Logic of the Adventures of Alice in Wonderland.
  15. 11๐C and clear sky, but a bit windy at 4.30 a.m. where I live...felt a bit chilly.
  16. Condolences to the young man's family. Safety is a joke here as reflected in Thai driving, other electric issues, etc.
  17. Who is gonna build it and maintain it? If the answer is Thai & Thai...oh dear, oh dear
  18. There are always lots of omissions in these things...take the cost of building materials and maintenance for a start. Nonetheless, trying to recreate conditions similar to reactions in the Sun in a controlled situation is no simple feat and brings fantasy a little closer to being reality.
  19. Well, as the Lab scientists said , it is a significant step forward. With Lasers they managed, '...for fractions of second...' to get an ignition and 1.5 times the energy of the Lasers was achieved. There is still a long way to go; a sustained excess output; designing a delivery system to supply communities and so on.
  20. Truly sad. My condolences to family and friends. Thai drivers, those that I have seen and experienced anyway, are rear end drivers and driving at a safe difference doesn't seem to enter their mind.
  21. This is a nasty one. The days of 'A man's home is his castle' (the inference being that defending it is legal) are long gone and though I don't actually know I think in most countries deliberate excess when 'the intruder' is down, is now an offence. In a non-life threatening situation, apply enough force to just disable the 'intruder', and then alert the authorities. Yes, easier said than done, I know. In this case, if there was no indication that the intruder was ready to retaliate then the extra force (kicking) was unnecessary and the owner of the property should be dealt with accordingly. Having said that, being cremated the day after the death without a postmortem to determine the cause of death I would think a judge would dismiss a case against the defendant on that technical point.
  22. Prince Harry is by no means the first to try and shake up the Monarchy and should it continue, I'm sure he won't be the last. They failed in the past and I doubt the P. Harry will do any better. The Monarchy is so steeped in tradition and that tradition is based on Britain's tumultuous history, which for 'a small island in the north sea', has been its strength and its weakness. After 410 AD when the Roman Garrison officially no longer existed in Britain, the order that the Romans imposed began to break down and most of us know at least some of what happened afterwards, King after King, bloodbath after bloodbath etc. In my opinion, the Monarchy will not basically change and the only way to alter it would be replace it with something else (don't know what) or cancel it altogether.
  23. In the 1970's there was a great deal of discontent not only with gov. vs unions but unions vs unions. I attended conferences where some unions wanted the Transport Unions criminalised because their strike action would always get the high profile treatment. I can tell you there were a great many undercurrents that never got publicised about inter union restrictions which, had they been acted upon, would have been every bit as damaging as the gov. trying ti infringe on union movements. This was made worse by conspiracy theories that some union sections were Conservative Infiltrates, while others claimed communist involvement, but I never saw any evidence to support this. I suspect that a lot of this still goes on today but generally never reaches the media. In my opinion the right to strike will not banned because this would create more problems than it solves.
  24. I don't think that you are quite right. There are many instances where one has the freedom to do something but not everyone is going to agree and therefore have the right respond. How many times have people written books but been sued for the content. Now, what happens in court is a different matter and it is there where all the details are considered and a decision on whether the response has grounds or not. I was an active Union council member (Technical) and saw several instances of an action and response. There has to be this 'right' on both sides because there have been situations where non-union 'institutions' have had the freedom to apply some rule (new or otherwise) and unions have had the freedom to challenge it. Sometimes one side won, sometimes the other.
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