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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. That is why FATCA CSR and the OECD agreement was signed on by 138 countries - where each country agrees to exchange financial data on tax-residents...immigration will eventually fit into the equation too and this all came about due to folks not paying taxes on their income to any country.
  2. Everyone must know by now, the OECD agreement in the summer of 2023 plus FATCA and CRS all came about not only to stop criminal money laundering but also to find those people who pay no taxes on their income to any country. Yes while some folks plan to avoid paying any taxes on their income to any country by moving several times a year, that too is basically ILLEGAL and while one may get away with it for a while, eventually the countries around the world will either determine it is not worth chases these folks or they will amend their tax-resident laws and incorporate immigration into the package for expats. If people had been paying their income taxes then maybe this new law would have been written in a different manner. Just saying from this lifetime tax paying American.
  3. just how would they do that at they have an international agreement with the US (double taxation agreement) and would need to advise the US government 6 months in advance if they were going to cancel the DTA which indicates that Social Security and govt pension is taxable by the US government only unless the recipient is also a Thai native in some cases)
  4. Bar girls are not taxed here because they do NOT EXIST! The govt has said they check regularly and there are none here!
  5. Such is daily life on THIS forum for sure as folks here just seem to want to criticize anyone whenever they read anything whether is is interesting or informative or what. Just like they enjoy blaming the victims of anything here!
  6. Those that have visited the Revenue Dept say that the new tax forms are due out in Nov/Dec timeframe and hopefully we will get better guidance from the RD on whether or not we are forced to get a tax ID and/or fill out forms even if no assessable income (i.e. exempted pensions, LTR exemption). Anyway best of luck to all on this tax.
  7. yeah some of that may be true because as of yet it hasn't happened and when/if it does we have to read the fine print. But, as for how much money we send here, the local banks could be ordered by the government to provide that to the revenue dept. ALso FACTA CRS and whatever else the OECD has as far as reporting goes can be altered to ensure that all people are taxed on their incomes - that is one of the main drivers of the 2023 summer agreement signed by 138 countries around the world. They will continue to fine tune the requirements that they all have agreed to in order to have everyone paying taxes to some government. In addition, jumping from country to country to avoid becoming a tax resident may also be changed as countries will begin to see patterns of people not paying taxes somewhere by doing these jumps before becoming a tax resident there. Yeah many changes could happen but who knows exactly what is going to happen and when? As countries become more and more hungry for tax dollars, they will continue to look at the easiest to control - expats usually fit that bill. Good luck to all.
  8. If you are not in Thailand 180 or more per calendar year you are a tax resident so you wouldn't be taxed on that money.
  9. I don't care whether you buy it or not, just saying that fighting is not an option if at all possible. I am glad I learned it early in life as it has made it eary to avoid any repetitive activity.
  10. not at all...the following day I flew to SEA - began flying daily against commies. But after that, the only fighting I have done is in an actual war - outside of that I avoid getting into those type of situations as like I said earlier one could accidently maim or kill someone without realizing it should only be defensive!
  11. Yeah, I can see a lot of folks will be considering less expenditures here too...and this is most likely happening in many other countries too since the 2023 OECD agreement signing and some countries will see an opportunity most likely to lure some retirees by not taxing pensions at all, only real earned money. We'll see.,.
  12. google the post recent stories - is dated 6 September for the full article. it is only scare mongering if one is against paying taxes. Unless the tax laws are really changed completely, and current visas are changed too on exemption then I am not scared. Since we only get very little information on this subject, instead of quoting the entire article I just advised people where they can access the article and read if for themselves. No dates are given but since they indicate the new law is being drafted...who knows when it will become law even if is written as it has to be approved by the govt.
  13. Yeah back in my military days (ancient history) I studied Korean Karate and even taught for many months. Then I was attacked fm behind me while walking out of a pizza hut - I don't recall the fight at all but it stopped when the managere yelled "stop it". I had just slammed a guy's face with my knee. I also was arrested as the three that attacked me were taken to the hospital for treatment. The police didn't even lock the cell door but asked that I now walk around all the time. Later they brought the three guys who were taken to the hospital - broken jaw, broken noses, amongst the injuries while all i suffered was bloody clothes from their blood. I never did remember what I did other than survive. But, my instructor always told us the best defense was to run away for any threatening situation as fighting was just never the answer. Since I worried after that instance that I could have permanently injured one of those three or all three. But the manager of the pizza hut said that they attacked me from behind as I was walking out of the restaurant so all charges were dropped against me while the three had to pay over 10K USD for damages to property. Just saying.
  14. For all the expats here - today's post has an article about the worldwide income taxation. Supposedly the bill to amend the tax code is being drafted now. some income interpretation still reportedly ongoing. Looks like this will be happening sooner rather than later. But until the bill is approved and published, we will only learn the details at that time. Best of luck to all as we get ready for this year's remittances that are assessable.
  15. Remember, 180 day stay in one calendar year makes one a tax-resident.
  16. I find it amazing that almost every day we continue seeing the same questions - especially about 90-day reports when there is nothing special about them. If you aren't in Thailand when the 90th day rolls around, then the 90-day report will be due 90 days upon return to Thailand!
  17. I am basically computer ignorant, 77 years old and while I managed offices with over 30-40 computers active all the time, I had assistants responsible for that activity. I only used the computers to garther information so know how to search but the experts in operating the computer systems always could teach me something new in how to find information. Now computers in Thailand are modern in most places, and they have people who know how to use them and I think that the Immigration and TRD departments could easily get together through the govt economic managers to find out data on the foreign nationals here dealing with remittances to Thai banks, any possible interest paid by Thai banks to foreigners, foreigners who have become tax-residents each year, and much other data about the foreign nationals could probably also become available by proper computer usage, not requiring too many people, just by doing a search program which would download the data to one office. If the same govt officials in the taxation department are ordered by the new government to implement the worldwide income taxation scheme they mentioned earlier, then the experts could possibly find ways to garner details on expats of any nation in Thailand. That is my opinion anyway based on the search procedures I have used in the past. I am not scare mongering at all, just think that if they really do seek every baht possible from the expats, then they will begin in the not-too-distant future. I am not concerned yet and even if they do, unless they are actually going to change all the laws about taxation and expats then I still feel that I should have no problems in the future even. But since TIT and I have over 30 years experience here stretched out over 50 years, who knows? Yeah I think for the very near future, none of really will be affected to force us to leave for greener pastures but as for the following years it all depends on how the local economy moves IMHO. Best of luck to all of us.
  18. You cn go to the Thai Revenue Dept about the TIN - it hasn't changed so if you do not have any assessable income you don't HAVE to OBTAIN a TIN by law YET!
  19. Actually home cooked Thai food is probably healthier than buying food for cooking from a grocery store - best to buy from a market. unhealthy meals here are usually fast food - before those fast food places arrived in Thailand, the Thai diet was reputed to be one of the better ones in the world. Home cooked here, usually uses fresher and many times organic foods as opposed that from the stores. Just have a cook visit you daily to prepare certain meals,. Read the Dr. William Li diet books - he provides healthy food advice and even some recipes!
  20. Look for a Thai female cook to stay with you or visit daily to fix meals.
  21. Actually if you are an American, you get a 1099, 1099 or W2 form (required to be given to you by the end of January I believe) that is a govt document says how much money you have been paid indicates who paid you that money and how much tax was withheld by that paying office. I realize that once you do file the 1040's, you may end up paying less as you would get more deductions possibly but the original pay slip should satisfy the Thai RD that you did receive how much and how much tax was with held by the paying office. But, TIT and I am not sure that they would accept those documents - the BOI wanted a copy of my 1040's and not accepting the 1099R which is a US govt office paying my pension. But, the new year is rolling around shortly, still nothing new from the RD and guess the only think we will see soon maybe is the "new" tax forms for 2024 and we will be checking those I guess for any possible clues as to what will follow. The same for those "disscussions" of further tax scheme - maybe the new govt will let us know, especially since I see more news articles on the desires of the govt for more retirees and talented folks getting possible breaks to come here though nothing definite has been provided publically YET!. Best of luck to all
  22. Amazing AN users here - blaming the victim AGAIN! Who really cares if any older man wants to job anytime during the night or day with or without a shirt on. Until recently, I did my daily walks at 3AM until my wife made me stop after I ran into a 4-meter Python. I can recall jogging throughout my life at all hours of the day or night in many different countries. I have always thought of Thailand as a friendly place but now maybe times have changed or the people have changed. Stay safe
  23. American only! But do respect the SAS and other allied military.
  24. Lots of different stories as I lived in Eur, Africa, Central America, and many countries of Asia - not were friendly when I was there. I carried bodies of co-workers and their families back to the US for burial too, if you ever watched any of the flights into Andrews carrying fallen ones you would realize just who is crazy. Also spent 10 years working the Vietnamese problem as a Viet Linguist in war as a soldier and as a civilian. Spent many a night in a bunker as rockets exploding on our tent city. Ran around in jungles without fear and now a tiny spider might scare me - then I didn't mentally realize the danger but now who knows what venom that spider might carry? Been carried to and from work in some areas in armored vehicles with several escort vehicles. Some days drive to work in one car, a different one going to lunch and then another entirely different one to go back to quarters. Been chased by MIG aircraft - VN, Chinese and even Ruskies. But such is life many years ago. Now it is more dangerous to go shopping, out to eat or just take a walk in many US cities - that is another of the reasons I remain here in Paradise.
  25. Which generation are you questioning as there are several present nowadays from us baby boomers to the x y and Z'ers - Now in my opinion, my generation began with partial blame to the downslide based on what I saw in wartime and in several faily dangerous assignments during my career including just missing a terrorist attack killing a couple of my co-workers when I and my wife would normally have been with them. Other assignments had confirmed surveillance on us regularly with cars chasing us, etc. I have carried weapons of war and used them but never against what I considered innocent folks - only those trying to shoot me. I really don't understand the Woke'ers nor what they stand for just as I haven't really understood why we in the US continue to get such pisspoor candidates at all levels of the government. Also not sure what this question is all about but do wish the best for all the writers and readers
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