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Everything posted by TKDfella

  1. Co-habit...sounds like trouble especially if wife has family. (I had to do that in England many years ago and it didn't go well but then that was English style which could be totally different)
  2. Don't forget 90 day report which confirms address. If the OP changes his address then immigration needs to be informed.
  3. Wrong yet again. All Cobalt isotopes have 27 protons (∴ 27 electrons). 59 Cobalt + neutron→ 60 Cobalt.
  4. Oh dear, decays via e‾ & γ radiation into Ba 137. Cs Has a half-life of around 30 years
  5. Well done to the snake catchers. I hope the snake is placed in some suitable habitat.
  6. The OP has been diagnosed with 'fatty Liver' (but didn't inform us whether it is alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and no cure. Are you in pain or not? How do you know there is no cure? What is the diagnosed stage of the disease? It seems to me that suddenly your 'world' has collapsed and you are perhaps now angry which is why you appear to find people 'toxic'. Terminal patients sometimes experience this and it's called Terminal Agitation. It might be worthwhile getting a second opinion on your Liver condition (if you haven't already done so). TA can also deteriorate into other more serious forms so perhaps seeing a therapist might help. Also, as other members have suggested, there are detoxification programs which might help
  7. The papers that I've read from 'scholarly' journals on this subject, show the authors being aware of problems. It is is already known that such viruses as Poxvirus, Herpes etc., have been found in frozen Arctic sediments and so there is a question of what might be found on further permafrost thawing. The giant viruses can only infect cells by phagocytosis (and not like the viruses that stay outside and inject). Phagocytosis is also part of an immune system mechanism. However, In my view a problem is more likely to arise when a frozen animal (say Mammoth, also in the news a while back) is allowed to thaw out in some lab. If there are unknown pathogens in the animal's system there may be a risk of contamination. I mentioned the Mammoth because the lab would have to be a very big one especially when considering security issues.
  8. Visa extension, retirement category = no less than ฿ 800,000 = ₤19,512 (@฿41 / ₤1). Say ₤20,000 eh?
  9. I'm not sure, but I think anyone in a coma and on life support with minimal brain function is a situation where the doctor usually consults the family. But then in this case the family isn't in Thailand. A difficult situation where even if transport home could be financed he might not survive the trip. Sad state of affairs.
  10. 13 new viruses found and 7 classified as Pandovirus which are a category of giant virus (DNA). Other categories were Mega-,Pitho-,Cedrat-, and Pacmanvirus...(I was reading the February science paper just recently.). However, it doesn't come as any surprise since it has been widely thought that once permafrost stated thawing micro-life would be found. Pandovirus is not thought to be dangerous to human but do infect Amoeba. I know there are members here with knowledge of the micro-world so perhaps they know more.
  11. Doesn't seem to be helping the Antarctic Ice though, because according to satellite images Antarctic Ice reach a 45 year low last month;
  12. Hardly 'eradication' and also as quoted '...from transgender to drag shows...' indicates, in all probability, such 'bills' were of various kinds designed to limit public viewing, particularly in the case of drag shows.
  13. Lot of 'I think...' in that comment so really just an opinion and of course you are throwing a blanket over all of the GOP, which is not realistic. Knowles is unlikely to to be representative of the GOP no more than B. Sanders is of the Democrats.
  14. I don't feel that the argument should be about 'eradicated' because everyone knows what that means...complete elimination of [something] etc. But I wonder about the term* 'transgenderism' and its connotation here. The linked article explains that the term* should not be used in public. Is there a suggestion here that we should go back to 'Victorian' times and such things be kept 'behind closed doors', so to speak?
  15. So, from your assumption ('...I guess...) you conclude something different and that excuses you from caring. Why did you comment at all, I wonder?
  16. Don't feel that this a good idea to come out with such statements. Like it or not it is a fact that some people have an affinity for others of the same sex. If medical advance offers some consolation then why not indeed. But the trouble starts with some organisations don't change to account for 'new categories' (I'm thinking of the other thread on sports) and discrimination continues to heat up even more so.
  17. Yes I agree. It can't be that difficult arrange other categories...it's done for age, weight etc.
  18. I can't see humans, animals and geometric drawings from the photo given (even the main article) which makes the report pretty 'oh hum'. I am interested in such reports but I like some detail too.
  19. TKDfella

    Snakes in garden

    Ha, there's an obvious question that comes to mind...but then I am not the OP.????
  20. Strange really, that I am not against prostitution nor for it...it just IS. Like the trees, birds & bees, was there a long time before and will be long after I'm gone. It isn't a 'job' I cared to get involved with and I felt sorry for those who were controlled by some syndicate or other. I think just legalising prostitution is really not enough...the prostitutes should be 'protected' (hope that's the right word), I suppose like all 'jobs', some do it because they like it (it's an Art), some because the pay is good and some because they have to.
  21. Very close to where I live is dual carriageway (two lanes on each side) passing through a local market area. It has a couple/three 'U' turns but about three weeks ago, one, which also has a road on the left, had traffic lights installed. When I use it, I turn right to take me to the town centre or the ring road. Every time I have used it since I have seen drivers disregarding the red light. This morning at around ten o'clock I thought I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was at said junction waiting at a red light, to turn right and at green i started my manoeuvre with only one car stationary at the red opposite. I was about half way around the carriage when a white pickup ignored the red light and was coming straight at me. There was plenty of room on my left for the pickup to go but that didn't appear to be the driver's intention. So I put 'my foot down' and screeched over to the vacant left and stopped.The white pickup zoomed by in the center of the road and I watched as it sped, actually bouncing off the curb of the central reservation at one point. As I continued to the end of this road I thought that I would see a white pickup piled up somewhere but I didn't.
  22. Oh well, I guess Don Lemon was never in the running, so to speak. Maybe next time eh?????
  23. I think depending on your browser, could one use the the right mouse click in the middle of the window which provides a list of options, one of them 'translate to English' ?
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