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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. I blv Biden MUST withdraw and not be replaced by KH. His age and failing mental health mean that even if he would win in Nov, KH will be the president and she is even more unqualified for that position than he or Trump is. Just like Hillary, she lost the democrats who went over in protest to Trump. Good or bad? either way, if both Trump and Biden are the leaders in Nov - then Biden will definitely fade away as with KH. The parties' leaders are just stupid but I realize they are controlled by $$$ thus we continue to get really ineffective elected officials that the big $$$ can control to some extent in my opinion. I have basically given up on elections as it used to be the "lesser of two evils" and not is is just "two losers" that is for the people of the US and the world. I will not vote for either of these two leading candidates and glad that I am OLD...I feel sorry for all younger than me especially my children that they will have to endure whoever happens to lose to the other as the real losers are the citizens in my opinion. Why else would I make the decision to retire here versus where I grew up?
  2. I totally understand, retired here 20+ years ago and have always done all my immigration bit and with the BOI LTR, it was easy working with those folks and I began to understand after reading a lot of the fourm members talking about their experience with the BOI. I found them very patient and understanding as I explained each document but it at times seem to fall on deaf ears - I eventually realized that those in the initial proceedings are but buffers for the senior folks who actually make the decisions on documentation and approvals of the LTR so one needs to talk to the reps and after they explain exactly what they need, one must understand that whatever documentation one might have, you might have to write a clearly understandable explanation of why that document does provide exactly what they NEED to make the decision makers happy. Good luck
  3. Have to agree with you...saw the news last night, (of course from western/Ukraine sources - Russian losses yesterday 1740 (or so) lossed soldiers, 72 tanks destroyed. Supplies still trickling into Ukraine but Putin is trying to wipe out everything in those areas closest to Russia so he can annex them into his control totally. Guess we will all have to wait for November.
  4. AT some point a few months ago, Star Visa in CM was the Rep for BOI handling of LTR applications in CM area. That might be the easiest as they also act as Agents for expats doing regular visa applications and renewals.
  5. Hundreds of drones did that I blv last month and is why Ukraine begged for US additional support while the Congress was further disintegrating as a working body in my opinion. This week the Ukraine has been invaded by thousands of additional Russian (maybe) troops - full scale invasion is how it has been described with helicopters over Kyiv too as well as striking more and more cities. I agree that Ukraine can't escalate without more forces. It is amazing that they have withstood the onslaught of the Russians already and most of the utilities, hospitals, power stations etc have been targetted daily as well as other civilian targets. Just like sanctions, Hague arrests are meaningless. But, if Trump wins, he is already inviting Putin to attack NATO countries and that the US would not bother him. Trump only cares about Trump that is for sure and the Ukraine will suffer if he is the next president in my opinion anyway.
  6. As an ASEAN native I would think that she should be able to figure that out for the best! Once married, then thinks might be different and way beyond any knowledge I have on that issue.
  7. I am not familiar with the online workers for a company outside of Thailand but it seem this might be a gray area as you are a Tax resident working here. Anyone until the final interpretations are printed for all to see, be they a tax lawyer or whatever means nothing except a "possibility" just like the other rumors from AN members. But, the LTR is clearly marked as no tax on remitted funds into Thailand once one holds that visa. Prior to that, being a tax resident and remitting funds before actually obtaining the LTR are reportedly assessable for tax in Thailand. Now if your company pays you by sending your salary to a bank outside of Thailand and then after you have the LTR you remit that money to your Thai bank - I am unsure of the Revenue Department call when/if they audit your Thai account. Just as I am unsure how they will do my account - as I will not have any assessable income ever but remit from my stateside bank acct. They may ask me to provide documents that 1 - US govt pension or 2 copy of LTR. I will do either willingly as I will follow their guidance. But if they do try to tax me and then give me tax credits I will do that willingly.
  8. actually, I originally gave them my 1099R spelling out salary for the year, taxes paid and health insurance paid. They still just kep asking for my 1040 tax forms so gave them that and no problems.
  9. tax forms are their favorite. I had other govt documents for many years showing exactly what I am paid yearly (used for the preparation of thos tax returns) so the info was there but they wanted my tax returns - the other documents showed what I was, taxes taken out and health insurance taken out. But those officers that review the documentation know what their supervisors want to see so that is why they keep asking for more documents and they don't want you to be able to blame any particular officer for not accepting a document.. Good Luck
  10. NOte several communications already about sending documents, refused and back and forth. Same with me and it basically in my opinion is that over the time the LTR has been approved. I think that many times the initial officers (low level) in the BOI approved what seemed to fit in with the qualifications but when it went to the approving officers, it did fit what needed or they did not understand that it actually fit the qualification but that they were not familiar with it or it might needed to be passed to someone even higher, I don't know except I found the officers there very patient and helpful. Once I understood that even though I had govt documents proving my finances and health insurance benefits documents, those just didn't fit every category so once I sent a letter from my insurer and my 1040 tax forms, I was approved immediately - total time 5+ telephone calls, 3 weeks total time from application. No problem as for the value of this visa, even longer would have made me happy. Best in my mind.
  11. Yes, the Thai elite card doesn't exempt tax on remitted income.
  12. I have never used an agent for any of my immigration experiences and it might be because I am a "Cheap Charlie" or that I just see that is a waste of money. It used to be for the yearly renewal, one had to get up at O-dark-thrity to get in a queue in order to be able to get a inside queue for that day. Some people even said that they got there at midnight and the queue ticket givers outside didn't begin until 8:30 when they opened. I usually got there by 4:00 AM and almost all the time got a ticket for that day - but many times it was only in the PM IO visit times. This was in the CM immigration period and nowadays it is much more easier getting in and getting processed and even possible at times to get an appointed time though I haven't been that lucky. So instead of the promised 20 minutes to process time, it has taken me up to an hour and a half to get everything done that was needed so based on what it used t be, now it is great but I still hear folks complaining about the process there! I do have friends that use an agent just because they are intimidated by the IO and prefer to forego that or they feel that since they can afford an agent, it does make it easier at times. Now the BOI to me was the easiest processing period, and that to me was because the officers there were so patient and helpful. Once I understood fully what they actually needed, it was easy. If one qualifies, in my opinion the best for the cost and actually cheaper and better benefits than the elite too.
  13. well from this forum and comments by some visa holders, paying someone else to cover a qualification for one who isn't a rich criminal to begin with but it is still a crime in my opinion but I guess the ends support the means for some people. Just saying. Hope all have a happy day as some farangs are going to get even closer scrutiny.
  14. Yes we bought the Brother printer because our daughter used it for a lot of color printing while the Canon while it worked was mostly for B&W. But I don't know the cost of the laser printers so I am happy with what we have. Great info providing on this forum too. Thanks for this info even though it was meant for someone else.
  15. Not sure where you have been over the past several years, but PUTIN has already been sending missiles against the Ukrainian cities killing thousands of civilians including hospitals. Putin's control of tv stations in Russia only shows what supports his policies.
  16. Yeah, I went off to war over 55 years ago, did my share, now if the rest of the free world wants to keep it that way, let THEM do their share.
  17. I am no expert on Thai taxes, the BOI, the LTR, etc but reading about visas, Thai explanations from immigration and BOI to me say that in order to keep that visa, one must maintain the qualifications during the period of the visa. I know from this forum that people getting other visas do not always maintain the qualifications they used to obtain that visa, especially when they talk about agents providing assistance. I don't if they are telling the truth or exaggerating but sure seems like that has been going on for a long time. As for me, I have never faked any qualification necessary for the visas I have held and within Thailand alone that is over 20 years of doing necessary re-newals. I will easily keep the necessary qualifications for the LTR during the entire time I have that visa. I do not require anyone else to get that visa or not in anyway. I also realize that under some visas that I have never had, one does not need to maintain all of the monies throughout the period of the visa. AS the Thais say " UP TO YOU". Good Luck.
  18. Listening to experts, exercise not only increases blood flow to the muscles but also to the brain. Some international studies have found various methods of exercise that can stem the progress of dementia sothat one doesn't reach Alzheimer's. Yes, just like studying another language or other mental exercises increase the Synapses within the brain, thus helping to prevent Alzheimer's. DIet can also affect the health of one's brain, the proof is out there.
  19. If any of the insurers of EU ex-pats will guarantee at least USD $50K for hospitalization at Thai hospitals, then there should be no problem. Not all US insurers will provide that coverage either but some do and are willing to provide written confirmation of that for the insurer who can then use that guarantee for a BOI LTR. If there are no EU insurers that will provide that coverage then it is clear under the qualification documentation, that the applicant must self-insure with a proven USD $ 100K account that is 12 months old. The initial BOI officers checking an applicant's documents, has to insure that when the application is sent to the deciding officials for the visa, that the documentation does exactly that. They are not dumb, they are fluent English speakers and are very patient and helpful in my opinion based on many decades of working with foreign government officials. These BOI officials are a breath of fresh air so to speak and this visa, in my opinion is undoubtedly perfect for my situation at a reasonable cost to me. If any current or prospective resident meets the qualifications and checks all of the other visas and compares cost and benefits it would have to be the best too! However, I can's speak for all as I realize I am just one person whose current financial and insurance situation does qualify.
  20. But the US occupied and rebuilt Japan under under the leadership of Douglas Macarthur whle the PI were granted their independence from US so were led by Philippine presidents who had to borrow money from the US to re-build. Actualy many Of the local people wanted to be a US state vs an independent country. I was assigned there a couple of times and there was still an office calling for US statehood. Poor and I guess some corrupt leaders hasn't helped it to progress much.
  21. Putin came from the cold war KGB and wants to regain the former glory of the USSR...when Obama and the rest of the world allowed him to take Crimea, that opened the gateway to the rest of Ukraine. If Ukraine falls, then nearby countries will join Russia too in my opinion, especially if Trump is the next US president.
  22. Doesn't matter how many he loses, Putin has oil, he also has autocrat allies that will supply him with arms to continue to strike civilian targets, power stations, fuel depots until Ukraine runs out of soldiers and Putin will continue to get mercenaries and felons to act as cannon fodder. He is a sick defeated spy who took over power and wants to get Russia back to the "glory days" no matter the cost in manpower. He also reportedly has kidnapped hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian kids who are reportedly being forced to become Russians. Meanwhile the world mostly stands by....
  23. Putin went head with the invasion of Ukraine because Obama sat quietly in the background when Russia took Crimea. The UN is a puppet for the losers as far as I am concerned and can't really do much against autocrats as several sit on the Security Council. TIme to upgrade the organization but I sure don't know how that could be done in the world of today. Now a full fledged invasion AGAIN from the Russians and looks like Ukraine is going to need some more help - long range missiles to make Putin less popular as Russian cities are struck too. Sanctions from what I see against autocrats seldom work at all since the autocrats help each other out to alleviate any problems from the sanctions. I feel sorry for any country near Russia with the US election looming and Trump in the lead since he already announced no support for NATO and even told the world that very thing so his buddy Putin will know he can do whatever he wants so he must feel he needs to get rid of Ukraine, grab their ferile fields control grains around the world and then in the near future move into other nearby countries as he tries to re-establish the USSR. Scary sitution for much of the world suffering this year from weather conditions.
  24. MS dropped troubleshooting brother printers I think 2 years ago....When we began to have problems with out brother printer I received that note so I checked brother and they provide the latest software update, loaded it an printer works fine now. Within a couple of weeks got a note from brother that there was a new update which took a minute to load and printer/scanner work as they are supposed to. Daughter also uses it for Apple laptop
  25. Again erroneous comments about LTR - there is no REQUALIFY each year - only report of residence, if you don't qualify then why whine? why a free visa for at lest 4 months - the LTR is for long term RESIDENT.
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