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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. If you're going to the PI, do as I did first - I got certified in SCUBA diving - greatest in the world with so much sea life and super clear water - literally as clear as drinking water. In the PI I also did an "Advance Open Water" certification - at 135 ft deep, nighttime, the full moon was clear as sitting on the boat and observing that ball in the sky. Did well over 500 dives there - sunken warships, giant whale sharks, wateris not too cold so don't have to wear wetsuits, just pure pleasure dives available throughout the PI. Great golf courses too. Baguio in N. PI great when cooler weather needed. Avoid the typhoon months though - they normally get 20 storms a year. Just a suggestion, depending on what you enjoy in life.
  2. Westmoreland's requests about how to fight in VN was shot down by politicians of that era. Kelly's comments about Trump came out 02 Oct 2023, not just before this election. I am not even close to being a Harris fan either - IMHO neither are qualified to be the President of the US or any other country.
  3. Actually he came out on CNN October 2, 2023 confirming others comments about Trump's disparaging comments about military folks, et.al.
  4. reputed food researchers indicate that artificial sweetners are actually worse for your body that true sweetners. they recommend that if one HAS to HAVE sweetner then us maple syrup or real honey. Red meat limited, no processed meats at all. Recommend red fruits, including tomatoes regularly as a male aging...pomegranate juice daily, strawberries, pink guava. Good health to you!
  5. artificial sweetners recently have researchers questioning the health benefits of ingesting these fake sugars. I liken this to the artificial cooking oils (SEED oils) which have been used for over a hundred years and now the researchers have tested, studied and proven that seed oils are bad for one's health. The same is true to artificial anyfoods, they are just that "fake". But, trying to get people to change lifestyles and eating habits has always been difficult as the only one penalized is that person risking their own health and many times it takes years for the results to become obvious. Look at the US stats today almost half of the citizens are FAT, Obese, 40+ percent are diabetics. At least with natural foods, there are no side effects, unless eating non-organic which have been sprayed with anti-pest materials. Just like plastic-bptt;ed water - now we also know from tests that anyone drinking this water is also ingesting micro-plastics which could affect one's health also. Read any label of packaged foods - too much fake ingredients! foreign language named ingredients - why aren't the labels telling us exactly what that fake stuff is. The bottom line of course - from this non-expert is "it is your body and your health!" Enjoy whatever YOU want!
  6. if you think the Jan 6 was a hoax then you were no where near any tv in the US on that day or you are blind. The US constitution, to which Donald Trump swore an oath to uphold, says "peaceful transfer of power after an election". Trump even tried to go join them at the capital bldg but the ss wouldn't let him go. I watched that insurrection and feel that all of those there should be in prison. Just like Trump and so many REP claiming a rigged election - filed over 30 cases but had absolutely no evidence found so the court tossed them - sometimes even Trump judges. This is my opinion based on what I watched that day!
  7. ANOTHER perfect example of why the Thai government should amend then laws on statute of limitations on crimes - especially heinous and horrible crimes. Too many times I have read Thai news about rich and powerful families or military literally getting away with murder. I realize these perps and others that have had charges dropped due to the statute of limitations, are not actually felons yet and most likely will get away with their crimes. MHO anyway!
  8. But daughter is doing exceptional in the #1 University in Thailand. During last year's term break, she went to the #1 University in Korea to study more Korean language. was the only classmate to get an Academic achievement award for over 90% grade (94). She then did the same during the summer break and has already registered for the upcoming mid-term break. Since she i getting a liberal arts degree and then a Masters', doesn't need the super expensive US degree. IMHO anyway. Upon finishing, if she so wishes she could easily get a job with the US govt with 4 languages. i.e. two years ago, the US state dept could only fill about 25% of their foreign-language billets. Too many Americans just don't like to study foreign languages.
  9. Yeah unAmerican: google : "From Machine Lubricant to Lunch Box; A brief history of Seed Oil. See for yourself .
  10. Speaking of getting the wrong info, big food companies have been jerking citizens off for over a century. If you don't believe it, google "From Machine Lubricant to Lunch Box: a brief history of Seed Oil!"
  11. well in Chiang Mai, I tried to make an appointment for my yearly long stay processing but it was filled up entirely except for the last day of my stay. Too many notes about needing some extra documents sp I just went the following day (35 days in advance of last day), spent an hour there only! Decided to never try the appointment bit again as they always seem t have problems with their systems. The this year I obtained an LTR prior to needing the extension so all problems are now behind me for 10 years. We'll see with all the tax changes POSSIBLY or govt chnages PROBABLY and TIT so just sitting back and relaxing.
  12. Yessir, gonna cut that pollution - I have my own 2.5 micron meter - this morning at 4 AM in Prawet District of Bangkok, the reading ws 56 - about 20 points above the WHO recommendation of health air. I see more days in BKK polluted than I did while living in CM. Even if they could stop the polluters here in Thailand, all the surrounding countries burn everything too and even though they are mostly in the same ASEAN group, they have never been able to get any otber country to stop their pollution either. Good luck. Sure hope it succeeds and that Thailand can convince their own citizens to stop polluting and then maybe neighbors will heed the call too.
  13. If you are talking about avoiding the pollution, you are years too late. Our oceans are super polluted, NASA has a satellite showing active "open" fires and during the CM burning season just look at the SEA part - is almost totally red as ASIANs from SEA, north to CHINA and west to INDIA plus to the south also, the red inidicative of forest fires or sugar cane field burning, or corn fieds b urning or rice fields burning and of course the mushroom hunters and their forest fires. There is no escape here. Yeah I came from the US, but pollution is not on my list of why I am here instead of there. I don't plan to change my mind about returning there...With weather changing around the world who really knows where any place is the best. To each their own.
  14. Dr. Li's books on diets for prevention of disease and good health are best sellers. In addition to everything of fact in the books are the detailed studies resulting in the findings. If you want to know about all of this, the books are available at the Kinokuniya bookstore. Whether you believe the studies or not is entirely up to you. But, as for me I am OLD, my faither died of prostate cancer, my mother died from strokes duirng Alzheimers, so yeah I am interested in any studies on these and other diseases. I get health information daily in newsletters put out by health organzaions and media and I have recently noted many are citing the same information on the different health issues. Fortunately I learned earlier in my life about the benefits of regular exercise and avoiding bad diets so have led a healthy life (now 78 years old) still do my 6 km (though not running after 65) walk at a quick pace, lift weights several times a week, do core exercises (60 Minutes) on the days that I don't lift. I eat healthy Iaw these diet books but many of the suggestions I was eating prior to reading about the different foods and health issues. One's eating habits have been modified as supposed our country becomes more developed. That was a falsehood too as the big pharmas and big food companies switched from natural foods to artificial flavorings and colors that are not so healthy for us and a perfect example if you want to know about it is "SEED OILS" developed for machines - then switched to foodstuffs and just look at the health issues this has caused. I first became aware of just how this can happen. I was living in Spain in the late 70's early 80's. There was an outbreak of many local citizens and eventually the government sent samples of all the victims to the US because their labs didn't have the expertise to find out the cause of their deaths. Turned out that a local OLIVE oil company that produced the lowest grade for machine oil, just repackaged the oil as cooking oil. The govt of course warned the public and ordered that all on the shelves in stores be destroyed. Many people complained as it was the cheapest cooking oil available! Go figure. If you google the history of seed oils you can learn for yourself what you should or should not use for consumption of the same can do to you. But, I am not any kind of expert on foods and health - just can base my opinion on my own health and what I believe from these documented studies. Many foods are being found only very recently to be very healthy for us and in many cases can enhance the pharmas that doctors will use and the natural foods have no side effects. Plus most taste very good too. Good health to all we deserve it!
  15. If there had not been so many people that obtained a visa to visit the US and then failed to return this wouldn't happen. It has happened in many other countries too, once in the US there is no immigration checking to see where they are as is a must here. That is why there are so many illegal immigrants flooding the US as they know they might never get caught. Just saying. That they need local employment or ownership as stated here is usually the key answers for a successful visa.
  16. My 48 year old WIFE, house owner, fairly new auto owner, wanted to take our daughter back to the US for college (already accepted) but the consulate too indicated that she really had no reason to return to Thailand as she didn't have a job. I have been in Thailand since my retirement 20 years ago. Therefore, daughter is a sophomore at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. US consular folks are a strange group for sure. Meanwhile, at that same time they recommended filing for a green card - which we did - guess the timing with Afghan evacuation - therefore over 500K backlog in immigration - they were at that time only being able to process 35K a month. Yessir, took them over a year to approve MY WIFE! while they let in millions of illegal and foreign legal immigrants who plan on staying there!
  17. At least in CM you don't have to go into the city as lots of villages outside in forested areas but in BKK you are forced to breathe where ever you go. Even with the trains going everywhere almost, just check out every intersection and roads all along the railway. These BKK roads have been overcrowded since at least 1972 when I first came here. Every year the govt says no floods in the city this year but every year it is still the same. Today, the "rim" of the Chao Praya is flooding but not from the runoff from the north but the weather folks say it is due to the high tide - meaning seas must be getting higher or BKK is sinking.
  18. look at diet and lifestyle for just about any cancer except through your DNA passed between your parents, but those cancers are the minority from the research I have read. Unfortunately it looks to me like the more developed a country is, the poorer the diet of their citizens. In the US almost half the people are way tooooooo fat! and got that way eating ultra processed foods, lack of enough fruits and vegetables and little if an exercise regularly. I also heard a doctor and researcher say that during medical training that they only received 14 hours of nutritional training but tons of pharma treatments - food has been used to treat many illnesses for millenia while pharmas have only been at it for a little over a hundred years. Yet there are very few side effects with natural medicines as opposed to the phamas. MO anyway.
  19. Yeah, As i took the mutt out for his morning constitutional, I also took my 2.5 micron monitor (as usual) and this AM here in BKK it is in the 50's, therefore above the healthy level!
  20. Unfortunately from what I have learned about the medical society is that most doctors only get pharma training instead of any nutritional needs to prevent and sometimes even cure the five major killing diseases. Usually a combo of the pharma with nutrition is much stronger and effective. Just saying based on recent research being done on nutrition/diet/foods as medicine.
  21. instead of supplement, I have 3 tablespoons of tomato paste with cereal eash morning. In addition, I also include fruits with lycopene also. Maybe too much but at least the taste is okay. Best of health to you
  22. But, look at all those golf tournaments that were played at his golf course and he WON! Cheats at EVERYTHING! and then lies about it or blames someone else for whatever he did or said incorrectly...just like the immigrants eating cats and dogs. He just can't admit that it is false...saying he will visit OHIO and check on that story himself but he is sure he read it in some news somewhere sometime...then changes it to at least someone said something about a missing goose! Guy is a total idiot, and those that vote for him or root for him are even bigger idiots IMHO and I am definitely not a Kamal fan. In my opinion only loser in this election is AMERICA.
  23. same ol' same ol'. Until the Thai Revenue Dept puts out some final tax forms this 2024 with any "new" changes, and if tax laws changed and needs parliament approval, then we wait until we see the final in the Gazette. Every time one sees a webinar by folks, even sometimes associated witht the revenue dept, we hear possiblities of some change "maybe" but it just seems everything is "under discussion" still. I did read that some rich senior folks are not too happy either with these earlier changes to the tax laws. They are more likely to be affected than the expats, But TIT so no one really knows anything actual yet.
  24. The TAX man is wrong about "every tax- resident in Thailand must get a Thai tax number" that is not correct, according to the Thai Revenue directions "one must obtain a thai tax number within 60 days of have assessable income remitted into Thailand. I won't have and by following that RD instruction, I do not have to obtain a tax id number YET! If they change the law this time then I will follow the law although I still will not have any assessable income!
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